Mrs Evans looked around, and wondered what had just happened. One moment, she"d been about to make another wish, and the next, she and Apriya were stood naked on the stage in the main hall at Matt and Sophie"s school. In front of them was a crowed of seated people; Becky, Mike, Max, Sam, Megan, Becky, Kelly, and Sophie"s parents, Melissa and Jerry. Next to her, she noticed, were Matt and Sophie, along with their genies.

"h.e.l.lo everyone, I"m sure you"re all very confused, so let"s get right down to it," Sophie said. "As you"re all aware, Matt and I have genies, as does Matt"s mother Julia here. But what you"re not aware of is the fact that Matt and I have recently come into the possession of 221 other magic lamps, each one containing a genie."

"Sophie and I have decided that, rather than just keeping them locked up, those lamps should be distributed throughout the world, as has always been intended for them," Matt explained. "However, for 9 of them, this will not be the case. As our trusted family and friends, we have decided to give you each the gift of a magic lamp, with the request that the genies contained within be only used for benign purposes."

At this point, Alexis and Lumiosa both stepped forwards. They snapped their fingers, and 9 lamps appeared, floating in mid-air. They thrust their hands forwards, and the lamps flew into the laps of the chosen humans.

"Go now, and enjoy your gifts," Sophie commanded. Alexis and Lumiosa waved their hands, and everyone was instantly gone, and the 4 of them were back in Sophie"s living room.

Max landed back on his bed, holding the lamp in his hand. He sat up, and stared at it. He couldn"t believe this was really happening. His c.o.c.k was hardening at the mere thought of what he was going to do. He rubbed the lamp frantically, and he felt it grow warm in his hands. Clouds of yellow smoke poured out, and formed into Lexia.

"Greetings Master," she said, materialising on her knees. "I am Lexia, and I-"

"I wish to have s.e.x!" Max shouted. Lexia was a little taken aback by the fact he was so rushed.

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"Very well Master, your wish is my command," she said, before standing up, and mounting him. Meanwhile, across town, Sam was having a very similar experience, having barely waited for the orange smoke to clear before ordering Ophelia to f.u.c.k him.

Megan, Sally and Kelly had all been together at Sally"s house when it had happened, so the three of them rubbed their lamps together. Clouds of green, red and brown smoke poured out, which formed into Marcio, Iago and Barnabus.

"Oh wow..." Sally said as she saw the genies materialise. "It"s all true..."

"Well I can"t say I"ve ever had this happen to me before," Barnabus said as he looked around, and realised he"d been summoned along with two of his brothers.

"Well I"m not complaining one bit," Marcio smiled, before getting on his knees, and kissing Megan"s hand. "Mistress, I am Marcio, your honoured genie servant. What do you desire, and would you like me to put it inside you?"

Julia, Mike, Becky and Apriya had all been at their home, so that was where they were returned to.

"Apriya, can"t you stop this?" Julia shouted to her genie. "I don"t want my husband and daughter having genies!"

"Too late honey, Matt gave us these, so we"re using them," Mike said. He and Becky then rubbed their lamps. Clouds of Black and White smoke poured out, and Dorothea and Amia were formed, on their knees before them.

"Greetings Mistress, I am Amia."

"And I am Dorothea. What do you desire?"

Melissa and Jerry had both been at work when they"d been taken, and subsequently returned. Jerry called Melissa up, and he drove over to her, so they could release their genies together. The held hands, and rubbed their lamps. In clouds of gold and silver smoke, Alfresco and Koschei emerged.


Back in Sophie"s living room, the two teens sat on the sofa.

"We"ve still got one last thing to do," Sophie said.

"Do it guys," Matt said, and the two genies nodded. A large hologram of the Earth appeared in front of them, before the 212 remaining lamps flew out of the storage room, and shot into the globe, scattering them around the world. They watched for several minutes as the lamps flew, before the flow ended, and the hologram of the Earth disappeared.

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