Shiniki No Campiones

Chapter 5 - Ragnarok"s Winter 1

Chapter 5 - Ragnarok"s Winter 1

The snow was rapidly piling up.

The surprising amount of snow was falling down from the dark cloudy sky.

「Even though it was a nice weather of autumn just some time ago, it suddenly became a snow country now.」

Ren said while staring at the snowy landscape that nearly only had white color.

Beside him the princess of Troia was making a praise with sparkling eyes.

「This is my first time seeing this many snow piling up!」

「Ca.s.sandra is someone from a warm country after all.」

Three days had pa.s.sed since the confrontation with Marquis Voban.

They were in the middle of crossing across the wasteland of giant country on a goat chariot to return to the human country Midgard.

But, powdered snow was sprinkling the land since yesterday morning. Even so they continued to keep the chariot running, and yet the weather became a really heavy snowfall when evening came.

There Ren and co took refuge in a nearby residence.

Well, in j.a.panese"s sense it was just a simple house of three buildings that looked like row house being lined up. It seemed giant were living there until recently, but now it was empty. Most likely they went to attack Midgard.

They stayed the night there to take shelter from the snow, and at the morning──.

When they tried going out to the house"s frontage, there was a snowscape everywhere.

A lot of snow fell from the branches and leaves of the trees growing around, making *thud* sound sometimes.

Furthermore, the snowfall still wasn"t over.

But there was a small mercy. A lot of kindling was stocked in the residence.

And then, there was no floor laid out at the middle of a hall with the ground bared. They could lid fire there. It seemed to be a primitive hearth.

They vigorously burned the kindling there to warm themselves.

「I hope that Thor-sama won"t get cold.」

「He even had that kind of flint, so he surely won"t be troubled about making fire.」

Last night Thor went out to take a look at other place.

He flew away like a superhero toward the snowy night sky alone.

By the way there wasn"t any problem like 『the door was too big it couldn"t be opened』 in this giant"s residence. It seemed that people with similar height like Ren and co were living here.

According to Riona,

『The giant of Norse mythology is a really lackadaisical existence. Their size too, some are big like Ultraman, while there are also giants who are just a little bigger than human or around the same height like human』 It seemed.

『That"s not a giant anymore.』

『There are also a lot of giants who married with the G.o.ds and gave birth to children. It seems that biologically they aren"t that different from G.o.d. In the end there is only rough definition of those who allied themselves with "Odin and his faction" are G.o.d, while the neutral and the hostile are "giants without exception".』

Riona spoke a surprising fact when he retorted to her.


The wind that was mixed with snow was getting stronger. It was the same like when the wolf slayer marquis summoned snowy wind, the weather was turning into a blizzard.

Ren and co were feeling really cold just from getting gout a bit to the frontage.

「Ren-sam. The fingers of my hand cannot move really well!」

Ca.s.sandra was raised at the warm climate of Mediterranean sea.

Even though she was an active princess who would go outside the palace casually, there was no way she was used to the fingers of her limbs getting numb from cold. Ren nodded.

「I"m also the same. It will be helpful if the snow at least stop. We will be able to create ski or sleigh to play in the snow like that.」

「My. I don"t really understand but that sound really fun. But」

Ca.s.sandra looked interested hearing about playing in the snow.

However, her expression immediately became clouded.

「I don"t think that we and this world──will have the leeway to do something like that.」


A distrust toward Ca.s.sandra who was looking down in sadness was welling up inside Ren"s heart.

He thought while ignoring that with his willpower. In other words, the cursed prophet of Troia was informing him of the future right now.

「Let"s try consulting with Riona. I think she is beside the fire.」

「Ah, yes.」

「Wait a second Ren-. Are you are intending to be lecherous with her again? Let me say this as someone who is sharing her life with you, I ask that you keep it in more moderation in front of me-」

Stella suddenly popped out on his left shoulder.

She must be feeling cold with her usual G.o.ddess outfit. She was wearing an adorable pink cape. There was fur at the coat"s edge. And then, her expression was really grim.

「I won"t. I"m not going to be lecherous just from meeting a "fiancée" you know?」

Ren calmly smiled at his small partner who was being cranky.

「We were separated before this but, normally we are together around the clock anyway.」

「Be, be quiet you-. Listen! Know that something like a fiancée that is decided without even consulting me is even less valuable than a tattered rag! Furthermore the fiancée is that bird girl!」

「She is a girl who is wasted on someone like me isn"t it?」

「Kiiiiiih! What"s with that needless comment that doesn"t even need to be said-. Princess too, say something as my maid!」

「I, I am thinking, that……perhaps the two of them are really well-matched with each other……」

Although she was ordered by the small G.o.ddess, Ca.s.sandra was unusually not responding honestly.

She couldn"t meet the gaze of both Stella and Ren while chewing her words in hesitation. When he was moving to enter the house with them who were like that,

「Ren-sama, that!」

Ca.s.sandra pointed toward the snowy sky.

There was a large man who was flying this way. He was carrying a hammer and fully equipped with feathered helmet and chainmail. His mantel was flapping from the strong wind. Of course it was the lightning G.o.d Thor.

「I went around looking everywhere in Midgard but, the snow is terrible anywhere!」

The fire in the heart was burning with popping sound. Thor was grumbling beside it.

He was holding a large wooden mug. The drink that was filling it to the brim was beer that the lightning G.o.d brought from somewhere. He emptied the mug in an instant.

Everyone was sitting in a circle at the hall that had fur laid out on the floor.

「I thought that there would still be a bit more time before winter. This year the snow piled up really quickly. ……Oo, right right. I"ll give you this to celebrate for your engagement.」

「Thank you very much, Thor.」

He presented a simple jar with earthen color.

Riona accepted it with a wide──and extremely graceful smile.

「This is a mead that is even stronger than the alcohol I gave you before. In exchange, the effect is also even more amazing. There is no present more useful than this for man and woman who will soon marry. Uwahahaha」

「Fufufufu. I"m looking forward to it. Isn"t that so Rokuharsan?」

「I guess so. Perhaps we should use it right away later, just kidding.」

「My. Even though everyone is listening, what a vulgar goshujin-sama.」

When Ren casually made a joke, Riona also kept in tune with him.

Unlike before where she would call out to him with sarcasm mixed in, she was cuddling close right beside Ren while saying 『goshujin-sama』 with a bit of coquettish atmosphere.

