It was like something clicked in his head at that very moment. Words that Grace had said suddenly snapped into full focus.

"Even just the vessel itself is capable of great magic, completely apart from my own. That magic only responds to the master of the portal as well, such as I do."

He could hear her words clear as day. Turning the portal to look at it head on, his mind filled with an idea. Could I use the portal"s magic in an effort to free Grace?

Catching his attention, the portal itself began to glow. A soft, green light was emanated from the portal for no more than a second, before returning to its original color. Was it responding to him? Could it be the tool that he needed? It was the only shot he had, but it was better than nothing.

Stephen took the small portal and placed it in his pocket, its size allowing it to fit comfortably. Now that he had something to counter the magic (he hoped), he needed something to counter the warden. Stephen hobbled to the front of the house, and carefully snuck into the storage closet off the main living room. Finding a black bag laying haphazardly over several pairs of cleats, he pulled it out and opened it. After rummaging past a pair of gloves and a few baseb.a.l.l.s, he grasped what he was looking for and pulled it out in one smooth motion. His old wooden baseball bat, that was now the possession of the twins. It would have to do.

Stephen tossed the bag back in the closest and closed the door. He caught sight of himself in the mirror near the kitchen, carrying his brothers" baseball bat and a small puzzle box that, he hoped, would unleash enough magic to save his genie. Stephen recognized how foolish he looked, yet he couldn"t have explained this to anyone else even if he tried. Even the pre-Grace Stephen would have a hard time believing what he was about to attempt. Shaking his head, he realized the ultimate truth: love makes you do crazy things.

Staring back out the kitchen window to the warden"s house, he resolved to do everything in his power to rescue that blue-eyed genie that had so captured his heart. He couldn"t have felt less naked going into battle with no plan, but it would have to work. He had to give everything he could for the hope of saving Grace. Stephen put his hand on the door, took a deep breath, which made his ribs throb, and opened the door from the house.

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