Tears formed gently in her eyes, and she pressed a deep kiss against his lips, before reaching up to caress his cheek. "I always wondered what kind of person would find my portal. Whether they would be kind, or mean, or powerful, or vindictive. I always hoped for a kind, gentle soul. Someone who would fill me with pride to be their companion."

Grace sat upright, looking him in the eyes, "Stephen, you"ve exceeded my wildest dreams in that regard."

"Well, as long as you"re happy," he smiled.

"You have no idea!" She laughed. "Although I might be happier if you stick this perfect c.o.c.k back in me," she shrugged and then grinned.

"You"re insatiable!" Stephen laughed.

"With you, yes I very much am. I"ve been in that portal so long, that I have some serious pent up s.e.xual needs to release!"

"Well, we can"t have s.e.x the entire afternoon," he joked.

"Oookay," Grace pouted, and then countered, "How about just ninety percent of it?" She grinned as she finished her line.

Stephen playfully rolled his eyes at Grace, causing her to giggle yet again. He never thought he would see the day where he was turning down s.e.x from the most beautiful woman he"d ever seen. Not to mention the fact that she was the one begging him to have s.e.x!

"What shall we do the rest of the evening then?" She asked.

Right on cue, his stomach grumbled loudly enough for Grace to notice.

"What was that?" She looked around, frightened.

Stephen laughed, "Sorry, that was just my stomach. I"m extremely hungry."

"Oh!" Grace giggled, "that was really loud."

"Sorry, it"s almost dinner time and I"m famished," he replied, before standing up from bed in nothing but his birthday suit. Grace"s eyes darted down to his limb member, while licking his lips. She arched her eyebrow towards Stephen, in a non-verbal suggestion.

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"Let"s eat first, my h.o.r.n.y genie," he chuckled. She stuck her tongue out at him, playfully, before getting out of bed herself.

Stephen threw on a pair of shorts and a simple t-s.h.i.+rt, while Grace"s robe from earlier this morning re-appeared. Though they were in little danger of running into any other members of the family, Stephen still felt a little weird just walking into their kitchen completely nude.

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