On the other hand, there was also a G.o.ddess who was looking like she was grinding her teeth.

「Fu, fufufufu……. This bird girl whose mind is rose colored, isn"t this wonderful……-」

Stella who was the G.o.ddess of beauty and love Aphrodite.

She relinquished her usual adorableness and raised the corner of her eyes.

「It look like you are forgetting about that beast and also the danger approaching this sanctuary……!」

「Danger to the sanctuary you say? What do you mean Stella?」

「Answer him princess. Something is being displayed in your eyes that are seeing through the future isn"t it?」

Stella who was asked by Thor directed the talk toward Ca.s.sandra haughtily.

The princess of Troia who was always calm and carefree in front of Ren and co. However, this time it felt like her mind wasn"t here and she ignored the G.o.ddess"s command. It was while she was sending glances at Ren and Riona who were snuggling close to each other.


「Ye, yes. My deepest apologies-」

「Stella. It"s cruel to ask that from Princess Ca.s.sandra.」

Riona cut in. She was smiling terribly gracefully.

That smile was endowed with the composure of a queen and the elegance like a mistress who ruled over the royal court.

「I have an idea regarding the future that the princess is worrying about. Now I will talk about matter that seems to be related so……if I happen to be wrong then please deny it.」

「Ye, yes.」

Ren was secretly impressed before the exchange of the girls.

Riona who did the 『engagement announcement』  as though it was nothing became defiant and displayed a surprising acting ability or perhaps human ability. It was interesting.

「The summer won"t arrive. The winter will continue for more than three years. The stars vanish from the sky, the land shook, and the sea water surge toward the land. The captured monsters will al get released and finally the giants of flame attack──. This is the twilight of the G.o.ds……」

Ca.s.sandra didn"t say any words at Riona"s solemn recital.

And then, the lightning G.o.d Thor who was lending her his hear was knitting his eyebrows before anyone noticed.

「O witch of bird of fire. Isn"t that sounding like the oracle that a priestess from somewhere once told to the king of Asgard?」

Another voice commented when Thor said that inquisitively.


It was a voice──that sounded thoughtful and old.

Ren, lightning G.o.d Thor, Riona, Stella, Ca.s.sandra. Everyone here was taken aback and stared at the owner of the new voice.

「I also think so. If you can, please let me listen to the detail, o child of man.」

Deeper in the hall, there was an old man sitting on a chair who was speaking those words.

He had entered until this place without anyone, not even Thor noticing.

He was wearing a grey robe with many creases and a hat with wide brim. Ren thought that he looked like a wizard. However.

When he thought that the thing leaning on his right shoulder was a cane──it was actually a spear.

The wooden handle that seemed to be from a shaved branch of ash tree had several letters that seemed to be sorcery symbol carved on it. It had a sharp steel tip attached.

The old man"s left eye was crushed, perhaps he lost it from a battle where he wielded this spear.

「Oo, my father king of Asgard, and also the father of all warriors Odin! For what reason you descended to this house!?」

Thor called out to the one-eyed old man who looked like a wizard.

And then, Riona seemed to be excited by the entrance of a new G.o.d and leaned forward.

「If you are Odin, then I have a request. Will you come along with us in a brief journey?」

「Until where?」

「Just nearby……until the end of Midgard.」

「What a coincidence. Actually I"m also thinking to guide all of you to the same place. ……But, this will be a journey that demands the swiftness of whirlwind. It"s better to travel light.」

Odin talked while giving a glance toward Ca.s.sandra.

「I will call someone here to pick up the princess over there. She can come to my palace ahead of us. Now, let"s move with haste. Son. And then the daughter of Heimdallr and──young man who break off relations with Heimdallr despite being a child of man. Let us swiftly embark for a trip!」

Ren didn"t know the meaning of the name Heimdallr.

But, perhaps it was the name of the ancestor of 『human』. He somehow though that. After all the gaze that Odin directed toward Rokuhara Ren was terribly meaningful.


A cliff was stretching along the sea.

The cliff that was extremely steep was extending through more than ten kilometers. It was what people called rias coastline in modern j.a.panese.

But, this place was the mythological world Sanctuary Midgard.

And then, it was the gigantic land──continent"s extreme end.

Yesterday they flew away from the house they were staying at toward the sky, headed straight to the east, and finally they arrived at this place.

「So this place is the end of this land. We arrived really easily here.」

While looking across the far away ocean from above the cliff──

Ren and Riona whispered to each other. The ride of the soaring G.o.ds brought them until here in just two or three hours.

The chariot of lightning G.o.d Thor that was pulled by two goats.

And then the black horse with eight legs Sleipnir. It gave a ride to Odin who was wearing wizard-like garment and sprinted in the air.

The horse"s body was larger, heroic, and st.u.r.dier compared to any thoroughbred horses on earth.

「But, as I thought……the snow is also falling even at the end of the land.」

Riona spoke gloomily.

Even above the cliff along the coastline──was snowy landscape.

The snow wasn"t blowing violently in this area. There was also no wind. The snow was silently falling to above the cliff and the ocean and broke apart. But, it was piling up by a lot.

Ren and Riona had changed into leather boots in preparation of the snow.

「So Riona. What is it that you want to see together with us?」

Thor spoke with a puzzled look. However.

Unlike the simpleminded lightning G.o.d, the old G.o.d Odin muttered with a knowing look.

「Most likely it"s that thing.」


The sea water suddenly swelled up right under the cliff.

During dozens of seconds, a terrifyingly thick──"white thing" that looked like a pole could be glimpsed.

Perhaps even an island for example could be placed on the top of that extremely thick pole. That was how thick, long, and large it was……it was flaccidly bending in a big way.


The mysterious white object wriggled its rod shaped figure while vanishing into the sea.

「Just now, what came out from the sea」

Ren"s eyesight was good. He not only able to look until far away, his dynamic vision was also outstanding.

That was why he asked like this without thinking that he saw wrongly.

「Was that a stupidly huge fish that can even swallow an island? It looks like its whole length is more than 800 meter. Its body surface is shining like sparkling scales.」

「That"s too bad, Rokuharsan. That is a 『snake』.」


「It"s coiling around this whole island……it"s a superdreadnought big snake. Its name is Jormundgandr. It"s also called as the world snake.」

Riona indifferently taught the taken aback Ren.

