It was the buzzing on Stephen"s phone that led him to crack his eyelash. It figured that it would be just out of reach on the side of the bed. He was so comfortable, with the warmth from the blanket wrapped around his torso, and Grace"s warm heat pressing into his side. He took a minute just to watch her sleeping, her slow yet subtle breathing, her chest rising and falling with each breath. He loved the way her light brown hair framed her angelic face. She had a small smile resting on her lips, and looked to be in the middle of a favorable dream.

He smiled, and then pressed a soft kiss against her forehead. Grace gave a gentle purr while Stephen tried to maneuver around to reach his phone without disturbing her. He was largely unsuccessful, and watched as she slowly started to blink, the small smile never dipping from her face.

"Sneaking off already, Master?" She asked, with a hint of giggle.

"Not at all, just checking my phone, babe," he said gently.

"And I was having the best dream, too," she gave off a fake pout.

Stephen checked his phone, with a message from his mother. "Hey I"m going to be home late. Need to cover someone"s hours until they get here. Can you take care of yourself for dinner? Leftovers in the refrigerator! The twins are staying at a friend"s house tonight."

"Well, it seems that we have the house to ourselves for a little while longer," he announced, showing Grace the text message.

"More time just for us? Whatever should we fill it with?" She beamed.

Stephen laughed, "Well for starters, why don"t you tell me what you were dreaming about?"
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"I could tell you, but I"d much rather show you with this one. Trust me," she winked.

Stephen chuckled, "Okay, show away."

Grace sprang to life, quickly sitting upright, "Goodie!" She reached for his c.o.c.k, still limb from his slumber and began to bring it back to life.

"That"s what you were dreaming of?!" He asked, incredulously, as she began to stroke him.

"Mhmm, how could I not?" She asked, biting her lip as she looked between his eyes and back down to his stiffening unit. "You have the world"s most perfect c.o.c.k."

"I always just thought I was average sized. Nothing special about it," he shrugged.

"Not to me, Stephen. I was created to be a perfect companion for you. That means, when you"re inside me, your c.o.c.k hits all of my sweet pressure points. Every angle of penetration, every hard thrust brings me closer to o.r.g.a.s.m. Not only am I the perfect companion for you, but your c.o.c.k is perfect for me."

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