First of all i would like to thank you guys for the support, and reader

Shadow : what support?,i’m not even sure there’s a reader much less a supporter ,lol what blasphemy are you spouting you
heretic translator !!??

kyou: i’m sorry….,please have mercy

anyway, Enjoy ~

If I were to search a person who hates my name ,to degree and quant.i.ty must be exist, who hold complicated feelings , I wonder how many?

My name is Mikoto , by the way I’m a man


A soft whisper called my name,I change my line of sight from the book I read,and glance to the voice,the beautiful woman who lay in the bed is looking this way, a golden hair that flow and shines bathing in the light that inserted through the window, it spread in the bed sheet,like a sprinkled gem

The pointy ear that visible while combing the gold colored hair,and the component of the face that balance it and bring an artistic view.similar to illusion of a painting,the emerald color pupil that gently narrowed, the affectionate word that called me, surely because of this I’m smiling

Her name is Mirai, she’s my mother

「Since when you’re awake?,I’m surprised 」

「It has been awhile ,Mother」

Mother. When I say that sentence somewhere inside me is feeling embarra.s.sed,the reason is my mother Mirai, there’s no doubt,though she is a beautiful woman who I will worshiped in previous world, there is no curiosity,tension or s.e.xual excitement.

It’s because blood relation,or child-parent relationship, I don’t know.Without showing it in my face,I thought of it in my heart, and we usually exchanged greeting, like goodmorning

Thanks to the fate I got her as my parent,even though I don’t have a father.I really don’t have a good impression of the so called “father” and I don’t have any interest about him either, (T.L : he’s basically saying, his overall impression of a father,both in his previous world and the new one)

I want to ask my mother who’s unquestionably a peerless beauty,why did I don’t have a father?,on the other hand I hesitate to hear the answer,because I love her don’t want to make her sad

「Mikoto,are you okay?,is my cooking delicious?」

「… … Unn,it’s delicious」

Mirai is looking at the plate and appear to be thinking of something,that makes me anxious and I start eating bread while looking down.

From the bad experience I got in life,I throughly can’t trust other people,at first I hate Mirai too,thinking that her kindness is a facade to hide her malicious intent,well apparently I lack common one thing lead to another ,even after I gave her a lot of trouble,she’s always smile to me kindly.

At the beginning when I’m still baby,and recovering my memory,I always cries at night on purpose,obviously I will wake up someone, and then when eating, If I don’t like the meal,I brush aside the tableware,wandering around the house and leaving a mess behind,when she hug me,I act like I didn’t like it,I’ve done all sort of things,but never once I’ve seen her with an angry expression,In fact she’s actually happy that I was energetic .

I don’t know my mother

I don’t have a memory about a conversation with my father either

I don’t know love

I don’t have anyone to accept my love

I don’t have friend

I live alone

That’s why Mirai smile is so dazzling to me, though my human distrust isn’t gone, her smile poured down on my mind like a ray of light, is this what you call a mother?,I think so,life in a small room where only Mirai and me,to think being together with other person can bring so much calm feelings.

Calling my sour expression, absolutely cute when I was a baby,before I notice it,I already show my feeling to Mirai,It reaches a point where I forgot time.even now I don’t understand how it happen.

「Is that so?,then it’s okay,if there’s something else please tell me」

「Unn,understood ,mother」

Therefore I don’t want Mirai to be sad,I don’t do it out of curiosity and want a praise either,even though the father called  Jigitou  isn’t here ,life  work out well,there’s anxiety,while I want to help, what can a child that just grown up from a baby can do?,there’s a desire to make use of the advantage of my previous who’s a shut –in ,doesn’t have a wonderful memory,of course these memory is trash.

(Seriously,person’s unpleasant memories,always stay in your mind ) (T.L: this isn’t translator note, it’s mc’s thought, author use “( )” for mc’s thoughts,what confuses me is they’re all mc’s monologue, so why do you need to put a thought in there… )

Really.., will I still remember it even when I die,well idiocy can’t be cured even after you die,memory too won’t lose from your won’t be that convenient huh,the unpleasant memories that I carry is  this much.

「Mikoto,it’s okay to call mother “Mama” you know?」

「…..Mother,I want another bread」

Please spare me the trouble!!,Mirai is tilting her head slightly while grinning,though I said before that I want to help her,calling her mama is impossible,it’s really embarra.s.sing,her appearance is like my elder sister,I like her cute response while being downhearted,what’s the best thing to do?

Let’s go later, say’s the guy’s in the back of the gym,my imagination to defile my mother.(T.L :this is would be an imagination about, having s.e.x in the backroom of school gymnasium,that one with a matress and all sports stuff, you know… *cough)

Mothercon? Of course!

All human races is mother con though!

Beautiful person with cute attribute like mirai ,who wouldn’t?

Let’s get back to the story, first of all let’s explain our present condition,we live in an old brick house with an old fashioned wooden interior,it’s a rented house,me and mirai live here ,the room size is about 6 tatami size,and it’s the only room,it’s history was an old kitchen.there’s a window on the opposite side of the door,there’s a scenery outside,where you can see from a third floor building,furniture is a chair beside the table to take a meal,a bed to sleep,a bookshelf with few book,another desk beside the bookshelf,all are made of wood,

There’s no toilet and bathroom,because some toilet and bathroom are close by in the building,and can be used,normally we use it.Regarding a bathroom, in the first place a bath is supposed to be a hot water,the concept seems not to be popular,ordinary family apparently just wipe the body with a damp cloth,and wash a clothes in the river.

I really like the scenery from the window though,it’s not possible to go out alone,there’s a little thing to do to waste time,it’s really different when I was a shut-in before,the scenery I see from the window is exactly the world of fantasy,to look down on the people who walk on the road,demi-human mixed with crowd,some person who wears robe and armor made out of metal

How can you see it without getting excited?

That’s how it feels in our house,well next is clothes, to put it simply it’s made out of hemp, and it’s low quality too, stiff and can’t be compared to how clothes in j.a.pan is.there’s no dissatisfaction either,this might be the usual so there are no change of clothes except for the rich people.

Me and Mirai is a common people too,even though Mirai is common people, there’s some sort of different atmosphere around her, well I don’t really know much about the race called Elf,I’m not even sure if another elf have that sort of atmospehere,by the way my ear is also pointy, because there is no mirror in our house,from the project on the surface of the water and saw my face I can conclude that.even though I have a handsome face but with my gloomy feeling that might bring trouble and a depressing face,I might not get that popular.

In the end, it’s about food. It’s simple actually,from the standpoint of a cheeky brat that can only eat the food,and we’re not really rich and live in luxury,thought it varies daily,hard bread and soup is the set and usual in the table. And the addition was oatmeal,ham and the stew,this fresh feeling and skillful cooking of mirai,makes it delicious.

Though I can’t really cook since it’s dangerous, I want to learn the dish from mirai some time to remember,when I grow up.

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