A single bead of sweat casually drifted down his forehead as Stephen f.u.c.ked her t.i.ts. As their pace quickened, Stephen could already picture the sight of her covered in his c.u.m. Great globs of s.e.m.e.n, coating her pretty face, sliding down her succulent t.i.ts, and coating her flawless body. He imagined her rubbing it into her nipples, tweaking and pinching while using his c.u.m like some kind of natural body lotion. The images conjured in his mind were quickly increasing his heart rate.

"It seems my Master is quite the naughty boy," smiled Grace, watching him pant. "Wanting to coat his genie in all his c.u.m, hmm?"

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"You saw that?" Stephen panted, knowing she must have been looking into his mind.

"Mhmm," whimpered Grace, before leaning in really close, "And it"s really turning me on!"

"That makes... two of us," he managed, while Grace giggled at his words.

"Then do it then. Please? For me? Coat my face in your c.u.m, Stephen. I want to feel you squirting it all over my body. I"ve been a good girlfriend, haven"t I? Don"t I deserve your c.u.m?" The way she stuck out her lower lip at the end, combining s.e.xy and pouty in one serious glance was enough for Stephen to hit the point of no return.

"Gonna c.u.m!" He grunted, as his wildly thrusting hips powered into overdrive.

"Yesss, give it to me!" Grace hissed, working her t.i.ts faster up and down his c.o.c.k.

"f.u.c.k!," Stephen moaned as the first squirt shot out and hit Grace"s cheeks. Successive waves of power jets coated her chin, neck, and finally t.i.ts as his o.r.g.a.s.m overtook him. It was one of the better o.r.g.a.s.ms he had recently had, which was saying a lot for all the s.e.x they"d been having in the last three days.

"Mmm, that"s it, babe. c.u.m all over me," replied Grace, as she gave serious effort into coaxing the last drop out of his battered member. Once she was sure the last drop was out, she lovingly kissed the tip, and then attended to herself. She rubbed his c.u.m over each breast, applying a thin layer of s.e.m.e.n in a light coat. True to his thoughts, she then ma.s.saged several drops of it over each nipple, before giving an exaggerated show of pinching and playing with each one.

"Just like that?" She whispered, s.e.xily, as two fingers squeezed her nipple in between.

Stephen could only nod, not trusting himself to speak in such a state of arousal.

She could only smile, before attending back to her work. After working as much of his c.u.m from her face into her mouth as she could, she then took whatever remained on her body and used her finger to gently scoop it into her mouth.

"Mmm yummy," she purred, after sucking down the last drop.

"You"re my dream woman," said Stephen, amazed at the show she had just put on for him.

Grace beamed with a smile, and the made a performance level bow, before sliding back up to wrap her arms around him.

"Definitely the best way to wake up ever," he said, once again.

"Duly noted," replied Grace, her nose nuzzling against his chest. "I"ll have to keep that one up from now on!"

"You"ll hear no complaints from me," breathed Stephen.

"I"m just a little messy now," replied Grace, looking down at her c.u.m-coated t.i.ts.

"Grace, I wish for you to be completely clean and c.u.m free," wished Stephen.

Within an instant, Grace"s sticky b.r.e.a.s.t.s were once more dry and spotless.

"Mmm, perfect," she murmured, happily.

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