Short, Light, Free

Chapter 112: Wormhole Time Machine II

Chapter 112: Wormhole Time Machine II

They escorted me out of the door and a lady a.s.sistant appeared to hand me a set of clothes .

I have seen these clothes in movies before . It was a kind of straitjacket that mentally ill patients wear .

The sleeves were tied together while the pants were filled with fasteners .

The soldiers dressed me forcefully .

"Wait, what are you doing? What"s this for? Why must I wear this?" I cried out .

"It"s a set of restrictive clothing . Because your soul will be away for three days and your body will be falling into a hibernating state, this is to prevent you from harming yourself if you sleepwalk . It"s a lesson that we had to learn the hard way so just please cooperate," Professor Douglas said from behind .

Overpowered, I could only let the soldiers fasten the locks on my clothes .

They took me to the end of the corridor and opened the big door .

It looked nothing like a laboratory inside and more like an operating table in a hospital .

They lifted me up and secured me to a bed .

I couldn"t move . I could only shout out helplessly .

I have no idea what I was saying between my cries .

Professor Douglas walked over with a headgear in his hands . "I"ll tell you why it"s 99% and not 100% . "

"What? What . . . " I mumbled .

"We previously had an orangutan as a test subject . Her name was Bade and she was very tame . Same conditions, three days . On the first day, she started sleepwalking . The next day, we fastened her to the bed but we forgot the headgear and she bit off her tongue on the third day . By the time we realized what happened, it was too late . So this is just to prevent another accident . I hope you don"t mind," he explained before he covered my mouth with one hand as he prepared the gear with another .

"I object, I do mind . . . I want to end this experiment . I want to leave this . . . " The profanities that I wanted to hurl at him was cut off because the gear was already covering my face . The mouthpiece was pressing against my mouth and I could only groan .

"Start the experiment," Professor Douglas ordered .

Ropes started tightening around my body .

The bed inclined outward by more than 90 degrees and I experienced tinnitus .

One minute, two minutes . . .

The sound continued and my head felt like it was going to explode .

I felt needles entering my skin and I started to feel drowsy .

I felt something within my head drawing away and I was suddenly unsure where my body was .

As I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on yellow earth .

I got up with much effort and I could not feel my limbs .

It was difficult to focus and it felt as though I have downed a whole bottle of white wine .  

I thought about what has happened and sure enough, memories started to come back .

Have I traveled across time? Could I really go back after three days?

I could not die and I must report everything I see .

I looked around . It was a vast, barren land .

There was a mountain not far away and there seemed to be a jungle at the bottom .

I was still a bit dizzy but I started walking in that direction as fast as I could .

I looked down at my body and saw only a few pieces of cloth .

Very primitive .

I touched my face but I was unable to describe my appearance .

My skin was dark . Am I a black person? I tried to speak . "I . . . have I traveled across time?"

I am aware of my situation but I found it difficult to control my limbs .

As if intoxicated, I swayed toward the jungle .

I wanted to run but I do not have the energy .

It was understandably difficult to control an unfamiliar body so being able to move was good enough for now .

I should at least figure out which year and region I am in .

I looked around and a few possibilities popped up in my head .

Prehistory civilization, perhaps, or post science and technology maybe?

Right, I might not even be on Earth .

This body felt strained and my breaths were becoming more urgent .

Am I tired or was my host tired?

I collapsed to the ground and gradually lost consciousness .

I woke up in a stone bed this time .

A hazy figure supported me up . "You"re awake . You were severely dehydrated but luckily, you"re fine now . Do you know who you are?"

I shook my head . "You don"t know me?"

I might not be from here if he doesn"t know me . Why was my host here then?

"I don"t think I know you . I"ll bring you to our queen later," he told me .

I could not see his face clearly because I still felt drunk .

I thought it might be a side effect of time travel . After all, my soul was now integrated with my host"s .  

I observed my surroundings . It looked like I am in a cave .

It was very dark and there was practically no light .

I pondered about this matriarchal society and concluded that the culture here might be rather backward .

"Why don"t you turn on the lights?" I asked .

"What are those?" he asked back .

I gave him a bitter smile . Of course, they might not understand some terms . It was just fortunate that there was no language barrier between us .

"Something that glows? Or fire?" I tried to describe .

"Yes, but only the queen gets to use it . I"ll take you to meet her . She is very friendly . "

I nodded . So this place was not just a matriarchal society but also under an oligarchical regime .

