Shaman’s Awakening

Chapter 17     Man with the Golden Chain

Chapter 17     Man with the Golden Chain

Jiang Han could not answer the voice, it had precisely strike his Achilles heel. Although he wasn’t completely inexperience, but he had been single since junior high. He really had been single for too long that he’s now a geek.

“Aren’t I asking for your help right now?” Jiang Han spoke frankly without any pretence. Although he was an idealistic green horn, he was still interested in learning the ways into a girl’s heart.

The latest top web search “courting girls” made it sound like mysterious and complicated but in essence it was just understanding the way a woman’s mind worked and then applying it onto some form of mind game. The voice from before wasn’t blindly guessing and that’s why he surmise that this person must be quite the expert on the matter.

“Since you have showed such sincerity to learn, then I will be magnanimous and teach you a little something. Now listen up, next time when you are faced with this type of question, there’s no need to rack your brains over it, just use your legs instead. When a woman brings two items over for your opinion on the best;

‘They both looked good’ or ‘you look good in anything’ this sort of empty and insincere amorous lines are the sort of answers that she would hate to hear. If you were to answer as such, then you would lose points when it came to her impression of you.

If you are able to tell which of the item she truly likes more, then that would be the best. But when it comes to a woman’s heart, the difficulty in guess the right answer is similar to guessing the jackpot lottery numbers. But there’s no need to panic, the best course of action is to simply pick one.

If you’re curious why, then this is because when she brought the two items to you to pick, she had basically already decided that she was fine with either choices. She merely asked you out of courtesy, whatever you answer may be, it will not be the wrong one. You just can’t picked both or refrain from choosing at all.”

The voice broke his question down and answered him logically and reasonably. Everything the voice said made rational and logical sense. Jiang Han could not refute any of the voice’s reasoning and was fully convinced. This was the first time he discovered the existence of such knowledge.

“This works?” Jiang Han was a little shocked inside. He was currently cultivating the Heavenly Mystic Abyss Sutra and therefore his spiritual awareness was a lot stronger. It felt like his mind’s a.n.a.lytical and reasoning capabilities had greatly improved. He dissected the voice’s words and after a.n.a.lysing it, he found that it completely conforms to a woman’s logic.

“What do you mean this works, you brat could learn a thing or two. If you wish to bring a beautiful girl home, I don’t think you will be able to make it on your own. You’ll need my help.” The voice was quite pompous, and this sort of alt.i.tude did not seem like it was faked.

Jiang Han was about to respond, when he noticed Su Yuxin walking over with shopping bags in hand.

“Help her with the bags, do it quick, and act natural.”

Jiang Han heard the voice and was slightly stunned for a brief second before he understood what the voice meant. Even though he was somewhat doubtful, but he still did as he was told. He took a step forward in Su Yuxin direction and stretch his hand out to help her with the bags of clothes that she had just bought.

However, he only knew the theory and was completely inexperience in real life with the actual physical action. Jiang Han’s movement was stiff and unnatural, and did not looked like he was offering Su Yuxin his help, instead it looked like he wanted to rob her.

“Humph, give a dog a bone and even it would have done a better job. How is it that when it comes to you it becomes this difficult.” The voice’s tone gave off a disappointed and sad feeling.

Jiang Han was about to rebuke the voice, but then it seem he notice his own stiff and unnatural actions, and so did Su Yuxin. She looked at Jiang Han and suddenly laughed out loud, then pa.s.sed the bag of clothes to Jiang Han on her own initiative.

“Senior, so you were this thoughtful, haha.” Su Yuxin said while Jiang Han’s face turned a bright red. He didn’t know how to respond and so he just smiled awkwardly.

“Still got the b.a.l.l.s to laugh. This is unbelievable. With such thick face and yet only at this level. How shameful, too shameful.” The unknown voice said, while seemingly smacking his lips continuously.

Jiang Han was originally clueless in this department and he was now constantly berated by the voice which made him even more confuse as to what he did wrong. Su Yuxin saw that Jiang Han was embarra.s.sed and did not continue teasing him.

“Let’s go grab something to eat. I know a place nearby which serves the best steak you’ll ever have.” Su Yuxin said to change the topic.

“It’s about time too, let’s go.” Jiang Han naturally did not refuse and quickly replied back.

As the both of them was about to walked out of the clothing store, two person suddenly walked in. One of them was a young lady who was dressed extravagantly with thick make-up on and her hands were wrapped around the arms of the man next to her.

The man’s head was smooth and shiny, like it was just waxed, and it shone even brighter than a light bulb. The man’s figure was quite sumptuous, and around his neck hung a gold chain that was as thick as his thumb. With his neck covered in shiny jewellery, it made him look vulgar.

With the getup, he either had horrible taste or he was a parvenu. With regards to these sort of people, Jiang Han completely detest and even Su Yuxin who was from a wealthy and prominent family found them to be repulsive. However, each to their own, they could not control what other people liked and disliked.

Neither Jiang Han nor Su Yuxin were immature angry youths. They’ve saw all sorts and all types of people come and go. Even if they did dislike it they could still respect a person’s choice, they just had to avoid the person, there was no need to get into a dispute.

However, the moment the man with the gold chain walked in and laid eyes on Su Yuxin, he could not take his eyes off her. He completely disregard the disapproving looks he was getting from the by standers and kept ogling at Su Yuxin.

The unnatural gaze made Su Yuxin extremely uncomfortable. However, since the man had not violated any laws, she could not do nothing about it. Jiang Han naturally witness the whole incident, but he had just accepted the shaman’s legacy not too long ago, and he had yet to complete his transformation into a proper cultivator. Faced with this situation, he was still unable to properly step into the mindset of a cultivator to find a solution.

The man with the gold chain noticed Su Yuxin’s upset expression and dry laughed. He brought the young lady by his side into the store, “This row, that row, wrap it all up for me.”

The store attendant was shocked and thought he had misheard, and could only stare blankly at the man with the gold chain.

“What are you doing standing there like an idiot, hurry up.” The man with the gold chain furrowed his eyebrows. He naturally wasn’t polite with these ordinary store employees.

“The lady by the door, as it is said, fate has brought us together, and er, I’ve forgotten the rest. My point is that I’m happy to have met you, why don’t you pick one of these handbags, treat it as my gift to you.” The man with the gold chain said to Su Yuxin who was leaving the store.

With no regards to the expression of the young lady by his side, the man with the gold chain once again started ogling at Su Yuxin. Even though the young lady was obviously upset by the man’s action but in the end she still chose to say nothing. After all, where else would she find such a rich big spending sugar daddy.

“Hey brat, go ahead. It’s your turn to make a move, why don’t you buy the entire store for your girl.” If one heard what the man said, one wouldn’t hesitate to give him a big fat slap across his face.

Su Yuxin’s whole body shivered, she was clearly provoked. She turned around and inadvertently made brief eye contact with Jiang Han. In that moment, it had to be said that she was quite frustrated and disappointed with Jiang Han’s performance. However, she quickly calmed down, after all with Jiang Han’s background and ident.i.ty, he wouldn’t be able to do anything about the current situation.

She briefly gave the man with the gold chain a fierce glare, “Let’s go”

After she said that, she turned around and walked away quickly. Jiang Han was worried about her and quickly ran to catch up with her.

“Humph, what a beggar.” The man with the gold chain snorted and even though he wasn’t very loud but Jiang Han still clearly heard what the man said.

Jiang Han shocked his head without a word. If he were to get into a fight, he still needed to clearly differentiate his opponents. For example, if he were to compete in an eating compet.i.tion with a pig, would the result of this compet.i.tion even matter?

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