The man in the gray cloak moved quickly down the hall. It was a hallway he had traveled down many times in the past, yet the urgency in his steps today spoke of the extraordinary event he had felt. Rays of sunlight hit through the ancient windows as the corridor veered off to the left, towards the Grand Master"s quarters.

The news that he was carrying was bound to astonish, an event that hadn"t last happened for almost two hundred years. But the pull of the sorcery was unmistakable and actions had to be taken immediately.

The man came upon the door he was looking for, and gave three hard raps on the solid oak door.
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"Enter," came a voice from the other side.

Swiftly, he pushed open the door, entering a small study far removed form the normal grandiose proportions of their castle. The study was filled on two sides with arrays of ancient texts, detailing secrets old and new. Towards the other side of the room, he could see a desk, with several scrolls unrolled and in the middle of study. Yet, it was the man sitting at the desk, observing him with a stone cold glare of steel gray eyes that processed his every move.

The man bowed down in front of those perilous eyes, a.s.suming a crouching position with his knees on the floor, before touching his head to the stonework below. As he straightened up, he addressed those eyes that held him to so much scrutiny.

"Grand Master Abbas," he uttered, his head still bowed in subservience.

"Hanif, do you know why I called you in here?" Abbas wasted no time, dipping his quill into a bottle of ink and continuing whichever task he had been doing before the interruption.

"Yes, Grand Master Abbas."

"And?" Abbas looked up expectantly, as if waiting for him to go on further.

"I can feel it," Hanif whispered, looking inward at the specific surge of magical activity that had awoken in a long quiet world.

"You feel it. I feel it. The rest of the council feels it as well. The facts are undeniable," replied Abbas, setting down his quill, and looking directly at Hanif. "A djinn has been unleashed on the world once more."

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