Short, Light, Free

Chapter 119: Seeking Individuals, Dead or Alive (Part 2) III

Chapter 119: Seeking Individuals, Dead or Alive (Part 2) III

Yun Huan"s execution day .

I gave the old man a call in the afternoon .

The line connected shortly . His frail voice sounded, "Hi . "

"Yun Huateng, right? We"ve found the prison your grandson is being locked up at . The execution site is also confirmed, but I have something to ask you," I said .

"Please, go on," the old man invited somewhat happily .

"It"s not really a problem . We can tell you the location but we"re afraid that you might be thinking about rescuing your grandson . If that happens, we"re going to be in trouble and we don"t want that," I explained .

The old man laughed and said, "I understand . How about you call me after the execution? I just want his body for burial, so please don"t overthink my intentions .  We"ve agreed that what he did was wrong and he should be rightfully punished . "

"You sure about that? Alright, then . Wow . I was actually kinda hoping that you would want to rescue your grandson . "

He completely ignored my comment . "I know that the execution is going to take place sometime in the afternoon, so just remember to give me a call . I"ve already prepared the money . "

"Alright," I agreed before hanging up .

Fatty came over and asked, "What now? There"s really no way that he"s going to save his grandson, right?"

I nodded . "He wants a dead grandson for sure . We can move on with our plans, although I still feel that the old man might be a good person . "

"Got it . Do we call the cops now? Or do we wait for a little while?" Fatty hedged .

"Skinny came up with the idea so let"s ask him," I suggested .

Skinny responded, "I"ll inform the police later . Let"s finish this up first,"

"You guys go ahead, I"m already ready," I said before lying down .

Since Fatty and Skinny were too fat and skinny for this, I took on the responsibility . After all, Yun Huan"s physique was similar to mine .

I closed my eyes and Skinny started applying makeup on my face .

"Pretty decent, aye, Skinny?" Fatty commented laughingly .

Skinny missed the sarcasm and replied happily, "I graduated as an interior designer, after all . Doing makeup is much easier than CAD!"

"I heard that you often take part in cosplaying events?" Fatty smiled .

"Whatever, dude . It"s all done," Skinny got up and tidied his makeup products .

Fatty nudged me and said, "Let"s talk about what to take note of . "

I opened my eyes and looked at Fatty . "I remember . "

Fatty tossed a flick knife to me . "For protection . "

"Is this really necessary?"

"Just to be safe . Alright, I won"t go over it all again since you remember the details . Is your phone fully charged? It will be problematic if your phone dies halfway," Fatty checked .

I took my phone out . "63% . That"s enough . "

Fatty picked up a portable charger and threw it to me . "I"m going to zip the bag . You might feel a little cold . Have you worn enough undergarment?"

"Wait, I did not wear any! Did you talk about this previously?" I asked anxiously .

Fatty shook his head and tossed some heat packs to me . "Okay, I"m zipping this up for real now . "

"Okay," I acquiesced then shut my eyes .

I felt Fatty carry the bag and walk downstairs .

I stuffed the knife into my pocket with much difficulty since the bag was rather small and I couldn"t move much .  

It was only when I grabbed the portable charger that I realized Fatty had missed out the cable .

Left with no other choice, I just turned my phone to silent mode and set the brightness to its dimmest level .

I felt them moving me into the back seat before driving off .

It was a b.u.mpy ride and I regretted entering the bag so early on .

I shut my eyes and waited to be stuffed in the chest .

The car stopped shortly . Fatty grabbed me up again and said softly, "It"s 11 now, let"s match our clocks . "

"You watch too much movies . Our clocks are all synchronized with the Internet"s now," I replied .

Fatty slapped my b.u.t.t cheek . "You talk a lot . "

I was carried into a room but I couldn"t sense much since I was literally kept in the dark .

I felt that I was being placed on a metal frame . Fatty whispered, "I"m going to push you in before leaving . Remember that your chest is F3 . Do what you need to do . This isn"t a game and there"s no replay b.u.t.ton . "

"Got it," I replied .

"The person carrying you out might not be as gentle, so you better not twitch a muscle . "

"You don"t say," I commented dryly .

Fatty pushed the tray in and knocked on the metal lid . "Pray hard . Call me if anything goes wrong . "

I felt nothing when I was still outside but when I was sent to the mortuary, the cold became apparent .

I started to regret not wearing more layers underneath .

Frustrated, I grabbed the heat packs tightly . I was thankful that Fatty had done his research and prepared these heat packs for me .

I activated all the heat packs and stuffed them into my clothes .

