"Of course, sire," responded Yazid, pulling the final gift from his pack. His hands actually shook to have the small puzzle trinket in his hands, knowing the power within. Having it so close to his unprotected flesh unnerved him, as did all thoughts of the supernatural world. He could only hope that Cyrus would enjoy this greatest of gifts.

"Sire, may I present, a gift selected by the two eldest members of the tribe of Tamim, an offering that crosses the boundaries of this world and offers a supernatural power of the next. The strongest of bonds await you, a gift without measure. Inside this simple trinket is an incredibly powerful, yet eroti-"

The sounds of trumpets blaring sounded immediately, cutting off Yazid"s speech as the noise outside Cyrus" tent reached a fever pitch. From every direction, the men could hear the raising of voices and the incredible sound of an army being roused to action.

"The trumpets! That could only mean one thing," began Cyrus, bolting upright from his chair. "My brother is accepting our offer of battle!"

"Great King, may we finish presenting our gift-" started Yazid, before being cut off again as Cyrus began giving orders.

"Papak! I need you to find Ariaeus and have him form up archers in the center. Send a messenger to find Clearchus, and have him stand firm on the right flank. Send another messenger to find Uzza and tell him to ready the cavalry for my arrival!" Cyrus began to find his battle armor, bolting it to his body as men began to hustle about the tent, springing to action at the roar of their commanders" orders.
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"Sire, may we still finish before you leave?" squeaked Yazid, trying to complete the last task before Cyrus spirited away.

"I"m sorry, good Master Yazid, but I must be going immediately. The fate of the entire world hinges on this battle, and I must see to my troops."

"But our gifts, sire?"

"Your gifts will be safe in my quarters. Just leave what you have left in their packs and I can a.s.sure you, we will revisit it after battle," stated Cyrus, putting his breastplate on and strapping up the sides.

"But sire-," started Yazid, before being interrupted finally by Cyrus.

"Enough, Yazid. I have spoken. I shall see you after battle."

The color slowly drained from Yazid"s face, at the thought of getting another audience with the Great King after a battle. The thought was daunting enough. He only wanted to be rid of the piece of magic still burning a hole through his hands.

"Don"t look so glum, Yazid," smiled Cyrus, attaching his sword to his hips. "It is only a matter of time before my dear brother is beaten, and then we will resume this conversation. Stay here in the tent if you like, and enjoy the hospitality of my house. I will be with you as soon as battle is over."

"As you say, Great King," bowed Yazid, knowing he had lost his portion of their personal battle. He signaled to Amit to leave the packs on the table near where Cyrus placed the original bags of frankincense and spices. An unnamed slave of Cyrus" guided them to a separate tent to await the coming battle. Yazid, for one, was thankful that they wouldn"t be able to see the carnage outside. It would be bad enough to listen to the groans and screams of men once battle was underway.

At least, safe in their tent, they could await the end of the battle, and the completion of their task.

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