A few seconds later, Sophie went over the edge. She cried out in pleasure, and Matt had to grab hold of her to prevent her falling over, her legs giving way to the pleasure that was coursing through her groin. He flipped her around in his arms, and held her close as she rode out her o.r.g.a.s.m. When it was over, she just looked up at him, giggled, and kissed him.

"I love you," Matt said, rubbing her bottom.

"I love you too," Sophie said. "And now it"s your turn."


Sophie broke their embrace, and went to get the bottle of shower gel. She put some on her hands, and then started stroking Matt"s back.

"Oh wow Sophie, that feels amazing..." Matt moaned, feeling his c.o.c.k grow even harder. Sophie made her way down his body, and reached his a.s.s, stroking it. Sophie then made her way around to Matt"s front, and made out with him some more as she covered his muscular chest with the shower gel.

"Mmm, Lumiosa did good when she gave you this body," Sophie moaned as they kissed.

"Alexis didn"t do too badly either," Matt moaned. Sophie then resumed her descent down Matt"s body, until she reached his c.o.c.k. She grabbed hold of it, and stroked its length.

"I"m particularly fond of this part of you," she said as she admired his length. "I doubt there"s been a single Master in the whole of history who"s not had their genie make their d.i.c.k bigger, but I"m not complaining." Sophie then slowly pulled back Matt"s foreskin, revealing the swollen head beneath. She stuck her tongue out, and licked it, causing a shudder to run through Matt"s entire body.

"Aw, like that, Mattykins?" She asked cutely, and Matt responded by thrusting his c.o.c.k towards her. "I supposed I"d better get to work on it then."

Sophie then gave Matt"s tip some more licks, resulting in more moans from the teenage boy. Sophie put her lips over the tip, and licked some more, before she finally took his entire length into her mouth, a previous wish ensuring that she would have no problems accommodating Matt"s whole p.e.n.i.s.

"Oh wow Sophie...Wow..." Matt moaned as she sucked him. He picked up a bottle of shampoo, and started rubbing it into her hair as he caressed it. Since becoming a Master, he"d received b.l.o.w.j.o.bs from several girls, but none could do it quite like Sophie. If he could have laid down and just had Sophie suck his c.o.c.k for the rest of time, he probably would have. Something which having a genie had taught him was, as well as that he very much liked s.e.x, but that he was very disappointed it had taken him 18 years to start having it. But maybe if he"d gotten laid earlier, he wouldn"t have enjoyed it nearly as much as this, since he wouldn"t have had magic to improve it. 2 weeks ago he"d have probably c.u.m within seconds of entering Sophie, and been out of action for 10 minutes.

Matt"s contemplations were interrupted by his approaching o.r.g.a.s.m. He leaned his head back, and, with a groan, he blasted his load into Sophie"s mouth. This triggered Sophie"s simultaneous o.r.g.a.s.m wish, and she too felt her groin explode with pleasure. She moaned into Matt"s quivering c.o.c.k, which sent even more pleasant sensations into it, forcing a little bit of extra s.e.m.e.n to shoot out. Sophie swallowed Matt"s c.u.m, and stood up to kiss him.

"Got one more load in you?" She asked.

"Always," Matt replied.

"Then give it to me."

Sophie turned around, and bent over invitingly. Matt positioned his c.o.c.k by her v.a.g.i.n.a, and he grabbed hold of her a.s.s, before sliding into her. The sensations were even greater than last time, both as a result of having c.u.m already several times, but also as a result of the fact that Matt could feel the remnants of the last load he"d shot into her.

"Oh Matt...that"s it..." Sophie moaned. "Get right in there...all the way..." Matt thrust hard and deep into her, loving every second of what was turning out to be the best shower of his entire life.

"f.u.c.k Matt...I"m not sure I can hold out much longer..." Sophie moaned even louder than before. "It feels too good..."

"Me too Sophie...Oh my G.o.d, here it comes!"

The two teens groaned loudly, and clung onto the side of the shower, in order to try and support themselves as they came. Matt thrust in as deep as he could, and his c.o.c.k filled with pleasure, as a large stream of c.u.m shot out of the tip, and into Sophie"s waiting p.u.s.s.y.

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When it was finally over, Matt leaned down to kiss Sophie"s neck, before pulling out of her. She turned around, and the two of them embraced, wrapping their arms around one-another, and fondling each-other"s bottoms as they made-out. They rubbed each-other"s skin, was.h.i.+ng off all the shower gel and shampoo. Finally, once they were all squeaky clean, they turned the shower off, and got out. Sophie opened a cupboard and, briefly being interrupted by Matt squeezing her a.s.s, she pulled out a large towel. The two of them got to work on drying each-other"s bodies, paying particular attention to their naughty areas. When they were both finally dry, they made out a little bit more, before heading downstairs, not bothering to get dressed.

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