Shaman’s Awakening

Chapter 2     The Strange Old Taoist

Chapter 2     The Strange Old Taoist

Aimlessly walking down the street, Jiang Han himself had no idea where to go. He was surrounded by numerous tall apartments, yet he was without a house; the streets are bustling with people, yet he had no place to call home.

Looking around him, the street lamps cast shadows in pairs. Within the whole city, it looked like Jiang Han was the only one alone. His mood wasn’t great to begin with, considering his current living situation, he couldn’t help but get a little depress.

Jiang Han let out a sigh, gave his face a dry wipe and tried to life his spirit up. The current situation was irrevocable, as such, the only thing one can do is to move forward, however, it was easier said than done to have an open mind and to be optimistic.

Jiang Han’s steps were unsteady as he slowly made his way back to the small room that he rented. Even though he was a medical student that graduated with honours, he knew very well that in his current state of mind, he couldn’t do anything about his current situation at this moment.

With the way things are, Jiang Han certainly wouldn’t be able to get paid for the month. He reached into his pocket and found nothing, he was penniless and he didn’t even know if he was going to be able to eat tonight. He looked really bitter, his dreams and his reality were too far apart.

He tried to be optimistic, but the more he thought about his situation, he could only feel a sense of hopelessness. If news about him were to reach his family, even though he did what he did for justice and integrity and that his parents would have definitely supported his decision, but the reality was that he had failed his residency. It felt like his degree was a complete waste of time and money, and without obtaining his residency certification, it would all be in vain.

With his current situation, he felt that he had let down his parents who had endured many hardships to put him through university. Furthermore, what was he going to do now? Forget dreaming about overcoming adversity and climbing the career ladder, he now had to worry about his meals and keeping a roof over his head.

The notion of not having regrets would only serve to clear his conscience, however in reality, his livelihood was at risk and he was backed into a corner. Was it worth it and should he have done what he did was something he started to doubt.

Letting out a long sigh, Jiang Han caught the sound of running water nearby. Without realising, he had walked towards the big river inside the city, the lights from the lamps were reflected on the water surface, leaving the other areas in complete darkness.

“Other than increasing the burden on my parents, what is the point of living?” Jiang Han was rather depress, unexpectedly he thought about taking the easy way out. The more he thought about it, the more he felt like that was his only choice. His life on earth had became meaningless and redundant, death would be a release.

“Do you really want to die so badly?” Jiang Han suddenly heard a voice say.

His heart skipped a beat, Jiang Han turned around to find an old man with a goatee. The old man was holding a piece of white cloth which had “Fortune Teller” written on it. It sounds like the old man was speaking to him, but his eyes weren’t looking at him at all.

“Are you talking to me?” Jiang Han turned around and walked towards the old man.

“Is there someone else here?” The old man turned and look at him haughtily.

If the old Taoist hadn’t spoken and interrupted him, in that frame of mind, Jiang Han would had probably gone through with it. Jiang Han who has now awoken from his stupor wanted to slap himself in the face. How could he have such nonsensical thoughts, he really shouldn’t have.

It could be said that this old Taoist was a little too pompous, was it possible that he was actually a genuinely talented fortune teller. That was the only explanation that Jiang Han could think of, and yet he couldn’t help but be vigilant of the old man.

When Jiang Han was aimlessly walking around dispirited on the street, this old Taoist had already notice him. At first glance, the old Taoist could see that there was something different about him. He had a certain disposition about him that essentially exudes a warm and approachable feeling, and so he paid a little more attention on him.

With the old Taoist instantly restoring his psyche, Jiang Han was elated but he didn’t make a sound. He walked towards him and stopped right in front of him before speaking.

The old man was quiet, and Jiang Han became a little more solemn.

“Sir, is there something I can help you with?”  Jiang Han politely ask, for a complete stranger to help him out, regardless of how you put it, the man could be said to be his saviour, he wouldn’t be rude.

“Naturally there is something.” The old Taoist said smilingly while nodding, the more he look at Jiang Han, the more pleasant he looked.

This old Taoist was really capable, when he saw Jiang Han’s state, he calculated his fate and understood his current situation. Moreover, after what just happened, Jiang Han still had the mind to be polite and considerate, it only spoke of the kindness of his heart.

“Sir, if there is something bothering you, please do let me know. If I am able to, I will not hesitate to help.” Jiang Han did not expect the old Taoist to be so straightforward, however since he had already offered his help, it was unreasonable for him to reject the old Taoist.

“Kowtow on your knees, and I will bestow upon you a great fortune.” As the old Taoist spoke, he did so loftily.

“Ah?”  Jiang Han was shocked, he thought he had misheard. “Sir, what, what did you say?”

The old Taoist shook his head, with a big smile on his face. It seem he was in quite a good mood, “Young people are so youthful, don’t get overly excited, this is just the beginning… …”

“Sir, please don’t make fun of me, if there is nothing else then I shall make a move.” Before the old Taoist could finish his sentence, Jiang Han cut hit off. He was sure he did not mishear and therefore felt that there was no need to continue listening.

The old Taoist spoke as if he had watch one too many TV shows. He could already imagine what the old Taoist would say next, that the great fortune he mentioned was probably some 10 yuan copy of the “Buddha’s Palm” or “Sunflower Manual”.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, Jiang Han wouldn’t mind a little charity, however his current situation was such that even if he turned his pockets inside out, he still did not have a single yuan to give him. Even though he had the heart, but he was powerless to do anything about it, he could only apologise and leave.

“Stop.” Jiang Han turned around to leave after he spoke, but the old Taoist’s yell stopped him in his tracks.

He saunter in front of Jiang Han with his hand’s clasped behind his back while sizing him up, “You thought that I was a swindler, didn’t you?”

That was more or less what he was thinking on the inside, but he could not admit to it out loud, it would be hurtful. Instead, Jiang Han smiled and wave his hand, “Sir, you are overthinking it. I’m just not in the best state of mind and would not like for it to affect your mood and therefore decided to leave first”

“Don’t act the fool, do not think that I do not know what you youngster are thinking. I do not have anything like the “Buddha’s Palm”, I only have the Shaman’s Legacy. Your luck is pretty good, you have a Wu Spiritual Root, therefore have the qualification to accept this legacy, other people should just forget about it” The tone of the old Taoist’s voice changed. Jiang Han was no different from a piece of gla.s.s, he could not hide any of his thoughts from the old Taoist.

Jiang Han was amazed yet again, he had admiration for this old Taoist’s capabilities. However, what he said was absolutely unbelievable and far-fetch, anymore and it could be made into a novel.

“Sir, I am really not in the mood. I’m sorry, I’ll leave first.” Jiang Han did not take anything the old Taoist said to heart. It wasn’t just him, no one would believe what he had just heard, and he really wasn’t in the mood to joke around with the old man.

“You brat, this great fortune is not something even an immortal could obtain, and yet you actually don’t believe? You you you…… you’re really killing me.” The old Taoist huff indignantly. He thought that this was in the bag, and that he only had to mention a great fortune then Jiang Han would eagerly get on his knees and kowtow.

But the reality wasn’t so, Jiang Han actually did not believe him one bit, and this piqued the old Taoist’s curiosity.

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