Shiniki No Campiones

Chapter 4 - Contract of Wings 1

Chapter 4 - Contract of Wings 1

The sky was burning red from the light of the red sunset.

The night would come soon in the world of Norse mythology. They had left Midgard where humans were living, crossed the deserted wasteland, and finally reached a corner of the giant country.

「Kukukuku. So you come, brat.」

One of the giant wolves that fell from the crimson sky──.

The victorious grey wolf let out a familiar laughing voice from his mouth.

It was just a laugh with hidden meaning, but as expected from a beast with size that could be mistaken as monster, his voice resounded boomingly through the red sky that looked like fresh blood.

The wolf"s eyes that were shining in emerald color were directed straight to the ground surface.

Toward Rokuhara Ren who got down from the goat chariot and walked closer.

「Very well, I"ll introduce myself once more……. I am Dejanstahl Voban. I have also called as marquis and some other names many times. You can prostrate yourself toward the prestige of a 『king』 that has gone far ahead of you.」

「Thank you for the polite introduction.」

The wolf king"s large body began to shrunk without waiting for Ren"s reply.

It was a transformation from more than 50 meter long in total to a Caucasian young man with height of 180 cm. His wide forehead and sharp gaze were intellectual yet ferocious like before. However.

There was stain at the black coat and business suit that the marquis were wearing along with his right shoulder and the side of his torso.

Most likely it was because of bleeding. His seething killing intent was going strong, but it was slightly lacking in l.u.s.ter compared to when they met at the coast of Spain. He was a wounded beast.

(After all he had just chased Fenrir more than four days and only landed the finishing blow just now.)

During that time he shouldn"t even have time for decent meal and felt totally exhausted right now.

If he was going to have a fight against Mr. Voban, then it was his chance right now……?

But, Ren felt a chill for some reason. The instant he considered such thing, a terribly irrational instinct reared its head.

……It was the opposite. The creature before him was at his most dangerous exactly when it was wounded.

It was because he was completely hungry, thirsty, and fatigued that these beasts dragged out the most atrocious power from the bottom of their selves. They leisurely overturned the logic of this world──.

And then, as though seeing through Ren"s instinct,

「That"s a good instinct, brat.」

Marquis Voban spoke with sharp eye glint.

It was enlightening, he was certainly a "colleague". Rokuhara Ren and Mr. Voban who introduced himself as G.o.dslayer. The two of them undoubtedly shared something that surpa.s.sed the wall of culture or age.

「And yet there is no way the two of us can become friend?」

「Obviously. We are G.o.dslayer you know? Even if the end of the world is coming, it"s impossible for us to do something like take each other"s hand. Absolutely.」


Voban talked flippantly and Rne laughed. In a glance it was an amiable lighthearted talk.

But, this was nothing more than a communication between fellow beast, fellow demon king. There was not friendship that was fostered in this time…….

「Even so, freedom is a good thing isn"t it.」

Voban looked back and spoke in satisfaction.

There the corpse of a black giant wolf, Fenrir who just gotten bitten to death was lying.

「I can travel to search for a new battlefield following my heart"s wish, looking for enemy that is worthy for Voban. I am able to fight like this to my satisfaction.」

「You speak as though you weren"t free until recently.」

「……I wonder how many years it has been since then. I suffered an embarra.s.sing defeat in a battlefield and died for a while.」

A sudden bombsh.e.l.l statement. However, the marquis continued calmly.

「My body perished and even my soul was in the verge of annihilation. However, I somehow held my ground there and gathered strength little by little──and performed the ceremony of reincarnation. With that I was finally able to resurrect.」

「By reincarnation you mean, you were born again?」

「Indeed. I also lost several of my authorities but, through being reborn my mind and body were rejuvenated. The negative might be balanced with the positive. Well, it"s a common story.」

It seemed that Riona"s imagination hit the bull"s eye. Ren grumbled.

「For your information, that"s a really uncommon story around me you know?」

「That"s not true.」

Voban denied Ren with weirdly absolute conviction.

「If you are also a colleague of mine, then you must have the experience of being resurrected from the depth of death. After all clinging to life with tenacity that is even more unsightly than the immortal G.o.ds everywhere is how it is for the creature called "G.o.dslayer".」

「Hee. So Voban-san is also like that!」

To think that the talk would get lively with this kind of sympathy between them.

Ren was getting even more fascinated into the conversation with the person who was like a fierce beast before his eyes.

「Could it be Voban-san, you are called something like 『marquis』, so are you someone who was born several hundred years ago? From your appearance, you aren"t even ten years older than me and yet──I feel like the generation gap between us is at least three or four centuries.」

「Fuh. Even if you are actually correct, I have no obligation to teach you.」

The person who kept stimulating Ren"s curiosity seemed intent to stick to his own path to the end.

Marquis Voban wore a smile that couldn"t be taken as a cold smile or scorning smile along with a dignity like a great n.o.ble of the ancient time.

Right after that, the corpse of the giant wolf Fenrir behind him vanished.

It suddenly crumbled and became dust before vanishing like mist.

However, Ren"s──G.o.dslayer"s sixth sense sensed it. The divine power dwelling inside Fenrir"s huge body and soul was being absorbed into his murderer.

「Eh? That wolf, wasn"t it a monster!?」

「The giants and monsters in Norse mythology──especially the bunch that play an active role in Ragnarok are said to be "G.o.d"s relative". Consequently, demon wolf Fenrir"s authority is now mine. But, it"s also uninspiring to suddenly test it. First I"ll face you with "other power than that".」

「Uwa, so this is how it turn out.」

Ren grumbled. And then, Voban"s body floated up to the sky.

Suddenly an updraft occurred. It brought the G.o.dslaying marquis to the sky.

「It"s an authority that the people who once feared me prostrated to and called 《Sturm und Drang》. Brat, show me how strong the G.o.dslayer of this generation is!」

The red sky of the sunset was suddenly filled with lightning cloud.

Marquis Voban pointed his index finger to that cloudy sky. Instantly lightning descended with thundering roar *GOuuuuNN!*. It went toward Rokuhara Ren!

「Lightning attack!? That"s the same authority with Zeus and Thor then!」

Ren used his specialty escaping feet even while feeling astonished.

He leaped ten meter backward the instant there was only 50 cm more before the lightning from the sky hit. Marquis Voban laughed loudly seeing that movement.

「Hahahaha! User of G.o.dspeed is interesting!」

「I wish that you will be more interested to my personality or something else rather than my power!」

Even when he complained there was lightning, lightning, lightning, lightning. He dodged everything with the escaping feet he stole from G.o.ddess Nemesis.

He used the footwork and defensive body movement he learned from dabbling in boxing at the past.

Thanks to his innate sense of rhythm and shrewdness, the lightness of his motion already reached the territory of dancing.

