Alexis got comfy with her hot chocolate, and looked around. This place wasn"t huge, with most of the other rooms being taken up by the various nick-knacks she"d collected over the millennia, but it was home. The one place that no-one could ruin for her. Where she could be alone with her thoughts, with no humans nagging her to grant their mundane desires. Something she"d learned throughout her long existence was that, no matter the era, from the dawn of man to the 21st century, humans all want the same things. Mostly s.e.x, with political power and wealth coming in close behind. Not that she minded granting those wishes, of course. She liked seeing how happy her magic made her Masters. It was just nice when people were a bit more creative in their wishes.

At this point, Alexis felt the familiar tug that came from her lamp being rubbed.

"Why must it always be when I"m getting comfy?" she lamented. She watched the clouds of light-blue smoke surround her, and seconds later, she was in Sophie"s bedroom, facing her Mistress.

"What do you desire of me, oh great and wondrous Mistress?" Alexis asked, doing an overly-dramatic bow.

"Showing off, are we?" Sophie asked her.

"No, if I was showing off, I"d have emerged with a fireworks show and music," Alexis said, reclining on the bed. "So what"s up?"

"Well Matt and I have been thinking..." Sophie replied. "And well, we want to fulfil one of the society"s goals."

"No mindless slaves, I hope?"

"Alexis, please let our Masters speak," Lumiosa scolded her fellow genie.

"As we were saying," Matt continued. "Though the society was partly gathering lamps to keep them away from people who would misuse them, one of their goals with it was to attempt to meet the maker."

"There is no maker," Alexis said dismissively.

"Then who sent Lumiosa to Matt?" Sophie asked. "Who wrote the note? Who decided we should be exempt from the rules? Someone"s been setting events into motion. It wouldn"t surprise me if the maker"s the reason I got you all those years ago."

"You got me because my previous Master was dying and he wanted to choose his successor, instead of leaving it to fate," Alexis told her. "You were chosen because you were in the right place at the right time. It could just as easily have been anyone else."

"What if it was more than fate though? What if I was there at that time because the maker made me be? What if your Master died at that moment because the maker wanted him to give you to me?"

"Sophie, the world doesn"t work like that. The world is not being guided by some G.o.d-like being who made us all."

"Someone has to have made us."

"Master, Miss Sophie, if I may say something please," Lumiosa interrupted. "I do not know if there really is a maker, but if there is, I do not believe you will be able to find him. Though you are both exempt from the rules of the genies, I very much doubt that you will be able to simply wish for the maker to appear. His power would greatly exceed that of Alexis and I, and your only chance of meeting him would be if he himself wills it."

"Well we can at least try," Matt said. "I wish for the maker to appear here."

"Master, I cannot," Lumiosa told him. "I cannot summon someone without the faintest idea of who or where they are. I"m sorry."

"Well what are we going to do then?"

"I"ve got an idea," Sophie said.

"What?" Matt asked.

"Well, if we can"t bring the maker here, why not go to him?" Sophie suggested. "If he really did create the universe, why don"t we just go back to the start of the universe to see him?"

"That could possibly work," Lumiosa said.

"Except the fact that the society tried that, and they couldn"t go back more than 50,000 years," Alexis said.

"Well maybe it"ll work for us," Sophie said. "We don"t know unless we try."

"There"s no harm in trying," Matt said.
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"I am willing to attempt it," Lumiosa added.

"Oh fine, we"ll try, but it won"t work," Alexis said. "Go on then, make your wishes."

"Alexis, I wish to go back to the beginning of the universe," Sophie commanded.

"Me too, Lumiosa."

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