"So, Grace, what brought you back to Kansas? Are you going to school here?"

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Grace set her cup down on the counter. "Maybe. I"m not sure yet what my plans are. When I was in Chicago, I lived with my Aunt Sarah, but she was very old, and she recently pa.s.sed."

"I"m so sorry to hear that, dear."

Grace gave a sad smile, "It was a long time coming, unfortunately. She battled cancer for a long time. When Aunt Sarah pa.s.sed, I found myself not wanting to stay in the "concrete jungle" any more and really wanted to get back to my roots. I had only attended a few semesters at a local school there, but I"m looking into perhaps going back and transferring the credits here."

Theresa nodded as she listened, taking in the girl"s story. She poured herself a gla.s.s of water as well, and gestured for Grace to sit at the table with her.

"So are you living here in town then?"

Grace nodded, "A little place, not far from here. It"s not much, but I make it work," she giggled.

"Not many would willingly move back to such a smaller area, especially when they were in the big city for so long," noted Theresa.

"It wasn"t the easiest thing in the world, to leave Chicago, but I felt like it was time for something new. A change of scenery," Grace smiled. "Luckily, so far, it"s turned out incredibly for me. Ever since I met Stephen."

"If you"re going to break his heart, please do it sooner rather than later," said Theresa, giving Grace a knowing look. "I"m afraid to see what would happen after losing someone like you, especially if you drag it out."

Grace just sat there, blinking, before a look of confusion dawned on her face. "I"m sorry?"

"Grace, I may be old, but I"m not blind. I see you. All of you. You"re a gorgeous woman, and I"m sure you could have your pick of men anywhere. And although I love my son, and would do anything for him, I"m also aware that you are quite out of his league. What is the angle? Do you string him along for a few dates, perhaps some pity s.e.x, and get him to pay your rent for a few months? Maybe buy you a new wardrobe? Just enough until you are off to the next guy? How does it work, Grace?"

Grace swallowed hard, feeling her eyes begin to tear up, "Mrs. Willow, I swear it"s nothing like that."

Theresa continued, "To think that I was so naive to believe that he was coming out of his depression on his own. I should have realized sooner that someone like you were behind this."

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