I finally felt my body temperature rising, although it was still very cold . My face and head, especially, since I had no way of keeping them warm .

11:20 .

Every minute was torture .

Finally, it was 12 . I couldn"t take it anymore and I called the old man . My body froze again the moment I made the call .

There was no reception at all . How could we have forgotten the most important detail?

I held my phone as far out as possible and finally saw a slight signal .

I quickly made the call .

"Are you going to tell me now? Your money is all ready," the old man cut to the chase upon answering . He must"ve been waiting for a long time .

"The crematorium in Phoenix Mountain Mausoleum Park . F3 chest," I responded, shuddering .

"Thank you . I"ll get someone to send the money over now . Why do you sound like you"re shivering?"

"Took a cool bath and caught a cold," I blurted out .

He laughed . "Take care of your body or you"re going to regret it when you get older . "

I hung up and switched the phone to airplane mode . I again waited some more for the old man to get me out quickly .

Half an hour pa.s.sed and I finally heard some shuffling outside the door .

I could hear voices .

I shut my eyes and hid my heat packs together .

Someone pushed the tray out .

"This is the one, right?"

"Yeah, F3 . Should we open it?"

"You do it . "

"But it"s unlucky . "

"Alright, I"ll do it . "

There were two of them, it seemed . I heard the zip .

They only opened it a little, to my relief .

"You saw it? In just that split second?"

"Don"t worry, it is the guy in the photograph . "

"Alright, you carry him and I"ll switch the bodies . "

I got carried out .

A few minutes later, I got ruthlessly flung into the boot of a car .

The car drove off and I started feeling warmth again .

The heat packs started to feel hot and I wanted to cry .

After enduring the heat for another half an hour, the car finally came to a halt .

The boot opened up and a hand reached in to lift me up .

"That"s strange . Why does this corpse feel hot?"

"You should"ve gotten your car replaced a long time ago . It"s normal for your boot to heat up . Don"t worry about it, we gotta hurry . "

"Luckily, the money we"ll be getting is enough for a new car . "

I was brought into a big building, it seemed .

We reached a room after going up the elevator .

I was worried that Fatty and Skinny wouldn"t be able to find their way to this place .

"We brought the stuff . "

"You may leave . You"ll receive the money shortly . "

"Where should we place this corpse?"

"On that bed . "

I got carried onto a bed . I did not recognize these voices .

When the person who was carrying me left, I heard a familiar voice .

"Can we start the operation now?"

"Yes, you all may leave," the old man"s voice rang .

I pressed the record b.u.t.ton on my phone .

"We will put you under anesthesia and check the condition of your internal organs before extracting the left lung from that donor . After some processing, we will reinforce the anesthesia and carry on with the replacement . "

"Alright," the old man said .

"Dexmedetomidine, Ondansetron, dexamethasone . Start the saline drip . . . "

The medical terms gave me a headache .

I figured that the recording was enough evidence and wondered when would Fatty and Skinny show up with the cops .

The doctor spoke up, "Good . Everything is good . Let"s get the lung now . Inform me if you note any change in numbers, Nurse . "

The doctor walked over to my side and I held my breath .

I held onto my phone tightly with my left hand and the flick knife with my right .

As the zip was being pulled, I tightened my grip on the knife .

I shut my eyes tight .

"Why are there so many heat packs?" the doctor asked when he got the bag opened halfway .

I opened my eyes .

"Ah!" the doctor cried out in shock, retreating a few steps .

I sat upright and saw about seven nurses around .

I picked the portable charger and threw it at the doctor closest to me .

"Who are you and what is going on?" the doctor shouted .

I flashed my knife and said, "Don"t move, all of you . Move back . Against the wall . I"ll stab anyone who moves . "

I placed my mobile on the bed and opened the knife fully .

All the doctors and nurses were standing against the wall, their hands raised .

I turned to the old man, who was speechlessly looking at me with wide eyes .

I got out of the bag and off the bed with a cold smile . One nurse took the opportunity in between to dash out of the room .

She was too fast and I couldn"t stop her .

Frustrated, I ran over to the old man"s bed, but the moment my feet touched the ground, my knees went numb .

I almost lost my footing but I managed to reach the old man"s side .

Just when I reached him, his six bodyguards barged into the room .

The nurse who escaped had informed them .

I held the knife by the old man"s neck . "Move and I"ll kill him . "

It was an effective method . No one moved an inch .

The doctors and nurses started exiting the room .

The old man managed, "You . . . why . . . is it you . "

I figured that he couldn"t talk properly because of the anesthesia . "Impressive, eh? Murdering your own grandson for a lung . "

"I . . . did not . . . " he said effortfully .