But, even more spear of lightning descended from the lightning cloud toward Ren who was magnificently jumping around.


「Kuku. You"re restlessly quick.」

The marquis made a meaningful laugh at Ren"s footwork that prevented the lightning to even graze him.

Now then, a calm and composed enemy was floating in midair. Should he try reflecting the lightning attack right now with the authority of retribution to shoot him down──.

Wind was blowing when he noticed.

Furthermore it was terrifyingly cold, a wind that was mixed with snow. Perhaps it was a portent of coming blizzard. The force of the wind was gradually increasing that it made him thought that.

And yet.

Marquis Voban kept floating within the snowy wind.

He was wearing black coat. But, its long fabric didn"t flap. The marquis"s own body also wasn"t affected by the strong wind.

As though it wasn"t only lightning, but even the snow and whirlwind were also the marquis"s servant.

「Is he able to float in the sky by controlling wind or even air?」

(That"s right, Rokuharsan!)


(That"s most likely an authority that controls the air or weather!)

A whispering voice replied at Ren"s monologue.

It was Riona who should be standing by at the rear along with Ca.s.sandra.

(It"s just like the fight with Zeus, I believe it won"t be really effective even if you apply retribution to the lightning that a lightning user fired one by one. That"s why, with my power──!)

It was more a communion between mind rather than a conversation. Their heart was communicating to each other.

Ren keenly felt the something that perhaps should be called as the "power of bond" with her and then he yelled.

「Go at full strength, Riona!」

(Of course!)

A golden sacred bird Yatagarasu flew above Ren and Voban.

He poured his own magic power all at once toward the majestic figure with wings span of twenty meter. Ren pictured such image in his mind. Right after that.

The soaring Yatagarasu"s whole body instantly──blazed bluish white!


Rokuhara Ren, his first authority was 《Nemesis"s Retribution》.

His second authority was 《Circle of Friendship》. Then, what should his third authority be called as?

「I still don"t understand the whole picture of this ability……」

Toba Riona who transformed into Yatgarasu complained inside her heart.

However, there was one thing that was certain. Due to the third authority"s blessing, Riona=Yatgarasu"s power leveled up by several stages!

「Secret words of fire and sun, purify and exorcist all kinds of sinful impurities!」

In respond to the words of power, her golden body was burning bluish white.

It wasn"t the crimson flame that she had used many times until now, but a new weapon that surpa.s.sed it. The power that defeated even that tenacious wolf head──.

「Brat, so you also have a retainer!」

The demon king floating in the air narrowed his eyes. Like a cat in front of a treat.

Even the intrusion of Riona was nothing to him. It was due to his experience gained through many battles and adversities.

Yatagarasu flew straight toward the composed marquis.

She planned to tackle him while burning bluish white to send him flying and burned him to ash.

The large phoenix with wings span of 20 meter attacked a human whose height wasn"t even 2 meter──it was a comical situation. However Riona was convinced.

That demon king wasn"t so soft that he would be defeated with this!

「O wind, blow」

Voban chanted short words of power. A headwind instantly blew.

Yatagarasu who should be charging straight toward the floating demon king was being pushed back──by the mystical powerful gale.

*Gou-! Gou-!* The wind growled and mercilessly struck with air pressure to the spread open wings of j.a.pan"s sacred bird. The advance of Riona=Yatagarasu was easily pushed back.

Furthermore, Voban"s words of power hadn"t ended.

「O rain, come. Become sleet, and call for the snow.」

Moisture was added to the blowing headwind, and it turned into a wind that was mixed with sleet.

The water content immediately became snow crystal that transformed into a violent blizzard that attacked Riona. The flame that was burning from Yatagarasu"s whole body──was slightly weakening.

「By means of blazing fire and mine malediction, exorcise and purify!」

「I call the wind, subdue the rain, and gather the lightning. Know that both the scorching wind and the freezing wind are mine to command. I shall bring──the fury of storm and raging waves to this land!」

The fire"s words of power, and storm"s words of power.

Someone who served a G.o.dslayer and a person who murdered a G.o.d himself clashed.

Riona=Yatagarasu tried to flap her wings. In order to advance forward and consigned the devil who was far smaller than her to oblivion. However she couldn"t advance. She couldn"t move her wings.

The great whirlwind that finally became a blizzard blocked her path and forced her back.

On top of that she was badly pounded by the lightning attack from the sky. In addition it wasn"t just one, lightning kept raining down again and again, tormenting the sacred bird"s enormous body with unequalled heat and impact!


Before she knew it, Riona"s soul was screaming. However.

「Rokuharsan! It"s still not enough with this-. Pour more power to me!」

「Of course! Leave it to me!」

Riona entreated from the sky. The goshujin-sama on the ground responded to it.

It was then, something was──welling up.

It was like a puzzle piece that just wouldn"t fit in until now, or key and keyhole interlacing together with the sound *click*.

Instantly, Rokuhara Ren"s will and mystical force melted into one with Toba Riona──

「Rin, Hyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen臨、兵、闘、者、皆、陣、列、在、前! O nine character of dharani, protect me!」

The words of power of punishing evil. It dispelled all the descending lightning attacks.

Even the blowing blizzard already felt like just a breeze. Riona fully spread open her wings as the bird of guidance Yatagarasu.

「All kind of misfortunes, be exorcised by the purification of fire!」

What responded to the prayer of fire was Riona"s shikigami, the twelve divine generals.

They were spirits of burning bright red flame, as the spirit of sun"s servants──they manifested.

Of course there were twelve of them. They were a large cl.u.s.ter of flame that was as big as the sacred bird. The spirits also soared, following behind Yatagarasu who was starting to advance once more!

Of course Marquis Voban was ahead of them.

However, there was something that suddenly appeared between them and the king of demon wolf, the caller of storm.

「O wolf born in the forest of iron. O wolf who bite apart every binding chain.」

Voban"s chanting resounded amidst the wind that was carrying blizzard.

「Your name Fenrir now belong to me. The wolf of Ragnarok insatiably l.u.s.t for the moon and the sun. From here on, I"ll bring ruin to mult.i.tude of stars……」

Riona=Yatagarasu was shocked.

Voban"s figure changed in the air. He was turning gigantic.

It wasn"t a transformation to the wolf that they saw before. Amazingly, he transformed into the remains of Fenrir that he sent to grave with his own fangs. Riona muttered in a daze.

「A wolf"s──skull……」

Yes. Marquis Voban transformed into a giant skull.

What"s more it was a wolf"s skull. It must be the head of the demon wolf Fenrir. The flesh had been shaved and rot to nothing, leaving behind only a skull. Even though it didn"t have body let alone wings, it drifted in the air like will o" wisp──.

And then.

It was thrice as big as Yatagarasu with her wings spread out!