「It"s said that when the end of the world 《Ragnarok》 that carry out the annihilation of almost all the old G.o.ds of Norse mythology arrive, the snake just now will climb to the land along with the sea water……and cause a great flood.」

「d.a.m.n it, that cursed monster snake!」

The hot blooded man Thor raised a curse.

「Even though it"s not even the arrival of Ragnarok, it"s squirming boldly like this! I"ll discipline it a bit and chase it back to the bottom of the sea!」

「……Isn"t it warming up because the end is near?」


Thor was taken aback at what Riona said.

And then, this time Odin suddenly opened his mouth.

「O children of man, I will act as the guide next. Actually there is also another omen.」

Ragnarok. The end of the world. The twilight of the G.o.ds.

Ren took out his favorite notebook. He took a memo just in case.

「The total war between the G.o.ds and giants……. Riona said that before.」

The goat chariot started dashing in the snowing sky once more.

Ren and Riona were behind Thor who was taking the rein. It was already their standard positioning.

「Yes. There are various opinions regarding the detail of the war but, in short giants and monsters will come attacking from everywhere, while the G.o.ds of Norse mythology will become united and meet their attack. The world snake Jormundgand just now will cause a great flood. And the finale is the burning of the whole world by extra large flame.」

「So flood will also happen at a great war where it"s an all-star gathering……」

Ren muttered.

「It"s a bit similar with Trojan War.」

「They are a same type of myth at the point of a combination of flood legend and Armageddon after all. But, Ragnarok might be superior at the flashiness of the event.」

「Even my heroic son Thor will also die in that great war.」

Odin spoke. He was straddling the divine horse Sleipnir.

A deep blue ocean was spreading below them. It was the northern sea where sometimes there would be even drifting ice.

「He and the world snake Jormungand will strike down each other. While suffering from poison he……」

「If you"re saying that then father yourself! Your fate is to be bitten to death by that cursed Fenrir!」

「……Like that, most of the G.o.ds of the ancient time will die in Ragnarok. Only few G.o.ds will survive and the creation of a new era will begin.」

When Riona was speaking htat.

Even though they were in midair, they could hear the voice of a young female.


Looking there, female warriors riding on soaring divine horses were──waiting in front of them.

「Aren"t they the valkyrie ladies?」

「They are chief G.o.d Odin"s direct……royal guard and also lady attendant. There is also Odin"s daughter among their member.」

Riona taught Ren who noticed them.

The leader of the war maiden valkyrie was pointing her short spear to "below" and spoke to her lord.

「Please look. The "ship of death" Naglfar finally show itself.」


Odin nodded above Sleipnir.

The overly deep blue of the ocean spreading below them looked really cold. It was even more so because snow was heavily falling from the sky.

And then, there was a "sailing ship" advancing through this ocean. However.

「Amazing. It"s so big like a tanker……」

Ren was astonished. It was unbelievably long and large. It felt like it would be possible to do 100 meter sprint on the deck. Riona also nodded.

「Rather we might have to call it as aircraft carrier instead. That ship is boarded by the frost giants and the army of the dead at the time of Ragnarok and come to attack the land.」

「That is also a main character of the final war!?」

Certainly, it was a worthy──impressive ship.

Although it was a huge ship at superdreadnought cla.s.s, it should be made from wood thinking of the culture level here. But, the "ship of death" Naglfar"s frame was created from a mysterious smooth material.

It was eerily bluish black. It felt like a chill was running on his back just from seeing it.

「According to the legend, it"s made from the nail of the dead.」


「Argh, the gloomy bunch is coming out! O iron hammer of Mjolnir!」

Thor yelled and strongly threw his favorite hammer.

The handle was short that it could only be grasped by one hand. But, this hammer was clad in lightning and roared thunderously while flying in a straight line toward the deck of the giant ship Naglfar.

The aim was at the area of the ship"s bow──the old man who seemed to be the helmsman.

He was clad in a long garment and his appearance was frail. However, a round shield suddenly appeared on his hand.


The lightning clad hammer directly impacted the old man.

But, the old man was protected by the shield he held up and he was unharmed.

The giant ship was also continuing to sail leisurely. The master of the ship glanced at Thor who was far above the sky and sneered……

「Stop it son. The giant Hrym and the ship of death aren"t easy prey that can be brought down with an impulsive attack. It doesn"t matter how many lightning you call or how powerful your strength is.」


Thor gritted his teeth at Odin"s admonition.

The flying hammer returned to the lightning G.o.d"s hand without bringing any result. Even during that the overly huge sailing ship was advancing through the snowing ocean and it was gone from sight…….

Right after that. Ren felt an ominous presence and looked at the horizon.

「That"s, don"t tell me it"s aurora!?」

The horizon at far away──was burning red.

The sky that was stretching on the ocean was completely covered with crimson flame.

Aurora, which was 『a phenomenon of light radiation in the atmosphere that occurred near the Arctic and Antarctica』. This was similar to that. It was like a curtain of flame.

「That"s the flame of the giant Surtr.」

Odin who was also a G.o.d of omniscience lamented.

「The great giant who will burn the whole world to ash with the sword of flame at Ragnarok──he must be swinging his sword outside this Midgard.」

The giant and sword of flame. Ren was taken aback by those words.

「……Surtr is coming to attack from the south bringing fire with him. The sun will be dyed black, and the land will sink into the sea. The glittering stars will fall──flame, flame that blaze up high is licking the sky.」

The spear wielding wandering G.o.d announced heavily.

「Most likely, the destruction of the world is near.」


Over there was a world of scorching heat.

There was almost no flower or tree growing there. The land only had growing hot rocks that would give burn just from touching them. It was a scorching region of intense heat.

The land of scorching heat was emitting crackling sparks without end.

Furthermore, there were even flame pillars blowing out everywhere, grandly scorching the sky. There was no river, in exchange boiling magma was flowing.

……Nine worlds were being placed on the 『branches』 of the world tree Yggdrasil.

This "world of flame" Muspelheim was also one of them. The land of scorching heat that was located at the lowest level. There was an immense tear at the end of this land.

The bottom and the other side of the tear couldn"t be seen.

「Are you the so called giant of flame?」

Marquis Voban calmly asked without paying any mind toward the intense heat.

A giant whose whole body was pitch black was standing right beside the tear.

