Last Edit: 17 July 16.

The cheering of citizens who regarded the Empire as a friendly neighbour invigorated the allied troops. They demolished the『rebel army』with great vigour and pushed on towards the capital in one fell swoop.

「Though the n.o.bles in the centre reformed the defence line multiple times, the soldiers of the n.o.bles army who are shouldering this defence line are conscripted commoners. Naturally there is no morale. On the contrary, there are soldiers who publicly seem to want to ally with the allied army. ——Well I’d like to say you reap what you sow but we won’t do such dishonourable thing.」

Mirella sneered in self-derision yet only her eyes shook in sorrow.

「The defence line is riddled with flaws, and as I thought, it can’t stop the allied army.」

As collusion and betrayals appeared one after another, the result was the defence line being repeatedly breached. Before long, the supporting n.o.bles would begin shifting towards the capital for the sake of protecting their own necks. In a situation where allies could not be trusted, it became difficult to fight systematically, let alone maintaining the defence line.

As the core of the Emperor’s army, the imperial guards fortified the defence in the capital, probably to hold out until reinforcement from frontier n.o.bles came. Holding onto such fleeting expectations, the remaining forces faced the supporting n.o.bles in the capital.

But their real misfortune began from there.

「–In the morning about six months ago, while the supporting n.o.bles were in the midst of gathering war potential for the capital’s absolute line of defence, the reigning Emperor pa.s.sed away abruptly.」

Be it suicide, or a natural death, the cause had yet to be determined.

At the time when the allied army had already surrounded the capital, there wasn’t a method to know the situation inside accurately.

「But to be troubled here, even the allied army felt the same.」

In any way, their arbitrarily just cause for invasion had vanished.

Although the allied army wanted some privileges from the Empire for defeating the evil dictator, it lost its great cause for forcibly invading the Empire since he died. Raising a mobilization of military force without a great cause, they will be viewed as 『evil』 by their own people this time. Within each nation’s government, when its internal opposition parties caught news of the Emperor’s death, they noticed it was a scheme to drag down their political power.

Whatever the cost was, a victory was essential to persuade their people.

The allied army bearing the intents of their nations’ governments continued encircling the capital under the pretext of improving the deteriorated public order caused by the confusion of the Emperor’s death. This carried on for about a month.

In that one month, the allied army dispatched troops to governments of their homeland, and though the ceasefire pact should have been concluded with the frontier n.o.bles they invited, several new problems would arise.

Even if the frontier n.o.bles were satisfied with payments of certain percentage of reparations promised beforehand, the various nations’ governments weren’t granted the economical privileges they requested.

With their promises being different, the nations pressed the frontier n.o.bles to hand over the now deceased Emperor’s body to the allied army. Any less and they have no obligation to fulfil their promise; it was something they firmly refused to back down from. If the n.o.bles were unable to secure the body, they would similarly lose their just cause. Letting the country and its people be ruined any further, such a thing can never be allowed.

But the body of the Emperor had already been buried by the supporting n.o.bles.

The emperor’s mausoleum was deeply underneath the capital, and with the exception of the royal family and some of the ceremonial staff, entry was denied.

「In short, the capital was invaded to seize the reigning Emperor’s body, and it is necessary to divulge the mausoleum with military might.」

However, if the frontier n.o.bles invaded the capital, their troops may get caught in the allied army’s a.s.sault. The n.o.bles insinuated that many times whereas in reality, their troops were gathering around the capital in succession, and before one knew, their numbers surpa.s.sed that of the allied army.

Harming their own Emperor was tantamount to treachery, and they borrowed other countries’ strength to prevent that, but there was no reason to allow other countries’ troops to remain on their beloved country’s land any longer. For the n.o.bles, the allied army was a hindrance.

「Withdraw immediately since your business has finished」such a frontier n.o.bles army, and「obtained nothing but a small reparations, hence losing the people’s support just by spending redundant military costs」 such composition from opposition of each nation’s government were newly born. The circ.u.mstances further increased the extent of turmoil.

An enormous sum of funds and materials were necessary to mobilize the military for foreign campaign. This cannot be carried out readily regardless of how large the country is. Although each nations’ government tried to contribute to the war expenditure for bond issuance, their homelands’ economics were already overshadowed by cost of the ongoing invasion operations they started, hence it was impossible to consent to a small sum of reparations.

In the end, the condition stating for the balance of minimum income and expenditure from the alliance was refused by the Empire, hence they did not retreat.

On the other hand, the frontier Origin n.o.bles army which continued to standoff the allied army had several problems internally.

「I see, everywhere is full of problems.」

Without hesitating to expose her own shame, Mirella continued saying such words.

However, before she could open her mouth, the door was knocked several times.

Though Mirella cowered as if cold water was poured onto her, she panicky smooth over her expression when she felt Lectival’s gaze and gave the permission to enter towards the door.

「–Hime-sama, I brought you tea.」

The one entering the room through the door was the maid from before.

On the push cart was an insulated bottle and tea pot filled with hot water and confectionery of tea-cake. They were then presented before the pair.

「Th, thank you…But…」

「If something is important during emergency, is it fine not to talk to the master too? Besides, he is still recuperating. It is too unreasonable.」

Pointing that out to the maid, she looked back to Lectival who had a startled expression.

Looking closely, his complexion had turn paler compared to before.

「My apologies. I seem to have rushed.」

「Iyaa, nothing…」

Don’t worry about it, though Lectival was about to continue, looking her way, her eyes had an air of admonishment, hence his words was cut off.

「Let’s take a short break.」

The room’s atmosphere slightly relaxed from Mirella’s words.


That moment of rest became an unforgettable memory for Lectival and Mirella.

Lectival did not view Mirella as a daughter of a n.o.ble but rather as a woman, while Mirella felt Lectival was a man who should have possesses some sort of power.

For the both of them to start mutually recognizing each other as an individual, it was a huge turning point for them.