「Come, I"ll swallow in you in one gulp!」

The wolf"s skull opened its mouth wide──

And moved to swallow Yatagarasu and the twelve flame spirits whole!

Riona exercised her telekinesis and stopped the movement of the upper and lower jaws. In addition she chanted the fire"s words of power.

「O spirit of fire and sun!」

Riona=Yatagarasu and the twelve flame spirits simultaneously emitted bluish white flame.

They enveloped the skull of Fenrir with scorching conflagration. It was their desperate counterattack. She wished she could grill the skull until not even bone was left. However.

「Hahahaha! An admirable resistance!」


*GI-, GI-, GI-, GI-, GI-!*

The huge and powerful skull of Fenrir lowered its upper jaw and raised its lower jaw little by little in order to swallow the sacred bird Yatagarasu.

She couldn"t stop it anymore. When Riona was about to despair──

Rokuhara Ren"s whisper came into her ear.

「The G.o.ddess of revengeNemesis pa.s.s down the divine punishment to misdeed that jeopardize life……」

A G.o.ddess spread open her white wings and descended.

With ice blue hair and black mask and clad in red dress, it was the G.o.ddess of retribution Nemesis. When Rokuhara Ren wielded this authority, it materialized──this phantom.

「I wish for the judgment of justice here!」

Rokuhara Ren chanted the words of power on the ground.

The phantom of G.o.ddess Nemesis immediately stretched out her slender beautiful hand and dozens of lightning attacks were released from her palm toward Fenrir"s skull.

The lightning that Marquis Voban unleashed was sent back by means of retribution.


The surprised voice of the marquis leaked out from the wolf"s skull.

Yatagarasu"s flame and Nemesis"s lightning exploded together and greatly sent the skull of the dead Fenrir backward!

It was the moment Riona and Ren surpa.s.sed the opponent in a direct contest of strength.


Fenrir"s skull grinned before it quietly descended to the ground.

It headed toward the location of the G.o.dslayer Rokuhara Ren. The j.a.panese youth was at the bank of the vast lake.. The lake water was blue and clear. It was terribly beautiful if only that part was looked.

But, the surrounding was a wasteland with rugged rocks. The blueness of the lake water was spreading there.

It looked pretty bleak in the eyes of Riona that was overlooking it from a bird"s-eye view.

And then, the skull of dead demon wolf came down on the lake sh.o.r.e.

When it stepped on the ground it was already the figure of Marquis Voban in his black coat and business suit.

「Kukukuku. As I thought the respond from a fellow G.o.dslayer is different……」

The chuckling G.o.dslayer and Rokuhara Ren confronted each other once more.

Riona=Yatagarasu also swooped down to the ground in order to rush there.

Marquis Voban exposed his joy in front of Ren.

Riona who came down from the sky returned to his girl form and ran to his side. The young man in black coat stared at Ren and Riona who had returned back as a duo and muttered.

「It seems──you"re a prey that would be a waste to be snacked on while I"m wounded like this.」


「Brat. I"ll recognize the strength of you and your retainer. That"s why I"ll say this. The conclusion of this will be for another day. From here I will wait for my wound to recover.」

Marquis Voban"s black coat had several blood stains.

He continued fighting Fenrir for more than four days. He should be exhausted, hungry, and thirsty. In fact, if he was in his best condition──would he avoid direct clash with Ren and escaped to the sky?

When Rokuhara Ren was a boxer, he was skilled in dancing like b.u.t.terfly, avoiding direct clash with his enemy.

But, he was convinced. Voban was a fighter.

He was a type that would rush the enemy with the resoluteness of a wild beast and beat them up with overwhelming blow and number of punches.

「I will grant you the honor of fighting against the perfect form of Voban.」

「That"s, I should say "thank you for the feeling but I refuse" here.」

In front of the adversary"s fighting spirit, Ren──relaxed his shoulder"s tension.

There was no meaning in a contest of strength. He was someone who made use of the enemy"s strength. That was why he said with a wry smile.

「If we"re going to settle it anyway then it"s better to just do it today like this.」

「Exactly. This is what they call nonsense. We have no intention to do a philanthropic work like intentionally giving a powerful enemy time to recover.」

As expected from a companion who might become his partner, Riona also spoke provocatively.

In contrast Marquis Voban was──bursting out laughing.

「Hahahaha, I have no need for you two to agree. I"ll just take it away forcefully!」

The silver haired green eyed G.o.dslayer suddenly pointed to the sky.

A vast magic power that was beyond the imagination was emitted from his slender body.

「……I declare here. That all living things are equal. Whether they are sinner or saint, commoner or hero, innocent child or their mother, they all will equally become the sustenance for my fire.」

Riona was shocked as soon as she heard the chanting.

「I allow you to carefully observe…… the moment the purgatory of flame, the kingdom of fire is bon!」

「That is words of power of fire! You, you have even killed a G.o.d of fire too!?」

The lightning cloud filling the sky──was vanishing.

The sun had set when they noticed. The night of Norse mythology was arriving. But it wasn"t a jet black darkness. Above Ren and Riona"s head, a gigantic ball of fire was──manifesting.

In exchange of the thunder cloud, this time it was a ball of fire that was greatly expanding and covering the sky.

And then it fell.

The lump of fire fell toward the ground.

It was like a cloud of flame. The great fire endangered not only Rokuhara Ren, its scale would burn this whole area and changed it into a scorched earth. Such calamity was invading from the sky. Most likely it would reach the ground in dozens more seconds──.

「I"m leaving now. Don"t worry, you won"t need to wait that long. Know that our duel will happen in several more days or around a week!」

「Leaving behind this kind of parting gift is just too much isn"t it!?」

「Haha. If you are someone who will die just from this much then there won"t be any need for Voban"s fang to bury you.」

The demon wolf slayer marquis snickered in response to Ren"s complaint.

A girl in black dress appeared right beside him. It was the spirit of grimoire that they also saw before. As usual she wielded magic power for Marquis Voban"s sake.

「Sorcery instant teleportation, chanting. Your excellency, please accept the magic"s working.」

「Very well, do it. Farewell, brat.」

The next instant Marquis Voban and the spirit of grimoire had already vanished.

On the other hand, Ren and Riona had no leeway to chase them.

「Can"t be helped. I"ll try throwing the same flame with Nemesis-san"s authority to negate it!」

「You can do such thing Rokuharsan!? If my observation is correct, that is a big fire that can burn down the whole Tokyo──it"s a super extra large flame you know!?」

「……Ah, sorry. It seems it"s impossible. Certainly the scale is too big.」

Ren tried to use the retribution and noticed.

「It"s impossible unless I slowly concentrate like when resurrecting the dead people at Troia. No, even if there is time that fire is too powerful, it feels like the chance of failure will be fifty-fifty……」

「So it"s completely hopeless!」

Riona was fl.u.s.tered. Ren gave a thumb up and called out.