"I"ve checked . Not only did you kill your own son, you"re now harvesting your grandson"s organ . If not for me, won"t you be living off his lung by now? You sure have your ways, huh? Sneaky man . "

"It"s my . . . son . It"s all his fault," he barely managed as tears rolled down his cheeks .

I felt his tears on my arm and I tensed .

He was genuinely crying .

"My grandson . . . he"s very filial . It"s all my son"s fault, he"s a failure . . . My grandson . . . it was an accident . I found out that I have lung cancer two years ago and I understood that it was difficult to find a match . My son said he was willing to save me with his lung . He vowed to donate half a lung if I made him the director, but he lied and talked my grandson into giving me his instead . It"s that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s fault," he explained, sounding somewhat angry, as tears continued streaming down .

My whole body was shaking . "You took a lung from your grandson once already?"

"My son . . . he was a jerk . He used his own son"s lung in exchange for his position in the company . He arranged the whole surgery and I only found out about it after it was all done . Within half a year, he shifted 40% of my a.s.sets and stocks and cost the company 200,000,000 . And my grandson had to stay in the hospital because of me . . . " he continued .

"You"re saying that your son tricked your grandson into giving you his lung so that he could become the director and plunder your money?" I clarified . It really was complicated being a rich man .

"I had no choice but to hire the driver to kill him and then forge evidence that he was on drugs . I kept it from my grandson and blamed it on the driver . I did not expect him to do something so silly upon recovering . . . " he trailed off, trembling .

"So since there was nothing you could do, you decided to harvest his other lung? How is that any different from your son"s behavior?" I questioned .

"You think I want this? My son, grandson . . . they"re all gone but I"m alive, am I not? Plus, that boy wrote in his will . . . he wanted me to have his other lung but the police . . . opposed it . "

"You don"t understand . All this happened because you plotted to kill your son . "

"You want money? I"ll give it to you . Hand my grandson over and I"ll give you the money . I can give you everything . I just want his lung," he said, almost hysterically .

By then, the cops had barged in and subdued the bodyguards to the ground .

I shook my head and sighed . "We did not search for his execution location . He"s probably cremated by now . As for you, the law will punish you . It"s a fact that you, your son, and your grandson have all committed a crime . "

The old man stared sluggishly into s.p.a.ce . Despair was evident in his eyes .

Fatty and Skinny dashed in, smiling and holding up a victory hand gesture .

I kept the knife and handed the phone to the cops .  

This was how we cracked our first major case . It was an achievement that we would always be proud of .

