Short, Light, Free

Chapter 140: Your Family Name, My Name (Part 2) III

Chapter 140: Your Family Name, My Name (Part 2) III

The next morning, Li DanFC threw my door open .

He pulled a luggage in and said, "All packed . The clothes should fit you well since I bought them according to your measurements . You"ll board in an hour so you need to wash up now . "

"Just leave those stuff here, I"ll get it myself," I suggested, stretching lazily on the bed .

"No, we"ll take it for you," Li DanFC replied . "Quick, get ready . I"ll be your bodyguard and Yun Huan"s as well . "

I felt my brows wrinkle . "What? What about Yun Huateng? Are you not going to be watching over him?"

"Boss has many bodyguards, I"m just one of them . Hurry now, we cannot be late," he prompted .

I got up and got dressed, with Li DanFC looking at me the whole time .

The whole affair seemed weird - well, weirder than usual . I probably wouldn"t have thought that if Yun Huateng had gotten a normal translator to follow me around, but Li DanFC? Something fishy must be going on .

However, there was nothing I could do except to take it one step at a time .

I readied myself and turned to my newly appointed shadow, nodding at him . I reached for my luggage but he swatted my hand away .

"Just follow me and don"t get lost . Leave the rest to me . "

He led me to a sedan and drove me to the airport .

Yun Huateng was nowhere in sight, which made me feel somewhat lost .

The moment we arrived at the airport, Li DanFC herded me straight to the VIP resting lounge before proceeding to check my luggage in .

Li DanFC followed behind me, explaining the procedures and time needed .

We boarded a big Boeing plane, and after everyone was seated, the air stewardess started their routine and safety instructions .

Immediately after the seatbelt light went off, I adjusted my first cla.s.s cabin seat all the way back .

I turned on the television to relax and did not talk to Li DanFC much .

An invisible pressure made sleeping difficult, so I simply shut my eyes to conceal my fears .

Li DanFC woke me up for every meal .

After 20 long hours, we finally arrived at San Francisco Airport .

While I did catch some sleep, I still felt somewhat dispirited .

I said to Li DanFC, "Will Yun Huan pick me up? Who"s coming?"

"No . Yun Huan won"t be picking you up since he needs to stay out of trouble during this period and it"s risky to be at the airport . We"ll find him after getting the luggage . He"s in a hotel about a hundred kilometers away, which is also the place we"ll be staying for the next month," he answered .

"Does Yun Huateng really engage in a wine business? Or was it all made up for this plan?" I asked .

"He has many businesses and Horse Brand Red Wine is one of the more popular ones in China . He bought this winery sometime ago in order to raise the brand status, and is now using it out of convenience . "

"You seem to know a lot about him . Have you been with him for long?" I continued .

"Eight years or so," he replied distractedly . "I"ll get the luggage . Wait here and don"t run about . It"s gonna be tricky if I lose you . "

I stood still and watched as his figure disappeared into the crowd .

He still thought that I don"t know any English . That"s a good thing since it might come in handy someday .

After a short while, I saw him wave me over .

I dutifully went to him and followed him as he maneuvered around the place .

We exited the airport and he flagged down a cab .

He gave an address and the driver headed north .

I felt uncomfortable by the fact that I had fallen into a pa.s.sive position the moment we reached America .

The only trump card I had was the video recording, but if something did happen to me, that evidence wouldn"t be that substantial .

Pessimistic thoughts a.s.saulted my mind and I couldn"t control them .

An hour pa.s.sed and the car came to a stop .

Li DanFC took out a US bankbook as I alighted .

I was welcomed by an enchanting scenery . There were small villas all around and Li DanFC brought me to the biggest one right in the center .

He pressed the doorbell and the person who opened the door startled me .

It was as if I was looking into the mirror .

He, too, was shocked upon seeing me .

"You"re Gou Dan, right?" he asked .

"You know me?" I asked, puzzled .

"I was informed of the plan through an encrypted phone call . Come in and we"ll talk," he offered .

Li DanFC walked in but I was rooted to the ground .

"What"s wrong?" Yun Huan asked .

"Nothing! It"s just . . . this is a shock," I said before joining them inside the house .

Something was strange but I couldn"t point out exactly what .

Perhaps it was because I read his diary, but the Yun Huan that I saw acted like a whole different person from the one who wrote the journal .

