The argument for sowing oats was entirely lost on Stephen. Especially coming from a man that was in his mid forties. Wasn"t sowing your oats something for younger men, anyway?

"I wouldn"t agree with that. When you love someone, why would you want to get laid with anyone else," he argued, before squeezing Grace"s hand. She squeezed back tenderly. The look on her face told him that she had about enough of listening to this moron. Sadly, Stephen began to understand that"s what is father truly was: a moron. A pitiful excuse for a man who left his family because he couldn"t control his impulses. Someone who cared nothing for anyone but himself.

In that moment, Stephen"s anger almost turned to sympathy. He felt sorry for the man. Not only because they were related by blood, but because his story should be one of caution: how not to act. It was entirely disheartening to see the place that Jerry Willow was in. No job, no girlfriend or wife, no relations.h.i.+p with his own sons. Yet, sitting in this cramped diner with his oldest son who was trying to sprout sense into him seemed to have little effect.

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Jerry"s eyes drifted back and forth between himself and Grace, before revealing an ugly sneer, "Yeah, I"m sure son. Don"t worry, you"ll find out one day, no doubt." He reached forward and patted Stephen"s hand in a condescending manner. Stephen fought the urge to form a fist.

"It"s okay. He doesn"t deserve it." Stephen felt the weight of Grace"s words on his mind. He let himself relax his fist. Letting out an audible sigh, he tried to loosen up. Thankfully, their food arrived in that moment, interrupting the flow of the conversation. Stephen looked down at the saddest looking cheeseburger he had ever seen, with fries that were way over well done, both of which looked nothing like the menu. He found himself making the same comparison with his own father. The only difference was that the cheeseburger was temporary. Jerry would always be his father.

"Here we go, a good old fas.h.i.+oned American cheeseburger," chuckled Jerry, before grabbing it and taking a bite. He had no problem with the poor quality of the food. Based upon his bad luck of lately, and his old clothing, Stephen wondered if he had gotten used to poor quality food due to lack of funds. His pity flared again. "Marvelous!" he exclaimed after the first mouthful.

A few bites into the meal, Jerry dropped his fork, as if the most incredible idea just came to him. "I got it! I have a great idea." He turned to Grace, "Since you don"t have a job or anything, why don"t you come out with me to Denver, Grace? I have a friend, Fat Tony DeAngelo, who"s in the modeling business. We"ll see if we can get you a real job doing some type of modeling! Of course, you can split accommodations with me to save money," he chuckled, the lecherous grin plastered back on his face.

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