Yun Huan 39 s execution day . I gave the old man a call in the afternoon . The line connected shortly . His frail voice sounded, Hi . Yun Huateng, right We 39 ve found the prison your grandson is being locked up at . The execution site is also confirmed, but I have something to ask you, I said . Please, go on, the old man invited somewhat happily . It 39 s not really a problem . We can tell you the location but we 39 re afraid that you might be thinking about rescuing your grandson . If that happens, we 39 re going to be in trouble and we don 39 t want that, I explained . The old man laughed and said, I understand . How about you call me after the execution I just want his body for burial, so please don 39 t overthink my intentions . We 39 ve agreed that what he did was wrong and he should be rightfully punished . You sure about that Alright, then . Wow . I was actually kinda hoping that you would want to rescue your grandson . He completely ignored my comment . I know that the execution is going to take place sometime in the afternoon, so just remember to give me a call . I 39 ve already prepared the money . Alright, I agreed before hanging up . Fatty came over and asked, What now There 39 s really no way that he 39 s going to save his grandson, right I nodded . He wants a dead grandson for sure . We can move on with our plans, although I still feel that the old man might be a good person . Got it . Do we call the cops now Or do we wait for a little while Fatty hedged . Skinny came up with the idea so let 39 s ask him, I suggested . Skinny responded, I 39 ll inform the police later . Let 39 s finish this up first, You guys go ahead, I 39 m already ready, I said before lying down . Since Fatty and Skinny were too fat and skinny for this, I took on the responsibility . After all, Yun Huan 39 s physique was similar to mine . I closed my eyes and Skinny started applying makeup on my face . Pretty decent, aye, Skinny Fatty commented laughingly . Skinny missed the sarcasm and replied happily, I graduated as an interior designer, after all . Doing makeup is much easier than CAD I heard that you often take part in cosplaying events Fatty smiled . Whatever, dude . It 39 s all done, Skinny got up and tidied his makeup products . Fatty nudged me and said, Let 39 s talk about what to take note of . I opened my eyes and looked at Fatty . I remember . Fatty tossed a flick knife to me . For protection . Is this really necessary Just to be safe . Alright, I won 39 t go over it all again since you remember the details . Is your phone fully charged It will be problematic if your phone dies halfway, Fatty checked . I took my phone out . 63 . That 39 s enough . Fatty picked up a portable charger and threw it to me . I 39 m going to zip the bag . You might feel a little cold . Have you worn enough undergarment Wait, I did not wear any Did you talk about this previously I asked anxiously . Fatty shook his head and tossed some heat packs to me . Okay, I 39 m zipping this up for real now . Okay, I acquiesced then shut my eyes . I felt Fatty carry the bag and walk downstairs . I stuffed the knife into my pocket with much difficulty since the bag was rather small and I couldn 39 t move much . It was only when I grabbed the portable charger that I realized Fatty had missed out the cable . Left with no other choice, I just turned my phone to silent mode and set the brightness to its dimmest level . I felt them moving me into the back seat before driving off . It was a b.u.mpy ride and I regretted entering the bag so early on . I shut my eyes and waited to be stuffed in the chest . The car stopped shortly . Fatty grabbed me up again and said softly, It 39 s 11 now, let 39 s match our clocks . You watch too much movies . Our clocks are all synchronized with the Internet 39 s now, I replied . Fatty slapped my b.u.t.t cheek . You talk a lot . I was carried into a room but I couldn 39 t sense much since I was literally kept in the dark . I felt that I was being placed on a metal frame . Fatty whispered, I 39 m going to push you in before leaving . Remember that your chest is F3 . Do what you need to do . This isn 39 t a game and there 39 s no replay b.u.t.ton . Got it, I replied . The person carrying you out might not be as gentle, so you better not twitch a muscle . You don 39 t say, I commented dryly . Fatty pushed the tray in and knocked on the metal lid . Pray hard . Call me if anything goes wrong . I felt nothing when I was still outside but when I was sent to the mortuary, the cold became apparent . I started to regret not wearing more layers underneath . Frustrated, I grabbed the heat packs tightly . I was thankful that Fatty had done his research and prepared these heat packs for me . I activated all the heat packs and stuffed them into my clothes . I finally felt my body temperature rising, although it was still very cold . My face and head, especially, since I had no way of keeping them warm . 11 20 . Every minute was torture . Finally, it was 12 . I couldn 39 t take it anymore and I called the old man . My body froze again the moment I made the call . There was no reception at all . How could we have forgotten the most important detail I held my phone as far out as possible and finally saw a slight signal . I quickly made the call . Are you going to tell me now Your money is all ready, the old man cut to the chase upon answering . He must 39 ve been waiting for a long time . The crematorium in Phoenix Mountain Mausoleum Park . F3 chest, I responded, shuddering . Thank you . I 39 ll get someone to send the money over now . Why do you sound like you 39 re shivering Took a cool bath and caught a cold, I blurted out . He laughed . Take care of your body or you 39 re going to regret it when you get older . I hung up and switched the phone to airplane mode . I again waited some more for the old man to get me out quickly . Half an hour pa.s.sed and I finally heard some shuffling outside the door . I could hear voices . I shut my eyes and hid my heat packs together . Someone pushed the tray out . This is the one, right Yeah, F3 . Should we open it You do it . But it 39 s unlucky . Alright, I 39 ll do it . There were two of them, it seemed . I heard the zip . They only opened it a little, to my relief . You saw it In just that split second Don 39 t worry, it is the guy in the photograph . Alright, you carry him and I 39 ll switch the bodies . I got carried out . A few minutes later, I got ruthlessly flung into the boot of a car . The