His heart like an agate with your print impress"d.

_Love"s Labour"s Lost_, Act ii, sc. 1, l. 236.

"Comedies", p. 127, col. B, line 62 (last).


I was never manned with an agate till now.

_II Henry IV_, Act i, sc. 2, l. 19.

"Histories", p. 76, col. B, line 10.


Agate-ring, pirke-stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue.

_I Henry IV_, Act ii, sc. 4, l. 78.

"Histories", p. 56, col. A, line 53.


In shape no bigger than an agate-stone On the forefinger of an alderman.

_Romeo and Juliet_, Act i, sc. 4, l. 55.

"Tragedies", p. 57, col. A, lines 20, 21.


Her amber hair for foul hath amber quoted.

_Love"s Labour"s Lost_, Act iv, sc. 3, l. 87.

"Comedies", p. 133, col. A, line 52.


With amber bracelets, beads, and all this knavery.

_Taming of the Shrew_, Act iv, sc. 3, l. 58.

"Comedies", p. 223, col. B, line 62.


Their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum.

_Hamlet_, Act ii, sc. 2, l. 201.

"Tragedies", p. 261, col. B, line 42.


Of his bones are coral made.

_The Tempest_, Act i, sc. 2, l. 397.

"Comedies", p. 5, col. A, line 54.


I saw her coral lips to move.

_Taming of the Shrew_, Act i, sc. 1, l. 179.

"Comedies", p.211, col. B, line 57.


There is more difference between thy flesh and hers than between jet and ivory.

_Merchant of Venice_, Act iii, sc. 1, l. 42.

"Comedies", p. 173, col. A, line 18.


What color is my gown of?--Black, forsooth: coal-black as jet.

_II Henry VI_, Act ii, sc. 1, l. 112.

"Histories", p. 126, col. B, line 61.


Two proper palfreys, black as jet, To hale thy vengeful waggon swift away.

_t.i.tus Andronicus_, Act v, sc. 2, l. 50.

"Tragedies", p. 49, col. B, line 7.


Her nose, all o"er embellished with rubies, carbuncles, sapphires.

_Comedy of Errors_, Act iii, sc. 2, l. 138.

"Comedies", p. 92, col. A, line 49.

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