「It can"t be helped so let"s run away too using instant teleportation!」

「That"s a troublesome magic with the highest difficulty, it"s necessary to prepare magic circle and many more things at the destination! Also it"s outside the expertise of onmyouji like me so I can"t use it!」

「Eh, is that so!?」

「Here the way to escape is this way!」

Their surrounding started to shine blue. They flew to the sky along with that light.

It was the flight magic that had helped them out several times. However, the flame became a great vortex that filled the sky, so they couldn"t elevate their alt.i.tude. They were flying in high speed at a height that grazed the ground──

「The lake!」

「It"s a gamble whether diving into the lake will be enough to survive "that flame", it"s all or nothing!」

Yes. Fortunately they were at the bank of a lake.

Riona and Ren became blue light and leaped into the water.

Several seconds later, the ground and lake surface were──covered by flame. If Riona"s prediction was correct, the radius of around 20 km would get burned to nothing. That was how great the scale of the conflagration was.

This was the best that they could do here.

Ren muttered while diving into the water together with his companion.

「Evil should be given the judgment of justice. Good should be given the blessing of justice. I wish for the G.o.ddess"s divine protection for her good will……」

And then, Riona"s apprehension came true.

The flame not only burned the lake surface, it even penetrated inside the water, bringing scorching heat even to the people lurking inside the lake.

Although, Rokuhara Ren was a G.o.dslayer. Actually he would be able to escape using Nemesis"s escaping feet, just like when he survived against sea G.o.d Poseidon underwater.

However, this time it was impossible.

There was no way──he could drag Riona into that movement.

Just a little while ago, when the lightning cloud that was called by the demon wolf slayer suddenly cleared up.

「My? The sky is suddenly clearing up?」


Ca.s.sandra sharply called to the small G.o.ddess who was marveling at the sight from the driver stand of the goat chariot.

The two of them were waiting together with the chariot at slight distance away until the duel between two "fellow G.o.dslayers" settled down.

「We can"t stay any longer here! Let"s depart!」

「Eh? Whwhwhwhat are you intending to do princess!?」

The princess of Troia royal family gave a signal with the rein and made the two goats ran.

*Rattle rattle rattle rattle!* The iron wheels rotated fast.

「Ren and the bird girl are still fighting that beast you know!?」

「I know-. But, if we don"t survive first then we will become a hindrance to Ren-sama and Rionsama!」

A faint golden shine was dwelling inside Princess Ca.s.sandra"s eyes.

Noticing that, Stella guessed the situation. The princess had seen the future with the spiritual power bestowed to her from the G.o.d of G.o.d who was also a G.o.d of foresight.

And then, several dozen seconds later.

A gigantic lump of flame descended from the sky!

「That"s an authority of world destroying conflagration──! To, to think that beast will unleash a ridiculous might to such degree, what is the deal with him!?」

「Hurry! Please hold on to me firmly!」


Stella noticed the flame"s true ident.i.ty with her sacred intuition. Ca.s.sandra made the goat chariot to dash in full power.

The goats of lightning G.o.d Thor furiously rushed through the wasteland with all their might.

But, the great fire that descended from the sky even then──possessed the might that could burn a territory that equaled a country to ash in one go.

Even if it was the favorite chariot of the lightning G.o.d, their escape wouldn"t make it in time……!

「Ren! Bird girl! Anyone is fine just come to save me! If that"s no good then someone, a friend or gentleman who will protect me, quickly──!」

The G.o.ddess Aphrodite with the alias Stella prayed from the bottom of her heart.

But, there was no one who would respond to her……was how it should be, and yet.

*GOuuuuuuuuNN!* Thunder roared.

「Do you call, Stella?」

「Oh my, Thor!」「Thor-sama!」

Stella and Ca.s.sandra were astonished. The heroic figure of lightning G.o.d Thor descended to the center of the driver stand where the two were standing at. Just now he descended from beyond the sky together with a streak of lightning.

「How are you here!?」

Stella was struck with admiration at the entrance of the muscular lightning G.o.d that was too sudden.

The authority Circle of Friendship couldn"t be used if she wasn"t together with Rokuhara Ren. In addition, summoning a G.o.d who had been called once would easily fail for a while.

The youth who shouldn"t come had urgently descended here. However, the person himself gave a radiant smile *blink*.

「It"s nothing big. It was you who prayed to the card that I gave right?」


「!? This must be what Thor-sama mean!」

Ca.s.sandra took out Thor"s picture card from the leather bag on her waist.

It was a sacred treasure with the image of lightning G.o.d drawn with simple line drawing. Stella noticed the working.

「So the divine grace of this card is the protection from you!」

「Indeed! But, right now we should prioritize escaping from this predicament rather than talking. My sacred beasts the incarnation of lightning Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjostr──」

Thor called to the two goats dashing in full speed before his eyes.

「Now is the time to turn into light!」

In an instant, the chariot that was boarded by two G.o.ds and Troia"s princess transformed into lightning.

*GOU──!* Thunder roared and in addition the chariot pushed on in a straight light with the speed of lightning itself. It ran through several kilometer of the bleak wasteland of giant country instantly.

It was truly a lightning escape.

The small G.o.ddess Stella and princess Ca.s.sandra managed to escape the fire like thus.


Stella called his name in worry of the safety of the G.o.dslayer who was her other half.


Riona jumped into the lake with Rokuhara Ren.

It was a really vast lake. If compared to lake in j.a.pan, then it would rival Kawaguchi Lake or Yamanaka Lake near mountain Fuji. Naturally the depth was also corresponding to that.

Most likely the depth was more than 200 meter. Even sunlight became unable to reach from the middle.

But, however.

The conflagration that attacked the lake surface penetrated until inside the water as though it was only natural──

Astonishingly, the fire continued to burn as it was. The flame evaporated the blue lake water, burned the plants, and burned to death the living things inside the water including the fishes.

And then, Riona and Ren who escaped into the water were also swallowed by this great fire.

(O divine spirit of wood fire earth metal water!)

Riona prayed.

She had prepared the talisman of water overcoming fire for this kind of situation. Perhaps because of its miraculous effect, she somehow escaped the fire calamity and able to reach until the depth that the flame didn"t reach.


The young man who dived into the water with her was unconscious.

G.o.dslayer should posses an absurd resistance toward magical attack. With Nemesis"s authority this demon king should be able to run around like fish even underwater. What happened to him?

Her "connection" with goshujin-sama──enlightened her instantly.

(This person did something so dangerous!)

In that case, it was Riona"s turn to protect him and herself.

(Namu Seiryuu manifest──)

She took out the talisman of pious woman and dragon king and prayed for the divine protection of water G.o.d.