(TN: Repeated from part of chapter 3)

「This may not seem like it but I have some confidence in this tea. 」

Saying so, she brewed red tea with practiced movement. Pouring boiling water and tea leaves into the warm pot, the splendid hue of the tea could be seen in just a short time.

(She is skilful.)

Because she was a n.o.ble’s daughter, Letival thought with certainty that she would let a maid brewed the tea; hence he could only admire Mirella’s magnificent skill.



Lectival accepted the porcelain cup together with the saucer, but he suddenly noticed from the tea’s surface that it was about to spill over. Thus he searched for the cause by looking at Mirella’s hands, and his attention was caught by the ink (インク) sticking onto them.

Her hands were covered with small wounds. The wounds and her nails which were permeated in ink contrasted excessively with Mirella’s lovely figure.

「What is the matter? –Ah! 」

When Mirella felt Lectival looking towards her hands, she remembered her dirtied hands which were permeated by ink, and hurriedly push the tea onto Lectival.

「I, I am sorry.」

Seemingly ashamed, she concealed her flushed face behind her hands and murmured「I am truly sorry. Such things do not happen all the time…」 The permeated ink would not come off by simply washing, hence she should not feel liable, but she continued keeping her face down.

「Ano, I am not particularly bothered by it.」

Be it Lectival calling out to her cheerfully or complimenting the tea being delicious after drinking it, Mirella did not raise her face. However, only her ears were dyed red, what kind of expression was she concealing was up to Lectival’s guess.

Until not long ago, the room was shrouded in an awfully serious atmosphere, yet the interior was too quiet now.

However no matter how Mirella tried to hide, he noticed the multiple wounds on her hands, causing his smile to fade away from his expression.

「–Those wounds, how did you get them?」

He asked a question to hide his uneasiness, whereupon Mirella gave a troubled smile after seeing her own hand.

「I am fine, my tribe has high recovery strength. 」

Obviously that was not the answer Lectival wanted.

And the expression of Mirella who was on the verge of tears was something which he never wishes to see.

Without a clear reason, it was unpleasant watching such a face.

「Although you have a high recovery strength, can such small wounds not be healed?」

「You are really mean.」

However the present him had no words to make Mirella smile.

He did not know any clever speech or gestures.

Therefore he tried to provoke her at most. Though it could be understood that such tricks were too inept immediately if you thought a little, the pair could not sense that at that point of time.

「It has nothing to do with you.」


With eyes overflowing with the strongest intent unlike before, Lectival stared into Mirella’s golden eyes.

Mirella received such gaze for a moment, but unable to bear it before long, she averted her eyes.

「–You truly are a mean person.」

「It’s my loss, since showing such a face means to say ‘be quiet’.」

To be silenced from that extent, Lectival had yet to become an adult. Nor did he want to become such an adult either.

「Your especially pretty face is ruined.」

「You should choose a better place for flattery. In a place without any ambiance, I can only be embarra.s.sed.」

Though Mirella said so, her face was blushing, seemingly extremely embarra.s.sed.

Towards Lectival who said such words calmly, her sense of shame was stirring up increasingly.

「Could you please show me your hands just a little?」

「Eh? But…」

Lectival forcibly pulled Mirella’s hands towards himself while she was hesitating. Such a thing would not have happened had Mirella resist seriously, but with a surprised face, she was not able to oppose the young man who had grasped her hands. Until now, there had not been anyone who treated her this way.

Everyone treated her like a princess, even her army’s superiors and instructors just barely adopted an appropriate att.i.tude, perhaps she was known as the ‘daughter of white dragon duke’ except during work and business. It might be a first, for the man in front to not change his att.i.tude.

「Regarding your skin being white, does this part becomes rough easily?」

Saying so, Lectival wrapped both his hands around Mirella’s.

His body warmth was gradually being pa.s.sed to Mirella.


That was very embarra.s.sing. If she were to concentrate on the transferring of body temperature, it was as if she was feeling the harmony between intimate couple.

Her entire hands were wrapped in kindness, and the places which felt rough pains were caressed in gentleness. This should not be a healing magic but a simple loving caress, yet the wounds on Mirella’s porcelain-white hands were cured in succession.

It was a miraculous spectacle. To cure wounds inflicted by magic is it not a miracle bestowed by G.o.d?

「I may get angry from hearing those words you know?」

Lectival did not know the reason behind the phenomenon which he caused.

He only knew it was not a miracle.

「I think it is unnecessary to feel the pain of the people whom you want to protect.」

Mirella’s shoulders shook greatly. To obtain forgiveness from feeling pain was her own shallowness, and to be seen through by the man whom she met for the first time caused a shock. It made her body react and her heart sway.

「But unless I understand their pain…」

「It is a pseudo experience, though it is another thing if the sensation is shared. And even if that was not the case, in a true sense, is it not possible to not understand the pain they felt? 」

「Jya, am I unable to understand their suffering for a long time?」

It was a mistake to ask him.

But there were no other alternatives besides listening. It was to that extent that her heart wanted an answer.

「Is it so important for you to understand their suffering?」

Mirella could not comprehend Lectival’s words.

How can someone be a states-person if he cannot understand the citizens’ anguish and joy?

「Is it not obvious? If not…if that could not be done, then they will not recognize us as rulers. 」

「Is that really the case?」

The expression of the inquiring Lectival was calm, exactly opposite that of Mirella’s. The answer within him did not waver from Mirella’s words.

「If you can understand the people’s suffering, what will become of them?」


That was a point which she was not able to deny.

Can their wish be known even if she understood their pain? However, even if she understood, how she goes about fulfilling their wishes is yet another question.

