Short, Light, Free

Chapter 166: The Book of Revelation (Part 2) I

Chapter 166: The Book of Revelation (Part 2) I

I sprinted toward the mini forest as the wolves" whistles drew closer .

I turned my head to the side and saw a wolf making a mad dash for me, it"s mouth wide open .

I may not be certain if a vaccine was needed for a monkey bite, but I was sure that I would need one for a wolf .

Before I could take a step further, that wolf bit onto my leg .

It had no intention of letting go .

Thanks to the pumping adrenaline, I felt no obvious pain .

Nevertheless, it slowed me down . The wolf braked and used the surplus force to pull me backward .

I was just three steps away from my tree but before I could even attempt to climb it, a second wolf bit my other leg .

Then came the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth .

They had me trapped and were biting onto every corner of my legs .

That was when I felt the pain .

The monkeys finally started moving . Four gathered in one tree and started forming a pyramid .

A monkey ladder was formed and the closest monkey reached its hand out to me .

I extended my arm out . Last chance .

I turned around and noticed that the wolves further away were biting on their companions" tails .

They were working together to pull me backward .

The lady got off her wolf and fished a wolf"s tooth out, walking over to where I was .

Wipe out your enemy . . .

Kill the king first, was that it?

Am I the leader of these monkeys?

Will they be leaderless when I"m gone?




I yelled at the top of my lungs .

Two more monkeys joined the ladder and grabbed onto my shoulders .

The wolves had my legs while the monkeys had my shoulders .

The two wolves at the front were now suspended mid-air while the monkeys were shouting and tugging rhythmically .

All I felt was despair .

One group was pulling me down and the other was pulling me up .

I was practically being spaghettified .

I could feel my limbs extending beyond their limit .

The lady was getting closer and closer by the second . She was about to smash the wolf"s tooth down when I noticed that my belt and trousers had come loose .

I quickly unbuckled my belt and took my booklet out .

Within the next second, the wolves had successfully pulled my pants off while I was hauled up onto the tree, and the wolf"s tooth landed on the ground .

A fine crack emerged on the ground . Yep, that definitely would"ve been a fatal hit .

The monkeys on the tree were grabbing me and messing with my hair as if checking to see if I was still in one piece .

The wolves were tearing my pants to shreds below .

Left in my boxer briefs, I saw the lady angrily raising her weapon in the air .

She was about 1 . 5 meters, 2 . 5 at most with her hand and weapon raised .

I, on the other hand, was shivering at a height of three meters . Where did she get such strength from?

The monkeys seemed to have figured out the lady"s plans as they started scattering about .

Three monkeys grabbed onto me tightly to keep me steady .

The lady below started stabbing the tree with great force, causing bark to fly all over .

Sensing the danger, the three monkeys wrapped their limbs around the tree forks .

The immensely strong woman made an enormous crack with just three hits .

"Stop it, will you!"

"Will you!"


I shouted at her .

She raised her head and retaliated, "Fazhengniliecifudong . "

"Liecifudong . "

"Cifudong . "

What the h.e.l.l? She"s not Chinese?

The language she spoke wasn"t English either so that ruled out a lot . I had no idea what language she was speaking in .

It was then that I realized she had mud-yellow skin .

Not earthling-like .

Was she from a different planet?

Hundred test subjects . . . not all of them are earthlings?

The wolves weren"t lying idly . They were shadowing around the tree, waiting for an opportunity .

As I watched, I noticed that the lady wasn"t communicating with the wolves .

That was my advantage .

I spotted the five-meter deep hole and a plan came to mind .




"Smash them with fruits!"

"With fruits!"


The monkeys heard me and followed as ordered, throwing fruits at the pack of wolves, causing them to run about the tree .

I waved for a monkey to swing over and whispered my plan to it .

He understood and opened his hands .

I opened my booklet, bookmarked by a burned branch .

I tore off a page and wrote on it, "Revive Gou Dan . "

Looking at the monkey, I made a gesture of joining the torn page back to the booklet . "Understand?"

After a short silence, the monkey nodded .

"My life"s in your hands, boy," I said before handing the booklet and the page to him .

The tree was about to fall off by then .

I exhaled deeply and ordered, "Let me down . "

The three monkeys nodded and formed a ladder once more to let me down onto the ground .

Immediately upon landing, I saw the wolves charge toward me .

With all my strength, I ran as fast as I could toward the hole, the wolves following closely behind .

I leaped in and quickly felt the wolves piling up on me .

As expected, their predatory instinct was beyond imagination . Being unable to climb trees was a structural flaw but jumping into the hole was a whole different story .

Because they had made a dash for me, the lady had no time to get onto any of them .

The monkey with my booklet cried out excitedly and the other twelve monkeys quickly got the hint and rushed forward to surround the lady .

The thirteen wolves were with me, about six of them directly crushing me .

I was bleeding from my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth . It was a five-meter fall, after all .

