Forty five minutes, three, two soaking towels, and one tickle war later, the young couple finally made their way out of the shower and back to Stephen"s room to get dressed. Stephen had already changed into a fresh pair of boxers, and a new clean tank top, and picked up the s.h.i.+rt from earlier to put on, as well as a pair of shorts. Grace still wore her towel, casually wrapped around her torso, before dropping it completely in front of Stephen"s full length mirror.

The sight of Grace"s nude body never failed to grasp Stephen"s attention. As she pondered her choice of wardrobe for the day, his eyes drifted over every inch of succulent, creamy skin. Within moments, Grace was completely clothed, having chosen a chaste hunter green blouse to go with a pair of light blue jean shorts that perfectly framed her a.s.s.

"Like it?" She asked, as she held her hands out and faced him.

Stephen nodded, hungrily, enjoying the view.

"You always make me feel so pretty," giggled Grace, before taking his hand and leading them out of his room.

Not much more than five minutes later, they were already driving off to Price Chopper, with Grace occupying the pa.s.senger seat. This usual Thursday morning routine had been a staple for Stephen, used to popping in just to grab his paycheck. Yet today, he wore a broad smile on his face at having Grace by his side. He wondered what his coworkers would think when they saw Grace strolling into the store.

Miguel, for one, would freak and would probably drop his jaw at the sight of her. Several of the other stock clerks would be fawning over her as well. Several of the cas.h.i.+er girls would most likely be jealous, and to being catty just because of how beautiful she was. h.e.l.l, even Abby might give her a hard time.

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Stephen"s heart suddenly seized up at the unexpected thought of Abby. Ever since Grace had so suddenly forced her way into his life, he had rarely thought about the tall, blonde girl who had rejected him last week. A good thing, no doubt, as he had already moved on, yet it still could make for an awkward moment if she was working customer service this morning. Nervously, Stephen began to fret about what might happen if things didn"t go well at the store just because he brought Grace.

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