Shikou Shinka no Renkeijutsushi

Chapter 4 – First Magic

Okay, first and foremost it’s been a longtime since i’ve translated any chapter, this chapter has been half translated in 2015, and i’ve been continuing it somehow while forgetting stuff in the process

the reason is  my friend told me about novelupdates, which is a really cool site!!, and i’ve been reading alot of novel from there.., so it’s always get delayed,until finally on 2016 this chapter that takes 1 year is out.., laughable , i won’t blame anything except my weak willpower , probably my weakest stats if it’s an RPG

i promise, the next chapter won’t take that long…, probably

anyway, enjoy the chapter , even though you’ve been waiting a year, hey.. could’ve been worse right?

thanks for your support~

Chapter 4 – First Magic




Even though I’ve calmed down,I still muttered my unbelievable feeling out.

I mean really,a person that closest to me is a magician?!!!…..

Yes, it’s my mysterious elf mother

Because I haven’t practiced magic until now, I wonder if I can use it?

The only magic I’ve seen is when I was carried by Mirai on that large plaza and saw a clown using magic, that’s it.

I’ve never seen one after that

That’s why I thought ,a people that can use magic is rare.

For me to get so close to one

The tension has gone up!, magic is a characteristic of fantasy right??

Such us fire,water,lightning to appear if you wish for it

It makes me fired up


「Magic! I want to see… I want to see」


Getting excited, my voice acting come out ,and you can hear a childish voice out of my mouth

It’s almost perfect!

The voice I made sounds really close to a child, which you can’t really see in me these days.


the fact that I forgot to control myself from the excitement, to the extent I clenched both of my fist , you can understand the circ.u.mstances right..


「Hmm.. What to do??…」


「Hey! Let me see, let me see!」


Unlike my usual demeanor, this time I pressed Mirai and pulling her clothes edge while demanding her to show me magic

Even though I don’t know what’s my expression look like,

At later times I heard that ,according to Mirai my eyes seems sparkle with excitement and it was really adorable

That’s what I told anyway.



Without mentioning having a new black history,and Mirai enjoying my situation in a while


「Then, Just a little bit okay?」


So, she proceed to show her child a valuable item while having a  proud expression

I’m sitting in bed while swinging my foot  and somehow inside the room, silence grew

With a furnished table in the middle of the room, mirai sit on a wodden chair in preparation

It seems different from her usual demeanor and that makes me nervous too

Even though no one tell me to,I began to sit up straight and I also remember that I’m thirsty

For the sake of appeasing my thirst, I’m swallowing my own saliva, the gulp sounds I let out is awfully loud.


It sounds like it’s about to start




Can that sounds, be used to call someone?

At the very least, human speech can’t be heard

So to speak it sounds like the first time you play string instrument

A mysterious tone

For instance a voice and musical instrument tone that can’t be copied by human

It’s originated from Mirai mouth

I wondered if such sound be emitted by person’s vocal organ

Then Mirai shut her eyes,fold her hands together like sister that prayed to the G.o.d and the tone was sung

It sounds in every single persons,  hearts who hear it and the room is ruled by the sounds

Is it inevitable that the next change occurred?

Yes,She’s  chanting wizard magic ,that’s why this phenomenon had occurred.


(……?  That’s?)


I thought I saw something move in the edge of my eyes, and I found nothing  even after I moved my line of sight

When you return your line of sight to normal, from inclining your neck ,I saw a glimpse

I’m having a hunch that  something’s  in my field of vision is moving even though you can’t really put a word in it

Even though i’ve restlessly moved my neck around,it seem’s like running away from my eyes

It’s like a cat is playing with cat toys, that’s kind of feeling I got.

Something seem’s to pa.s.s by me,after the winds blows gently

Even though the window is closed,there’s wind blowing inside,it’s appropriate to think of something to do

At first,it through my nape,when I try to look at my back,the wind again in my ear to ridicule me of my action

I can’t see it.

Though i certainly can’t see it,I’m sure it’s there

Even when I’m searching for it with my utmost effort,I realize that the winds suddenly stops.

It’s  not in my surroundings any longer,then.. I wonder where is it?

Looking around frantically in our room,because I can’t stand knowing that it looks down on me

Luckily this room isn’t wide,so I will found It soon enough!

Looking at the window

The place where I used to gaze outside. If there’s  something out of place,I will know of it at once

It’s not there

I gaze to the bookshelf, a picture book and cooking recipe in it,also it’s where Mirai diary is at

I wonder if Mirai, hated it that there’s nowhere to put her diary beside that bookshelf?

Next is the Dining table in the middle of the room,where Mirai always works at ,also the place where we eat

There’s no change  .  .  .  .  .  .?


「What.. is that?」


Unintentionally I let out my original voice, though I don’t have a time to worry about it.


A mysterious phenomenon.

If I were to say something, there’s a distortion when I saw the room.

The distortion come from the center of  our  table, it’s  bending.

Even though the surrounding is transparent, and you can see the texture of the table

It feels kinda creepy if you see the distortion, because if you see inside the distorted place, there’s  shape of a person that’s only about 20cm.