A barrier to protect oneself from inability to breath underwater, water pressure, decreasing body temperature due to lake water"s coldness, every kind of watery calamity was laid out around them.

Riona held the unconscious Rokuhara young man with a single right hand.

(One shikigami, come to me)

The talisman that she threw with one hand transformed into a white carp underwater.

It was a large fish with length nearly two meter. Riona entrusted her body on the long back of the carp together with Rokuhara young man and tapped its slippery body surface.

The carp shikigami immediately started swimming.

It guided the humans who could only live on land toward a place of repose.

When she looked up, the conflagration was still burning not just at the lake surface but even underwater. Riona had a hunch as the incarnation of the bird of fire.

(That fire, it might not vanish for a whole week……)

It wasn"t a commonplace authority that would simply burn the enemy to death with fierce flame.

Most likely, it was something to be released when wanting to change a whole country into scorched earth──an authority of flame of annihilation. Such thing was used for 『diversion』 to escape from a pinch.

This was the G.o.dslaying beasts. What unprecedented absurdity. Riona was deeply astounded.

The only silver lining was that thanks to the burning great fire far above, the underwater that should be pitch black was illuminated brightly…….

The swimming that was entrusted to a shikigami was so long it felt like forever.

But, in reality only less than ten minutes had pa.s.sed.

The white carp entered into an underwater cave and brought the two of them until a spot that should be called 『air spot』 which existed deep inside.

Riona somehow crawled up to it while carrying the unconscious Rokuhara Ren.

「Di, did it sense the scent of air here……?」

It was a stunt that was impossible for common fish.

Riona fully enjoyed the oxygen after so long while calming her breathing.

She threw a talisman to above her. As soon as it stuck to the ceiling, the whole ceiling shined and became lighting. The air spot was unexpectedly s.p.a.cious.

It was a s.p.a.ce that could contain three ready-built houses lined up.

There was a pool of water at one corner which was connected to the lake water.

「Next I wish there is fire. A moderate one like bonfire……」

Riona"s lips were shivering and she yearned for fire.

Sanctuary Midgard was already cold at the normal time. Furthermore this place was an underground cavern where sunlight didn"t reach and her whole body was soaked wet.

She was completely chilled until the core of her body. She was already unable to feel her fingertips and toes.

How would she obtain warmth? The match and oil lighter she brought from earth were soaked and couldn"t be used. Besides there was no kindling which was essential──.

「Come to think of it」

The unconscious Rokuhara Ren who was also dripping wet. She searched his jacket.

She took out a set of black flint from his pocket. It was a present from lightning G.o.d Thor. It was an excellent thing to lid fire at place where there was no fire or something……

*Gan-, gan-*. She knocked them together really strongly.

There were five or six sparks scattered from the stones. While she was looking they combined into one and became a small glowing ember, and finally it vigorously started to combust *bou-!*──

It became a quite large bonfire.

Even though there wasn"t even any kindling, it was a thriving firepower like a campfire.

「Uuh. Thor"s present somehow saved us……」

She felt grateful from her heart while approaching the fire.

The wet clothes took away her body temperature. Riona ignored that an opposite s.e.x was sleeping beside her and took off her clothes except her underwear. Her slender build became exposed.

Her body had enough undulation (from her self-a.s.sessment).

But, it wasn"t an attractive figure at the level of swimsuit gravure model like Princess Ca.s.sandra who was with them recently. She had such self-awareness. However, well──

「Perhaps Rokuharsan doesn"t really care about such thing……」

She was able to understand her goshujin-sama"s personality considerably.

It was thanks to her a.s.sociation with him that became relatively deep in a short time from the succession of carnages and the "connection" from his authority. The person in question was lying down as though he was dead.

His breathing and also his heartbeat were mostly stopping.

His body was also cold like ice. But when she checked for his pulse really attentively, there was a slight pulsation.

「This is because it"s the same……with that time he protected Princess Ca.s.sandra isn"t it?」

It was a state of apparent death. Riona knew that.

The reason why she got away safely from getting exposed by the flame that burned everything even underwater.

It was the same with how Ca.s.sandra got slashed by the sword of the hero Ajax the Lesser──and didn"t get wounded at all. She was protected by the authority of G.o.ddess Nemesis.

『The divine protection of retribution』 that was bestowed to a human who performed good deed.

When that person was exposed to danger, they would be given a recompense for their good deed. Even if it was an absolutely cornered situation, they would be able to struggle through unharmed or only lightly injured──.

「But fortune and misfortune are intertwined. The disaster a.s.saulting us will be charged as Rokuharsan"s debt that will bare its fang to this person at his time of crisis……」

More specifically it was pain toward his heart and deterioration of his bodily function.

Because of that he failed to dodge the sword of Ajax the Lesser. Even now he was having labored breathing, writhing in pain, and lost consciousness underwater.

「You might die if you don"t use it more carefully you know?」

She warned her goshujin-sama who was unable to speak. The way of using this authority was terrifyingly dangerous.

「Even now you will die if nothing is done.」

It shouldn"t be used casually. But regardless of that, this carefree youth would grant the divine protection of retribution to other people with eerie readiness──.

Thanks to that Riona narrowly escaped death though.

"Haa." Riona sighed and took off the youth"s clothes.

It was an act that she wanted to avoid as a maiden in p.u.b.erty. But, she didn"t want to let Rokuhara Ren"s body that was in coma to be chilled further than this. For the time being she took off his whole upper garment.

「Good grief. Making me does something like this, what an outrageous goshujin-sama.」

Riona"s body had slightly warmed up thanks to the bonfire.

She touched the youth"s body with her hand. It was cold like snow. If he wasn"t immediately treated, he wouldn"t recover his warmth and died.

She summoned the talisman of recovery from all kind of sicknesses. She burned it with her magical power and swallowed it.

Riona──kissed him.

A G.o.dslayer that shouldn"t be effected by magical technique had the divine spell of healing breathed into him by mouth to mouth.

After that, she recalled the medicinal alcohol that they received from lightning G.o.d Thor. The mead of pa.s.sion. The flint was this useful so……

Riona fished out a small jar from the pocket of the clothes she took off.

She drank the mead inside and held it inside her mouth. It was terribly sweet. On top of that the alcoholic content was strong. The inside of her mouth turned hot as though it was burning. She felt that while also giving this by mouth to mouth──.

She poured it from her mouth to his mouth and somehow made the goshujin-sama drank it.

「It will be great if he is healed with this.」

Riona finished with the basic treatment and felt slightly relieved.

She summoned two talismans and changed them into thick clothes. They were for blanket replacement. She put on one of them for herself, while she wrapped the other one around the youth who was lying down while still naked on his upper body.

……And then a few minutes later.

Complexion returned to the pale face of Rokuhara Ren.

She touched his cheek. It was slightly warm. The worst had pa.s.sed and he survived.

