
Human that killed G.o.d would be reborn into a G.o.dslaying beast.

Human who accomplished this miracle didn"t appear that frequently.

It was to the degree that if one appeared within several hundred years or within a thousand years it could be considered as "better". But since the dawn of history, it also never happened that there was none at all.

No matter how much human got poisoned by civilization, human was also a beast after all.

Owner of wildness that would persist with their own selfishness even if they had to kill a G.o.d for it would rarely be born. Pushed forward by good luck and miracle, they accomplished the great feat.

As the prize for that, they plundered the power, the authority of the G.o.d they murdered…….

It was unknown what year of Christian Era that an emaciated street urchin accomplished it.

He was born in a peninsula that would be called as 『The Powder Keg of Europe』 later on.

It was an era of wars. European countries starting from Austria and Ottoman Empire were in a heated combat for the hegemony of the peninsula.

A wandering boy without any home or relative who was scornfully called as 『dog』 and the like──

One day, he murdered a G.o.d.

By obtaining G.o.d"s authority, the street urchin obtained the qualification as a demon king.

And then, he aggressively used his strength. For example, when he traveled Hungary, he attacked a castle in the territory of a certain marquis and approached the feudal lord.

「Hand over your peerage and territory to me.」

It was the first fortune he obtained since he was born. This result satisfied him very much.

Because it was something that he obtained not from something foolish like heritage, but something that he took away with his own strength and ambition. Also, the previous marquis kept a burly savage dog.

「That dog, it might be my relative. In the past I was also called a dog you see.」

The G.o.dslayer who was a street urchin in the past ordered the previous marquis. He had to properly attend to the current marquis"s relative──in other words the savage dog as a servant.

In the end, he got bored of the marquis"s position after several years and threw it away.

After that was a succession of battles. At first he sought a confrontation with a powerful country. He 『picked a fight』 with the army of Ottoman Empire that ruled Eastern Europe at the time.

But after he grew up, he strongly wished for confrontation with the G.o.ds and his fellow brethren the G.o.dslayers.

「I only wish to fight with worthy enemy──. Simply enjoying such meager luxury won"t bring down divine punishment on me.」

He smiled brazenly, and then he added this.

「If there is G.o.d who will come to give me his divine punishment, then I will simply meet him happily as enemy.」

A most atrocious demon king who was extremely arrogant.

He didn"t come out at the front stage of Europe"s history, however behind the scene of history, he received the fear and worship in the world of the magicians as well as the clergymen with free rein.

But, however.

The curtain was suddenly lowered on the days of battle at a certain day.

He suffered an embarra.s.sing defeat in a duel against his brethren and lost his life. Although, he who had killed many G.o.ds until now as a G.o.dslayer──was especially powerful even among the beasts that were the bitter enemy of the G.o.ds.

He lost his flesh body and became only soul.

In that state, he was waiting vigilantly like a hawk for the opportunity, so that someday the day of his revival would arrive.

After many months and years since then, "that time" finally came.


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