She casually rose from the chair she had been sitting in, and knelt down in front of Stephen, who was still sitting on the bed. Tenderly, she placed her hands on his knees, and looked at him until he dared to meet her own gaze. "That"s not possible, Master. This magic never lies. I was made to be given to you, and you alone."

Stephen wanted to believe her, because if all this was true, then life as he knew it was about to take a very different turn. He managed a little smile to her, surprising to even him, and then he covered her hand with his own and gently squeezed.

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The genie smiled at him, and squeezed his hand in return, "You are a very odd sort of master, if you don"t mind me saying."

"What makes you say that?" he asked.

"Well, for starters, in my time, men were a little more... confident. You seem to be a little unsure of what to make of this."

Stephen laughed, "Well, I"m sure a lot has changed in twenty five hundred years! Speaking of which, how did you get here? I mean, where are you originally from?"

"I was created deep within the heart of the peninsula men call Arabia. Are we not in Arabia now?" She asked, looking confused.

Stephen laughed again, "G.o.d, no! We are in Kansas, in the middle of the United States of America. Probably about as far away from Arabia that you can get!"

"Hmm, it would appear my portal has traveled some great distances. I wish I knew how I ended up so faraway from my homeland, but I have no recollection of what happens outside my portal," she mused.

"It must have gotten a little lonely in there?" He asked.

"A little," she admitted, quietly. "Although, time is mostly meaningless within my vessel. I will say though, that it is good to stretch for a change!" She kicked her legs and arms out for emphasis, letting out a soft giggle as she explored her s.p.a.ce.

Just watching her interact with the outside world was enough to keep a permanent smile on Stephen"s face. She was just so bubbly, and so full of life. He couldn"t design a better woman if he even tried, but then again, wasn"t that the whole point of her existence? To be everything he ever wanted?

"I have to say though, Master," she said, giving him a coy look. "I"m surprised you haven"t used any wishes yet."

Stephen felt himself getting red in the face at her suggestion. Would could he wish for? If he asked her to get on her knees and blow him, right here and right now, would she do it?

She looked at him, and Stephen could feel the weight of her words on his mind, "Yes, Master, I would do that if you asked."

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