"So, boyfriend, what kind of mischief should we get up to today?"

Stephen chuckled, looking over to her while he slipped on his s.h.i.+rt. She wore a look like a cat who was just playing with a mouse, and ready to pounce. Yet, a soft pout formed on her face when he slipped his boxers back up, hiding his member from her view.

"We have most of the morning for that. And some of the afternoon. But I do have to work tonight," he replied, taking a look in the mirror. He would definitely need a shower before leaving the house.

"Oooh, work sounds fun! Can I come, too?" She asked, excitedly.

Stephen chuckled, "If you really want to! I think you are the only person in the world to describe work as fun though."

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"Being with you is fun," She answered in kind. "Doesn"t matter if it"s work, rest, sleeping, eating, or vigorous, multi-o.r.g.a.s.mic s.e.x," she winked, before continuing, "As long as it"s with you, its going to be fun!"

"I think you might be disappointed by the reality of it though," smiled Stephen, weakly. His mind ran over the recent events at Price Chopper, from the bullying by Ram, to the rejection from Abby. Working lately had been more of a trial than it should be. Yet, on one positive note, it was the first time he had thought about Abby since the day before yesterday. He knew that Grace had a lot to do with that.

"I"m going to see my mom out the door. Then how about we grab breakfast once she leaves?"

"Eggs and bacon?? Sign me up!" She practically hopped out of bed wearing the world"s largest grin.

Stephen let out a little laugh at her lovable behavior. With Grace in his life, it was like the dull gray grittiness of life was slowly being wiped away, replaced by color and vibrancy. What he had taken for granted and a.s.sumed would never change had started to melt away into a world of excitement. He couldn"t help but wear a broad grin as he left his room, and strolled into the kitchen to see his mother fiddling with her purse.

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