He took my hand and led me inward .

We pa.s.sed through many corridors . It looked like we were in an underground palace .

The people around were busy with their own things and the main hall was very s.p.a.cious .

On the throne sat a woman, and I did not know why, but she appeared extremely imposing .

I lowered my head involuntarily . My host must be frightened by all these people .

"Where are you from?" the queen started .

"I don"t know either, Queen . Perhaps my brain is damaged . How long can I stay here for?" I asked politely .

She replied faintly, "Judging from your clothes, you must be from Poorful . "

"Poorful?" I repeated .

"Forget it, it"s nothing . I can let you stay here as long as you"re willing to work," she informed me .

She waved her hand and an older looking man entered .

"He"s our worshipper and he will tour you around this place so get yourself familiar . I"ll give you a few days to do that before you start working for me . How does that sound?" she proposed .

I needed three days . With a smile, I answered, "I might need three days to rest . "

"I was right . You"re a lazy person from Poorful Country but you seem hardworking somehow . Alright, you may leave now . I hope you can contribute something three days later . "

She waved her hand again and the worshipper led me out of the palace .

I turned around and half of the blurry palace seemed to be on the mountain while the other half was an underground construction .

"What nation is this?" I asked the worshipper .

"Poorless Nation . "

"Poorful? Poorless?" I echoed .

"Yes, because where you come from, the people are lazy, all take and no give, hence poorful . People here are diligent so we are poorless . "

"So just one poorful and one poorless?"

"This place has been built by successive queens, one after another, over a few centuries . "

"Right, what are we?" I asked .

"What do you mean?" He looked confused .

"There"s land under our feet and the ground is actually round so we"re on earth and we"re earthlings," I explained . When what I"ve done registered with my head, I immediately clamped my mouth shut . I said something I shouldn"t have .

"Earth? Isn"t it flat?"

I nodded eagerly . "Yes, yes, I made a mistake . It"s flat . "

"What did you say we are? The G.o.ds call us Ma . . . Ma something, right? Oh, Maya?"

"Ma? Ya? Maya? This is Maya? BCE?" I cried out before covering my mouth again .

"Maya? Sounds like a good name . I"ll bring that up to the queen tomorrow . We will be Mayans," he said with a pleased smile .

I froze . Have I just influenced history?

"So that was what the G.o.ds meant . Thank you, G.o.ds," the worshipper shouted .

"Wait, G.o.ds? There are G.o.ds here?" I asked, baffled .

"Yes . You"ll see in the future . "

"Wait? See what?" I asked, shuddering . Legend has it that ancient people had gotten help from the aliens .

Could there really be aliens?

"Of course, you can see G.o.ds . They appear overhead and bring us harvest or disaster . "

"Harvest or disaster?" I repeated, still unable to comprehend this concept .

"There are good G.o.ds and bad G.o.ds," he explained patiently .

It was all too much for me to take in . I asked anxiously, "Can you take me to the G.o.ds?"

"They will appear as they please, and we don"t know if they will be bringing us a disaster or a reward . "

I nodded . It seemed at this point that the aliens were really the cause of mankind"s progress . How else could there be airships and the like?

"What do they look like?" I questioned .

"No particular look . Very tall and big . I can"t describe it . You"ll know when you see them . They just look like . . . G.o.ds . "

Again, I nodded perfunctorily as I pondered over this . I"ll share this information when I get back to the present . It will shock the world and also prove the existence of aliens . Of course, I"ve yet to see the "G.o.ds" so . . .

Would I get the chance to see them before my three days were up?

I felt rather vexed right now . My knowledge of history was too limited .

I knew next to nothing about the Maya civilization, except that they were smart and even predicted the end of the world . Did the "G.o.ds" tell them that?

And were they smart because they received information from the "G.o.ds"? I did not dare to delve into this just yet .

The worshipper smiled and said, "Let"s go back to rest . You"ll sleep in my room tonight . "

I was looking forward to meeting the G.o.ds .

The night deepened and I drifted to sleep, only to be woken up by a slap in the face . Someone was holding and shaking my head vigorously .  

I jolted up to see a furious worshipper shouting in my face . "What did you say in your dreams? What do you mean by "The G.o.d of Destruction is coming"?"

I stared at him, eyes wide in shock . I was speechless .

Did my host speak when I was asleep?