「The G.o.dslayers has absurd life force as expected. Besides, when I carefully look at Rokuhrasan like this, his face is really cute……」

Riona was taken aback after she muttered that.

She wondered why. The goshujin-sama sleeping before her eyes──felt awfully dear to her.

「Ah, no, well. Putting aside the question whether he is like a demon king or not, I have learned from just now that he has a side with a large caliber on his own way though……」

Yes. If it was with his ability,

Instead of braving this kind of danger, he should be able to 『run away by himself』.

However, he didn"t do that. Whether it was with Riona or with Princess Ca.s.sandra. Now that she had realized that, she wanted to thank him honestly. But, it should be as a 『traveling comrade』, there was no reason for her to feel his greatly troublesome personality as cute.

「If it like this then perhaps he is a lovable person……not that!」

Something that should even be called as a grand delusion was currently forming up.

Riona was aware of that and glanced at the ground.

The small jar that was sealed with honey wax until just now. It was filled with the mead of pa.s.sion that was a present from lightning G.o.d Thor. If she remembered correctly its effect was──

「By drinking it your stamina will be matchless and your pa.s.sion explode from its medicinal effect……don"t tell me」

She took the small jar once more and tried sniffing the smell inside.

It didn"t only smell alcoholic, there was also a sweet scent like syrup. It felt like she would get intoxicated just from that. When she stared at the sleeping Rokuhara Ren with a dizzy head, euphoria was gradually welling up──

「So it"s this thing"s fault!」

As expected from a choice alcohol that was certified by the lightning G.o.d, it had an outrageous magical power.

Come to think of it, even Riona"s completely chilled body was feeling pleasantly warm when she noticed. And then, at its depth a power was squirming, seeking for "goshujin-sama"……


Riona noticed.

Something different from the "delusion" due to the mead was squirming at the depth of her body.

It was an impulse that desired to drag out power from the sleeping goshujin-sama even forcefully to become even stronger and grander retainer. After all the reincarnation of sacred bird Yatagarasu had that much value, only the seat of queen was suitable for the personality called Toba Riona.

The power that was granted by the young G.o.dslayer was seeking even more power which stirred up Riona──.


A sweet whisper that was completely unlike Toba Riona leaked out from her lips.

And then she opened the white clothes wrapped around her sleeping master that acted as replacement for blanket, and propped him up to lean on the cave"s rock surface.

It was nice timing that he was asleep. Like this she could forcibly……

She bent over Rokuhara Ren, brought her lips toward his neck, and when she was going to suck.

「If Riona has that kind of intention, then I"m honored and I"ll happily accept so……is it okay to change this posture slightly?」

Riona returned to her senses and felt aghast.

Rokuhara Ren was recovering his consciousness in front of her within a breathing distance.


「In other words, Riona became strength because of my power"s fault?」

「Tha, that"s how it is-. The authority that Rokuharsan stole from G.o.ddess Nike, I dare say that it"s an ability to 『create a flying partner and share to it a strength that can fight against G.o.d』 for sure-」

Ren opened his eyes just when she was on the verge of a.s.saulting the sleeping him.

When he called out to her, Riona was greatly fl.u.s.tered while starting to explain the circ.u.mstance.

She was boldly dressed in only cherry blossom colored lingerie and white cloth that looked like a bath towel over her body. Thanks to that her style that was slender like model and yet equipped with feminine roundness like at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s or the bulging of her b.u.t.t could be seen clearly.

And then Riona was──desperately attempting to feign composure.

「And, the impulse to seek for power supply from the goshujin-sama ran wild and I think that perhaps it tried to take away that power without permission……」

「So that kind of thing can also happen even when it"s not in the middle of battle huh.」

「It"s the fault of Thor"s alcohol-. Also, there were various things that caused delusion to form inside me! I"ll spare you the details though!」

「Aa. Riona, you mean about you kissing me.」

「!? How do you know about that!?」

「About that. I thought it"s strange because I"m alive even though I thought I died already. And if it"s Riona then it feels like you will be able to do the same thing like when Ca.s.sandra healed me before. Ah, that"s right. You also helped me at the time when Athena got me at Troia weren"t you?」


Ren witnessed it. Riona"s chaotic behavior that was rarely seen.

A calm, cool, and collected girl with sharp and brilliant mind, in addition was her queenly temperament. But, she was also a younger high school girl who often committed careless blunder. Right now she raised a soundless scream in stupefaction.

She held her head and leaked out a despairing groan.

「So you realized it……」

「I wasn"t really sure about it until now though.」

「Ple, please also tell me one thing for reference. What was the basis of your sureness……?」

「Riona, you are falling in love with me right?」


「My instinct for that kind of thing have never been wrong.」

He was a person who was sensitive to other people"s good will since the past.

And then, even when he was aware that the other side didn"t like him, he would close the distance without acting timid. That was the human called Rokuhara Ren. Perhaps this instinct was something he learned exactly because of that.

Riona was completely astounded she even forgot to deny it. Ren smiled at her.

On the other hand, it seemed the "queen" was inexperienced with this kind of approach. She spoke in great panic.

「E, even if it"s love it"s that you know? There isn"t any emotion between man and woman in it……it"s an emotion as human, this is what they call the feeling of likes and dislikes you understand-!」

「Yep yep. I get it, totally.」

Ren casually replied and then he exhaled *fuuuuuu*.

「My body feels worse than when I got done in at Troia. I"ll rest for a bit more.」

「Ah, then, I"ll also……」

Ren wrapped up himself with the cloth that was prepared when he woke up.

Riona also copied that. She was also tired. She felt a bit sleepy.

Like that, both of them sat down beside the bonfire and felt──chilly air blowing in.

「I forgot to ask but, where is this?」

「We slipped into a cave from underwater that lake and arrived here. At first I thought that this place is just an air spot but……. It seems the air is also moving, so perhaps, it"s connected to a big cavern somewhere.」

「Could it be this is a dungeon!?」

「It"s possible. If we are lucky then we might find a path to the surface.」

However, right now they wanted to rest rather than exploring.

Ren leaned his body on the cave"s wall once more and closed both his eyes.

After several minutes or dozens of minutes like that, when he was dozing off……something was squirming beside him.

「What are you doing, Riona?」


Riona entered within the cloth that was wrapped around Ren.

Her eyes clearly looked drowsy. And then, she was coming to Ren"s side as though he was sleepwalking, like a cat who crawled into its owner"s futon at the middle of night searching for warmth.

Riona"s slender body snuggled up to Ren closely.

Her warmth was pleasant.

Fire was burning right beside them like a hearth. However, their body was still feeling really cold from sleeping in a cold underground s.p.a.ce that was like a refrigerator.

