She tossed her arms around his neck, "I"ll wear that one for you later."

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Even with all the new additions, it didn"t take very long to unload the truck. The worst part, like this morning, was getting the other couch in the place. Stephen was a little worried that his old couch might not match the couch Grace had in there already, but the colors and style matched nicely. He figured she paid attention to those type of details when she had them created.

Soon enough, they were finished, and the apartment was ready to go. The truck was completely empty, and the new place was already starting to feel like home. Stephen sat down on the couch, catching his breath after moving all the furniture and boxes. It would have been a tough day months ago before he had started working out, but all that time in the gym had prepared him well. He was just a little winded from the day, but that was to be expected. Grace was still in the bedroom as he looked over the new place and imagined what it would be like to wake up here every day. To come home from work into Grace"s arms. To truly begin their life together.

They had almost lost everything today. From his injuries and his brush with death at the hands of the warden, to Grace almost being destroyed once, and the uncertain future she faced with her freedom. They had suffered enough in one day to last a lifetime. He now looked forward to a long, happy, and peaceful life with the woman he loved.

"Oh, Stephen?" Grace called out from the door frame of the bedroom.

Stephen looked over, and his jaw about landed in his lap. Grace had slipped into the red lace babydoll from earlier, and she was pressed most invitingly against the wall. Her light brown hair framed her face lovingly, the wavy locks looking freshly curled. She was exquisite.

"You told me this morning we would make love later. I think you owe me, mister," she giggled.

Stephen grinned, immediately hopping off the couch. "I wouldn"t want to forget my own debts now, would I?"

"Not at all," she whispered, as they collided in a hurry. She led him back to their new bedroom, falling over on the bed in a laugh at the sudden clumsiness. As much as he loved the lingerie, he couldn"t wait to get it off of her. He carefully peeled the straps off her delicate shoulders, exposing her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he pulled the fabric lower. Her nipples were already red and stiff, and his lips darted in for a taste.

"Oh!" She squealed in delight, grabbing his head as his lips wrapped around her nipple. "You know how much I love that!"

Her eager fingers made equally quick work of his clothes, and they were both naked in a flash, with his body hovering over hers, poised for action.

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