「You are mistaken about your methods and purposes which you may regret later. What you ought to do is not feel the false sense of people’s suffering, but rather to consider ideal ways to remove their suffering.」

「But, that being the case, what people want is…」

「As for what they want, I think listening to their voices is the only choice. Letting your imagination run wild, injuring yourself, saying you are trying to understand at your own convenience, you are only just mistaking your methods and purposes.」

For Lectival, the reality of this world from Mirella’s talk was nothing more than other people’s affairs after all. If she were to hear those words, she may fly into a rage. For a person oblivious to reality, his knowledge is limited to what he knew by asking.

However his reality was the slender white hands placed within his hands where pitiful scars and her expressed grief were carved onto them.

He reflected on the thought of doing something about reality, thus arriving upon this solution.

「To begin with, you should put yourself back into perfect condition. If you were to collapse, you would not be able to save people who have chances of being rescued.」

「Are you comforting me? 」

「Not in the least, I am not that good of a person to comfort you to that extent.」

Lectival gently released Mirella’s hands which did not have a single scar remaining.

「You are not mistaken. Was there not something you acquired from injuring yourself? Afterwards, you just have to use it well.」

「And if I am not able to use it well?」

It was a poor question of stubbornness.

Despite that, Lectival did not break his smile.

「What you acquired from suffering setbacks can furthermore be used well. No matter how many times you fail or give up, as long as you do not resign yourself, opportunities will appear. As of now, you are still living; you can walk and talk, and just like that, smile gently.」


Mirella touched her face reflexively.

Was she smiling? Supposing she was, then what kind of expression was it?

Was it the same expression during the time of peace or was it a smile that she, as a respectful young lady, wore for business?

Without changing her question, she asked Lectival again.

「–What kind of face am I making now?」

Lectival answered with a nod after showing a manner of slight consideration.

「One that suits you, a lovely smiling face.」

Mirella, with her palm on her cheeks, felt her temperature and was convinced her face was dyed bright red.


Establishing an emotional bond, the distance between the two shortened.

With her heart lightened up a little, Mirella began relating the situation of the country to Lectival.

The alliance army was surrounding the capital and the Origin n.o.bles army of the frontier was confronting the alliance army, while the supporting n.o.bles" army of the present Emperor was secluding themselves within the capital.

Disruption of the supply line; the capital which was held hostage; and the difference in overwhelming war potential. Time elapsed continually while the three way battle stagnated due to various conditions to avoid fighting.

And before one realized, five months had pa.s.sed by.

The allied army’s solders rampaging as their supply route was cut, with the citizens within the vicinity suffering the brunt of damage.

The battle of the capital turned into a critical situation.


「But really…this is a problem of our Empire after all. However the place you are at now is within the Empire, surely you can’t pa.s.s off as being unrelated.」


Lectival remained silent with regards to Mirella’s words.

Honestly, it exceeded his imagination that contrary to her heart shrieking, she suppressed it to talk about the subject. In the extent where there was severe difficulty to accept reality, one would think whether it was a bad dream.

The world which he was born into, iyaa, within his memories, at the very least his surroundings of before was peaceful.

Though it was a world where people killed one another, hoodlums violating girls and children oppressing their parents, nevertheless it must have been peaceful since numerous people failed to notice that they were in the midst of peace.

But it was different here.

There were people frightened by the ongoing war in a place not far away from this room. And in his present surrounding, there might not be many humans who thought they were at peace.

In the emptiness to the extent of sorrowful, the hazy sense of reality of his blood welled up simultaneously1.

However, this world was undeserved to be thought of as sorrowful.

Sou, this wasn’t about his body not falling into a distant world. As of now, that was the situation of the world he was in.

「–As I thought, this world is none of your concern?」


To these words, he looked into her golden eyes.

Seemingly testing him, scorning him, and for some reason asking him. He felt as if his heart was being taken hold of by the seeming sad narrowed golden eyes.

Various emotions swam back and forth in his eyes, by no means was it the unexplainable answer that she seek from him.

「It isn’t about being unrelated…but…」

He was at a loss for words.

He was fearful of how he should reply.

He felt that there will be no turning back after he replied.

The mouth which spoke so well until now had dulled after coming to face with reality.

「Ee, oh well. You are too ignorant to not know anything. I am the same as you but I know this country more than you.」

Mirella withdrew her body and captured the outside view of the window with her eyes. Her world was over there.

Perhaps in her eyes, a world which Lectival cannot see was spread out before her.


He was accustomed to getting rebuke for being ignorant.

Even in the beginning of work, he was looked upon with eyes that seemed to say ‘you are a hopeless person as expected.’

But human as a living thing do not remain ignorant forever.

In a good or bad sense.

Living things living in ignorance and even feeling fear. That is humans.

Fear in learning the truth and accepting it.

But there was also a similar fear, living without knowing the truth.

No matter which fear is received, whether he refuse it — his primitive nature was distinguished accordingly.

His true nature — was as expected.

「Then… will it be fine for you to teach me the world you know of?」

He dreaded being knowledgeable, only living idly.

Driven to a corner by that fear, his instinct shouted for him to absorb everything he needed to know.

What he wanted to do, even without looking at his sorrowful-like eyes, a roar raised somewhere within him.

「Why? And what do you wish to know? 」

She noticed his then weak presence had grown profoundly and emphasized, and erasing all her expression, she stared into his silver eyes.

It was likely her intention to ascertain his temperament with those words.

He might have noticed her expectations. Then again, he might not have noticed either.

However, he had only one answer.

「The search for the guideposts in my path of life. The keys to the future that I desire and the door which you seek for a tomorrow. 」

Thus he let out a sigh and continued.



「Everything, for the sake of living as myself in this world.」


At this point of time, Lectival took a step forward.

And he was taught by the maid, Vilia, every day.

History, law, religion and general knowledge.

Oblivious that the country was named

Vilia was aware that her mistress, Meriela, held deep interest towards Lectival. She even felt jealous.

Though she doubted that the vow 「to protect Meriela」 which she had imposed on herself was breached, she followed around with her mind.

