Short, Light, Free

Chapter 178: Heaven on Earth I

Chapter 178: Heaven on Earth I

It all started with ancient mainland China .

The continents were all intact and people lived in tribes .

Hundreds of people co-existed .

Tribes could be formed if people lived through four seasons and developed their own survival system .

It was seldom that tribes formed alliances since they usually had just about enough food for their own people .

Nevertheless, co-existence of tribes would lead to the formation of new tribes .

Since there was a language barrier among the tribes, those who preferred not to talk would signal .

Written words were almost identical, albeit limited to simple systems .

For example, drawing an "O" on a particular region meant that it was safe, and an "X" symbolized danger .

Red lines beside the crosses meant that corpses had been found . Circles within the circle meant that tribes were living in that area .

Of course, peaceful co-existence was usually just a facade .

It was only natural for tribes to consider attacking one another when they run out of resources .

Water, food, animal skin, warm shelter and other necessities could easily trigger a war .

A tribe with a few members had no chance against one with tens of them, just as how the latter was, on normal occasions, no match for a tribe with hundreds of people .

Just like this, tens of thousands of tribes settled on this piece of land . . .

"I still don"t understand," a girl said, pointing at the huge map on the wall .

"What do you not understand?" I asked, smiling .

"Uncle, you said that everyone lived on the same land . Why isn"t that the case now? We"re all separated," she stated doubtfully .

"That"s a good question, which is why I"m about to show you an animation next . "

I pressed a b.u.t.ton and the ground started to shake .

All thirty kids started panicking .


"Earthquake again!"

"Mom, save me!"

The kids were tensed and a few even started crying .

I smiled, raising my hand to get their attention . "We"re in the museum and this is just a special scene effect . It"s not real . "

Shoutings ceased but the crying kids weren"t able to stop . The teacher walked over to the b.u.t.ton and pressed it . "Mister Curator"s scaring the kids again," she complained .

With a bitter smile, I said to her, "Everyone must know how terrifying an earthquake is . "

The kids turned their attention back to the map on the wall, as the big land within it started ripping apart into different shapes and sizes .

They started whispering to one another:

"It"s separating, it"s separating!"

"I"ve read about this in the books!"

"The earthquake broke the land?"

I pressed a b.u.t.ton on the remote in my pocket and increased the horn"s pitch twice . "A big earthquake in BC 0 led to the separation of the land .

"Its intensity was beyond our ancestors" imagination . There isn"t an accurate data recording the magnitude and the duration of it . All we know is that almost all lands had been engraved with big crosses and many red lines . After the earthquake, the lucky survivors went on to rebuild their tribes, only to realize that the land beneath their feet was no longer the same . There were over a thousand islands following the earthquake . "

I paused to look at the kids" expressions .

A discussion broke out once more .

"This is is our land now?

"Where are we on the map?"

"Will there be more earthquakes?"

I pointed at an island in the lower right area of the map . "Blue Wave . It"s where we are living right now . Our neighbors are Water Wave, Metal Wave, Fire Wave, Wood Wave, Earth Wave, Emperor Wave, and Ocean King Wave . h.e.l.l Wave has already sunk . "

I pointed at a spot on the screen that was being magnified .

It was a red island that was surrounded by other small islands .

The eight surrounding lands consisted of one extremely small one, and there was a small island-shaped dent between the cracks .

Upon closer observation, one would notice that there were many small island-shaped pieces on the map .

I pointed at a small depression beside Blue Wave and said, "Ten seconds of silence for our sunken h.e.l.l Wave . "

Ten seconds later, I asked, "Can anyone tell me what Blue Wave"s features are?"

The kids started looking around and no one dared to make eye contact with me .

I saw a boy in blue top raise his hand up, eager to give it a try .


"Water and food . Blue Wave ranks among the best in the thousands of nations . "

I nodded proudly . "Very good, little fellow . Our food, safety, and hygiene are top-notch . On the other hand, our military affairs and businesses are inadequate . Nevertheless, our weaknesses do not affect our standing among the nations . "

The screen jumped to the next slide . It was an image of eight of water .

Some were yellow while others were green . Some were transparent yet impure, others were pure yet contained a layer of oil and facula . Only one gla.s.s was completely perfect and unlike the rest .

"These water come from different nations and only one belongs to us . Do you know which one it is?"

The kids hurriedly pointed to the first gla.s.s . "That first one!"

I smiled . "Blue Wave has the best water source . Plants and animals consuming our water turn out to be the healthiest lot . Our people also live longer by about 10% . Do you children like Blue Wave?"

"I do," the teacher raised her hand, tapping the kids beside her .

As if understanding something, they started shouting in unison, "I do!"

"I love Blue Wave!"

"Blue Wave!"

I gestured for them to stop, which they adhered to obediently .

"Alright . I"ve already introduced the formation of our lands and the birth of Blue Wave . I will now bring you guys, in groups of four, to view the collection of items . Please don"t rush and stay in an orderly line at all times . "

I removed my earpiece and microphone, handing them over to an a.s.sistant .

