Shaman’s Awakening

Chapter 22 The Way of the Shaman

Chapter 22 The Way of the Shaman

“No, I refuse.” Jiang Han bit down and replied. No one knew how he struggled internally, but that was not important as he finally made his decision.

“Ha? What did you say? You you you, I’ll give you the chance to properly reconsider your answer.” The little worm opened his mouth wide, clearly indicating that he could not understand the reasoning behind Jiang Han’s decision.

“I’ll say it again, I’m not giving it up.” Jiang Han answered again without any hesitation, he was firm with his decision.

The little worm was evidently feeling apprehensive, “How about this, I’ll add on another benefit. No matter which pretty woman you meet, you just need to let Big Brother here know and I’ll guide you step by step to court her. I’ll let you personally experience the thrill of the conquest, furthermore this benefit is available to you for life. What do you think?”

It seemed like the little worm was quite determined on the matter and it finally included this condition into his offer. It felt like the worm had made a huge compromise.

“No way, no matter what you say, I won’t give it up.” Jiang Han resolutely rejected the little worm’s offer. He had thought it through, perhaps the little worm’s offer was genuine and it wasn’t just deceiving him. If he were to accept the offer, he would likely be able to live a life of leisure, easily satisfy his every need and would also be able to obtain anything his hearts desired.

But what would be the point of that? We only live once and by accepting that offer, life will no longer have a purpose and there would be nothing to work towards. Obtaining everything without effort would probably feel amazing in the short-term, but it will not stand the test of time. Eventually all that’s left would be emptiness and Jiang Han did not want that.

“Aih, where did you get that wooden brain of yours. How frustrating, you actually picked the wrong answer to such a simple question.” The little worm said as he pointed at Jiang Han and shook his head.

No matter what the little worm said, Jiang Han would not agree, the Shaman’s Legacy was just too important. He had thoroughly thought about the matter and realised that the legacy was his chance to break out of the sh.e.l.l and become extraordinary, he could not bring himself to give up on this opportunity. Even if he was eventually unable to obtain the full qualification for the complete legacy by the end of the one year dateline, then he could only say that he was not destined to.

If he were to choose to give up on his own volition, then that would be a reflection on the change to his own nature and character. It could be said that Jiang Han’s mindset was in the right direction. When a person inherits a legacy, the most important element would no longer be the actual legacy, instead it was the inheritor that was critical. The various magical skills and techniques were no more than a means to an end, it was the inheritor himself, along with his intent, beliefs and Dao that was paramount.

“Forget it, a brat like you won’t know what’s good for you until it’s too late. You better not a.s.sume that it would be easy to meet the legacy’s requirements. If you are not able to convert Qi Refining into Body Refining within a year, then death is but an inch away.” The little worm let out a sigh, if he could take the legacy by force then he would have already done so, but he was helpless due to certain rules and restriction and therefore could only resort to such a roundabout way to obtain it.

“I know that it would be tough, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I don’t at least give it a try. There’s no need to speak on the matter anymore, once I’ve decided on something I will not change my mind. On the other hand, I’m interested to know what you plan to do with the Shaman’s Legacy if you were to obtain it.” Jiang Han was resolute and he would not accept the little worm’s offer no matter what.

“Sigh, that’s fine. you’ll understand once you personally experience it. Since you and I are fated to meet, Big Brother, I would bestow upon you a piece of good fortune. Any point in time before you received the complete legacy, if you feel that you cannot succeed, even at the last possible moment, you can call on me. The aforementioned offer along with all the benefits will still be available to you. My pursuit of this legacy had brought me to the brink of insanity, whatever you do, do not let this legacy disappear into oblivion.” The little worm shook his head just like how a human would.

“As for myself, humph, if I told you about me then it would scared you silly. So let’s not talk about it.” The little worm snorted, he’s bearing was rather pompous.

From his conversation with the little worm, he found out that its name was Taling. He did not tell Jiang Han about his origins as he said that Jiang Han currently did not have the qualifications to know about such secrets. He also emphasized that he wasn’t  joking and that Jiang Han would be strike by lightning within seconds if he did.

This was what ‘Heaven’s secrets should not be leaked’ meant. When Jiang Han previously heard this sentence, he thought that it was just another prevaricated excuse or perhaps the person himself did now know the answer and deliberately mystified the matter to hide the truth. However, now that he looked at it, maybe there actually was an inconceivable existence somewhere dictating everything.

Taling even told Jiang Han, that until he officially received the Shaman’s Legacy qualification test, he would stay by his side. If Jiang Han were to encounter a fatal situation, then he could extend his hand to help in exchange for the legacy.

“If I actually succeed and obtain the complete legacy, what then?” Jiang Han asked at this point into the conversation.

Taling’s expression suddenly stiffen up. When he heard Jiang Han’s question, he was seemingly deep in thought, “If you really are able to successfully inherit the complete legacy, then I hope you can promise me one thing.”

Jiang Han was caught off guard. Since he met the little worm, he had yet to see the little worm’s serious side and therefore was a little taken aback by this unexpected change.

“What is it?”

“It’s pointless to tell you now, we’ll take about it when the time comes. Perhaps I would have changed my mind then.” Taling curled his lips, raised his head and looked up as if he was able to see through tens of levels of floors and ceiling and into the sky.

Just like this, Jiang Han gained the company of a little worm by his side, Taling.

Jiang Han didn’t know how strong Taling’s cultivation level was, but as for his “girl courting” talents, Taling had already claimed to be unmatched in this field and that he alone was unsurmountable under the heavens.

In his eyes, all those self-proclaimed pick-up artist were merely novices compared to him and that it would be incredibly easy for him to conquer the streets. Jiang Han knew that his boast was probably exaggerated but he also knew that he was undoubtedly an expert on the matter.

It did not seem like such a bad thing with such a worm by his side. At the very least, it was rather beneficial when it came to interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, if he really encountered a helpless situation, then at least he had something to fall back on even if he had to give up the legacy.

After this, Jiang Han began his closed-door training. He began to a.n.a.lyse and research the mult.i.tude of information from the Shaman’s Legacy in his mind, combing through all the ancient medical knowledge and skills that he previously had contact with and cultivation methods.

Within all these information and knowledge, anything directly related with ‘Shamanism’ was restricted and out of his reach. This was the core secret of the Shaman’s Legacy and without obtaining the required qualifications, he had no accessed to it.

Based on what he learnt from the legacy, there were no distinction between shamanism and medicine. ‘Shamanism’ and ‘Medicine’ complemented each other and was basically the same thing. It wouldn’t be impossible if one were to separate them but then the true essence of a Shaman would be incomplete and it would be difficult to achieve perfection.

The way of the shaman encompa.s.s Chinese medicine knowledge and techniques and it was applicable now just as it was in ancient times. Its principles were universal and profound, even if it was something small and insignificant like a mustard seed. One had to spend an enormous amount of time to understand the entire legacy and therefore, if Jiang Han really obtain the complete legacy, he needed to patiently and thoroughly research everything and he would also require a long life span in order to do so.

This was partly the reason why the way of a Shaman included Immortal Cultivation. Within this legacy there were many magical skills and techniques that had long exceeded an ordinary human’s limitations, its principles were also beyond the understanding of ordinary mortals. That is to say, that cultivation was equally important and could not be ignored.

This was a lifelong journey and while Jiang Han did not know if his predecessors had reach the apex, but now that he had stepped on this path, all he could do was continue down the path laid down by his predecessors. He first had to advance until the end and stand at the apex before he would be able to see an even broader horizon.

This world of Shaman’s was bound to be incomparably interesting and exquisite.

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