His body that was so big it could grapple with even that giant wolf Fenrir right from the front was clad in flame. His body was flaring up hotly from the top of his head until the tip of his toes.

The facial features of his face were becoming shadow that couldn"t be seen. He also didn"t wear any outfit or armor.

However Voban was sure. If this man wasn"t the flame giant Surtr, the one who would bring the end of the world, than who else could it be?

A sword that was equal with the huge body of the giant Surtr──was stabbed on the ground in front of him.

It was a great sword that had to be swung with both hands. The blade was dazzlingly red hot, magnificently displaying the magic power of the flame dwelling inside it.


Surtr let out a groan. It was like the bellowing of a storm that shook the heavens.

「Fuh……. So you realize that I"m the person who s.n.a.t.c.hed away Fenrir"s role.」

Voban guessed the meaning of the groan and chuckled.

He also learned the language of fire giantMuspel during his journey in the Norse mythology.

「Let me teach you. My gain in battle isn"t just from Fenrir. I murdered the G.o.d of dark sorcery Baphomet, I murdered the three G.o.ds of storm of the far east──Fuhaku, Ushi, and Raikou, and also murdered the G.o.d of fire Shukuyu. Recently I also buried the protector of oracle Gordias with this hand. ……I have confidence that I am the most capable person as someone who change the plot of myth.」

Voban talked with arrogant confidence.

「It seems to be slightly early than the plan of all of you but, Ragnarok──I think it"s not a problem even if you cause disturbance any time now. This sanctuary is greatly disturbed by my victory. You will easily obtain victory if you take advantage of it.」


Surtr who was clad in flame shook the scorching atmosphere once more with his groan.

And then, he suddenly──pulled out the sword that was stabbed on the ground. *BUN-!* He excitedly swung it around. In that instant,

Tremendous world-destroying conflagration blew out from the sword"s tip.

It rushed toward the sky like a rising dragon, covering the surface of the sky with explosive flame.

Above the head of Voban and Surtr, the crimson flame──occupied the whole starry sky like the radiance of aurora that was coloring the night sky of the polar region.


「Hou. This flame reach even until the height of the moon, sun, and stars. Everyone living in this world tree Yggdrasil surely is seeing this──」

The G.o.dslaying wolf smiled hearing the voice of the giant Surtr.

「So you declared war with that single stroke just now. You have quite a good taste, my friend.」

Also, Voban himself wasn"t bothered at all by the heat.

The chill of furious blizzard that he wielded in Midgard──he covered his own body with that and maintained it all the time he was traveling until here.

The wound of his body was also completely healed by the overly tough vitality of G.o.dslayer.

His preparation was complete with this gathering of ally.

「Kukukuku. With this Ragnarok can begin anytime.」

Naturally the target that he ought to finish off as Fenrir"s subst.i.tute was──the chief G.o.d Odin.

Freely controlling the spear of Gungnir and the sorcery of rune, with the dead heroes accompanying him. There wouldn"t be any complain even if he was called as the supreme and strongest G.o.d of Norse mythology.

But, most likely.

There would be a need to take care of his young colleague before facing Odin.

It should become two consecutive battles that would make his heart greatly danced.


Ren and Riona, Thor and Odin, then more than ten valkyries.

Everyone was riding flying ride and flew toward the west this time.

「I"m feeling it. The sign of Ragnarok.」

Odin was lamenting above the soaring divine horse Sleipnir.

Thor"s goat chariot was running in parallel right beside it. As usual Ren and Riona were also riding together with him.

「The impetus was, yes, the release of Fenrir. That wolf was captured for long time. However, he will be released at the same time with Ragnarok"s arrival. That should be his fate, and yet……because a single human released Fenrir, the sequence became reversed.」

Odin who was also a G.o.d of wisdom a.s.serted.

「The time of Ragnarok was advanced along with Fenrir"s release.」

「It"ll be better still if it"s the giants, but you"re saying that it was the frail human who did it? Impossible!」

「No. That person is a G.o.dslayer.」

Thor spat out his words. In response his father shook his head.

「A demon king who murdered many G.o.ds and usurped their sacred authority. That person possessed a type of authority that 『change the determined fate』 and liberated Fenrir──before killing him.」


「The fate and authority of that terrifying demon wolf right now is……in that G.o.dslayer"s possession. The role to kill me also belong to that person now.」


Ren gauged the timing to cut in and opened his mouth here.

He exchanged a meaningful gaze with the chief G.o.d of Norse who was flying right beside him while,

「For example, if this me──can defeat the subst.i.tute of Fenrir or chase him away, will the battle of Ragnarok get suspended?」

「……Perhaps it will.」

Odin received Ren"s gaze straightforwardly and smiled.

「However, that person is outrageously strong you know?」

「For that, I"ll take my chance and manage it somehow. And, if you don"t mind, it will be really helpful if you can lend me a hand though.」

「Wait wait! Your name is Ren isn"t it? Don"t say anything strange when you"re just a human!」

「So you haven"t noticed yet, my son.」

Thor was fl.u.s.tered. But his father spoke with detachment.

「That human is also a G.o.dslayer. Someone who bring in great change and disaster to our sanctuary.」


「But……I can see that the one who killed Fenrir also has a different plan.」

Odin stared at Ren with the stern face of a veteran warrior.

He was the one eyed G.o.d. But, the strength of the gaze dwelling inside that one eye might cause even the dead to spring up from great fear.

Under that gaze, with his usual att.i.tude Ren──smiled easygoingly.

「If this mythological world is destroyed, our world will also feel its negative influence. Perhaps, no, surely even our place will……」

「Ragnarok, the end of the world will begin there. That"s why, we are sharing the same lot together here.」

Riona continued Ren"s words smoothly.

She did so while meaningfully staring at Ren"s face from the side. Ren realized. She was also knowing about "that matter". It must be transmitted to her through the aforementioned connection. In that case,

Ren exchanged a glance. Riona immediately spoke.

「This Rokuharsan, my goshujin-sama isn"t a decent person at all, but. He isn"t that crazy……that he want to fight formidable enemy so much he won"t care even if the world he is living at is destroyed.」

「Kukukuku. So you mean to subdue a poison using another poison, child of man.」


The two j.a.panese replied together. Ren winked at his 『fiancé』 who complemented him. Riona shrugged. And then the old G.o.d Odin made a suggestive smile.