The teacher approached me and smiled . "Thanks for the hard work, Curator Lu . "

It all started with ancient mainland China . The continents were all intact and people lived in tribes . Hundreds of people co existed . Tribes could be formed if people lived through four seasons and developed their own survival system . It was seldom that tribes formed alliances since they usually had just about enough food for their own people . Nevertheless, co existence of tribes would lead to the formation of new tribes . Since there was a language barrier among the tribes, those who preferred not to talk would signal . Written words were almost identical, albeit limited to simple systems . For example, drawing an 39 O 39 on a particular region meant that it was safe, and an 39 X 39 symbolized danger . Red lines beside the crosses meant that corpses had been found . Circles within the circle meant that tribes were living in that area . Of course, peaceful co existence was usually just a facade . It was only natural for tribes to consider attacking one another when they run out of resources . Water, food, animal skin, warm shelter and other necessities could easily trigger a war . A tribe with a few members had no chance against one with tens of them, just as how the latter was, on normal occasions, no match for a tribe with hundreds of people . Just like this, tens of thousands of tribes settled on this piece of land . . . I still don 39 t understand, a girl said, pointing at the huge map on the wall . What do you not understand I asked, smiling . Uncle, you said that everyone lived on the same land . Why isn 39 t that the case now We 39 re all separated, she stated doubtfully . That 39 s a good question, which is why I 39 m about to show you an animation next . I pressed a b.u.t.ton and the ground started to shake . All thirty kids started panicking . Earthquake Earthquake again Mom, save me The kids were tensed and a few even started crying . I smiled, raising my hand to get their attention . We 39 re in the museum and this is just a special scene effect . It 39 s not real . Shoutings ceased but the crying kids weren 39 t able to stop . The teacher walked over to the b.u.t.ton and pressed it . Mister Curator 39 s scaring the kids again, she complained . With a bitter smile, I said to her, Everyone must know how terrifying an earthquake is . The kids turned their attention back to the map on the wall, as the big land within it started ripping apart into different shapes and sizes . They started whispering to one another It 39 s separating, it 39 s separating I 39 ve read about this in the books The earthquake broke the land . . . I pressed a b.u.t.ton on the remote in my pocket and increased the horn 39 s pitch twice . A big earthquake in BC 0 led to the separation of the land . Its intensity was beyond our ancestors 39 imagination . There isn 39 t an accurate data recording the magnitude and the duration of it . All we know is that almost all lands had been engraved with big crosses and many red lines . After the earthquake, the lucky survivors went on to rebuild their tribes, only to realize that the land beneath their feet was no longer the same . There were over a thousand islands following the earthquake . I paused to look at the kids 39 expressions . A discussion broke out once more . This is is our land now Where are we on the map Will there be more earthquakes . . . I pointed at an island in the lower right area of the map . Blue Wave . It 39 s where we are living right now . Our neighbors are Water Wave, Metal Wave, Fire Wave, Wood Wave, Earth Wave, Emperor Wave, and Ocean King Wave . h.e.l.l Wave has already sunk . I pointed at a spot on the screen that was being magnified . It was a red island that was surrounded by other small islands . The eight surrounding lands consisted of one extremely small one, and there was a small island shaped dent between the cracks . Upon closer observation, one would notice that there were many small island shaped pieces on the map . I pointed at a small depression beside Blue Wave and said, Ten seconds of silence for our sunken h.e.l.l Wave . Ten seconds later, I asked, Can anyone tell me what Blue Wave 39 s features are The kids started looking around and no one dared to make eye contact with me . I saw a boy in blue top raise his hand up, eager to give it a try . Yes Water and food . Blue Wave ranks among the best in the thousands of nations . I nodded proudly . Very good, little fellow . Our food, safety, and hygiene are top notch . On the other hand, our military affairs and businesses are inadequate . Nevertheless, our weaknesses do not affect our standing among the nations . The screen jumped to the next slide . It was an image of eight of water . Some were yellow while others were green . Some were transparent yet impure, others were pure yet contained a layer of oil and facula . Only one gla.s.s was completely perfect and unlike the rest . These water come from different nations and only one belongs to us . Do you know which one it is The kids hurriedly pointed to the first gla.s.s . That first one I smiled . Blue Wave has the best water source . Plants and animals consuming our water turn out to be the healthiest lot . Our people also live longer by about 10 . Do you children like Blue Wave I do, the teacher raised her hand, tapping the kids beside her . As if understanding something, they started shouting in unison, I do I love Blue Wave Blue Wave . . . I gestured for them to stop, which they adhered to obediently . Alright . I 39 ve already introduced the formation of our lands and the birth of Blue Wave . I will now bring you guys, in groups of four, to view the collection of items . Please don 39 t rush and stay in an orderly line at all times . I removed my earpiece and microphone, handing them over to an a.s.sistant . The teacher approached me and smiled . Thanks for the hard work, Curator Lu .

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