Yet while concealing that, she attended to Lectival.

She failed to realize, that the negative interest due to jealousy and desire to monopolize, would cause people to change.


Lectival as a young man was constantly shrouded with an air of pessimism.

If the words from a soldier to a major general in the white dragon lords’ army working for the castle’s defence command centre were to be trusted, it might have become「the air of someone who had a near-death experience, moreover at a close proximity2」.

Vilia was appointed as the person in charge of providing a.s.sistance and her figure could be seen throughout the day. During the time she was not teaching him various things as a teacher, she evaluated his displayed expression as 「as if he is an old person who understand death.」

In that calmness, without a single attachment to the world, living because he was alive. His appearance was similar to that of her grandfather, who had pa.s.sed away many years before, during his twilight year.

Succeeded by a married couple worthy to protect the house, having adorable grandchildren, even at the moment of facing death, her grandfather had an envious-like peaceful smile.

Seeing that young man showing an expression like her grandfather’s, she held indescribable fear and repugnance.


She called out so to her mistress who was walking down the corridor and her face which spun around had an extremely pleasant complexion.

Although just a week ago her face was pale like a ghost, her present complexion was different compared to before the start of the meaningless dispute. Everyone in the castle recognized this as the achievement of the youth.

Although Vilia had ill feelings regarding him, she acknowledged his merit.

「Ah, Vilia」

But if there was to be a problem,

「How’s he doing?」


It was as if her mistress these days could see nothing else but the young man opposite her.

「–His appet.i.te has returned considerably. The doctor said it might be fine for him to eat the same food as us」

「Sou, I’m relieved. Father shall be returning soon, so until then, I’ll leave him in your care」


With her mistress heading towards her own room as it is, Vilia saw off her retreating figure.

It would be a lie to say there wasn’t any dissatisfaction towards her mistress.

However she hesitated to reveal it and naturally directed her dissatisfaction elsewhere.

「I wonder if you can handle studying the empire’s law today?」

Her words faded along the uninhabited corridor without being heard by anyone.

She headed towards the castle’s doc.u.ment warehouse.

Once there, she borrowed several bulky law books and returned to the young man.

「—Eh, is this everything?」

「Yes, it is Hime-sama’s idea. I’ll have you remember all of the major parts.」

Presented with the large law book of the empire, Lectival’s face cramped up, and confirmed many times over if it was a mistake.

Even so the maid standing before him appeared solemn, hence crushing his reverie, and furthermore, she added on several doc.u.ments.

「To live in this country, you ought to know the fundamental laws」

「Even though you are extremely right…」

His arm shook weakly due to the heavy weight.

If it was an ordinary person, he could memorize the laws little by little on top of living his everyday life, but he had to memorize all at once.

「As for later, I’ll have you remember the imperial household law as supplement」

「– It’s a lie right?」

「A maid doesn’t lie」

「I earnestly wished you would say that」

Feeling the imminent threat approaching, Lectival relaxed his exhausted body.

「Then let us begin」


Lectival held a pen with his right hand and a note book with his left.

How much more of this ill hara.s.sment could he resist, though all these acts seemed to be due to that n.o.ble’s daughter’s kindness?

If that’s the case, resisting would contradict his conscience. The only way was to endure silently.

「Then, from the impression of each trivial law」

「Yes, if you would…」

Weeping in his heart, he faced the white note book.


White dragon duke Carl von Lindovorum.

As a duke, a high n.o.ble who had yet to give up on the imperial family.

His only expectation was the public peace of the country.


Hearing that her father who went to a trading company in the town on the opposite sh.o.r.e of the water spirit lake had returned from the butler managing the entire castle, Meriela became fl.u.s.tered and in her place, her dress had to be prepared by her accompanying maid, Vilia.

「Hair, skin, clothes, all check」

Once she was contented with affirming her appearance using a full-length mirror, she rushed out of the room to greet her father who had just entered the castle. Though she noticed the maid chased panicky after her later, she could not suppress the whirling feelings within her.

At the foyer was a man in his prime exceeding two meters tall taking out his overcoat. Dressed in n.o.ble traditional chief clothing, he headed in the direction where the sounds of hurried footsteps could be heard from. And upon seeing his daughter running up to him with her ‘paler than his’ silver hair swaying, he hurriedly entrusted his hand luggage to the butler and spread out his large hands.

「Come Meriela, my cute daughter !」

His expression collapsed without a shred of majesty, with a face full of smile which cannot be appropriately described by words. His butler who followed him till thought so, and once again believed that this must be how a doting parent looked like.

However the daughter abruptly decelerated upon seeing her father’s enchanted expression. She firmly stopped before plunging into the large spread out arms.

When the daughter came to a complete halt, the butler witnessed the flawless smile of the high-stature man froze over.


The butler thought he was weeping beneath the frozen smile.

But the daughter did not seem to have an ounce of sympathy towards her father’s appearance. It was most likely to convey business when she faintly opened her drawn lips.

It was a steady stretched out tone.

「Father, it’s about the matter mentioned earlier」


Towards his daughter’s words and expression, he let down his extended arms.

As per Meriela’s words from earlier, this man was her father as well as lord of the castle, the second generation of the white dragon, Duke Carl von Lindovurum. With the exception of anything related to his daughter, he held an appropriate appearance and dignity worthy as the head of the empire n.o.bles.

He placed his hand on his chin and thought for a while, then narrowed his golden eyes and lowered down to speak to his daughter.

「–Honestly speaking, it’s difficult to believe that story out of nowhere」


Meriela snapped at Carl’s words.

But without yielding his view, Carl’s expression suddenly slackened when he saw tears welling up in his daughter’s eyes. Then he continued in a gentle voice totally different from a while back.

This appearance and solemnity were undoubtedly not a form of strictness.

「This time however, I believe my daughter to have misjudge an important matter. I’ll listen to details in the room. 」

「Ye, yes!」

His daughter cheerfully changed into a blossoming expression suddenly.