In addition, Riona who was still half asleep brought her lips toward Ren"s face──


「……Ah. What are you doing Rokuharsan!?」

「It"s not me, it looks like you were the one who clung to me just now.」

When he pointed that out, Riona went 「!」 and returned to her senses. Her face turned serious and separated herself from Ren without delay. She picked up her own cloth that was discarded on the ground──

「My apologize. Then, good night Rokuharsan.」

Riona declared with her usual tense and intelligent expression and lied down.

She showed her back and started to breath *suu suu* a sleeper"s breath. He understood that she was feigning sleep, but he gave her the samurai compa.s.sion. Ren also closed his eyes once more. Several minutes later.

「You are coming to my place again, Riona.」

「Thi, this is the fault of Rokuharsan"s authority-! That"s the cause my body is unconsciously seeking contact with you!」

Riona crawled into Ren"s blanket once more while half asleep.

She returned to her senses when he called to her and she vindicated herself with a desperate look. He was leaning on the wall while glued to such Riona. Ren muttered 「Right」.

Fortunately the white cloth was long enough and it could wrap around both of them.

「Then, let"s sleep together like this. This way both of us will be able to rest calmly you know?」

「Wha, what absurd suggestion!」

「It"s fine, it"s fine. I won"t do anything strange. Sometimes my male or female friend would ask me to sleep together. I"m used to this.」

「Sleeping together!?」

「Sometimes there are people who will feel lonely when sleeping alone.」

「Rokuharsan"s relationship is a bit too unrestrained!」

Riona said that and separated herself from him. She went to sleep once more, but after a while pa.s.sed.

「Look. It"s better to just sleep together with me like this.」

「This isn"t my intention, but this is completely Rokuharsan"s fault! Because there is the impulse that want to forcibly take goshujin-sama"s power by all possible means and my interest toward you──」

「Ah, so you have interest at me.」

「Uuh. My tongue slipped……」

In the end, Riona who crawled into his blanket once more finally gave up.

She got wrapped in the same cloth with Ren with an expression that was unclear whether she was angry or bewildered. They leaned together on the cave"s wall.

「Thi, this is a good chance so I want to confirm something.」

Riona tried to speak calmly in order to suppress her running wild emotion.

「When Rokuharsan run around using nemesis"s retribution authority──you have to be alone. The authority will be unusable when you are together with someone. Isn"t that right?」

「It"s amazing that you noticed that.」

Ren"s eyes opened wide at what the companion on his left side pointed out.

The warmth of Riona in her underwear appearance nestling to him was warming his naked upper body.

「You learned that also because you are connected to me?」

「Yes. If you want to protect your comrade then even without granting the divine protection of retribution knowing the risk──you can just stay close to Princess Ca.s.sandra or me.」

「And, if it looks like you two are in danger……」

「Rokuharsan can instantly become shield to receive the attack, and activate Nemesis"s escaping feet. Like that you can carry your comrade and run away in full speed. If it succeeded then no one will be hurt──. I think that"s really possible. But Rokuharsan didn"t even try that. In other words have you finished confirming that it"s impossible?」

「Correct. It"s not like I can"t do it. But I once had a terrible time because of that.」

The hair of Riona was smooth like silk.

Ren felt that it was pleasant while smiling.

「Julio who got involved at that time gave me his reasoning. The power of retribution in a sense is 『a power to manipulate time』, so we got blown to that kind of place at that time.」

「Time manipulation──. I understand.」

As expected from her. Riona nodded in sharp understanding.

「"An attack with ill will" that happened in the past is manifested and replayed at the present time. That is Nemesis"s authority. In addition that escaping feet are……something like traveling toward the future isn"t it?」

「That"s the same with Julio"s explanation!」

「If I become Yatagarasu, then I too can do something similar. Rokuharsan"s speed when running away isn"t increasing. You are shortening "time itself" that is needed to move from point A to point B.」

「That"s right. It"s a more economical use of energy rather than raising your speed physically.」

「The burden to the body will also be littler that way. And then 『shrinking the travelling time=moving slightly to the future』……」

「Yep. It"s like I"m arriving slightly at the future faster than other people.」

「……Nemesis isn"t a G.o.d that merely fast. She is a G.o.ddess who manipulates the karma of human and the world. If Rokuharsan travel to the future with someone else instead of alone using that authority──two karmas will be entangled and it will be unknown where you will arrive at……」

If it was just an authority to move around with super acceleration, such situation wouldn"t happen──.

Previously Julio rebuked him like that with a trembling voice.

Toba Riona who arrived at the same conclusion without experiencing that was really incredible……no. Perhaps she was also sensing something through her connection with Ren.

Ren noticed when he was going to ask her about that.

「Could it be Riona, you want to kiss me?」

「!? The, there is no such thing! It"s more like, a dark impulse to drag out G.o.dslaying power from inside Rokuharsan"s body to make it mine!」

Ren"s pondering face──

Was being approached by Riona"s lips when he noticed.

Her lips were slightly opened alluringly, while her eyes were ardently longing for something. Certainly she got the atmosphere of 『a black queen who yearned for power』. But the atmosphere of 『a maiden who was going to yield her body and mind to a pa.s.sion that couldn"t be suppressed』 also could be seen more clearly from her.

「If you"re going to apply curse to a G.o.dslayer, then it has to be from inside the body. Poseidon also said that!」

「If Riona doesn"t mind it, then let"s try kissing once for a test. Perhaps by doing that you will feel refreshed and can sleep at ease.」

「I, it"s not something to be tested isn"t it-」

「Then, it will be nice if there is a way to somehow sever our "connection". At this rate both me and Riona won"t be able to rest. Let"s try various things.」


Riona was staring blankly in puzzlement while being wrapped in the same cloth with Ren.

「Is Rokuharsan saying, that you don"t need my strength?」

「I extremely need it. But, it"s not something that I can keep while ignoring your feeling.」

「A, are you going to give up a weapon that is  absolutely essential for the sake of fighting the G.o.ds!? Those are unthinkable words coming from a person who killed even G.o.d!」

「Haha, I"m not good with shackling other people or getting shackled myself.」

When he honestly spoke what was in his mind, Riona asked back in dismay.

「Why is someone with that personality is speaking about something like political marriage then!?」

「Isn"t it the opposite? It"s because I have this kind of personality that I can exert my full strength for the sake of mutual objective and interest of both sides. About the marriage with me even if it"s just for appearance"s sake──if doing that will be helpful for you, then it won"t be any problem for me to accommodate it you know?」

「You just need to support me in the mythological world.」

「Mutual interest, is it……」

Riona seemed to feel something and she muttered.

「I too am worried about the world"s future, so I want to do everything that I can. If in the process of that I made use of my connection with the demon king-sama so that I can create an environment that is easy to live in for me──it will be a matter of great congratulation. But, equivalent exchange is also the truth of life. Those who wish for great reward ought to pay the equivalent price……」

Riona shut her eyes for a moment. Perhaps she was sorting her thought.

