Grace nodded, looking down into his avoiding eyes, before slipping off his body to lay on his side. A genie would, and should, think nothing of the event that just transpired between them. It was a rare human being who was willing to go at any time of day, or any number of durations per day. It had marked the first time Stephen had ever rejected her, yet that was normal. It was impossible to always be in the mood for s.e.x.
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Yet, why did she feel hurt? Why did her heart sting at his rejection?

Resolving to put on a brave face, and not let him see how it affected her, she climbed out of bed, setting her feet firmly on the floor. Stephen seemed to still be avoiding her eyes. She looked down at her nude body. Did he not desire her anymore? Was he upset with her? Angry?

Yet, for some reason, she rejected the urge to peek inside his mind and see if there was more to his story.

Love, and curiosity, finally got the better of her, "Are you sure it"s not me?" She whispered.

Sitting up straight, Stephen wrapped his arms around her torso, holding her against him. How he loved to feel her warmth against his own body. He finally forced himself to look into her eyes, and did the only thing he could.

He lied beautifully.

"It"s not you at all," he smiled, gently.

Grace nodded, recognizing the lie that just pa.s.sed from his lips. She stood up and quickly had herself dressed, picking clothes that would be comfortable for all the moving that would be done today. They had received a message last night from the landlord, offering them the ability to start moving furniture into the new apartment. Since Grace didn"t own anything, it would come down to what Stephen had that would be coming with them, and that included his entire bedroom.

Seeing as they weren"t cleared to move in officially until a few more days, the bed would stay here until the official move in day. However, the desk, dresser, chair, majority of the clothes, books, and all the other possessions of Stephen"s would go over today. They had even received permission from Theresa to take with them an older couch, as well as an outdoor dining set for their new balcony. All would be moved out today.

Grace looked out the window to see the moving truck that Stephen had parked last night. It would be time for them to start loading soon. It wasn"t as if they had all day to complete the move: Stephen still had work tonight.

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