The father smiled at his daughter’s appearance and led her upwards to his office in the upper floors of the castle.


Both the parent and child had the same thought – to make this country peaceful.

However, there was a large difference in their means to accomplish that objective.

Carl was plotting to turn in the under his daughter’s care to the alliance army to end the war, while Meriela wanted the to ascend to a suitable status in order to reorganize the country.

Dispatching goods to the alliance army in the rear, and interfering with the origin n.o.ble army to keep the collapse of the front-line in check, Carl had the alliance army’s actual condition and the origin n.o.ble army’s present status within his grasp.

If the morale of the alliance army was to plummet, it would be difficult to maintain their discipline.

And the Origin n.o.bles army would not remain idle with such behaviour.

If given a chance, the capital might end up in a sea of flames, hence Carl with this knowledge, made a determined cold-hearted decision.


In reality, there was no such conclusion where everyone ended up laughing. In that case, for the people who were crying, selecting the best method among the few was the role of the person governing politics. Carl always said that to his successor, Meriela’s older brother, and her.

However, she did not agree with her father’s words.

She was fastidious, a characteristic of the young people.

「Chi, Chichiue’s words is extremely plausible… But, the – Lectival do not intend to do us any harm…! Handing out punishment to crimes, and granting pardon for punishment, isn"t that the responsibility of the statesman? 」

「My daughter, if I dare say, as of now, to be here now at this time is a crime. Even I would not resort to killing the if the situation was slightly better. Rather, to have him accept the retainer’s grat.i.tude as the next emperor, and have a sound upbringing. But it’s too late for such situation.」

From the secret conversation with the Confederation’s envoy in , if the stalemate continued as it is, new troops would be dispatched to extricate the alliance army trapped at the capital.

This time, the talk was temporarily settled by promising to commission merchants with close a.s.sociation to the duke to deliver goods to the alliance army at the capital. However such method shouldn’t be used continually.

Carl informed his daughter that the longest limit was one month.

「But in that case, this is unfair to Lectival! It’s as if I saved him for him to be killed isn’t it? 」

「Without your help, the would have died. In that case, as compensation for prolonging his life, ought he not to become the cornerstone of the Empire? 」


His daughter slammed the table top with her hands and stood up.

She cried out with a tearful voice.

「There’s no reason for him to become one! He is neither a royalty nor a n.o.ble nor a commoner of the empire, much less having a reason to be judged by anyone nor did he sinned, why is it right for his life to be s.n.a.t.c.hed away?!」

「It isn’t right but rather necessary」

The world doesn’t revolve only on righteousness. It revolved on errors and irrationality too.

As a statesman, Carl discarded any anguish he felt in regards to his enraged daughter’s crying voice. Politics wasn’t about the process being correct or wrong. Consequently, the result is correct if it’s a good outcome to the majority, and if it isn’t so, it’ll just be a mistake.

「Kuu! Are you saying that he has to be sacrificed no matter what? 」

「I would not do so if there were other means. I could have the taken away when you weren’t aware, and everything will have ended by the time you realize and cry.」

Being resented and hated were part of his role.

It was his love as a father to accept them.


Feeling helpless, she could only glare at the overwhelming-like existence that was her father in front of her.

Presently, she wasn’t able to do anything besides that.

Her father was about to kill the kind young man who had grasped his own hands and affirmed his own suffering. Yet before her father, she could only do so much to an extent.


Meriela wasn’t able to overturn Carl’s thoughts.

It was her role as a n.o.bility to make it this far relying on her heart. If she was to fulfil it, rather than making use of Lectival, there wasn’t any choice but to save the country using his life.

It was at that time that she first felt the burden of being a「n.o.ble」.

n.o.bles weren"t about position or court rank but the way of living.

Knowing that, she was beneath Lectival.

If she was to request for his death as a n.o.ble, she must bear compensation as a n.o.ble.

Even if it meant throwing away her body…


In the room without a clock, he wasn’t able to tell for how long the painful silence had continued, but considering the fact that Vilia who would bring his dinner had yet to appear, not much time should have gone by.

Lectival was reading the simplified version of the thick empire law book and before he noticed, Meriela was gazing at him. Being looked at by Lectival, she calmed down her disoriented heart.


Nevertheless, she did not reveal her reason for visiting his room, only looking at him in silence.

Lectival was aware of her appearance but couldn’t find anything in particular to say. In his case, there wasn’t a chance to simply talk to people much less a reason, but it might be the right time to do so now.

Finally deciding her resolve, she broke the silence.

「–There’s an opinion of surrendering you to the alliance」

Silence descended once again.

Facing towards Lectival, Meriela stiffened her body to brace herself for resentful words but the words which she imagined never came no matter how much time pa.s.sed.

Unable to comprehend, Meriela lifted her face and in front of her, Lectival’s expression remained unchanged.


Lectival was quiet when being informed of his death, and after giving a response, he fell back into silence. His face was fixated on the large law book throughout the time.

It was eerily quiet. Meriela, spurred on by a compelling notion to say something, continued in a trembling voice.

「After a limit of one month has pa.s.s, you will be extradited to the alliance countries as a war criminal. You will probably be put on trial by both the empire and the alliance countries…」

「That’ll be troubling」

As expected, Lectival did not raise his face. Meriela thought that she rather be spoken ill of from the bottom of her heart, but she wasn’t able to convey them into words. With just a time frame of one month, it was unthinkable to request anything from him.

「Ee, really」

It wasn’t like Lectival was unperturbed, but rather it felt too unrealistic, hence the lack of reaction.

Having died once and yet being told to die again, he wasn’t sure just what kind of reaction he should have.

Unsure of how to interpret his silence, Meriela hid her face, clasped both hands tightly and continued her talk in tears. She didn’t want to keep quiet, if she did — she couldn’t speak words of significance.

