Shadow Hack

Chapter 847: The Gathering of Ancient G.o.ds

Chapter 847: The Gathering of Ancient G.o.ds

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Unconsciously, the two men had already arrived at the door of the main hall, and the large gate opened, revealing the scenery inside. A pale-faced youth wearing extravagant clothes was sitting on the main seat while the clan patriarch Jiao Xiu was respectfully standing by his side. Apart from them, there was no one else in the entire hall, even the elders of Morrow Clan were not present.

“Ashmo pays respects to G.o.d father.”

Ashmo, who sat on the main seat, did not reveal the slightest emotion and maintained a poker face. He only looked at Asura from above and did not stand up, only nodding .

Asura carefully observed Ashmo with curiosity in his eyes. Although Ashmo had not properly greeted him with respect, there was no anger in his manner.

Everything was out in the open, and there was a mutual understanding between the two of them. Upon seeing each other, they were like father and son who had not seen each other in a long time. No fiery battle erupted.

“I haven’t descended to the mortal world for a long time, but I did not expect that you would change so much. When I created you at that time, you were the one who clung to me the most. Every time you felt sleepy, you would run to my room and lie by my side. As you grew older and bigger, you stopped being so close to me.”

Asura had a faint smile on his face while gesturing toward the sky.

Even after he finished speaking, Ashmo, who sat on the master seat, maintained the carefree att.i.tude and did not move.

“G.o.d father, people can change, so what to speak of us G.o.ds who possess boundless life?”

Asura nodded, indicating his approval. A hint of confusion appeared on his face and he slowly asked, “G.o.ds can also change. When I created you five, you were born as G.o.ds and possessed boundless life as well as authority. I handed over the entire Asura race to you to administer, so why did you do this?”

The topic changed, finally touching upon the crux of the matter.

Li Yunmu, standing by the side, sized up the pale complexion of Ashmo. When he heard Asura talk about ordinary matters, he felt his blood run cold. Although Asura appeared to be a harmless person, he was still the cruelest. His cold bloodedness was clearly seen from the fact that he had devoured the soul of his sister Ancient G.o.d Lakshmi, but was reminiscing at that moment like a warm father.

It was all a pretense!

When Ashmo heard the last words, a smile appeared on his face. As the son of Asura, he naturally knew what kind of person was his father. The Asura who appeared to be a warm father was fake, but at that moment, he was showing the true him.

“G.o.d father feels that eternal life and majestic position is sufficient to satisfy us?” he asked with a smile. “In this world, isn’t strength the most captivating thing? We are your sons, but we have been stuck as peak G.o.d. Ancient G.o.ds, master G.o.ds, and even true G.o.ds, we also want to see what is above the G.o.d realm.”

When Jiao Xiu who stood at Ashmo’s side heard those words, his skin broke out in gooseb.u.mps. Although their ancestor had brazenly revealed his ancient G.o.d presence and declared war against Asura, he should not be so audacious as to say that he wanted to see what was above the G.o.d realm in front of Asura.

“Now what I see and feel are completely different from what G.o.ds see and feel, and I sense even more formidable power coursing through my body. At this moment, G.o.ds seem like ants to me, and I can kill them with a flick of a finger,” Ashmo said without any worries.

He raised his hands in the air, and an ancient G.o.d presence erupted from him, instantly enveloping the residence of the entire Morrow Clan.

“Every time you advance above the G.o.d realm, its like covering the distance between heaven and earth. G.o.ds are only moles who can be crushed casually in the eyes of ancient G.o.ds while ancient G.o.ds are the same in the eyes of master G.o.ds. You said that every person possesses desire, which is why you all did such a thing. I can understand that,” Asura said in an indifferent tone with his gaze fixed on Ashmo.

“If G.o.d father can understand it, then it is for the best. If—”

A smile appeared on Ashmo’s face, but he was interrupted before he could finish.

“But Asura City is my domain. All the power of belief generated by the mortals here belongs to me. At that time, I divided it among the five of you because you were my sons. If I hadn’t given you anything, would you dare to feel angry? But now, you four sneakily stole my power of belief as if I don’t have any face!” Asura declare in an ice-cold tone.

He emitted a divine presence which was far more formidable than the one coming from Ashmo’s body. Instantly, the latter was completely suppressed. For a moment, all the living beings in the clan residence could feel the ancient G.o.d presence filled with anger.

Ashmo bore the brunt of it, and his face turned even paler, but he did not say anything. When Jiao Xiu standing by his side sensed the ancient G.o.d presence, his mind turned dizzy, and he felt his head spinning. After a few breaths, he returned to normal, but his back was covered in cold sweat.

The difference between G.o.ds and ancient G.o.ds was only one step, but that one step seemed unattainable.

Although he was a late stage G.o.d, his mind became unstable under the suppression of ancient G.o.d presence, and he felt a sensation of vertigo which had never happened before. If he had been in a battle of life and death and faced that sense of dizziness, he would have died the next instant.

It was simply terrifying!

A thought appeared in Jiao Xiu’s heart that perhaps G.o.d father was so formidable that even after joining hands, the four ancestors could still not be his enemy.

“Since you want to wait for your three brothers to come, I will wait here together with you. Let’s see whether you newly advanced ancient G.o.ds can contend with me. Also, it’s good to let the people of Asura city see who exactly is their heaven.”

Asura retrieved his ancient G.o.d presence, and a leather chair appeared out of nowhere. He lazily reclined on it while holding a cup of wine in his hand.

Ashmo looked at G.o.d father’s indifferent expression, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Even if the four of them had advanced to become ancient G.o.ds, they had no idea about G.o.d father’s strength. But from the instant they began stealing the power of belief, there was no opportunity for them to turn around. Now, either the situation in Asura City would change or they would die.

Jiao Xiu’s back was covered in cold-sweat, but he remained calmly standing behind Ashmo.

After a long time, the three ancient G.o.d presences from the other three clans approached Morrow Clan’s direction. Together with them were the elders and clan patriarchs of the three clans.

When the large group arrived at the gate of Morrow Clan while emitting a faintly discernible divine presence from their bodies, the scared guards at the gate immediately knelt down on the ground without saying anything.

The newcomers walked through the corridor, and the Morrow Clan’s descendants who saw them became fl.u.s.tered. Their legs instantly went soft.

Everyone became suspicious in their heart about what exactly was going on. The G.o.ds as well as ancient G.o.d ancestors of the three clans had arrived at Morrow Clan. Only city lord Ashbi was missing.

When the newcomers arrived in front of the main hall and looked at the back of the leather chair, their expressions somewhat tightened. The group was led by three youths wearing extravagant clothes with faces that displayed the vicissitudes of life.

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