Short, Light, Free

Chapter 124: Daytime Lady Ghost (Part 2) II

Chapter 124: Daytime Lady Ghost (Part 2) II

"Sorry, what costume? I don"t understand a word you"re saying," I stated flatly .

The officer pulled out another photograph and I recognized it instantly .

It was of the mascot entering the office building .

Since it wasn"t taken elsewhere, I figured that they had no concrete evidence to support their claim that I had rented the costume .

The employee did not get a clear look at my face since he had the costume on . His boss wouldn"t have seen me as well since the staff asked for his permission over the phone . He took off his costume quickly and couldn"t wait to get rid of me . I paid the deposit without leaving my contact since the amount was much more than what the costume was worth .  

"You"re denying our claim then? We do not have evidence since the cameras only keep the recordings for a month and we were a little too late . But what about this?" The officer placed another photograph on the table .

It was of me exiting the building with my handbag and my head lowered .

"What"s with these two photos? Is it in the same place?" I pretended not to understand .

"I"m sure you"d know better .

"I don"t get it," I insisted .

"We"ve checked through the monitors . This is of you exiting, but we didn"t see any of you entering . Same goes for the mascot . There"s only a clip of him entering but not exiting . Or can you explain how you popped out of nowhere? We can first talk about the mascot . He left a fake name, contact number, and ID with the security but still managed to get in . Why? Because he reported w.a.n.g Xiaomei"s name . Can you explain the connection between these two photos? Did you hide the costume in your handbag?"

"I don"t get it, " I repeated .

"You don"t? How, then, do you explain your appearance at the office and w.a.n.g Xiaomei"s death shortly after? The autopsy doesn"t match up with the alleged cause of death, and you"re the suspect . "

"No, no, no! I mean, why me?" I asked, picking up the photograph and folding it .

One of them grabbed my hand but I showed no sign of stopping .

"Why are you touching me?" I questioned .

"There"s no use tearing it up, Mr . Chalk . We have copies and this is not our only evidence . If you think it"s all that we have, go ahead, I won"t stop you . "

I folded the photograph three times, including all the corners, before putting it beside my face .  

"Look carefully . Do we look alike? I don"t even know where this is so why are you saying that it"s me?"

"Are you saying that"s not you?"

"Didn"t you say that w.a.n.g Xiaomei committed suicide? Why has it become a criminal case? And why am I the suspect? We don"t even look alike!" I argued, putting the photo closer to my face .

They looked at me in silence .

"Can you magnify the photo? I can"t even see his face properly, why are you so sure it"s me? I suspect you"re just trying to malign me of murder because you can"t solve the case," I shouted righteously .

"Don"t be agitated, Mr . Chalk . We"re only investigating and not accusing . Just explain to us nicely so we can clear your name . "

"Are you really helping and not attacking?" I spat .

"The case is three months overdue . It is true that we have nothing concrete, which is why we"re finally shifting the focus onto you . "

"So you suspect that I murdered her? It"s been so long but you have nothing? Are you even investigating properly? Stop framing me!"

"We"re not obliged to answer your strange questions . We just need your help with one last problem . It is stated in the repair workshop"s records that your boot lining was missing . Why is that so? Please correct your att.i.tude and answer us . "

"Then what"s going to happen to me after? Do I get to leave or are you just going to lock me up no matter what my answers are?"

"We can"t detain you for more than 72 hours, so we"ll crack the case as quickly as possible . "

"What will happen after that? Will I be thrown in jail? I"ve been following the news for many years . So many people had been locked up, only to be released with an apology years later . Is that my impending fate?" I asked .

"You"ll be released from custody so you can go home and wait for a sentence . We won"t treat an innocent man unjustly so don"t worry . "

"I know I"m innocent but it seems that you two disagree," I stated .

"There"s no need to go there . Please tell us what happened to your boot lining . "

"A tire busted during the collision so I had to get the jack to replace it with a spare one . Got dirty in the process so I threw it . That"s it . I threw it in the dump . It"s been three months so don"t bother finding it . "

They exchanged looks and one whispered to the other, "Do we continue?"

"Sort the testimony and line it against his wife"s . "

The latter said, "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr . Chalk . We"ll process the information so please bear with us . "

They got up and sent me back to the holding cell .

