Short, Light, Free

Chapter 82: I Have Superpowers

Chapter 82: I Have Superpowers

Extract A:

"Hey! Do you guys know? I have superpowers!" I shouted .

No one entertained me .

"You don"t believe me?" I asked .

"You are the worst in the whole school, superpowers . What a braggart," Kid A ridiculed .

The other four started whispering in each other"s ears .

"You don"t believe me, eh? I can predict the future . Look at that road juncture . Xiaohong will pa.s.s by, carrying a bag of apples and even give one to me . Wait and see," I said before quickening my pace .

Indeed, at the aforementioned road juncture, Xiaohong appeared, struggling with a basket of apples .

I waved to her and she put her basket down . She took an apple out and handed it to me before continuing on her way .

"See? I can predict the future," I boasted, holding the apple up proudly .

"Wow! How did you do it?" Kid B asked, amazed .

"I have superpowers . Each night, when I go to bed, I"ll dream about the things that will happen the next day . 100% accuracy . "

"But earlier you said a bag of apples . She was carrying a basket?" Kid B asked, puzzled .

"Do you think I"m a fool? Xiaohong is from your cla.s.s and her family sells fruits . She"d bring some home every day, see you on her way home, and give you one when you wave to her . It"s all been calculated, hasn"t it, braggart king?" Kid A asked .

"Pfffft . Braggart King," the rest chimed in before scattering away .

I stood on the spot, mumbling, "I really do have superpowers, why won"t you guys believe me?"

Extract B: 

"Ahh . . . "

I was startled awake .

Xiaoming committed suicide!

That was the first response that appeared in my mind .

Yes, I dreamt it .  

I dreamed that Xiaoming had jumped . My superpower couldn"t be wrong .

The next day .

I rushed to cla.s.s and Xiaohong was sitting in front of me .

I hadn"t expected her to be that early . There were only the two of us in the cla.s.sroom at that point .

"Hey, Xiaohong . Follow me, will you? I dreamed of something last night," I said . I stood up and walked out of the cla.s.sroom and toward the stairs .

Xiaohong followed behind me as I went up to the roof .

"Someone will jump off from here . " I pointed at the edge where a warning sign stood .

At a loss, she asked, "How do you know?"

"I saw it in my dream," I answered nervously before going over to look down .

"What a joke . How can you take your dream seriously?" she asked before joining me and looking down .

Eight stories high .

"Right, I forgot who"s going to do it . It could be you, Xiaohong . I think I dreamed of you jumping down," I mentioned before giving her a little push .

She instinctively grabbed onto the railing and screamed, "What are you doing?"

Without a word, I gathered all my strength and pushed her over the edge .

Not daring to look down, I rushed off, intending to go home through the back gate .  

I repeated in my head: I have superpowers .

Extract C:

I skipped school the next day .

Mom and Dad called my teacher .

I figured it shouldn"t matter since I was performing poorly in school, but they insisted that I attended .

I sat in the back row, trembling as I stared at the empty seat in front of me .

I asked my deskmate fearfully, "Xiaohong isn"t in school today?"

"Who"s Xiaohong? You"re the only one who hasn"t been in school," he answered, confused .

"Just me? No, Xiaohong, the girl sitting in front of me . Where"s she?" I asked, trembling .

"What trick are you playing? There"s no Xiaohong in this cla.s.s!" 

"Then why is the seat in front of me empty? How do you explain that?" I asked, surprised .

"Is your brain fried from studying? It"s been empty for half a semester now! Don"t you remember? You kept tugging the ponytail of the girl in front of you and the teacher sent you here . You then started jabbing the male student in front of you with your pencil, causing great disturbance . Frustrated, the teacher reallocated him and kept the seat empty since then," he explained .

"Impossible . There"s no way . Then why are you still sitting with me? Am I not disturbing you?" I asked, cold sweat drenching my uniform .

"I think you"ve really turned silly! You"re the last in cla.s.s and I"m the second last . I"m afraid I"ll have to take over the bottom spot again if you stop coming to school . "

"Why"s this happening?" I asked .

"I can relax now that you"re back . " He grinned .

Extract D:

"I really have superpowers," I shouted from the rooftop .

I remembered that this was the place where Xiaoming had jumped off from .

It was also the place where I had pushed Xiaohong down .

Could it be that I have no superpowers? 

"I have it for sure . "

I jumped up .

I"ve succeeded .

I floated in the air .


I have superpowers .

I feel my power advancing .

I could fly .

I kicked hard and flew out of the planet .

There was no oxygen but I could breathe .

I have superpowers .

"What sound is that?" Kid A asked .

"Did you see? Someone jumped!" Kid B shouted excitedly .

"Who? Playing suicide in school?" Kid A dragged Kid B out of the cla.s.sroom to join in the commotion .

"What? Isn"t this the braggart king? He was just boasting about his superpowers a few days back!" Kid A commented .

"He"s from cla.s.s 3 right?" Kid B added .

"Do you remember his name?" Kid A asked .

"I think he"s from grade 6, name"s Xiaoming," Kid B answered .

Three minutes ago . . .

I jumped up . I"ve succeeded .