According to the rules, I had confined these wolves and my monkeys had confined the lady .

I was seriously hoping that the monkey hadn"t lost the torn page because my life depended on it .

I sprinted toward the mini forest as the wolves 39 whistles drew closer . I turned my head to the side and saw a wolf making a mad dash for me, it 39 s mouth wide open . I may not be certain if a vaccine was needed for a monkey bite, but I was sure that I would need one for a wolf . Before I could take a step further, that wolf bit onto my leg . It had no intention of letting go . Thanks to the pumping adrenaline, I felt no obvious pain . Nevertheless, it slowed me down . The wolf braked and used the surplus force to pull me backward . I was just three steps away from my tree but before I could even attempt to climb it, a second wolf bit my other leg . Then came the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth . They had me trapped and were biting onto every corner of my legs . That was when I felt the pain . The monkeys finally started moving . Four gathered in one tree and started forming a pyramid . A monkey ladder was formed and the closest monkey reached its hand out to me . I extended my arm out . Last chance . I turned around and noticed that the wolves further away were biting on their companions 39 tails . They were working together to pull me backward . The lady got off her wolf and fished a wolf 39 s tooth out, walking over to where I was . Wipe out your enemy . . . Kill the king first, was that it Am I the leader of these monkeys Will they be leaderless when I 39 m gone Help Help Help . . . I yelled at the top of my lungs . Two more monkeys joined the ladder and grabbed onto my shoulders . The wolves had my legs while the monkeys had my shoulders . The two wolves at the front were now suspended mid air while the monkeys were shouting and tugging rhythmically . All I felt was despair . One group was pulling me down and the other was pulling me up . I was practically being spaghettified . I could feel my limbs extending beyond their limit . The lady was getting closer and closer by the second . She was about to smash the wolf 39 s tooth down when I noticed that my belt and trousers had come loose . I quickly unbuckled my belt and took my booklet out . Within the next second, the wolves had successfully pulled my pants off while I was hauled up onto the tree, and the wolf 39 s tooth landed on the ground . A fine crack emerged on the ground . Yep, that definitely would 39 ve been a fatal hit . The monkeys on the tree were grabbing me and messing with my hair as if checking to see if I was still in one piece . The wolves were tearing my pants to shreds below . Left in my boxer briefs, I saw the lady angrily raising her weapon in the air . She was about 1 . 5 meters, 2 . 5 at most with her hand and weapon raised . I, on the other hand, was shivering at a height of three meters . Where did she get such strength from The monkeys seemed to have figured out the lady 39 s plans as they started scattering about . Three monkeys grabbed onto me tightly to keep me steady . The lady below started stabbing the tree with great force, causing bark to fly all over . Sensing the danger, the three monkeys wrapped their limbs around the tree forks . The immensely strong woman made an enormous crack with just three hits . Stop it, will you Will you You . . . . . I shouted at her . She raised her head and retaliated, Fazhengniliecifudong . Liecifudong . Cifudong . . . . What the h.e.l.l She 39 s not Chinese The language she spoke wasn 39 t English either so that ruled out a lot . I had no idea what language she was speaking in . It was then that I realized she had mud yellow skin . Not earthling like . Was she from a different planet Hundred test subjects . . . not all of them are earthlings The wolves weren 39 t lying idly . They were shadowing around the tree, waiting for an opportunity . As I watched, I noticed that the lady wasn 39 t communicating with the wolves . That was my advantage . I spotted the five meter deep hole and a plan came to mind . Monkeys Monkeys Keys . . . Smash them with fruits With fruits Fruits . . . The monkeys heard me and followed as ordered, throwing fruits at the pack of wolves, causing them to run about the tree . I waved for a monkey to swing over and whispered my plan to it . He understood and opened his hands . I opened my booklet, bookmarked by a burned branch . I tore off a page and wrote on it, Revive Gou Dan . Looking at the monkey, I made a gesture of joining the torn page back to the booklet . Understand After a short silence, the monkey nodded . My life 39 s in your hands, boy, I said before handing the booklet and the page to him . The tree was about to fall off by then . I exhaled deeply and ordered, Let me down . The three monkeys nodded and formed a ladder once more to let me down onto the ground . Immediately upon landing, I saw the wolves charge toward me . With all my strength, I ran as fast as I could toward the hole, the wolves following closely behind . I leaped in and quickly felt the wolves piling up on me . As expected, their predatory instinct was beyond imagination . Being unable to climb trees was a structural flaw but jumping into the hole was a whole different story . Because they had made a dash for me, the lady had no time to get onto any of them . The monkey with my booklet cried out excitedly and the other twelve monkeys quickly got the hint and rushed forward to surround the lady . The thirteen wolves were with me, about six of them directly crushing me . I was bleeding from my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth . It was a five meter fall, after all . According to the rules, I had confined these wolves and my monkeys had confined the lady . I was seriously hoping that the monkey hadn 39 t lost the torn page because my life depended on it .

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