Back at Sophie"s house, several hours had pa.s.sed, and the two teens had lost count of how many they"d had. Sophie was on all fours, with Matt f.u.c.king her from behind, squeezing her a.s.s hard. Matt moaned as he squirted more c.u.m into Sophie"s p.u.s.s.y, which sent her into her own o.r.g.a.s.m. Matt noticed the clock, which said it was now nearly 6, and he pulled out of Sophie. The two teens kissed and cuddled on the sofa.

"Well that was fun," Sophie panted as they cuddled.

"Yeah," Matt agreed. "But your friends are gonna be here soon."

Megan, Sally and Kelly arrived before long, and they all headed upstairs to the bedroom, the girls all stripping off. Sophie and Matt cuddled on the bed, while the others lounged around the room.

"So you two are a couple, eh?" Sally asked them.

"Yeah, we"re in love," Sophie replied, kissing Matt.

"I can see why," Megan said, pointing at Matt"s erection, which embarra.s.sed him.

"I"d love to have that thing inside me," Kelly grinned.

"Well of course you would," Megan said. "You, unlike the rest of us, are a virgin. You"ve never had the pleasure of having a d.i.c.k inside you."

"Well you know, I"d be happy to correct that if you"d like," Matt joked.

"Naughty boy, you"re taken!" Sally laughed.

"I don"t mind if Kelly wants to f.u.c.k him," Sophie said.

"Wait...seriously?" Kelly asked.

"Of course," Sophie smiled. "I don"t mind sharing Matt. In fact, can I let you girls in on a secret?"

"What secret?" Megan asked.

"I can make you do whatever I want," Sophie replied.

"Bulls.h.i.+t," Sally said. "How?"

"Magic," Sophie replied. "Just to show you, Megan, Sally, kiss each-other." Right away, Megan and Sally stood up, wrapped their arms around each-other, and kissed each-other pa.s.sionately.

"Holy f.u.c.k..." Kelly gasped. Megan and Sally broke their kiss, and their trance instantly ended.

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"Oh my G.o.d..." They both said.

"You can call me Sophie," Sophie said cheerfully.

"I don"t know what came over me..." Sally said.

"I just felt like I HAD to kiss you..." Megan blushed.

"That"s because you did, because I ordered you to," Sophie told them.

"Okay, how did you do that?" Kelly asked Sophie.

"I told you, magic. Beyond that, it"s a secret. But Kelly, I think it"s time you lost your virginity, so come and lay down on the bed and spread your legs." The instant Sophie spoke her command, Kelly got up, and laid down as she was instructed.

"Nervous?" Sophie asked her.

"A little," Kelly replied.

"Don"t be, just lay back, and let Matt do his stuff."

Matt climbed on top of Kelly, and kissed her.

"You sure you"re okay with this, Sophie?" Matt asked his girlfriend.

"Matt, it"s fine," Sophie nodded. "I told you, we may be a couple, but we"re allowed to f.u.c.k other people. Now take Kelly"s virginity."

Matt nodded his agreement, and slid into Kelly slowly. The girl moaned, and Sophie kissed her.

"You like watching me kiss her, Matt?" Sophie asked. Matt nodded again, and Sophie continued kissing her friend, while Matt thrust in and out of her.

"Oh G.o.d, that"s so hot," Sally said, watching them.

"Well tell you what, how about you girls come and join in?" Sophie ordered, and Sally and Megan instantly walked over to them, and started fondling and kissing any exposed skin they could get hold of.

"Oh my G.o.d..." Matt moaned as he f.u.c.ked Kelly, feeling Sally"s hands fondle him. "This feels incredible..."

"And just think, you"ve got a whole life of pleasure like this to look forward to," Sophie moaned between kisses.

"Oh G.o.d, I can"t wait..." Matt moaned, before Sally kissed him. "I can"t f.u.c.king wait..."

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