"Stephen, you here? Grace?" His mother called out.

They parted with a small laugh, both nearly breathless from time exploring each others body. Stephen pulled himself up, and then helped Grace after, before emerging into the hall to find Theresa Willow standing near the kitchen in her work scrubs.

"There you two are! How did the move go today?"

Stephen glanced out at the truck. Nothing had moved from this morning when the warden had surprised them both after their fight. He looked sheepishly to the ground before answering. "Erm, we didn"t get to take the stuff over to the new place yet."

Theresa blinked, with her expression turning to confusion. "You were just packing up your room though, right? You were so close to being done right before I left. What were you two doing all day?"

Before Stephen could begin to think, his mother threw up her hands. "Wait, wait, wait, don"t answer that! I"m not sure I want to know."

"Erm well..," Stephen started, before feeling Grace"s elbow gently poke his side.

"Sorry, Theresa, we"ll spare you the details," she finished, throwing a wink to him as she finished.

Stephen toyed with the idea in his mind for a moment, but ultimately decided to spare his mother from all the happenings of the day. It was truly under the bridge now, with Grace"s powers gone, and nothing to worry about. Besides, telling the whole story would only scare his family, and that was the last thing he wanted or needed.

"Yeah, sorry Mom," he replied, trying his best to put some color into his cheeks to play along.

Theresa just laughed, "I was young once too, you know? I remember how it is. At least you two will have your own place from now on for your own... activities."

Grace just smiled brightly, "And maybe give you some more alone time for your own.. ah.. activities with Jim from now on."

Stephen nearly choked, while Theresa turned red in the face as well. He had never seen his mother look so embarra.s.sed. "That thought had crossed my mind, too, Grace," she agreed.

"Okay, gross," replied Stephen, making a face. "We"ll get going now, and be back later!"

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"If you"re be back in a couple hours, dinner will still be warm! Don"t get sidetracked again," Theresa called out, as the two of them hurriedly shuffled towards the front door, and emerged outside.

Grace fell into his side naturally. "I hope you don"t mind. I don"t think we needed to have worried her with the real events of today."

"No, I agree. Better not to scare her," Stephen commented in approval.

"Shall we go set our stuff up in our new place?" Grace opened the door to the moving truck, and nodded her head off towards it.

"That sounds like a great idea, babe," he smiled.

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