「Very well. I"ve also ascertained this accursed G.o.dslayer"s disposition. Betting on my single eye that obtained every wisdom, let us form a temporary alliance. ……Well」

Odin said with slight cynicism.

「Till the end this is only for this time. If all of you are staying for long in this sanctuary, it will only call in a different kind of destruction to here──that"s what I believe!」

It was at that time.

A rainbow could be seen on the sky in front of them. Riona yelled.

「The rainbow bridge Bifrost! At the other side of it is the divine world of Norse mythology Asgard!」

There was a 『sky island』 ahead of the seven colored rainbow that was drawing an arc.

It wasn"t floating. It was being supported by 『tree branch』 that stretched from the sky beyond toward the heaven. It was an absurdly long, big, and thick branch.

The island that was located in this sky was above the branch of world tree Yggdrasil──.

It was a beautiful land even seen from afar. The green field, blue lake, mountain that was dyed with autumn color, magnificent palace. But, the snow that announced the end was also falling on it…….

「The night has come. The time of battle is near. G.o.dslayer-dono and fiancé-dono can rest in my mansion until then.」

Ren arrived at a great palace with the invitation from the master of Asgard.

He whispered with Riona in front of the radiant gorgeousness.

「This place really has a gorgeous atmosphere. As expected from Odin-san"s palace.」

「It feel all the more like that because this time we were going around secluded regions before this.」

The place"s height was around five or six floors high. It felt like it had been a long time since they saw a building this big.

The size was worthy to be called as 『castle』 even in the sense of modern human. In Sanctuary Midgard with its simplistic and vigorous style, even a building that was like row house was categorized as a stately mansion.

And then the roof of the castle was──shining gold.

「Eh, it doesn"t look like roof tile but, what is the thing lined up there?」

「The white birch roof of Odin"s residence has golden shield covering its surface.」

The sparkling thing at the roof certainly had roundness like a shield.

And then, the door for entering into the palace was so high even a giant that was taller than ten meter could go through it without difficulty. The width of the door was also wide.

The two of them were guided to inside while the building"s owner Odin said.

「Welcome, guests. This is the palace of Valhalla.」

「「「「Oo, the father of warriorValfodr and the father of G.o.ds Odin!」」」」

More than a hundred brawny warriors were a.s.sembled in a hall that they entered.

They were making lighthearted talk while relaxing. There were also many people who were holding alcohol cup or alcohol jar, but as soon as they saw the chief G.o.d Odin, Thor, and the valkyries, they raised their voices simultaneously.

Odin turned aside the cheers magnanimously. It was then,

「Ren-sama, Rionsama, I"ve been waiting!」


A graceful beautiful girl stepped forward from the crowd.

Ren smiled at the unharmed state of the princess of Troia who was running toward them.

But, it wasn"t just the lovely prophet who was approaching them. There was a young man wearing beautiful silver chainmail and red mantel. Furthermore he was a radiantly handsome man.

「O wolf of the war Odin. I have arrived in respond to your invitation.」

「It"s good that you come, Freyr. The general who commanded the G.o.ds.」

The handsome G.o.d who gave his greeting wasn"t carrying any weapon despite wearing full equipment.

A surprisingly long thing that seemed to be 『antler』 was hanging on his waist with a leather strap fixing it in place. It looked as though it was a replacement for a long sword.

Next after G.o.d Freyr, a burly young man who had a rustic look came.

「Good that you come my son. O owner of valor that is second after your big brother Thor, Vidar.」

The young man who seemed to be Odin"s family member cracked a smile but didn"t say anything.

He seemed to be a G.o.d who was really reticent. But he was wearing helmet and chainmail, and holding a sword. His war preparation was complete.

The people gathered at Valhalla Palace were already prepared for war.

「……But, a gathering of the G.o.ds cannot be said to be a good thing by all means.」

Odin grumbled at the corner of the great hall. Riona nodded.

「Does everyone doesn"t believe of Ragnarok"s arrival just as expected?」

「Indeed. Originally there should be three years without summer, where snow and winter will be continuously blowing furiously for three years. Ragnarok will be after that. The humans will forget any meaning of friendship and morality. Blood relatives will kill each other and they will commit immorality……there was such prophecy.」

「Then father!」

Lightning G.o.d Thor talked vigorously.

「I will fly at once to visit every single G.o.d of Aesir clan and Vanir clan and drag them all until Valhalla!」

「You can"t. Let"s leave that role to the valkyries.」

Odin ordered prudently.

「O the one who bring grieve to the wives of the giants Thor. You head to the rainbow bridge Bifrost and stand guard together with the sharp eyed Heimdall. If there any enemy approaching──」

「Right, I will smash them! I understand father!」

As expected from the hot blooded man, Thor immediately flew out from the great hall.

Also, a lavish drinking party was going on at the surrounding. Several long tables were brought in. Large plates with mostly meat dishes were heartily lined up there.

There was also fish dish, but it was 『meat』 that stood out.

Pork, beef, chicken, boar, lamb, deer, goat. Grilled meat, stewed meat, boiled meat, raw meat, meat, meat, meat.

And then uncountable number of wine barrel, wine jar, pot of alcohol──.

It was the warriors, not the G.o.ds who were drinking hard as though they were bathing in alcohol.

Several hundred of Einherjars. The war maiden Valkyries walked through battlefield and invited the 『deceased warriors』 to under Odin.

They heartily laughed, drank, sang, argued, and sometimes even got into fist fight. They also drew out their sword.

The table of Ren and others was at a corner far from that noisiness.

「The party is a bit……no, it"s really lacking in elegance.」

「Stellsam. If you like, please have this!」

The small G.o.ddess who materialized after quite long was scowling.

Ca.s.sandra who was treated as maid quickly presented her with a bowl that had fruits in the variety of apple and berry heaped in it. But, before that Ren signaled her with his gaze.

(I think this is a nice timing. I"ll count on you.)

(Well, it also doesn"t look like there won"t be any more war matter to talk about than this.)

A conversation using wisdom was the domain of Riona and Odin as expected──.

He was acting reserved together with Stella but, now was the right time. Ren boldly spoke.

「Hey Odin-san. I"m going to fight against my colleague」

「I humbly request the divine G.o.d of this foreign country. With great respect I beg you if you can be so kind to bestow any weapon or magical item to this lowly Rokuhara Ren who will fight against the G.o.dslaying beast……」

Stella also snugly got on the table and intermediated.

