Shaman’s Awakening

Chapter 4     Su Yuxin

Chapter 4     Su Yuxin


Jiang Han did not over think the matter, after considering it for a brief moment, he immediately gave his answer.

“It’s not that simple, if you are unable to cross the threshold within a year, you will no longer be able to do so, moreover the repercussions will not be light.” said the voice of the shadow.

“Repercussions?” Jiang Han hesitated, he did not consider this scenario. He imagined that this good fortune of his, which was frequently paralleled in fantasy novels where one would only thrive without failing. However, when it came to him, why was is that he had such severe conditions and consequences.

“The Shaman’s successor, there can only be one in existence. Now that you have fulfilled half of the conditions, you are considered half a successor. However, if you are unable to cross the threshold within a year, in order to ensure the continuation of the Shaman’s legacy, the only resolution is for you to die.” Jiang Han did not take what the shadow’s voice said lightly.

“I understand.” Jiang Han faintly replied. In any case, this legacy was something that he had to obtain no matter what. If this sort of fortuitous opportunity slipped by, then he would never get a second chance ever again. Be that as it may, the crux of the matter was that he was not in a position to reject the offer. This was because right now he was already considered half a successor, it essentially would not make a difference what his answer was, he actually did not really have a choice at all.

Jiang Han did not understand, but how could the shadow not. It seemed like he did not have a choice, but the fact was that he did. He could choose to accept or he could choose death, the significance of either decision wasn’t quite the same.


“Intriguing, there’s no need to say anymore.” As soon as he heard this, Jiang Han felt everything became bright and glaring, and it wasn’t long before he could no longer see anything clearly anymore then eventually he lost consciousness again.

“h.e.l.lo, are you okay?” Jiang Han’s ear detected a sweet feminine voice that woke him.

Jiang Han strive to open his eyes, but it was very heavy. After much effort, he was just barely able to open a slit in his eye. It took him awhile to orient himself and focus, and as he did, he saw the girl standing next to him. Her body bend forward to take a closer look at him, but his sight was still quite blurry and unclear.

His head was still a little dizzy, but it no longer hurt. Jiang Han raise his head up and gently shook it, slowly opening his eyes to finally a good look at the person standing before him.



“It’s you?” Jiang Han and the girl both exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

When they both saw each other’s face, they both had a blank expression on their face, and then suddenly they both started to laugh.

Previously, at the start of the school’s semester, Jiang Han met a girl struggling with her luggage on the train. She was trying to place her luggage onto the rack but she lacked the strength to do so, so he walked over and helped her out.

Jiang Han smiled when he was done helping the girl with her luggage, as it was just common courtesy and had helped her in pa.s.sing. It was just then that he finally notice the girl’s seat number. He looked down at his ticket to find that she was actually seated right next to his own seat.


He raised his head to find that the girl was already seated down, “what a coincidence.” Jiang Han muttered to himself. The girl smiled sweetly at him as he sat down right next to her.

“Nice to meet you.” Jiang Han was her senior and also a gentleman. He was no longer shy or bashful in front of a girl like a freshmen, and thus greeted her in a very natural manner.

“Thank you for helping.”

It’s was not difficult for them to get closer with each other on the journey, and the two of them chatted with each other the entire time. Jiang Han found out that this girl was from the same campus as him, a stone’s throw away from his faculty, moreover she had only just enrol and was a freshman, and thus had a lot to talk about between them.

The girl told Jiang Han that her name was Su Yuxin, and that she wanted to experience a train ride on a long distance trip. She then proceed to recount her adventure from the moment she left her house up to the point she was on the train. Jiang Han laughed out loud a couple of times as her story was rather humorous.

It was an inexplicable feeling, but when Su Yuxin saw Jiang Han for the first time, she felt a sense of mysterious intrigue. After interacting with him for a while, she realise that her feelings were right, this man in front of her had a very pleasant aura about him. It wasn’t difficult for someone to relax and be comfortable around him.

A few hours into the journey, with this being the first time Su Yuxin’s day had been so hectic, she was no longer able to fight off her drowsiness. It was like her top and bottom eye lids were starting to fight with each other, her head begin to gently nod until finally she felt asleep. Without her realising, while she slept her head was resting on Jiang Han’s shoulder.

This incident could be considered as headline material, the t.i.tle was probably “Pervert! Senior student took advantage of a sleeping female freshman and … …”. Jiang Han however did not find it hard to imagine the true following sentence to that headline, “the Senior did absolutely nothing.” It was definitely the only possible outcome.

There was a hint of her body scent and shampoo fragrance in the air. Looking at her face, the shape of her eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth was beautifully proportioned. In conjunction with her snow like alluring neckline, Jiang Han understood then, the difficulty in keeping his thoughts straight without harbouring any ill intent.

After getting off the train, Jiang Han guide her to the campus and accompanied her to complete her orientation. Nevertheless, after she settled down, he had to get back to his studies as he led a very busy life, and thus no longer had any contact with Su Yuxin, that is, until today.

“Senior, what happened, are you okay?” Su Yuxin said softly. Earlier Jiang Han had his head lowered as he sat on the flowerbed so she wasn’t able to recognise him then,. Despite that she still wanted to help him but did not dare to approach too close.

“I just accidentally fell, its nothing.” With regards to everything that had just happened, Jiang Han naturally wouldn’t simply tell anyone. A secret of this magnitude, he did not need anyone to remind him that this was not something that should be told to others.

Subsequently Jiang Han tried to get up, but he struggle to get on his feet. His head felt heavier and a little strenuous, however it was not to the extent that he could not stand up.

Jiang Han’s height when he stood up straight was about 1.8m (6 foot) and he was just about taller than Su Yuxin by a bit. He looked at Su Yuxin full of curiosity, “Junior sister, what are you doing here?”

“I live nearby, it’s quite normal for me to be here.” Su Yuxin gleefully said.

“Ah, I see. I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you live in this area.” Jiang Han felt a little embarra.s.sed, his expression turned a little dark. That’s right, she live nearby, of course it wouldn’t be weird for her to be here, the only weird person was himself.

“Its fine, I’ve never told you where i lived before, it’s only natural that you don’t know.” Because the lamp light was quite dim, Su Yuxin didn’t seem to notice the change in Jiang Han’s expression.

“Let’s go Senior, let me buy you dinner.” Su Yuxin spoke again without waiting for Jiang Han to respond.

“No way, I should be the one to… …” Jiang Han refuse without even thinking. For him to have his junior treat him to a meal was not appropriate, it would be too embarra.s.sing.

However, when he thought about his empty pockets, Jiang Han couldn’t help mutter the other half of his sentence. This helplessness was extremely frustrating.

“You’re here in my area, it’s only natural that the host treats his guest, do you not agree?” Su Yuxin said with a smile. She was insistent and her words did not allow Jiang Han the opportunity to refuse.

Since he left the hospital, he had absolutely zero income. After aimlessly walking around for so long, he was now exceedingly hungry, and therefore accepted her invitation without any further hesitation. Jiang Han clenched his first, and reminded himself that this sort of situation must not be allowed to happened ever again.


Su Yuxin brought Jiang Han to a homely looking restaurant that had a pretty good atmosphere about it, sat down and ordered some dishes. Su Yuxin told Jiang Han that she ordered all the delicious dishes on the menu for him to savour.

In this unfamiliar city, he could still feel a little warmth in his heart right now. It seemed that as long as he was alive, there would always be hope.

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