「No matter how much the crime is to be lightly estimated, only the way of dying will change. The only difference is whether you die while holding onto your honour or die while deprive of it.」

「Is that so?」

Up to here, Lectival finally shut the huge law book and changed his view to outside of the window.

After hearing her words, the centre of his heart grew cold like ice.

An overwhelming 『nothingness』 dominated his mind instead of fear.

This was his second experience.

「This scenery too, it was a short experience 」

「–Gomennasai, gomennasai」

He felt she only kept on apologizing.

She continued apologizing without looking his way, refusing to show her face, and in a way, he felt it was painful.

「It’s also one of the way to end things, it isn’t your responsibility」

「But…if only I didn’t do unnecessary things…」

「In that case, I’d had die long before, won’t the conclusion still be the same?」

She wanted to cry out that he was wrong.

Even if she had found him, it’d had been fine to release him before her father return. It’d been fine to contact the temple for their protection. There were many methods yet to not have done so, was it because she misread the situation of uneasiness, or possibly she might have a strong attachment to the .

「But, but really…」

「Please stop crying」

Being told that, Meriela hurriedly wiped away her tears.

Since Lectival did not show his shaken appearance, she shouldn’t either.

In front of her was the ideal image of a n.o.ble calmly accepting death yet she felt afraid seeing it up close.

She did unnecessary things and burdened herself with all these excessive things; she was surely tied and condemned by this reality. Nonetheless, Lectival wasn’t as composed as she thought.

(It’s the end here too?)

It was slightly regrettable to end without knowing why he was here, but for him who was aware of having died once, death wasn’t an object of fear. Perhaps he might not understand the thing called death, but he was surprised at his insensitivity to 『death』.

It wasn’t because of his pride or readiness due to adopting a calm att.i.tude but rather because he did not have any attachment towards this world and displayed the excellence of abandoning his nature. To begin with, if he had pride and readiness, he would have led a better life in his former world.

「I’ll provide you with a.s.sistance to my utmost limit within this one month. If you have any wish, my house and I will fulfil them to the best of our abilities. Though you may not think of permitting this, what else can I do…? 」

Meriela offered herself and became quiet, thus finishing her sentence.

Without such resolution, she wouldn’t be able to converse a single word with Lectival due to her guilt, and above all, her pride wouldn’t allow it.

If her brother succeed the duke as planned, she who was originally a tool of politics, will have to become someone else partner. Meriela thought it wasn’t treated as problem since he will be sacrificed as a tool of the government to save the empire.

Meriela who was opposing the like of her father failed to notice a fact. Even if her father’s behaviour was naturally the role of a n.o.ble, she likely wanted to push it onto someone else.

Hence the reason for those words but Lectival declined.

「That…to me is an invalid proposal. I’m just wasting this life which you save, yet to seek compensation for it is unthinkable」

A pale pretty face, silver hair and golden eyes.

And with a symmetrical physique, it had a deadly attraction as an opposite s.e.x, but since he understood that she was requesting for the sake of atonement, he didn’t wish for more. Because he knew that the day when she’ll feel regret will come someday after he was gone.

Even if she doesn’t regret, there was a line he couldn’t yield as a man. And above all else, she wasn’t a woman who was fine with dishonouring a man like him, Lectival smiled in self-mockery.

On the other hand, since it was before his death, perhaps he might make a request of the unseemly her. Such thought definitely dwell within him but he ignored it a.s.sertively. He still had a little self-respect.

「Rather than escaping to atonement like now, I want to be able to accept from the bottom of my heart to entrust myself to the other party someday. At least I’ll be happy in that way.3」

It was unpleasant to see his benefactor being sad.

Though it was a short encounter, he wanted her to be happy.

Meriela was that important as an acquaintance for Lectival to wish so.

It wasn’t due to his sense of righteousness; he just didn’t want to think of himself being reluctant.

Whether there was a romantic feeling or not, he wasn’t able to deny nor affirm it. He felt this talk would end if he let it fade away as it is.

(Expectations, he knew how fortunate it was to have expectation of… )

He felt he was being effeminate. When he could not meet up to people’s expectations, he would lay the blame on others.

Despite being that kind of person, there was something even he couldn’t yield.

He had nothing but merely two definite memories within him.

This lovely fragile lady and the strong minded maid.

Only these two certainly existed in his world. If it was to this extent, wouldn’t it be fine to let him protect them?

「–Should I thank you? 」

Meriela who was looking downwards finally raised her face. She looked at Lectival with upturned eyes while smiling softly and tilted her head. It was obvious at a glance that she was pushing herself. Lectival couldn’t leave Meriela as she was and reached out for her silver hair shining like the moonlight.

He stroked her hair while replying to her question.

「If it can make you happy, wouldn’t just a thank you be fine?」

The silky silver hair made Lectival feel extremely comfortable. He wanted to keep on touching it if possible.

But he shook off such temptation and withdrew his hands. Though Meriela’s expression was slightly clouded with regret, he arbitrarily decided it was his imagination. If not, he might think of things beyond his means/position.

「In the place where I was before, there’s seldom things such as a meaningful death. In spite of that, to be given a huge meaning like saving this country, can you say this is good luck?」

Being told such, he shouted out in his heart. In reality, this country was inconsequential.

However if it was to protect the most important person to him, isn’t it worth to sacrifice this life which has not found much meaning?

Similar to that empty world, rather than being given just a desultory death, wasn’t he somewhat like a ‘Messiah’?


Since he wasn’t able to actually experience life, he wasn’t afraid of death.

Was it an abnormality or common sense of living things?

Lectival who didn’t display his fearful behaviour of death overlapped with Meriela’s ideal image of a n.o.ble.

Without realizing Meriela’s innermost thoughts, Lectival went along with one of her wishes.

That was an important reason for him to live in this world, even if it was an awfully short life.