car drove off and I started feeling warmth again . The heat packs started to feel hot and I wanted to cry . After enduring the heat for another half an hour, the car finally came to a halt . The boot opened up and a hand reached in to lift me up . That 39 s strange . Why does this corpse feel hot You should 39 ve gotten your car replaced a long time ago . It 39 s normal for your boot to heat up . Don 39 t worry about it, we gotta hurry . Luckily, the money we 39 ll be getting is enough for a new car . I was brought into a big building, it seemed . We reached a room after going up the elevator . I was worried that Fatty and Skinny wouldn 39 t be able to find their way to this place . We brought the stuff . You may leave . You 39 ll receive the money shortly . Where should we place this corpse On that bed . I got carried onto a bed . I did not recognize these voices . When the person who was carrying me left, I heard a familiar voice . Can we start the operation now Yes, you all may leave, the old man 39 s voice rang . I pressed the record b.u.t.ton on my phone . We will put you under anesthesia and check the condition of your internal organs before extracting the left lung from that donor . After some processing, we will reinforce the anesthesia and carry on with the replacement . Alright, the old man said . Dexmedetomidine, Ondansetron, dexamethasone . Start the saline drip . . . The medical terms gave me a headache . I figured that the recording was enough evidence and wondered when would Fatty and Skinny show up with the cops . The doctor spoke up, Good . Everything is good . Let 39 s get the lung now . Inform me if you note any change in numbers, Nurse . The doctor walked over to my side and I held my breath . I held onto my phone tightly with my left hand and the flick knife with my right . As the zip was being pulled, I tightened my grip on the knife . I shut my eyes tight . Why are there so many heat packs the doctor asked when he got the bag opened halfway . I opened my eyes . Ah the doctor cried out in shock, retreating a few steps . I sat upright and saw about seven nurses around . I picked the portable charger and threw it at the doctor closest to me . Who are you and what is going on the doctor shouted . I flashed my knife and said, Don 39 t move, all of you . Move back . Against the wall . I 39 ll stab anyone who moves . I placed my mobile on the bed and opened the knife fully . All the doctors and nurses were standing against the wall, their hands raised . I turned to the old man, who was speechlessly looking at me with wide eyes . I got out of the bag and off the bed with a cold smile . One nurse took the opportunity in between to dash out of the room . She was too fast and I couldn 39 t stop her . Frustrated, I ran over to the old man 39 s bed, but the moment my feet touched the ground, my knees went numb . I almost lost my footing but I managed to reach the old man 39 s side . Just when I reached him, his six bodyguards barged into the room . The nurse who escaped had informed them . I held the knife by the old man 39 s neck . Move and I 39 ll kill him . It was an effective method . No one moved an inch . The doctors and nurses started exiting the room . The old man managed, You . . . why . . . is it you . I figured that he couldn 39 t talk properly because of the anesthesia . Impressive, eh Murdering your own grandson for a lung . I . . . did not . . . he said effortfully . I 39 ve checked . Not only did you kill your own son, you 39 re now harvesting your grandson 39 s organ . If not for me, won 39 t you be living off his lung by now You sure have your ways, huh Sneaky man . It 39 s my . . . son . It 39 s all his fault, he barely managed as tears rolled down his cheeks . I felt his tears on my arm and I tensed . He was genuinely crying . My grandson . . . he 39 s very filial . It 39 s all my son 39 s fault, he 39 s a failure . . . My grandson . . . it was an accident . I found out that I have lung cancer two years ago and I understood that it was difficult to find a match . My son said he was willing to save me with his lung . He vowed to donate half a lung if I made him the director, but he lied and talked my grandson into giving me his instead . It 39 s that b.a.s.t.a.r.d 39 s fault, he explained, sounding somewhat angry, as tears continued streaming down . My whole body was shaking . You took a lung from your grandson once already My son . . . he was a jerk . He used his own son 39 s lung in exchange for his position in the company . He arranged the whole surgery and I only found out about it after it was all done . Within half a year, he shifted 40 of my a.s.sets and stocks and cost the company 200,000,000 . And my grandson had to stay in the hospital because of me . . . he continued . You 39 re saying that your son tricked your grandson into giving you his lung so that he could become the director and plunder your money I clarified . It really was complicated being a rich man . I had no choice but to hire the driver to kill him and then forge evidence that he was on drugs . I kept it from my grandson and blamed it on the driver . I did not expect him to do something so silly upon recovering . . . he trailed off, trembling . So since there was nothing you could do, you decided to harvest his other lung How is that any different from your son 39 s behavior I questioned . You think I want this My son, grandson . . . they 39 re all gone but I 39 m alive, am I not Plus, that boy wrote in his will . . . he wanted me to have his other lung but the police . . . opposed it . You don 39 t understand . All this happened because you plotted to kill your son . You want money I 39 ll give it to you . Hand my grandson over and I 39 ll give you the money . I can give you everything . I just want his lung, he said, almost hysterically . By then, the cops had barged in and subdued the bodyguards to the ground . I shook my head and sighed . We did not search for his execution location . He 39 s probably cremated by now . As for you, the law will punish you . It 39 s a fact that you, your son, and your grandson have all committed a crime . The old man stared sluggishly into s.p.a.ce . Despair was evident in his eyes . Fatty and Skinny dashed in, smiling and holding up a victory hand gesture . I kept the knife and handed the phone to the cops . This was how we cracked our first major case . It was an achievement that we would always be proud of .

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