The belt that was wrapped around the waist of the bowing small G.o.ddess was shining in rose color. It was the authority Circle of Friendship. Odin nodded with a dignified face.

「Very well. Vidar, come here.」

「O young G.o.dslayer. I will entrust this person"s shoes to you.」

The younger brother of Thor who was called, the G.o.d Vidar took off the leather shoes he was wearing.

The sole of the shoes was thick, it even looked like it was made from iron. The reticent owner stared at Ren and cracked a smile 「……」. In that case,

「Then I won"t hold back. Hee. It"s unexpectedly light!」

Ren took off his sneaker and tried on the "G.o.d shoes".

Even though the sole of the shoes should be hard like iron, it was light like feather. It felt like he was barefoot. Odin spoke in satisfaction.

「I will be killed by Fenrir in Ragnarok. But, my son Vidar is fated to take revenge for me right after that. He will trample down the jaw of the wolf with those magical shoes……」

「I see. Then」

*Tap tap*. Ren tapped his right toes on the floor and checked the lightness.

「I will take revenge in the place of your son, ah no, if I win against my "G.o.dslaying senior" before Odin-san is killed──then fate will change!」

「Indeed. And then the path of Ragnarok will also change. That"s what I"m feeling.」

It was Odin"s declaration as a G.o.d of wisdom. Odin a.s.serted so.


More than 800 dead warriors were living at Valhalla Palace──

That was the info from Riona"s tour guide.

「From what we saw just now, their livelihood is amazingly lavish. There are 550 gates in the rampart protecting the palace. The warriors will be able to depart to the front all at once when battle break out.」

That was how extravagant and s.p.a.cious this place was.

Rokuhara Ren and his comrades were also given a guest room for each of them. Not only Riona and Ca.s.sandra, but even the small Stella too.

「It"s already late tonight, let"s prepare for the decisive game tomorrow. Everyone, good night.」

「Yes. Rest well everyone.」

Ren yawned while Riona withdrew to her room with a demure smile.

Ca.s.sandra and Stella saw them off. The two women with Greek mythology origin. The silver haired princess of Troia bowed and said.

「I will also take my leave──Stellsama!?」

「You are coming along with me-. There is something that I wish to ascertain for a bit!」

Stella popped on Ca.s.sandra"s left shoulder with instant teleportation.

The small G.o.ddess of beauty and love ordered the surprised princess with a grim face.

「Hide at that corner over there. Be careful so that you won"t get found out!」

「Ye, yes-」

The guest rooms of the four were side by side of each other. If they went to the corner of the corridor slight ahead and hid there while secretly peeking out──they would be able to look over each door at the same time.

「Pardon me, how long we are going to be here……?」

「Shh! Be quiet. Ah, it"s just as I thought, that bird girl──!」

*Click*. One of the doors opened.

Toba Riona came out. She was only wearing the thin nightwear that was prepared in Valhalla Palace. Her footsteps were feeble. However.

She entered into the neighboring room without hesitation. Into the room where Rokuhara Ren should be staying at…….

「Kiih! That bird girl, she is going to Ren again!」

Stella spat out her words with vexation that almost made her gritted her teeth.

「That Ren, after the mention about this betrothal nonsense he said something like 『As I thought let"s sleep separately at night』. I thought it was strange and now……!」

「I wonder what is Rionsama going to do in Ren-sama"s room? As I thought it must be to plan for the battle──」

「Stupid! It"s obvious what are a man and a woman going to do when they are alone with each other at night isn"t it!?」

Ca.s.sandra couldn"t comprehend the reason of Stella getting angry and watched her in puzzlement.

The world of Norse mythology had simplistic and vigorous style.

The houses they were staying at until now had no furniture worth mentioning.

The stylish furniture of Nordic countries that modern people knew was like a lie. The most people here had was a small shelve on the wall or simple chair and table.

But, as expected from this place, the palace of Valhalla.

Inside the splendid room that was made from stone, it had chair, table, wardrobe, and a bed that could double as bench. It possessed arrangement so that the guest wouldn"t be inconvenienced.

All the furniture was made from wood. The simplistic design made them to be deeply tasteful instead.

Fire was blazing with crackling sound at the old style fireplace that was made in sunken hearth style.

It would be dangerous to use fire while sleeping, but the flame here was amazingly a magic flame. They were told that no fire accident would occur even if the flame was left alone.

Thanks to that, he could indulge in having a good sleep inside a warm room after so long…….

And so Rokuhara Ren was sleeping while being snugly wrapped in blanket. But,

*Rustle rustle*. *Rustle rustle*. Someone came.


The girl who slipped into his blanket was his engagement partner.

Riona seemed to be half asleep. Her eyes weren"t fully opened. She sneaked in with this state that was like sleepwalking. But, Ren"s question surprised her and she returned to her senses.

「……Go, good morning, Rokuharsan.」

「It"s still late at night you know? So you come at my place still half asleep again.」

「Thi, this isn"t fully my fault-. The connection with Rokuharsan is causing bad impulse in my subconscious!」

Riona had leaned on him before he noticed it.

Her lips were getting closer to Ren"s neck. She was on the verge of sucking on him.

「At midnight for some reason I"m "getting the desire" for Rokuharsan very much so……」

「Yep yep」

「Why are you nodding with a serious face? That"s not like you.」

「No, you see, it feels fresh that such words are coming out from Riona"s mouth.」

「Ple, please don"t say stupid thing-」

The splendid 『fiancee』 act at the noon was like a lie──

She was red faced and fl.u.s.tered while separating herself from Ren. But she didn"t get out from the bed and wrapped herself in the same blanket to sleep together right beside him.

Furthermore she was keeping her back turned on Ren while gradually closing on him.

「Are you planning to attack me at my sleep just as I thought?」

「The, there is no way I will do that. But, for some reason it feels hard to leave.」

「If you are wishing it that much……isn"t it better to become my wife for real rather than just for pretense? If our relationship becomes even deeper than now, then perhaps both of us will become the strongest golden duo.」

Ren said forty percent jokingly and sixty percent seriously.

「I have this feeling that my compatibility with Riona is really good.」

「Thi, this isn"t me, but my subconscious that is wishing for it-」

Riona turned around inside the bed to face him and finally showed him her fl.u.s.tered face.