I floated in the air . There was nothing beneath my feet .

Gravity and acceleration pulled me downward .

Guess I can"t fly after all .

As I plunged from the eighth story, I thought about something .

I was the person in my dream .

I have superpowers .

Extract A Hey Do you guys know I have superpowers I shouted . No one entertained me . You don 39 t believe me I asked . You are the worst in the whole school, superpowers . What a braggart, Kid A ridiculed . The other four started whispering in each other 39 s ears . You don 39 t believe me, eh I can predict the future . Look at that road juncture . Xiaohong will pa.s.s by, carrying a bag of apples and even give one to me . Wait and see, I said before quickening my pace . Indeed, at the aforementioned road juncture, Xiaohong appeared, struggling with a basket of apples . I waved to her and she put her basket down . She took an apple out and handed it to me before continuing on her way . See I can predict the future, I boasted, holding the apple up proudly . Wow How did you do it Kid B asked, amazed . I have superpowers . Each night, when I go to bed, I 39 ll dream about the things that will happen the next day . 100 accuracy . But earlier you said a bag of apples . She was carrying a basket Kid B asked, puzzled . Do you think I 39 m a fool Xiaohong is from your cla.s.s and her family sells fruits . She 39 d bring some home every day, see you on her way home, and give you one when you wave to her . It 39 s all been calculated, hasn 39 t it, braggart king Kid A asked . Pfffft . Braggart King, the rest chimed in before scattering away . I stood on the spot, mumbling, I really do have superpowers, why won 39 t you guys believe me . . . Extract B Ahh . . . I was startled awake . Xiaoming committed suicide That was the first response that appeared in my mind . Yes, I dreamt it . I dreamed that Xiaoming had jumped . My superpower couldn 39 t be wrong . The next day . I rushed to cla.s.s and Xiaohong was sitting in front of me . I hadn 39 t expected her to be that early . There were only the two of us in the cla.s.sroom at that point . Hey, Xiaohong . Follow me, will you I dreamed of something last night, I said . I stood up and walked out of the cla.s.sroom and toward the stairs . Xiaohong followed behind me as I went up to the roof . Someone will jump off from here . I pointed at the edge where a warning sign stood . At a loss, she asked, How do you know I saw it in my dream, I answered nervously before going over to look down . What a joke . How can you take your dream seriously she asked before joining me and looking down . Eight stories high . Right, I forgot who 39 s going to do it . It could be you, Xiaohong . I think I dreamed of you jumping down, I mentioned before giving her a little push . She instinctively grabbed onto the railing and screamed, What are you doing Without a word, I gathered all my strength and pushed her over the edge . Not daring to look down, I rushed off, intending to go home through the back gate . I repeated in my head I have superpowers . . . . Extract C I skipped school the next day . Mom and Dad called my teacher . I figured it shouldn 39 t matter since I was performing poorly in school, but they insisted that I attended . I sat in the back row, trembling as I stared at the empty seat in front of me . I asked my deskmate fearfully, Xiaohong isn 39 t in school today Who 39 s Xiaohong You 39 re the only one who hasn 39 t been in school, he answered, confused . Just me No, Xiaohong, the girl sitting in front of me . Where 39 s she I asked, trembling . What trick are you playing There 39 s no Xiaohong in this cla.s.s Then why is the seat in front of me empty How do you explain that I asked, surprised . Is your brain fried from studying It 39 s been empty for half a semester now Don 39 t you remember You kept tugging the ponytail of the girl in front of you and the teacher sent you here . You then started jabbing the male student in front of you with your pencil, causing great disturbance . Frustrated, the teacher reallocated him and kept the seat empty since then, he explained . Impossible . There 39 s no way . Then why are you still sitting with me Am I not disturbing you I asked, cold sweat drenching my uniform . I think you 39 ve really turned silly You 39 re the last in cla.s.s and I 39 m the second last . I 39 m afraid I 39 ll have to take over the bottom spot again if you stop coming to school . Why 39 s this happening I asked . I can relax now that you 39 re back . He grinned . . . . Extract D I really have superpowers, I shouted from the rooftop . I remembered that this was the place where Xiaoming had jumped off from . It was also the place where I had pushed Xiaohong down . Could it be that I have no superpowers I have it for sure . I jumped up . I 39 ve succeeded . I floated in the air . See I have superpowers . I feel my power advancing . I could fly . I kicked hard and flew out of the planet . There was no oxygen but I could breathe . I have superpowers . . . . What sound is that Kid A asked . Did you see Someone jumped Kid B shouted excitedly . Who Playing suicide in school Kid A dragged Kid B out of the cla.s.sroom to join in the commotion . What Isn 39 t this the braggart king He was just boasting about his superpowers a few days back Kid A commented . He 39 s from cla.s.s 3 right Kid B added . Do you remember his name Kid A asked . I think he 39 s from grade 6, name 39 s Xiaoming, Kid B answered . Three minutes ago . . . I jumped up . I 39 ve succeeded . I floated in the air . There was nothing beneath my feet . Gravity and acceleration pulled me downward . Guess I can 39 t fly after all . As I plunged from the eighth story, I thought about something . I was the person in my dream . I have superpowers .

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