"Well, now you have to stay," chirped Theresa. "Stephen, your grandparents will be here around 4 pm. I expect the twins to be home any minute now. It will be nice to sit together and eat as a family!"

"Yeah definitely," remarked Stephen, now beginning to feel more nerves at the thought of his whole family meeting Grace at once. He looked over at her to see how she was handling the news. If she was nervous, she wasn"t showing it.

"We should probably change out of our gym clothes," giggled Grace. "Especially if we are having dinner."

"There"s plenty of time in case you two need to take showers as well, coming from the gym and all," said Theresa.

"Oh, that"s okay, mom," said Stephen, shaking his head. "We took a shower before we left."

"A shower, Stephen? As in, singular?" Theresa arched her eyebrow, giving him a smirk.

"Uh, er, showers, mom," recovered Stephen, before turning a heavy shade of red. Theresa noticed that Grace was also quite red as well, and not meeting her eye contact.

"Oh, to be young again," Theresa chuckled. "Stephen, why don"t you get cleaned up first? Let Grace and I have a chance to talk a bit."

Stephen looked back and forth between Grace and his mother. "Okay, Mom." Before he turned to leave, he leaned into Grace, "Going to be okay?"

Theresa interrupted before Grace could answer, "She"ll be fine! It"s not like I"m some monster after all," she chuckled.

"Don"t worry, babe. I"ll be fine," laughed Grace.

"Alright," replied Stephen. "I"ll be back down soon." After giving Grace a quick peck on the lips, he made his way down the hallway to his room, but not before mentally reaching out to Grace.

"Still holding up okay over there?"

"A little nervous, but doing okay," came the thought back from Grace.
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"You"re doing great, babe," he thought, before getting into his room to change.

Before Grace had a chance to respond, Theresa turned and patted her hand, "Would you like something to drink, dear? You"re probably parched from being at the gym!"

"Yes, please," smiled Grace. "I wouldn"t turn down some water right now."

"Well, just follow me into the kitchen." The two women made their way into the family kitchen, and Theresa filled up a cup with water to give to Grace. As Grace took her first sip, Theresa watched her closely, appraising her silently.

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