If it was such a thing, the regretful silver-haired daughter of n.o.ble birth who ought to have heard various things in her present military school, felt the severe impact of Lectival’s words. Moments before, she was requested to tell him her name4.

「–Name? Eh, my name? 」

「Yes, please tell me your name. As expected, to die without knowing the name of my benefactor feels unpleasant.」


*Gakuri* Meriela’s figure crumbled, causing Lectival to tilt his neck. If he knew the details of the unfolding conflict within her, his att.i.tude might somewhat change, though not for the better.

For now, a.s.sessing him to be such a man would only make her feel depressed.

It was worth it to risk his own life for her, and indisputably unfavourable to think of such a woman as shameless.

「Then, will you tell me?」

「Of, of course! Rather, I should apologize for not introducing myself until now.」

「Ie, I heard you’re a remarkable person from Vilia-san but is it natural to not give your name or …」

It was in human nature to know names.

At the very least, among the population of the white dragon duchy, those who didn’t know of her name might be the little children and people that came from other territories. Now that Lectival thought about it, he didn’t a.s.sertively ask for her name.

Isn’t it rude to ask, he thought.

「What kind of ill-mannered person do you think I am, to get angry for asking my name? Maa, I might as well do a proper self-introduction.」

With elegant movements which were rigidly taught to her ingrained into her body, Meriela stood before Lectival. With silvery hair flowing and clothes dancing (衣裳が踊る), Lectival’s sight was stolen by that spectacle.

Exhibiting a flawless princess-like behaviour and gently lowering her head — Meriela Lily Lindovorum.

The princesses of the dukes named “Empire’s Four Dragon Princesses,” there was a woman among them called the 『war G.o.ddess』 due to her respectable figure on the battlefield.

「–Will this do?」

*Kuku* Lectival laughed at the sight of her looking up at him with her small tongue sticking out while lowering her head.

Correcting his dignity, he returned a self-introduction.

「I’m extremely delighted to have a courteous self-introduction. My name is Lectival. I’ve nothing to my name but it’s certainly a great blessing from heavens to know of your name. Please treat me well from hereafter.」

「It’s the same for me, I’m happy to have my name remembered by the one who will become the empire’s hero.」

Saying so, both of them laughed together.

Such a scene could only be seen as fellow friends merely joking together.

Whether this was happiness or not, it was a separate matter—


An opponent who didn’t need exaggerated t.i.tle.

She faced such an adversary for the first time.

That was the beginning of her fate, as well as the start of an unforgettable battle in their lifetime.

Year 2009 of the empire.

It was the time of the year when autumn drew close.


Using his own t.i.tle as the 『White Dragon』, he dispatched a letter to an important commander of the Origin n.o.bles army and for a brief period, a.n.a.lysed the empire’s situation within his mind while keeping his eyes closed.

Originally, the national armed forces, which ought to be defending the empire’s territory, had their movement restricted due to political disorder. Furthermore, part of the n.o.bles who should have received stipend as feudal lords of the country aided the confusion, resulting in the reality where foreign troops invaded till the tip of the empire’s nose.

Certainly, if the empire’s entire army of the

Moreover, there were farmers who were forcibly conscripted from the supporting n.o.bles’ territories and mercenaries employed with gold in their main force.

The empire’ troops were largely composed of professional soldiers who received special training and were zealous in everyday practice, hence even if their number was the same, there should be a distinct different in combat ability.

There were certainly numerous people with skills among the mercenaries, but there were also some foreigner units made up of mercenaries tied with long-term contracts within the empire’s troops. Their abilities were highly evaluated by the empire army, and the treatment given to them weren"t much different to empire soldiers of similar rank.

However, no matter how powerful they were, fighting shoulder to shoulder against farmers who until recently were just holding hoes and ploughing the fields, it was difficult to bring out their full strength. On the contrary, it was easy to guess that the morale would drop when a.s.signed with allies whom they were unable to trust.

In short, the supporting n.o.bles" army only gathered the number to save its own prestige, yet anyone could see that they committed an obvious blunder. If it was someone who received a formal high grade officer training in the army or a n.o.ble who always have his private army on standby, such mistake would never be committed.

「–Foolish lot.」

Truly incorrigible.

Carl retrieved a distilled alcohol and gla.s.s cup from his work desk"s drawer, but he recalled his daughter severely telling him to stop drinking during work and snorted his nose in displeasure.  Being told that she would never call him「father」again if he broke the promise, the doting Carl could only abide.


While conscious of his outburst of anger, he directed his irritation towards the fools who were secluding themselves inside the capital. Until now, it was spoken aristocratically (as a Duke) but as a n.o.ble race (White dragon clan), Carl disliked pursuing an average ideal excessively5. He thought that submitting to a supreme authority was a heavy responsibility which he had to accomplish no matter what.

Exposing such crisis in the 2000 years of empire’s history, it was unbecoming of the n.o.bles who protect the citizens and the country. Even if the empire survives the war, there is no benefit. In that case, preferably — at this moment, he had already decided on how to deal with the supporting n.o.bles.

From the letter that arrived to him recently, it was easily understood that the three Dukes, who had given up on the empire royal family hence declaring independence, had similar intentions. Though direct notations were avoided to guard against leaks, Carl grasped the real meaning without any problem.

Prior to this, doc.u.ments deciding the fate of the supporting n.o.bles were sent to the Origin n.o.bles.

If they were delivered together with letters of similar contents from the three remaining Dukes, the Origin n.o.bles, setting aside their inner thoughts, might publicly abide their n.o.bles congress leader’s decision. That was the extent of the Four Dukes’ influence and by maintaining it; they were capable of possessing military power.

The Four Dukes had yet to send out a single soldier for this battle.

In other words, the strongest and most famous of the n.o.bles’ troops, the remaining Four Dukes’ armies were unhurt.

Carl’s army wasn’t lacking when challenging the foreign regular army, and if necessary, preparations were arranged to head towards the capital within three days. They were an existence that created a stir in this war.

