"Well, to me, it kind of is. It"s what my powers were designed for, so it"s not much difficult for me than it is for you to breath. Plus, it"s not like I"m exactly finding a needle in the haystack."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Finding love with someone isn"t an event that has to make the stars align in place. You"d be surprised by how many people that are on this planet, or that you know, that you could easily fall in love with. On the inside, most humans are the same: same emotions, same fears, same wants and desires. Most just want to be loved and to give love. Once you understand that, it"s really not hard to explain why most people fall in love so easily. Why it"s described as "finding your soulmate", I have no idea. You have literally thousands of potential soulmates out there."

"Hmm, well once you put it that way," replied Stephen, thinking it over once more. "It kind of seems to take the importance out of finding your lifetime love. If just anyone could be that person, what"s to keep couples together, especially if they know the next "soulmate" is right around the corner?"

"It"s the experiences that you make. The life that you build, the memories you create. The children you create. Creating a life with someone weaves them in an unbreakable fas.h.i.+on into your very being. It"s why you can still remember the names of every crush you ever had. Because they left an imprint onto your life. Once you start creating memories, and creating a life with someone, those bonds are hard to break."

"That makes sense, I suppose. In a slightly fatalistic way," chuckled Stephen. "What"s the point of all of this though? If we all have thousands of potential soulmates, what"s the purpose of love there?"

Grace turned to him and smiled, "To enjoy love when you find it. And to live it to the fullest. And to know that we are never truly alone, and as long as you put yourself out there, there is someone who can love you the way you yearn to be loved."

"It is hard to believe that anyone would want to love me though," said Stephen, looking down at his feet. "I"m so grateful to have you, but what if I never found your portal, Grace. What would I do then?"

"There"s nothing to fear from that. We just saw back there that Abby is having second thoughts. She could have been a love for you, especially if I wasn"t here. That"s just one woman we"ve ran into in the last fifteen minutes. There are plenty of others that you would never even have considered, unless thrown together by some event that changes your thinking about them, and gives love potential."

"Hmm, that"s a lot to think about. This got a lot more complicated than I expected."

"Sorry, but you asked," Grace giggled. "Just know this: love always finds a way, and that you are with the best possible mate and partner you could ever ask for." She gave him a coy look, before kissing him soundly.

"I can live with that," grinned Stephen.
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"I thought you might," chirped Grace in return.

They rounded the corner into the frozen section to search for the ice cream from the circular.

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