It was now my wife"s time to perform .

She was probably sitting in another interrogation room, and I could only hope for the best .

Sorry, what costume I don 39 t understand a word you 39 re saying, I stated flatly . The officer pulled out another photograph and I recognized it instantly . It was of the mascot entering the office building . Since it wasn 39 t taken elsewhere, I figured that they had no concrete evidence to support their claim that I had rented the costume . The employee did not get a clear look at my face since he had the costume on . His boss wouldn 39 t have seen me as well since the staff asked for his permission over the phone . He took off his costume quickly and couldn 39 t wait to get rid of me . I paid the deposit without leaving my contact since the amount was much more than what the costume was worth . You 39 re denying our claim then We do not have evidence since the cameras only keep the recordings for a month and we were a little too late . But what about this The officer placed another photograph on the table . It was of me exiting the building with my handbag and my head lowered . What 39 s with these two photos Is it in the same place I pretended not to understand . I 39 m sure you 39 d know better . I don 39 t get it, I insisted . We 39 ve checked through the monitors . This is of you exiting, but we didn 39 t see any of you entering . Same goes for the mascot . There 39 s only a clip of him entering but not exiting . Or can you explain how you popped out of nowhere We can first talk about the mascot . He left a fake name, contact number, and ID with the security but still managed to get in . Why Because he reported w.a.n.g Xiaomei 39 s name . Can you explain the connection between these two photos Did you hide the costume in your handbag I don 39 t get it, I repeated . You don 39 t How, then, do you explain your appearance at the office and w.a.n.g Xiaomei 39 s death shortly after The autopsy doesn 39 t match up with the alleged cause of death, and you 39 re the suspect . No, no, no I mean, why me I asked, picking up the photograph and folding it . One of them grabbed my hand but I showed no sign of stopping . Why are you touching me I questioned . There 39 s no use tearing it up, Mr . Chalk . We have copies and this is not our only evidence . If you think it 39 s all that we have, go ahead, I won 39 t stop you . I folded the photograph three times, including all the corners, before putting it beside my face . Look carefully . Do we look alike I don 39 t even know where this is so why are you saying that it 39 s me Are you saying that 39 s not you Didn 39 t you say that w.a.n.g Xiaomei committed suicide Why has it become a criminal case And why am I the suspect We don 39 t even look alike I argued, putting the photo closer to my face . They looked at me in silence . Can you magnify the photo I can 39 t even see his face properly, why are you so sure it 39 s me I suspect you 39 re just trying to malign me of murder because you can 39 t solve the case, I shouted righteously . Don 39 t be agitated, Mr . Chalk . We 39 re only investigating and not accusing . Just explain to us nicely so we can clear your name . Are you really helping and not attacking I spat . The case is three months overdue . It is true that we have nothing concrete, which is why we 39 re finally shifting the focus onto you . So you suspect that I murdered her It 39 s been so long but you have nothing Are you even investigating properly Stop framing me We 39 re not obliged to answer your strange questions . We just need your help with one last problem . It is stated in the repair workshop 39 s records that your boot lining was missing . Why is that so Please correct your att.i.tude and answer us . Then what 39 s going to happen to me after Do I get to leave or are you just going to lock me up no matter what my answers are We can 39 t detain you for more than 72 hours, so we 39 ll crack the case as quickly as possible . What will happen after that Will I be thrown in jail I 39 ve been following the news for many years . So many people had been locked up, only to be released with an apology years later . Is that my impending fate I asked . You 39 ll be released from custody so you can go home and wait for a sentence . We won 39 t treat an innocent man unjustly so don 39 t worry . I know I 39 m innocent but it seems that you two disagree, I stated . There 39 s no need to go there . Please tell us what happened to your boot lining . A tire busted during the collision so I had to get the jack to replace it with a spare one . Got dirty in the process so I threw it . That 39 s it . I threw it in the dump . It 39 s been three months so don 39 t bother finding it . They exchanged looks and one whispered to the other, Do we continue Sort the testimony and line it against his wife 39 s . The latter said, Thank you for your cooperation, Mr . Chalk . We 39 ll process the information so please bear with us . They got up and sent me back to the holding cell . It was now my wife 39 s time to perform . She was probably sitting in another interrogation room, and I could only hope for the best .

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