As he walked his way back to the break room, all he could think about was finding the confidence to ask Abby out on a date. To his best knowledge, she wasn"t seeing anybody, and they got along great. She was always laughing at things that he said, and she was always rewarding him with that perfect dimpled smile. We would be perfect together, he thought, as he pictured what life would be like with Abby Cutler as his girlfriend. He pictured her taking his plus one spot to his cousin"s wedding, and introducing her to all his family while she mesmerized with her personality. All he needed was to find the confidence to ask her out, as a first step. But how?

It was times like these he wished he could talk to Danny about it. Danny always knew the best things to do or say, especially regarding women. That was one area that Danny never lacked in, almost always having a girlfriend. Yet once again, the memory of Danny proved painful, and Stephen tried to put it out of his mind.

The rest of the evening was particularly uneventful, even for a Stephen closed up the store around 10 pm and headed home with everyone else. The house was rather quiet for a weekend night, which meant Chris and Chase must already be in bed or still out at a friends house. Thankfully, his mother was still up, watching television on the couch.

"Hey sweetie," she chirped, seeing her eldest son walk into the den.

"Hey mom," he replied, looking to the TV. "What are you watching?"
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"Just the evening news," she replied, with a dismissive wave towards the screen. "Are you hungry?"

"Very. I didn"t have much of a dinner."

"Come on then, I have leftovers." Stephen followed her back into the kitchen and sat down at her direction while she began to microwave the remains of a roast with potatoes and carrots.

"How was your day, Stephen?" She asked, taking a break from watching the spinning plate within the microwave.

Stephen shrugged his shoulders, "About the same as they always are."

"Did anything eventful happen?" She pressed.

"Nah, not really. Just work," he replied, as he cast his eyes down to the table.

Although he didn"t notice, his mother wore a worried expression, wondering what could be on his mind.

"Stephen, is everything alright?" She asked finally, setting his now warm plate down in front of him.

"Yeah, mom. Why do you ask?"

"Because you don"t seem yourself right now," she answered, doing her best "concerned mom" expression.

Stephen looked down at plate, and then back up at her. He thought about lying, but thought better of it. "It"s just, I had another nightmare this morning. I guess I"ve just had Danny on the brain all day, and it"s been tough."

"Oh, sweetie," his mom answered, coming closer and wrapped her arms around her son. "I knew something was bothering you."

Stephen didn"t reply, but just savored the feeling of a caring mother.

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