If a slightly small doll sit in the distortion will it fit ,inside?


「Mikoto……,did you see it?」


of course,I was startled all of a sudden by the voice I heard,before I’m  aware , Mirai that before is sitting beside me is standing

sitting on a bed while looking at Mirai who’s, eyes wide open with surprised expression

me who doesn’t understand the reason she’s surprised, replied with a nod


「Amazing!, Amazing!, Amazing!」


All of a sudden Mirai grabs both sides of my body, she lift me high and high ,ah..  it’s been a while since I felt this sensation.

Even though a child’s body is small, recently my weight have been going up , so she rarely hold me up anymore.

Though one of the cause is, I avoided it because I’m feeling shy.

Because if I avoid it bluntly, Mirai will make a lonely face , I have a lot of hardship.

That’s being the case, the fact that her tension is in connection with her action?, having a big smile on her  face while holding me up and spinning me around.

Human powered Merry-go Round.

*Spin Spin Spin Spin

* Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin

* Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin   Spin Spin Spin Spin


Haah.. I’m going to throw up, stoooo…..!!!

*Spin Spin Spin Spin


「……Ara     ~」


has the person who spin me around also about to puke? ,because of that, both of us dive together to

the bed

I’m feeling really sick, that it makes me want to spout a lame joke, obviously it’s not a perfect time to spout nonsense ,  especially when you’re feeling sick and want to puke.

Such is the short story of what happen, forcing something that’s gonna come out of our mouth back inside.

Something that existed in the dining table before, seems to be gone before we’re aware of it.

When I hear it from Mirai, apparently it’s a wind spirit.

I see, a wind spirit huh..

If that’s the case, then what Mirai chant before is summoning magic huh?

In that regards, the chant seems to be a conversation  to the spirit

Uh huh, is that soo , I don’t know..

By the way, there’s  a reason why Mirai is making such a fuss about me being able to see the spirit, because apparently it’s really rare for someone able to see it with their eyes.

Obviously no matter how rare it is,it doesn’t give you a reason to make such a weird fuss about it,

It’s really Elfish.. , to be able to see it, seems  to be  important

However although I said I could see it, it’s only to the extent of being able to saw  the  silhouette

Even though you strain your eyes to look at it, there’s no point in it, because it seems to be useless

In the present, I can only see a mosaic of spirit appearance  from the distortion

Well,growing to adulthood might have been different from expectation, I’m looking forward to it!



Come to think of it, Mirai’s wind spirit is nowhere to be seen.

If someone else looking at me, they would saw such enviable position, where I was being embraced , our cheek  is grinding against each other while she’s making a chuu chuu ,kind of kissy face at me.


Stop it..

The level of a foreigner excessive physical contact is too high for a j.a.panese like me!!

It’s really troubling trying to escape from it, and at last I was released because it’s time to make a dinner..


A dinner that’s more extravagant than usual is in the dining table that evening, ooh, a sekihan like  auspicious occasion ?

(T.L note : if you don’t know what a sekihan is , you can google it..[Well no sh*t!!] )

Eating with relish a delicious cooking until everything gone is making me suspicious of my stomach volume,the  only thing to do is sleeping now.

In this world there is no such  a thing as convinient as lamp ,candle is the only thing who can illuminate you at night.


Even though magic can be used, apparently Mirai can only use a magic from wind system, and not another element.

Even though it’s an Indigridients for sorcery , magic power is being replenished automatically , how do I say it, it’s like the body is a high cla.s.s magic item.

Well this and that is a different thing, a commoner standard is going to bed early.

Again,  there’s trouble with sleeping too, because the room is small and there’s only one bed, naturally because there’s no futon , we both sleep in the same bed.


「N… Fufufu ~」


Right now, my eyes is making a round like shape, because such hardship I need to endure until morning.

And you thought it will end?  You’re kidding!!

I thought that some stern grandfather is scolding me from somewhere, ah.. it’s just me trying to escape from reality.

Actually there’s a special bed for when I was a baby,that’s where I sleep before I start walking and graduated from it.

After that.., because right now we’re sleeping while hugging each other  in the bed it reach to the point

Where I’m actually feel  tired from being hugged, sometimes this way of being hugged ( makes me lost my Mikoto Power , I absolutely need it back )

The bed size we used also making it hard to move , anyway being hugged numerous times, is the first time for me.

Even right now, having died before  and I’m here now,I’m hoping you could understand my circ.u.mstances.

A hot hugging, literally hot , getting hugged so tightly

Aaa, please don’t  tangle my feet !!

What.., does parent and child skinship is this extreme??,  I didn’t even know..

There’s a terminology of catch and release in fishing , i wish to be released soon or it would be hard to survive.

Of course, you don’t have to listen to such meaningless word

And with it ,my useless resistance also gone, after being hugged so long.

In the end,there’s no other way except to wait until mirai’s sleeping, and that’s where I attempt my escape.

Not good.., it was hopeless,because my feet is entwined together with Mirai’s .., it’s the cause of my failure.

That day,I achieve the state of selflessness, feeling the warmth of Mirai, I succeed to sleep..

© 2024