He remembered the pair of silvery handcuffs that Hanif held in his hand, the same ones he had seen locked around Grace"s wrists after he had gone back inside to attempt a rescue. Obviously, those were there to restrain her, but could they be used to destroy her, too?

Stephen shook his head discouragingly. There were too many questions, and just about no answers. He just wished he knew if she was okay. If she was still alive. An idea came to him.
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"Grace? Grace, are you there? Can you hear me?" He forced the words out internally as he had hundreds of times in the past, using their secret method of communication. Yet, nothing came back in return. Nothing but silence. Either Grace was blocked from accessing her magic, or she was not conscious. Both signs were equally troubling for him.

What else was disturbing for him was what he would do if he actually managed to locate Grace. Clutching at his side, he remembered how badly his first encounter with Hanif had been. Though he had been surprised and quickly overpowered, Stephen didn"t doubt that Hanif possessed great strength and skill, and would be a critical factor in any attempt to rescue Grace.

He sighed, wondering how he was going to attempt this. If only Grace had left behind some kind of instructions for dealing with wardens, he might be able to figure out a plan. Yet, Grace didn"t really have any belongings. All of her clothes appeared out of mid-air, as was the same with her fake car that she had created early on in their courts.h.i.+p. She had no other possessions, no diary, and nothing but the set of five rules that she had left him from the first day she appeared.

So what could possibly be done? How can I defeat a warden and rescue a genie? Stephen groaned to himself, as it sounded like a question he should be typing into Google, just to see if any results popped up. Looking down at his laptop, Stephen did a double take. Surely, a bit of internet research couldn"t hurt? Perhaps he might stumble on something to make this task seem less daunting than it already was. Besides, it was really his only shot. It wasn"t like he could just ask anyone about how to defeat a warden. Most people would look at him like he was nuts. And he seriously doubted any library would hold any kind of information like that. The internet may be his own choice.

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