「Please don"t mistake that. A pretense engagement is already enough!」

「I see, that"s unfortunate. Then, let"s sleep like this until morning.」

「Rokuharsan is a bit strange with how you can say that calmly in this situation……. Though I will accept your kind words and do so. By the way」

Riona glared at Ren from nearby while asking.

「Aren"t Rokuharsan also getting the desire for me? Even though you are also connected to me with Nike"s authority?」

「I"m not feeling any particular emotion like that I think.」

「Uuu-. It"s frustrating. Even though I"m getting "like this".」

「Specifically what is it that you"re feeling?」

「My positivity level to Rokuharsan at the first meeting was 『D-』. Then I drank Thor"s mead when it increased until around 『C+』, since then it became 『B』 or 『A』 or 『AA』. My feeling is so unsteady that even I myself don"t really understand it──」

As expected from her. Riona was talking falteringly like an intelligent theorist.

She was pondering while pouring her heart into it and slowly chose her words.

「The magic of that mead, in my opinion its effect should only work for a brief period though.」

「In other words Thor"s mead became the impetus that made Riona"s heart to be conscious of me as "that kind of target"……. Is it something like that?」

「Perhaps it"s like that──wha, what kind of convenient guess you are making!?」

Riona noticed that she was getting led on and returned to her senses.

「Ju, just now is a lie. Thor"s mead was containing a bad magic-. It was something evil that gave the drinker an effect like love potion!」

「If you want I can drink the mead that he gave you at the noon to verify the effect?」

「No need-. I"ve properly disposed of that thing!」

It was a conversation while they were lying down on the same bed while facing each other.

It was also reaching a stopping point, so they were finally going back to sleep──didn"t happen. Riona was staring at Ren"s face while fidgeting. She must be unable to calm herself like this.

Ren casually kissed Riona"s cheek.

「!? Rokuharsan, what are you……!?」

「A good night kiss. It will be great if Riona can also sleep well with that.」

「Ri, right. Certainly, if we touch each other a bit, then my consciousness might also get satisfied……. Ah──」

Riona almost nodded, but her eyes suddenly changed.

It became the gaze of a queen who was staring at a treasured object haughtily. Her face slowly approached and plugged up Ren"s lips.

Ren exchanged kiss with his "fiancée" while comprehending something.

He realized. That kind of act might have become a rousing for her instead.

When he was thinking if he was going to be a.s.saulted by her in this way, Riona"s lips suddenly moved away.

「Rokuharsan-. Yo……you put in your tongue?」

「Ah, sorry. While I was thinking, by mistake I reflexively──」

「I"ve also gone through this kind of experience several times so…..ah ouch!」

His left shoulder was bitten by Riona.

Although she didn"t do it too strongly, it was quite painful.

「That hurt Riona. You don"t need to bite like that」

「Shut up. What is it with the problematic statement just now even though you have me accompanying you here?」

「In other words you don"t like it that your fiancée is giving a hint of other woman at his past? You"re unexpectedly fastidious.」

「I, I retract my previous statement. I did something strange because my mood was slightly getting worked up. Good night Rokuharsan.」

「Call me Ren already.」

「No way-. It"s embarra.s.sing, so I won"t concede that!」

Perhaps she was 『unconsciously』 calming down from the sequence of event just now.

Riona turned her back on him and began to breathe like sleeping person. Ren followed her.

Like that the two of them slept for several hours──. The sprang up together when suddenly the sound of a horn rang out.



The loud horn sound was coming from somewhere.

Someone was blowing the horn from outside the Valhalla Palace. That resounding sound was terribly soul-stirring, at the same time it was also vaguely sounding grim.

「Who is blowing the horn?」

Ren got out of the bed and opened the window that was a type to be lifted up.

The eastern sky was starting to grow bright. The time was right at the dawn. And then, powdered snow was falling from the sky of dawn. It was a really light snowfall.

The snow that had never stopped falling these several days was finally about to stop.

But the sky was dark because of a thick cloud with deep grey color. It looked really ominous.

The sound of the horn was still continuing. It was resounding through the sky to be a warning of the danger to the world.

「Perhaps, it"s the horn of Gjallarhorn.」

Riona who came to his side whispered.

「It"s a tool to give notice at the time of Ragnarok. It"s said that this horn is blown when enemy is approaching the rainbow bridge Bifrost.」


──The wolves will tear off the chain and start running

──The towering tree of Yggdrasil will shake in ffear, the giants will obtain freedom

──The great snake Jormundgand will writhe in rage and cause high waves

「Those d.a.m.n big snake, it"s coming up to the land just as prophesied!」

The lightning G.o.d Thor cursed heroically.

He was surveying across the lower world from the rainbow bridge Bifrost, that was why he immediately noticed.

The world snake Jormundgand that twined around the land spreading far below his eyes──it finally rose up from inside the sea and lifted up its head.

It was a movement at the eastern coast of the continent.

Just that movement caused a high wave that surged toward the coast. A tsunami attacked the sh.o.r.e.

Spearheading this towering high wave that was like a cliff──

The world snake crawled up toward the land.

If there was a city there, it would become an empty lot just from this monster crawling through it. Everything was washed away just from the tsunami pa.s.sing through.

Fortunately, the north and east of the continent was the domicile of the giants and there was no human there.

But, if the snake kept advancing like this, the human world Midgard would end up getting atrociously flattened.

And then, the advance of the tsunami that was like a cliff and Jormungand was tremendously fast. They were rapidly moving toward the west with a momentum that was like the chariot of lightning G.o.d Thor!

「O iron hammer of Mjolnir, let loose the light!」

Thor swung down his hammer as the protector of the humans.

His fighting spirit drove him to hit the head of Jormungand. He hit, hit, and kept hitting. Lightning descended from the heavens with each hit, beating up the angered world snake.

A yell of anguish blasted out from the excessively huge snake"s mouth.



The world snake stopped advancing along with that agony.

Even the giant tsunami that came from the sea as accompaniment of the huge monster snake was also the work of divine mystery. It stopped together with its master the great snake and turned into a wall of sea water. It was as though time had stopped for it.

「You won"t advance further than this!」

The lightning G.o.d Thor boasted.

But, the prophecy of Ragnarok had foretold.

After Thor the son of Odin took down the world snake, he would take nine steps back and died.  His whole body would be ravaged by that snake"s fierce venom.

Even an extremely heroic fight wouldn"t be able to stop the advance of the end.