「I"m not thinking as far as wanting to win against G.o.d. After all G.o.d and human aren"t at the same level. But I, want to be a supreme existence among the humans. If I can receive the necessary power for that──I won"t be reluctant to join hand with Rokuharsan.」


「Yes. I don"t care about stingy small fry. In that regard, Rokuhrsan is someone who will protect the people close to you without taking account of the risk, you will also take a gamble with a nonchalant air……. You are a stupid person but, I also feel that you"re an outrageous big shot. So, I"ll cast in my lot with you.」

This time, Riona decisively brought her lips closer by her own will and whispered this.

「What does Rokuharsan think about an engagement for the time being?」

「You and me?」

「Yes. It"s a disgrace to run escape using this method but it"s useful. Using not a contract marriage but a contract engagement, to have mutual give-and-take relationship should be pa.s.sable enough I think……」

「That"s a nice idea.」

The contract was formed. Their lips met each other.

Ren was as usual, but Riona was clearly awkward. Her shoulders were tense. But, he certainly felt──something like a breath of life being breathed into him from her lips.

「I think my body feel slightly better.」

「I applied healing magic. Rokuharsan didn"t look like you are fully healed after all.」

「Even though it will be nice if you stop calling me with honorific already.」

「No, no way. After all the matter of the engagement is a secret from Princess Ca.s.sandra and Stella for the time being. We should refrain from any suspicious act.」

「Isn"t it fine to tell them?」

「We can"t-. I"ll be embarra.s.sed.」

They slightly separated their lips, put their forehead close, and whispered to each other.

There was no problem with this close distance, so as expected Riona had opened up her heart far more than before. It was to the degree that it wouldn"t be strange even if she developed a romantic emotion like this.

However, for now they wanted to sleep.

For the umpteenth time Ren leaned on the cave"s wall and closed his eyes.

Riona also did the same right beside him. She placed her head on Rokuhara Ren"s shoulder and leaned on him. They were sleeping together bundled within the same cloth.

Was it thanks to their body sticking close to each other, or thanks to the contract exchange?

Riona who was restless before didn"t move anymore and the two of them finally were able to indulge in a good sleep.


A night pa.s.sed.

The goat chariot that was driven by lightning G.o.d Thor was rushing through the early morning sky.

The speed was around the same with the birds that were flapping their wings leisurely. However, they weren"t particularly heading to any destination, so this was fine.

「If this me ordered it, then these guys can even fly to the sky!」

Thor spoke boastfully. But, his fellow pa.s.sengers didn"t really react.

They were leaning out from the driver stand to look down on the situation below.

「That fire doesn"t show any sign of vanishing!」

「Are Ren-sama and Rionsama safe……!?」

The small G.o.ddess Stella was vexed while Princess Ca.s.sandra spoke in worry.

The surface of the world below was enveloped by flame. It seemed fire was unleashed by the one who murdered demon wolf Fenrir. Or perhaps a valorous warrior of the fire giant race had appeared.

Certainly an uncommon divine power was felt from this flame that a.s.saulted this area…….

「About that Stella. You are feeling that your companion is alive right?」

「Yes. I and Ren are one in body and soul after all, so there is no mistake! That man is undoubtedly within the flame below!」

「However, he should be reduced to ash within that.」

「Thor-sama. I think that the two of them is in a dark place somewhere. Ah, there is no particular reason to this thinking of mine though-」

The beautiful princess Ca.s.sandra was also hesitantly speaking just like Stella.

With that it clicked. Underground Midgard where the humans lived and Jotunheim where the giants lived──the underground world Nidavellir.

It was a world where the dwarves and black elves were living.

「Stella. Do you have estimate for the general position of your other half?」

「Eh……yes. If it"s only in general」

「Good. In that case, point the direction to me! Let"s go you guys!」

In the next instant, the chariot of lightning G.o.d Thor turned into light along with its pa.s.sengers.

It became light and descended to the ground, cutting across the sea of flame. The miraculous lightning──deeply gouged the layer of the ground and reached until the depths of the earth.

It was unclear how much time pa.s.sed since she slept together with Rokuhara Ren.

The sun couldn"t be seen inside the underground cave. She couldn"t guess the time. Riona looked around with sleepy eyes.

Goshujin-sama was right beside her. He was sticking firmly on Riona.

The two of them were wrapped in one cloth. They were sharing their warm to each other while resting all this time. Rokuhara Ren was still sleeping.

It couldn"t be helped. After all the burden was largely on him.

Riona was staring at her goshujin-sama"s sleeping face with a gentle gaze which was out of character for her.

It was at that timing, a thunderous sound *GOuuuuuuuNN!* resounded from somewhere. It rumbled even until the rock and ceiling were crumbling *clatter clatter clatter clatter-!*.

「Oo, found them!」

It was a youthful voice that she had heard before. The voice of lightning G.o.d Thor.

Shockingly the ceiling was smashed down and a chariot that was clad in lightning slowly descended.

「So you"re safe, bird girl! ──Oh?」

「I"m really glad Rionsama! ──Eh?」

A great amount of rocks were falling from the ceiling. The impact caused a gust of wind.

Because of that the cloth slipped down. The white cloth on Rokuhara Ren and Toba Riona that were used as blanket was…….

That was why, she couldn"t even hide her unbecoming appearance.

Riona who was only wearing cherry blossom lingerie and her goshujin-sama whose upper body was naked were sleeping while embracing each other──it was truly a scandalous sight.

And then, Rokuhara Ren opened his eyes at this late hour.

「Eehh? Thor and Stella and Ca.s.sandra……everyone, why are you all here?」

「I, it"s us who want to ask the situation, Ren!?」

The mini G.o.ddess-sama roughened her voice toward Ren who was still half asleep.

Riona was thinking during that time. No, at this point it was already useless no matter what kind of excuse she tried to say. There was a limit in even being disgraceful. She was Toba Riona. Even if it was just her being prideful or vain, she wanted to scare "everyone out of their wits" here as much as possible. In a brilliant way.

That was why, Riona smiled gracefully.

While secretly thinking in her mind that it would be great if this situation could appear to look like the aftermath of a love scene from a drama that was rated R-15.

「Everyone, you have come in a good timing.」

Riona softly spoke with unparalleled elegance if she said so herself.

「Actually, I and Rokuharsan has gotten engaged with each other just now. I humbly wish to inform everyone of that.」

「I……is that so!?」

「Whwh wh wh what did you sayyy!?」

Princess Ca.s.sandra was struck with admiration, while Stella was shrieking.

On the other hand Thor was looking bewildered. The two mountain goats Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjostr were neighing *meeeeee-* easygoingly.

And then, Rokuhara Ren was only smiling vaguely and yet magnanimously.


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