She Become Sweet and Cuddly : Chapter 09

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Today daily chapter~
Chapter 9
Different from his deep hiding, the little guy was very excited. She took his mother hand and said: "So Mom"s going to come back and live with us?"
Lin Qingqing nodded.
The little guy was happier, and the smile on his face seemed to bloom: "So, would you like me and Dad to go and help Mom tidy up things now, ok? Go home tonight."
Lin Qingqing squatted down, rubbed his little face with her palm and said: "Mommy needs to sort out things not only for my usual use, but also for my heart. Mommy will be back tomorrow, and you can see me after school tomorrow."
Although the child was disappointed, he is happy that his mother want to go home with them and finally agreed.
Yi Zeyan said: "The child and I will take you back."
Lin Qingqing said: "No need, I can go back by myself."
She said goodbye to the little guy, ride on her scooter and go home.
She had already spoken to her sister, who was very happy to learn that she was going back, and she had the illusion that she had been abandoned.
In fact, Lin Qingqing was shocked when she knew she was married and had children. After all, she was still a college student a few months ago, she had just finished her 20th birthday, she was in her prime and was a long way from her to get married and have children.
What"s more, she"s married to a completely unfamiliar man.
At first, she was reluctant to accept this fact, but then when she calmed down, her mind was full of Xiao Yuan"s lost expression when he bowed his head and said that his mother hated him, and in memory fragments, the scene when he came up to her and said to her in a soft waxy voice, mommy, don"t cry , and that he was pitiful when he was burned to the point where he was crying aloud.
When she first met Xiao Yuan, she envied the family that had such a lovely and sensible child, but now the child has become her. At the beginning, she was shocked. At the same time, she also had a faint feeling of luck.
He is her child and her little flesh and blood, don"t know why she didn"t like him before, but now she likes him, seeing his white and lovely face makes the mother"s love inside her burst out, Whether it"s the overflow of Virgin Mary"s heart or a girl"s instinctive mother"s love at work, she would like to be beside the child and accompany him to grow up.
So she decided to be his mother.
She wanted to make up for what she had done to him.
Lin Qingqing did not sleep well that night, and woke up early the next day. The door of the restaurant had not yet opened. Lin Qingqing and his sister went to open the door together, and her sister told her something similar to saying that don"t be petulant after returning. It is not easy for Zeyan to take the children alone over the years.
Lin Qingqing also responded obediently.
The rolling door was slowly pushed up, only to find a black car parked beside the road. A man was smoking at the side of the car, hearing the sound of opening the door, he turned his head and looked at it. Then he immediately put out the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the garbage can.
Lin Zhenzhen laughed and said: "He came very early."
Today, he is wearing a black, black shirt and black suit. The windbreaker is also black.The clothes are simple in design and well cut, giving a solemn feeling, and the dignified black seemed to strengthen his aura.
When he came over, it seemed like a gust of wind was coming and Lin Qingqing subconsciously startle.
"I"ll help you with your things." He came up and said to her.
Lin Qingqing is awed by this man. His aura is too much. Even if he smiles, it is enough to frighten her, she hung her head and said: "Come with me."
With that, she went in first. There was a small building at the back of the restaurant. She and her sister lived there. The building was very wide. It used to be a large family lived there. Now that she lived with her sister, the building looked a little too empty.
She walked in front of him and he was one step behind. The feeling of being at a loss when facing him was really annoying. She felt that she was all uncomfortable.
Clearly he was a strange man before yesterday, but now he is her husband. This feeling is really subtle.
She came out with two luggages, one bigger and one smaller, and she said to him: "You take the big one, I"ll take the small one."
Unexpectedly, he took off the windbreaker and handed it to her. Lin Qingqing took it in a daze, but saw him pick the two luggages and go outside.
He looked solemn and meticulous, and every detail of his body was full of the smell of a n.o.ble son who had only to open one"s mouth to be fed and hold out one"s hands to be dressed. So at the moment he was doing these rough jobs, giving people a feeling that they were completely out of place with him, and Lin Qingqing cannot help but be dazed. But his strength was really great, and he could stand up straight with such a heavy load.
When putting things into the trunk, Lin Qingqing was about to pull open the door to get on the car, but Yi Zeyan pulled open the pa.s.senger door and rushed her: "Sit here."
Lin Qingqing: "......"
It turned out that he was driving by himself today. Lin Qingqing thanked him and sat down in the car. She remembered that his clothes were still in her arms and said to him: "Do you want to put on your clothes first?"
"No need, you hold it first." He started the car and left.
About 40 minutes" drive, Lin Qingqing was a bit bored. Of course, the most important thing was that when she faced Yi Zeyan alone, she felt somehow nervous, so she simply played with her cell phone to kill time. She just glanced at him out of the corner of her eye only to see a smile hanging on his lip.
He seems to be in a good mood.
The car drove all the way to Si "an District, which is a suburb of Si "an District. There is a place called "Tianhu Villa Field". This is a villa area. The greening is very good, and several artificial lakes are scattered in the villa community. This should be developed in recent years, because in Lin Qingqing"s memory, here is still a wasteland.
Before the car drove to a villa, the wall on the right side of the villa gate was inlaid with a stone tablet with the word "Yi". A person wearing an ap.r.o.n looked like a maid opened the door and the car slowly drove in, didn"t expect the villa to have its own front yard and backyard. In a place like Beicheng, even in the suburbs, it would cost a lot of money to buy such a villa.
Yi Zeyan stopped the car in the garage. Lin Qingqing noticed that there were about 20 cars large and small in the garage. Although she was not very familiar with the car logo, she could see that none of these cars were cheap.