The moment I entered, Yun Huan brought me around for a short tour . "The red wines here are expensive but do feel free to try them . There are five guestrooms in the house so pick whichever you like . "

My first thought was to find out where his room was . "May I know where"s your room? I"m thinking it"s better to stay close to you in case I need help . "

Yun Huan smiled and pointed to a corner room not far away . "That"s my room, and the one opposite has been prepared for Brother Dan . It"s fine if you want that, though . It is indeed better to have someone you can rely on close by . "

I took note of how he addressed Li DanFC, convinced that it would be of some use .

"Bring the luggage in first and we"ll have food in an hour"s time . You"re not used to the western food, I suppose, so we can go to a nearby Chinese restaurant . "

I nodded without hesitation . I had to stay safe for a month .

When I was done unpacking, Yun Huan invited us out to eat .

He drove and peppered me with personal questions on the way .  

He asked about my grades in school, my parents" name, who I was close to and so on . We also talked about some of my cla.s.smates and crushes, and even my first love .

I pondered Yun Huateng"s words over . He had said that Yun Huan will learn to imitate me . I finally understood what he meant, but it still all felt awkward to me .

Even as we ate, Yun Huan imitated the way I used my chopsticks .

Because I did not learn the correct way to use them, I could only hold them as if I was holding a pen .

Yun Huan"s shadowing made me feel somewhat stifled but there was nothing I could say .

Perhaps I should throw indirect questions out .

"You don"t really have to learn these, do you, Yun Huan? Won"t reporting my home address and ident.i.ty be good enough? I might not be able to answer all your questions regarding my childhood . "

Yun Huan smiled . "Just in case, you know . I think it"s never bad to learn more now . That reminds me, do you remember your parents" birthdays? Tell me," he requested .

I frowned but since I had no choice, I started divulging more personal details .

I felt my hair standing up on ends; he seemed to be taking over my life, bit by bit .

After revealing everything about myself, I felt that I had lost all my integrity and principles .

After the good meal, we returned to the villa .  

Yun Huan started taking down notes with a fountain pen and some papers .

He was like a host of an interview and I was the superstar who had to answer his questions but also maintain my image .

Yun Huan kept on going, asking about my favorite games, color, and many other things .

When he was done for the night, I lay on my own bed, thinking about what I needed to do .

