Shadow Magus

Chapter 11

As Freya looked at the new information compiled by the A.I chip, she could not help but to recall the way the vice had started off his speech. It turns out that manipulating shadows was only one part of shadow magic.

Back in ancient times shadow magic was called by a name which was later forgotten with the pa.s.sage of time. What shadow magic is exactly has remained a mystery for a long time, but as of late new research has shown that shadow magic has something to do with the void.

Freya shook her head, she was getting lost in her thoughts when she had more important matters at hand. At the moment, she was listening to Logan who was currently teaching them what many viewed as their life goal.

"To become a magus, one must first reach the peak of a rank 2 apprentice. That is when one will possess enough spiritual force to form your spiritual core. Only when you have formed your spiritual core will you become a magus. As you all know spiritual force is used to control elemental particles which in turn gives the spell its power. To form a spell with your spiritual force is hard and inefficient. However, with a spiritual core as a medium it becomes much easier. Every spiritual core has an affinity with one element, meaning that if you used a spell of that element its power will be increased. What makes a magus different …"

Every student had to choose a teacher to study under. However, when it came to general knowledge, it was taught to everyone at the same time. Logan was not the one who were normally responsible for this but for some unknown reason he was the only one available at the moment.

Logan covered a lot of basic but important knowledge which were not normally available to people who did not have any connections to the magus community. Knowledge about magic were very restricted, especially for normal people.

"That will be all for today, remember to get your meditation technique before you leave." At once everyone got off their chairs and formed a line with Freya at the front seeing as she was the closest. On Logan"s table was a crystal ball which distorted the light that pa.s.sed through it.

As Freya put her hand on the crystal ball, information regarding a meditation technique entered directly into her mind, making it imposable to forget. The A.I chip quickly sorted out the information and presented it.

"This meditation technique is much better than the one I have been using so far. It is much better at rising my spiritual force then the one my family gave me." Freya suddenly had the urge to try it out."

As she was done she move aside to allow the next person to use the crystal ball and with quick steps she returned to her room. She locked the room and proceeded to sit in her bed, crossing her legs. She fallowed the instructions for the meditation technique and slowly felt her spiritual force becoming stronger.

Her progress had been very slow as of late and she had started to become worried about her future. Knowing that it was far from the end for her, she became excited and continued with her meditation.

She quickly lost track of time and when she finally opened her eyes she almost pa.s.sed out from exhaustion. Her eyes could only stay half opened and opening them any further was not possible, no matter how hard she tried.

Gritting her teeth to fight of the exhaustion she forced herself to stay awake. "A.I chip show me my stats". An emotionless voice sounded in her head.

[Beep! Freya Antoinette, profession magus apprentice rank 1, spiritual force 4.7, strength 2, agility, 2, vitality 2. Spiritual force increased by 0.12, effectiveness will decrease over time. Current condition: High fatigue. Recommended treatment: Sleep.]

Freya could only smile bitterly. "Are you making fun of me? At least my spiritual force increased but it does not look like the meditation technique can be used after becoming a magus. It might even lose its effectiveness before that."

Soon she felt her fatigue setting in and her eyes slowly closed as she fell on her back. The world was once again covered in darkness. However, as time pa.s.sed a small light appeared amidst the darkness. It slowly became bigger and the moment it reached the size of a small dot, the light became so bright that it could blind whomever saw it.

The light only lasted a moment and left as quickly as it came. But this time there was no darkness. Instead a forest was revealed with two figures far into the distance flying high above the clouds.

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