"Anyway Matt, I"m curious," Sophie said. "Aside from starting an orgy in the girls" locker room, what else have you done with Lumiosa"s powers?"

"Not much really," Matt admitted. "She gave me a b.l.o.w.j.o.b, I got Lucy and Laura Simmons to f.u.c.k Max and Sam, and then I f.u.c.ked her."

"Typical guy, but then, that"s basically how I used Alexis" powers at first," Sophie said seductively, before crawling over to Matt. "Something I wished for was to be the world"s greatest b.l.o.w.j.o.b master. Wanna see?"

"Uh...okay..." Matt nodded, and Sophie engulfed his p.e.n.i.s with her mouth. "Oh wow...that"s good..." Sophie moaned into Matt"s c.o.c.k, as she sucked him.

Matt looked over at the genies, and saw that Alexis was masturbating, with Lumiosa looking on with a mixture of confusion and jealousy.

"Oh G.o.d..." Matt moaned. "Lumiosa, m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e too."

"As you wish, Master," Lumiosa nodded. She reached down to her v.a.g.i.n.a, and started rubbing it.

"Oh honestly Lumiosa, you"ve never been one for this sort of thing, have you?" Alexis said, before rubbing her fellow genie"s v.a.g.i.n.a.

"Alexis..." Lumiosa moaned. "Master, are you sure this is alright?"

"Oh yes..." Matt moaned, partly in response, and partly from the amazing b.l.o.w.j.o.b Sophie was giving him. "Just do whatever Alexis tells you..."

"Yes Master..." Lumiosa moaned as Alexis fingered her.

"Well then Lumiosa, looks like Matt"s given us permission to have some fun," Alexis grinned. She then stopped fingering Lumiosa, and moved her head down to her groin. "And I intend to have lots of fun. Let me show you why Sophie likes me so much." Alexis stuck her tongue out, and licked Lumiosa"s entrance, causing the other genie to moan.

"Alexis...that feels..."

"I"ve wanted to do this to you for so long..." Alexis then split her tongue in two, and extended it, so that she could properly tongue-f.u.c.k her, sliding it deep into her v.a.g.i.n.a.

"Oh wow, that"s so hot..." Matt moaned, running his hands through Sophie"s hair. "And you"re so hot...G.o.d, I love this..."
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Matt couldn"t hold out much longer, and before long, he was firing his c.u.m down Sophie"s throat. Sophie licked his length sensually, gobbling up all his c.u.m. She pulled off his d.i.c.k, and kissed the tip, before looking at his face.

"That was yummy," She smiled, before she grabbed his p.e.n.i.s and stroked it. "And looks like your little guy"s still hard. Lemme guess, you wished for unlimited s.e.xual stamina?" Matt nodded. "Good, because that way, we can 69."

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