Or did my host travel over here from Poorful Nation to convey the message? G.o.d of Destruction? Wait, how did the Maya civilization die out? I was really regretting all the times that I did not pay attention in cla.s.s .

The worshipper grabbed my hand angrily . "Let"s go meet the queen and you must explain yourself . "

They escorted me out of the door and a lady a.s.sistant appeared to hand me a set of clothes . I have seen these clothes in movies before . It was a kind of straitjacket that mentally ill patients wear . The sleeves were tied together while the pants were filled with fasteners . The soldiers dressed me forcefully . Wait, what are you doing What 39 s this for Why must I wear this I cried out . It 39 s a set of restrictive clothing . Because your soul will be away for three days and your body will be falling into a hibernating state, this is to prevent you from harming yourself if you sleepwalk . It 39 s a lesson that we had to learn the hard way so just please cooperate, Professor Douglas said from behind . Overpowered, I could only let the soldiers fasten the locks on my clothes . They took me to the end of the corridor and opened the big door . It looked nothing like a laboratory inside and more like an operating table in a hospital . They lifted me up and secured me to a bed . I couldn 39 t move . I could only shout out helplessly . I have no idea what I was saying between my cries . Professor Douglas walked over with a headgear in his hands . I 39 ll tell you why it 39 s 99 and not 100 . What What . . . I mumbled . We previously had an orangutan as a test subject . Her name was Bade and she was very tame . Same conditions, three days . On the first day, she started sleepwalking . The next day, we fastened her to the bed but we forgot the headgear and she bit off her tongue on the third day . By the time we realized what happened, it was too late . So this is just to prevent another accident . I hope you don 39 t mind, he explained before he covered my mouth with one hand as he prepared the gear with another . I object, I do mind . . . I want to end this experiment . I want to leave this . . . The profanities that I wanted to hurl at him was cut off because the gear was already covering my face . The mouthpiece was pressing against my mouth and I could only groan . Start the experiment, Professor Douglas ordered . Ropes started tightening around my body . The bed inclined outward by more than 90 degrees and I experienced tinnitus . One minute, two minutes . . . The sound continued and my head felt like it was going to explode . I felt needles entering my skin and I started to feel drowsy . I felt something within my head drawing away and I was suddenly unsure where my body was . . . . As I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on yellow earth . I got up with much effort and I could not feel my limbs . It was difficult to focus and it felt as though I have downed a whole bottle of white wine . I thought about what has happened and sure enough, memories started to come back . Have I traveled across time Could I really go back after three days I could not die and I must report everything I see . I looked around . It was a vast, barren land . There was a mountain not far away and there seemed to be a jungle at the bottom . I was still a bit dizzy but I started walking in that direction as fast as I could . I looked down at my body and saw only a few pieces of cloth . Very primitive . I touched my face but I was unable to describe my appearance . My skin was dark . Am I a black person I tried to speak . I . . . have I traveled across time I am aware of my situation but I found it difficult to control my limbs . As if intoxicated, I swayed toward the jungle . I wanted to run but I do not have the energy . It was understandably difficult to control an unfamiliar body so being able to move was good enough for now . I should at least figure out which year and region I am in . I looked around and a few possibilities popped up in my head . Prehistory civilization, perhaps, or post science and technology maybe Right, I might not even be on Earth . This body felt strained and my breaths were becoming more urgent . Am I tired or was my host tired I collapsed to the ground and gradually lost consciousness . . . . I woke up in a stone bed this time . A hazy figure supported me up . You 39 re awake . You were severely dehydrated but luckily, you 39 re fine now . Do you know who you are I shook my head . You don 39 t know me I might not be from here if he doesn 39 t know me . Why was my host here then I don 39 t think I know you . I 39 ll bring you to our queen later, he told me . I could not see his face clearly because I still felt drunk . I thought it might be a side effect of time travel . After all, my soul was now integrated with my host 39 s . I observed my surroundings . It looked like I am in a cave . It was very dark and there was practically no light . I pondered about this matriarchal society and concluded that the culture here might be rather backward . Why don 39 t you turn on the lights I asked . What are those he asked back . I gave him a bitter smile . Of course, they might not understand some terms . It was just fortunate that there was no language barrier between us . Something that glows Or fire I tried to