The next morning, Li DanFC threw my door open . He pulled a luggage in and said, All packed . The clothes should fit you well since I bought them according to your measurements . You 39 ll board in an hour so you need to wash up now . Just leave those stuff here, I 39 ll get it myself, I suggested, stretching lazily on the bed . No, we 39 ll take it for you, Li DanFC replied . Quick, get ready . I 39 ll be your bodyguard and Yun Huan 39 s as well . I felt my brows wrinkle . What What about Yun Huateng Are you not going to be watching over him Boss has many bodyguards, I 39 m just one of them . Hurry now, we cannot be late, he prompted . I got up and got dressed, with Li DanFC looking at me the whole time . The whole affair seemed weird well, weirder than usual . I probably wouldn 39 t have thought that if Yun Huateng had gotten a normal translator to follow me around, but Li DanFC Something fishy must be going on . However, there was nothing I could do except to take it one step at a time . I readied myself and turned to my newly appointed shadow, nodding at him . I reached for my luggage but he swatted my hand away . Just follow me and don 39 t get lost . Leave the rest to me . He led me to a sedan and drove me to the airport . Yun Huateng was nowhere in sight, which made me feel somewhat lost . The moment we arrived at the airport, Li DanFC herded me straight to the VIP resting lounge before proceeding to check my luggage in . Li DanFC followed behind me, explaining the procedures and time needed . We boarded a big Boeing plane, and after everyone was seated, the air stewardess started their routine and safety instructions . Immediately after the seatbelt light went off, I adjusted my first cla.s.s cabin seat all the way back . I turned on the television to relax and did not talk to Li DanFC much . An invisible pressure made sleeping difficult, so I simply shut my eyes to conceal my fears . Li DanFC woke me up for every meal . After 20 long hours, we finally arrived at San Francisco Airport . While I did catch some sleep, I still felt somewhat dispirited . I said to Li DanFC, Will Yun Huan pick me up Who 39 s coming No . Yun Huan won 39 t be picking you up since he needs to stay out of trouble during this period and it 39 s risky to be at the airport . We 39 ll find him after getting the luggage . He 39 s in a hotel about a hundred kilometers away, which is also the place we 39 ll be staying for the next month, he answered . Does Yun Huateng really engage in a wine business Or was it all made up for this plan I asked . He has many businesses and Horse Brand Red Wine is one of the more popular ones in China . He bought this winery sometime ago in order to raise the brand status, and is now using it out of convenience . You seem to know a lot about him . Have you been with him for long I continued . Eight years or so, he replied distractedly . I 39 ll get the luggage . Wait here and don 39 t run about . It 39 s gonna be tricky if I lose you . I stood still and watched as his figure disappeared into the crowd . He still thought that I don 39 t know any English . That 39 s a good thing since it might come in handy someday . After a short while, I saw him wave me over . I dutifully went to him and followed him as he maneuvered around the place . We exited the airport and he flagged down a cab . He gave an address and the driver headed north . I felt uncomfortable by the fact that I had fallen into a pa.s.sive position the moment we reached America . The only trump card I had was the video recording, but if something did happen to me, that evidence wouldn 39 t be that substantial . Pessimistic thoughts a.s.saulted my mind and I couldn 39 t control them . An hour pa.s.sed and the car came to a stop . Li DanFC took out a US bankbook as I alighted . I was welcomed by an enchanting scenery . There were small villas all around and Li DanFC brought me to the biggest one right in the center . He pressed the doorbell and the person who opened the door startled me . It was as if I was looking into the mirror . He, too, was shocked upon seeing me . You 39 re Gou Dan, right he asked . You know me I asked, puzzled . I was informed of the plan through an encrypted phone call . Come in and we 39 ll talk, he offered . Li DanFC walked in but I was rooted to the ground . What 39 s wrong Yun Huan asked . Nothing It 39 s just . . . this is a shock, I said before joining them inside the house . Something was strange but I couldn 39 t point out exactly what . Perhaps it was because I read his diary, but the Yun Huan that I saw acted like a whole different person from the one who wrote the journal . The moment I entered, Yun Huan brought me around for a short tour . The red wines here are expensive but do feel free to try them . There are five guestrooms in the house so pick whichever you like . My first thought was to find out where his room was . May I know where 39 s your room I 39 m thinking it 39 s better to stay close to you in case I need help . Yun Huan smiled and pointed to a corner room not far away . That 39 s my room, and the one opposite has been prepared for Brother Dan . It 39 s fine if you want that, though . It is indeed better to have someone you can rely on close by . I took note of how he addressed Li DanFC, convinced that it would be of some use . Bring the luggage in first and we 39 ll have food in an hour 39 s time . You 39 re not used to the western food, I suppose, so we can go to a nearby Chinese restaurant . I nodded without hesitation . I had to stay safe for a month . When I was done unpacking, Yun Huan invited us out to eat . He drove and peppered me with personal questions on the way . He asked about my grades in school, my parents 39 name, who I was close to and so on . We also talked about some of my cla.s.smates and crushes, and even my first love . I pondered Yun Huateng 39 s words over . He had said that Yun Huan will learn to imitate me . I finally understood what he meant, but it still all felt awkward to me . Even as we ate, Yun Huan imitated the way I used my chopsticks . Because I did not learn the correct way to use them, I could only hold them as if I was holding a pen . Yun Huan 39 s shadowing made me feel somewhat stifled but there was nothing I could say . Perhaps I should throw indirect questions out . You don 39 t really have to learn these, do you, Yun Huan Won 39 t reporting my home address and ident.i.ty be good enough I might not be able to answer all your questions regarding my childhood . Yun Huan smiled . Just in case, you know . I think it 39 s never bad to learn more now . That reminds me, do you remember your parents 39 birthdays Tell me, he requested . I frowned but since I had no choice, I started divulging more personal details . I felt my hair standing up on ends he seemed to be taking over my life, bit by bit . After revealing everything about myself, I felt that I had lost all my integrity and principles . After the good meal, we returned to the villa . Yun Huan started taking down notes with a fountain pen and some papers . He was like a host of an interview and I was the superstar who had to answer his questions but also maintain my image . Yun Huan kept on going, asking about my favorite games, color, and many other things . When he was done for the night, I lay on my own bed, thinking about what I needed to do .

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