After her father made his fortune in the hotel, he also bought a villa and bought a few good cars, but there was still a lot of gap compared with what was in front of her.
Two maids came up and asked respectfully if they needed help to carry things. Yi Zeyan asked them to carry her luggage.
Yi Zeyan took her directly to the second floor. The two maids had already helped her carry her luggage to her room. Now they were standing at the door waiting for instructions.
Yi Zeyan rushed at her and said: "This is your room."
Lin Qingqing walked into the room. The room was s.p.a.cious and tidy. The window was facing the lake. There were also two white storks drinking water on the lake. The scenery was as beautiful as a painting.
The room in the memory fragments seems to be here, so this room is not too strange to her.
However, depending on the situation, her relationship with Yi Zeyan should not be very good and she should sleep in separate rooms. Of course, this is better for her.
Yi Zeyan introduced the two maids to her again. The thin, slightly cleaner looking maid, Wen Sao, was specially responsible for buying and cooking food. The slightly fatter, slightly looking maid, Hui Yi, was specially responsible for cleaning. There is also a gardener who works once a week.
"This is your home. You can do whatever you like." Yi Zeyan said to her again.
Standing here, Lin Qingqing still feels like a dream but not a dream, so when she hears Yi Zeyan"s words, she just nods in dismay. Yi Zeyan gave a few more words and left. There were still things to be dealt with in his company, and the work to familiarize her with the environment was handed over to Hui Yi and Wen Sao.
The house has three floors. The first floor is the kitchen, living room, dining room and two guest rooms. The servants live here. The second floor is a bedroom and a studio, the third floor is only half, there is an attic, and there is a large balcony dedicated to drying clothes.
There is a courtyard behind the house. There are lakes and pavilions and rockeries in the courtyard. It feels like an ancient garden. Although it is a combination of Chinese and Western gardens, it is also very harmonious and does not give people a sense of incomparability. After familiarizing her with the room, the maid auntie drove her to familiarize herself with the surrounding environment. There are several communities not far from here, and there are all kinds of supplies. When Lin Qingqing pa.s.sed a stationery store, she bought one when she saw a jigsaw puzzle.
After returning home, the aunts went to do their own things. Lin Qingqing walked alone in the villa. Even though she had been familiar with it for half a day, she still felt incredible walking in this strange place. She really didn"t think she had lived here all these years.
After sighing, she went back to her room, the aunts were all busy. She had nothing to do and was a little awkward. Hui Yi ironed clothes in the laundry room on the third floor. Lin Qingqing went in and rushed to her and said: "You"ve been busy for so long today. Just leave it to me here."
Hui Yi seemed a little strange, but she didn"t ask much, hesitated for a moment and finally agreed.
Lin Qingqing took the iron and began ironing it. After ironing it, she found out that it was Yi Zeyan"s shirt. She just wanted to let the aunt have a rest and didn"t think much about it. At the moment she saw Yi Zeyan"s shirt spread out in front of her eyes, but she felt unable to start.
Lin Qingqing was a little uncomfortable and felt a little hot on her face. However, she immediately comforted herself and ironed the clothes, just iron it, it was nothing.
Yi Zeyan went home a little earlier. He went upstairs. The door of her room and the door of her workshop were open. She was not inside.
Yi Zeyan went to the third floor, but saw the door of the laundry room open. There was a large balcony over there, full of sunshine, and the rich sunshine leaked in, shining brightly inside. He saw a figure inside, and went there subconsciously.
The aunts are clearly downstairs. Is she the one inside? What is she doing in the laundry room?
Yi Zeyan walked to the door and saw the person inside at a glance. She was standing inside with her hair tied randomly to the back of her head. There were two strands of hair not tied to her ear, touching her cheek with the wind.
She was wearing a loose plaid shirt and jeans, very simple and casual clothes, now she was standing in the halo, such clothes gave her a kind of virtuous and gentle feeling.
Gentle? This was something he had never seen on her after marriage.
He glanced at the table, there was his shirt on it, she was ironing his clothes?
For a moment, Yi Zeyan suspected that he had seen an illusion, he put his hand on the side of his body and pinched it on his thigh, he could feel the pain.
This is not an illusion.
She is really ironing his clothes.
The woman who was disgusted with him and forbade him to come near for half a meter was ironing his clothes.
Lin Qingqing soon felt that someone was approaching, and she subconsciously looked up and saw Yi Zeyan standing at the door. He looked at her very intently, and his deep and fierce eyes became blurred.
He was very tall, standing at the door immediately gave her a sense of oppression, she was a little overwhelmed and asked him: "Why did you come back so early?"
"Are you ... ironing my clothes?" He asked.
His face looked calm, but Lin Qingqing felt a sense of urgency in his tone, as if urging her to give him an answer.
Lin Qingqing was a little embarra.s.sed, she scratched her hair and smiled dryly: "I...... have nothing to do, so I want to help." In order to rea.s.sure him, Lin Qingqing added: "Don"t worry, I ironed clothes at home, and I......won"t ironed it badly."
Yi Zeyan: "......"
Who is worried about her ironing it badly or not?
Yi Zeyan lowered his head slightly, so Lin Qingqing did not see a little smile on his eyes, nor did she see his clenched fist in his trouser pocket. She just saw him pondering with his head down for a while, and then looked up, with a slight cough, he calmly said to her: "It doesn"t matter, you can iron whatever you want in the future even if it is ironed badly. I have a lot of clothes." 
Lin Qingqing: "......" ---------- Please support me by clicking ads on the upper side or below this page ~ or buy me a coffee for  an extra chapter for all of my projects when it reach target:
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