describe . Yes, but only the queen gets to use it . I 39 ll take you to meet her . She is very friendly . I nodded . So this place was not just a matriarchal society but also under an oligarchical regime . He took my hand and led me inward . We pa.s.sed through many corridors . It looked like we were in an underground palace . The people around were busy with their own things and the main hall was very s.p.a.cious . On the throne sat a woman, and I did not know why, but she appeared extremely imposing . I lowered my head involuntarily . My host must be frightened by all these people . Where are you from the queen started . I don 39 t know either, Queen . Perhaps my brain is damaged . How long can I stay here for I asked politely . She replied faintly, Judging from your clothes, you must be from Poorful . Poorful I repeated . Forget it, it 39 s nothing . I can let you stay here as long as you 39 re willing to work, she informed me . She waved her hand and an older looking man entered . He 39 s our worshipper and he will tour you around this place so get yourself familiar . I 39 ll give you a few days to do that before you start working for me . How does that sound she proposed . I needed three days . With a smile, I answered, I might need three days to rest . I was right . You 39 re a lazy person from Poorful Country but you seem hardworking somehow . Alright, you may leave now . I hope you can contribute something three days later . She waved her hand again and the worshipper led me out of the palace . I turned around and half of the blurry palace seemed to be on the mountain while the other half was an underground construction . What nation is this I asked the worshipper . Poorless Nation . Poorful Poorless I echoed . Yes, because where you come from, the people are lazy, all take and no give, hence poorful . People here are diligent so we are poorless . So just one poorful and one poorless This place has been built by successive queens, one after another, over a few centuries . Right, what are we I asked . What do you mean He looked confused . There 39 s land under our feet and the ground is actually round so we 39 re on earth and we 39 re earthlings, I explained . When what I 39 ve done registered with my head, I immediately clamped my mouth shut . I said something I shouldn 39 t have . Earth Isn 39 t it flat I nodded eagerly . Yes, yes, I made a mistake . It 39 s flat . What did you say we are The G.o.ds call us Ma . . . Ma something, right Oh, Maya Ma Ya Maya This is Maya BCE I cried out before covering my mouth again . Maya Sounds like a good name . I 39 ll bring that up to the queen tomorrow . We will be Mayans, he said with a pleased smile . I froze . Have I just influenced history So that was what the G.o.ds meant . Thank you, G.o.ds, the worshipper shouted . Wait, G.o.ds There are G.o.ds here I asked, baffled . Yes . You 39 ll see in the future . Wait See what I asked, shuddering . Legend has it that ancient people had gotten help from the aliens . Could there really be aliens Of course, you can see G.o.ds . They appear overhead and bring us harvest or disaster . Harvest or disaster I repeated, still unable to comprehend this concept . There are good G.o.ds and bad G.o.ds, he explained patiently . It was all too much for me to take in . I asked anxiously, Can you take me to the G.o.ds They will appear as they please, and we don 39 t know if they will be bringing us a disaster or a reward . I nodded . It seemed at this point that the aliens were really the cause of mankind 39 s progress . How else could there be airships and the like What do they look like I questioned . No particular look . Very tall and big . I can 39 t describe it . You 39 ll know when you see them . They just look like . . . G.o.ds . Again, I nodded perfunctorily as I pondered over this . I 39 ll share this information when I get back to the present . It will shock the world and also prove the existence of aliens . Of course, I 39 ve yet to see the 39 G.o.ds 39 so . . . Would I get the chance to see them before my three days were up I felt rather vexed right now . My knowledge of history was too limited . I knew next to nothing about the Maya civilization, except that they were smart and even predicted the end of the world . Did the 39 G.o.ds 39 tell them that And were they smart because they received information from the 39 G.o.ds 39 I did not dare to delve into this just yet . The worshipper smiled and said, Let 39 s go back to rest . You 39 ll sleep in my room tonight . I was looking forward to meeting the G.o.ds . The night deepened and I drifted to sleep, only to be woken up by a slap in the face . Someone was holding and shaking my head vigorously . I jolted up to see a furious worshipper shouting in my face . What did you say in your dreams What do you mean by 39 The G.o.d of Destruction is coming 39 I stared at him, eyes wide in shock . I was speechless . Did my host speak when I was asleep Or did my host travel over here from Poorful Nation to convey the message G.o.d of Destruction Wait, how did the Maya civilization die out I was really regretting all the times that I did not pay attention in cla.s.s . The worshipper grabbed my hand angrily . Let 39 s go meet the queen and you must explain yourself .

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