──The ship of death Naglfar left the sh.o.r.e

──The giant Hrym come from the east and lift his shield

There was only ocean at the east from the coastal area where Thor was fighting hard.

A rainbow of seven colors came into being from a corner of the vast sea surface.

It was heading to far away sky above, drawing a great arc. This was the rainbow bridge Bifrost. The bridge of divine mystery that was spanning from the lower world toward Asgard that existed at the height of the sky.

If one climbed this rainbow──it would be possible to advance toward Asgard.

In that case, the ocean that was the origin of the rainbow was 『the foot of the rainbow』.

A ship was advancing to there.

The "ship of death" Naglfar with the old giant Hyrm at its helm.

Several hundred ice giants the Hrimthurs were boarding the ship. They were incomparable with the bunch of giants that were rampaging nearby the fence of Midgard some days ago. They were ferocious, excellent in magic power, and tough.

And then, also.

──A ship arrive from the east

──The fellows of Muspel cross the sea and come here

A huge ship that was as big as Naglfar was coming to the ocean area where the origin of rainbow was located.

There were also several hundred giants riding this ship. However, it was the army of the fire giant tribe Muspel. The giant leading it was wearing a red garment and hat.

His face was handsome, but his cunning personality manifested as a twisted face.

The man who was the stepbrother of Odin as well as his traveling companion. A G.o.d who could transform into any appearance. The father of the demon wolf Fenrir and the world snake Jormundgand. His name was Loki.

Odin"s retainers also gathered in order to meet these enemies.

Any of them were stalwart warriors riding on swift horse that soared in the sky. It was an army of Einherjar, more than eight hundred dead warriors that were being led by the war maidens Valkyries.

Also, the G.o.ds who were called to gather by the war maidens were also…….

However, the people who were named as survivor in the prophecy when the battle of Ragnarok ended couldn"t be found there.

The G.o.ds, the giants, and everybody else who gathered here, all of them were destined to die.

Within this chaotic melee, a giant whose whole body was enveloped in flame was climbing the rainbow bridge. His right hand was holding a great sword that originally should be wielded with both hands.

That was the sword of flame. The blade was clad in fire that was emitting a radiance that was even more dazzling than the sun.


He who was letting out a low groan was no one else but the giant of flame Surtr. Without even needing to swing around his sword, the flame enveloping his body was already enough to burn the approaching warriors of Odin army into ash.

Surtr was calmly climbing the rainbow bridge Bifrost alone.

──Surtr bring fire from the south and attack

──Odin challenge the wolf to battle, the radiant killing hand Freyr stand in the way of Surtr

──The king of Asgard fall, sadness surely a.s.sail his wife……

The giant Surtr was approaching the Valhalla Palace of Asgard.

「We are going to stop him with the two of us, Freyr.」

「As you wish. Given the situation, I"m feeling regretful to let go of my prized sword in exchange of marrying my wife.」

The handsome G.o.d Freyr nodded at the call of the chief G.o.d Odin.

His tone was refreshing despite saying that he was regretful. He was in a completely calm manner in the moment before the decisive battle, even though it was a battle where it was prophesied that he would die.

「But, I have this thing. I will do everything that I can.」

He tapped at the antler hanging on his waist in the place of a sword.

Freyr wavy blond hair was grown long. His skin was clear white. He was a radiantly handsome young man, similar like Apollo of Greek mythology.

However, unlike the sun G.o.d who was a total ruffian, he was oddly refreshing to look at.

「……There is a strange s.e.xiness from his gaze.」

「……So you understand. He is the number one s.e.xy guy and playboy of Norse mythology. He will gamble even his life if it"s for the sake of romance. Even his twin little sister is a target of his amorous adventure. He is a handsome guy character that is the opposite of Thor.」

Ren and Riona whispered to each other in a low voice.

Ignoring them, Odin and Freyr, the two G.o.ds straddled their ride.

The old king who was holding the magic spear Gungnir was on the divine horse Sleipnir, while the handsome Freyr was surprisingly riding on a golden. He jumped on its back skillfully.

「My son Vidar. You head out to a.s.sist your elder brother Thor.」

「Onward to the ground of decisive battle the plain of Vigrior. Let"s go Freyr!」

「As you wish. I"ll serve to accompany you.」

The divine horse and boar ran off and left the Valhalla Palace. After receiving the command from his father, the overly silent Vidar also jumped on his horse and left toward a different direction.

And then, remaining at the garden of Valhalla Palace was──

Only Rokuhara Ren and Toba Riona.

「Odin, Thor, Freyr……the G.o.ds who are destined to die shortly are accompanied by a helper for each of them. What"s left is for us who is in charge of Fenrir to win. If we manage that」

Riona muttered.

「Then even the fate of destruction can be avoided.」

「By the way, what will happen to the handsome man Freyr-san in the plot of Ragnarok?」

「Because his weapon is an antler, he cannot win against the flame giant as expected and die in battle.」

「I know it」

「And then the sun will be swallowed by Fenrir, while the moon and other stars will also be swallowed by Fenrir"s family, making those vanish from the sky. The land will sink into the sea, and the flame of the giant Surtr will burn everything to ash, ending the world.」

「Our job is to overturn that huh.」

Ren sighed.

「I wonder where will the marquis-sama, our opponent come from.」

As though to answer that, Ren suddenly felt──a killing intent.

He looked up to the sky in surprise.

It should be morning, but the gloomy dark cloud was covering the whole sky. There was something that split this cloud and fell to here like a meteor.

That was a wolf"s skull──. Its mouth was opened wide.

The skull and also the fangs that filled the mouth to the brim were absurdly huge. Surely it would be able to easily swallow even the magnificent Valhalla Palace in one bite.

This kind of object was descending from the sky.

It was a gigantic creature that was like the beast of apocalypse that announced the end.

「Dropping such thing from the sky, the marquis-sama is also flashy in his action isn"t he!」

「I will go first.」

Riona declared one-sidedly beside Ren.

Her figure immediately transformed into the bird of guidance Yatagarasu and rushed toward the sky. She did it before Ren gave her the permission to release her ability.

Perhaps this was also the proof of the level up of her ability.

By becoming Ren"s partner, she had accomplished an evolution that made her become able to release her full power even without any permission from her master.

The skull of Fenrir that was created from Marquis Voban"s authority was approaching from the sky.

Ragnarok was finally starting.


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