(But, if there’s new reinforcement to the alliance army, the situation will deteriorate and it’ll become meaningless to send the Four Dukes’ armies including mine.)

At any rate, with the infantry’s marching speed, it will take five days to reach the capital from the Four Dukes’ territories while the cavalry will need two days.

If it was the dragon clan which lived in the skies, regardless of how slow their flying speed was, they might barely manage to reach the capital in a day but, nonetheless, the dragon Duke’s army didn’t have that many units. It was too heavy a burden to take on a military force numbering in tens of thousands.

Perhaps the only rea.s.suring fact was that the alliance army reinforcement didn’t have a necessary just cause?

With support from its own people, it was possible for the alliance army to invade foreign territories under the strategic objective of subjugating the dictator who plunge their friendly nation into disorder yet with the loss of the target for their objective, it was already impossible to accomplish that goal. In that case, they should logically retreat immediately, but from the primary calculation, the war expenditure incurred by the alliance army during that campaign exceeded 5% of the alliance country’s GDP.

The a.s.sembly was originally made up of several countries; hence the alliance army composing of the

If there were countries which merely pay for the expenses without dispatching any soldiers, there were also countries which send nothing but military volunteers as soldiers.

Thus, the result was disputes due to competing for the same fruit as much as possible.

On top of strengthening the economic relationship between

Thus it wasn"t hard to imagine the

The Confederation government wanted to draw out concession from the Empire at any costs, whereas the military wanted an early withdrawal before their military force exhausted themselves.

While the government was afraid of the populace"s resentment following the economic deterioration due to the war expenditure and turned to self-protection, the army didn"t want its soldiers that took large budget and long time to be raised become sacrifices for worthless politics. It could be said to be a confrontation between two such parties.

Even in the Capital, there was dissatisfaction towards the Origin n.o.bles who did backdoor transactions with the Alliance Army, as well as shouts of condemnation for the Supporting n.o.bles from radical parties of both the n.o.ble and citizen congresses. As of now, the minority faction of the citizen congress was gathering support from each faction and depending on the conditions hereafter, it could become the majority faction but, there were traces of reality that the stand-off might continue as it was. In that case, when the power of state is put into motion, possibilities of an all-out war might have to be taken into consideration.

Under the pretext of the Emperor being the Supreme Commander was absent, the present Imperial Army didn"t move its forces when in reality, the upper stratum department was placed in that position by the Emperor. However, from their desperation to protect themselves, Carl knew that they had abdicated command of the imperial whole army that had become their enemy.

But it was a convenient situation when the national armed forces didn"t move.

Since the Empire didn"t move its regular army in this war, there wasn"t a need to prepare unnecessary loan to the countries of the alliance.

It was the n.o.bles" private armies that dealt damage to the alliance army; hence they were the ones to carry out reparations. While the Empire held the responsibility of not restraining them, it could justify itself by claiming to have penalize them. Needless to say, while it was possible to make such claim, it was unthinkable for the several foreign countries to just accept it. In regards to them, a foolish move of not bearing any responsibility was an action of a ruined country.

(TLN: The Empire had to take some sort of action or face criticism from its neighbours.)

Realistically speaking, it wasn"t very practical.

But even so in this war, according to the cross national agreement, it wasn"t the case where the alliance army invaded the Empire"s domains.

After all, the invasion was carried out in accordance to promise, arbitrarily made by the Origin n.o.bles who did not possess sovereignty. It wasn"t impossible for the Empire to pursue the allied countries for infringement of territories if it wanted to. Yet by pursuing them, the fact of the Origin n.o.bles" betrayal had to be recognized by the Empire, but n.o.bles aren"t the Emperor, there were replacements.

Origin n.o.bles were reputations and not peerage.

Even if the Origin n.o.bles" houses were crushed, another n.o.ble would appear to succeed them.

However, if the same thing was to pointlessly repeat itself, everything is meaningless.

「As I thought,  we as n.o.bles must change.」

It was the pride of keeping 2000 years of history intact.

However, old things will someday rot.

"Only by changing while embracing the history can true history be made," thought Carl.

Fortunately, the three Dukes besides him began holding the same thought. They held political power rivalling to Carl, and just knowing that they weren"t seized (囚われ, will need a better word…) by evil politicians" custom, the reformation from hereafter can be sped up.

White Dragon Lindovorum.

Black Dragon Nizuheggu.

Red Dragon Suvarogu.

Blue Dragon Leviathan.

As dragon race, they had high amount of pride and shallow attachment to endless power and wealth which humans desired. That was exactly why, as a shield that defended the Empire of the founding Emperor who was their friend and lord, they were bestowed the present territories and status.

The founding Emperor was once among humans, and feared the monster called 『Greed』 kept inside the hearts of their short lifespan race.

He appointed the four accompanying dragons as guardians to safeguard the Empire’s people whom he believed in and fought together with.

「It’s inexcusable to the founding Emperor to lose the Empire here.」

And to protect the Empire means to infringe on his lord’s life6. There shouldn’t be a mistake in the contract which was staked with and sworn on the reputation and existence of dragon.

No matter how many generations, as long as the 〈Lindovorum of White Dragon〉"s name exists, the contract will continue on.

Carl imposed a vow of protecting the Empire even at the cost of throwing away everything on himself.

And he had such means on his hands. As if guided by fate, the fell into the dragon’s den.

「Young man of the , it’s fine to bear a grudge. When I die and serve at your feet in the realm of the dead, I shall atone for the sins I pushed onto you with my all. But for now, I shall have you become the cornerstone for the Empire.」

On the garden’s bench seen from Carl’s study room, he found people with silver and white hairs.

He experienced conversing with a friend, who was separated for years, during those distant days. Today, thinking of his daughter having the same experience, he remembered the loneliness as well as the happiness.

Come to think of it, that friend &

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