Short, Light, Free

Chapter 142: Your Family Name, My Name (Part 3) II

Chapter 142: Your Family Name, My Name (Part 3) II

I felt Li DanFC carry me up and bring me back to my room .

I opened my eyes but I didn"t dare to move .

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Yun Huan"s room . The door was shut and judging from how loud he slammed it, he must"ve been really mad .

Li DanFC opened my door with one hand .

I closed my eyes again to prevent getting caught .

He took a few steps forward and placed me on the bed, before covering my body with a blanket .

I opened my eyes only after hearing the door close .

I sat up and reached for the table lamp .

All kinds of emotions. .h.i.t me at once .  

What were they going to do to me at the end of the month?

According to their exchange, Yun Huan had already killed two people . He was likely going to get rid of me once I"ve served my purpose .

I should just mess up his plans to imitate me so that the people I know will definitely sense something unusual about him .

F*cking h.e.l.l!

The more I replayed the conversation I just heard, the more I start to panic . I was going to have to keep his secret if he did take over my ident.i.ty, and who else, other than a dead person, could best keep a secret?

Things were looking bad .

I considered escaping since they"ve yet to restrict my freedom, only to be hit by the fact that I had no money on me . I had my phone, of course, but people don"t use renminbi here so I wouldn"t be able to survive outside, much less get a ticket back to China .

And I don"t think that they"d give me money if I ask for it .

Or I could just steal some things from them? I"m sure that the pieces in this house were valuable . I think I could even bring a few bottles of wine out . Any bottle in here would probably fetch me tens of thousands .

Or, more simply, I could flip through their wallets .

I stood up and got the shock of my life upon seeing Li DanFC lying on the ground beside my bed .

Our eyes met and we remained silent for a few seconds .

Panicked, I raised a foot to smash his head, hoping to knock him out before escaping with some valuables .

Of course, I had forgotten that he was a bodyguard and could easily kick my a.s.s .

Before I could land my foot on him, he rolled aside and kicked my other leg, causing me to lose my balance and fall over .

He punched me in the head before holding me down, all without making too much noise .

I was completely sober but I felt as though I had downed half a bottle of white wine .

Before I could scream, he covered my mouth . "Wake him up and you"ll be dead . Keep quiet . "

I was at a loss . He didn"t want Yun Huan to know? What was going on?

Li DanFC pointed at the window . "I can smell the Vodka coming from outside but none from your body . I"ve served the army for over 10 years and I have had my fair share of sneaking alcohol into camp . . . but I was never able to conceal the smell as well as you . It was as if you hadn"t had any at all . " He snorted . "Who are you trying to fool, boy?"

I only realized how much of a failure I was after he said that .

"You"re pretty active, huh? It"s only the second day and you"re already making so much trouble . I wonder if you would be able to turn the world upside down in a few days" time," he mused quietly .

With the pain numbing down to a dull ache, I managed to squirm a little, but he merely used an elbow to hold my head down while his other hand covered my mouth .

"Are you really trying to wake him up and expose yourself? I doubt you"d wanna know what happened to the previous victims," he whispered .

I stopped struggling .

Li DanFC loosened his grip on me and pulled me up .

He pushed me towards the door . "Let"s go out, it"s not safe here . "

We left the villa and walked on for a bit .  

When were quite a distance away from the house, he let go of my hands .  

"Being smart is not a bad thing, but you"ll need to learn how to act dumb at times . You don"t know that, apparently, and you"re making my job tough for me . "

"What do you mean?" I asked, ma.s.saging my aching neck and leg .

"I have to admit, you impressed me . I had thought that it was going to take you half a month, at least, to find out what was really going on . I"m not sure if you"re intelligent or you just have a death wish, but you"re ruining my plan either way . "

"Any normal human being will be suspicious, don"t you think? What are you trying to do?" I asked nervously .

"I just want to know what you can offer me," he replied .

"What I can offer you?"

"Yun Huateng"s plan is to have you two switch ident.i.ties completely, but I"m not looking forward to the return of that lunatic . I"m certain that he"ll mess up again . I won"t have worries, however, if you will be the one taking his place . Of course, that"s if you can act well enough," he answered .

"Act?" I parroted .

"I can keep you alive and help you take over Yun Huan"s position . I can help you cover up a lot of things and even help you become the new director of the company - as long as you listen to my orders, of course . "

"You mean you"ll bring me back after a month and I"ll lay low for 10 years before taking over the company and splitting the profits with you? 50:50?" I clarified .

"10:90, but you"ll be dead if you don"t agree . You really don"t have a choice . Anyway, 10% is enough for you to live on extravagantly for the rest of your life, so consider carefully . "

"I"ll agree, obviously, but you"ll be the only one who knows of this . Won"t I still die if you let the secret out?"

"It"s extremely simple except for two things . "

"Go on," I urged .

"Boss and I have decided that the only way to tell you two apart is the fact that you can"t speak English . I can buy you a month"s time when we get back, but you"ll need to learn how to speak fluently within that period or you"ll be busted for sure . "

I nodded, still not revealing that my English was at least of some standards .

"You"ll also need to find evidence of Yun Huan"s crime . He was released from custody because of the lack of evidence . Boss" plan is for you to stay here for a month and for Yun Huan to call the cops on you before returning to China," he went on .

"Wait, what about my video recording? What"s the point of going back if you can"t get rid of it?"

"I"ve been told to find out your email address . When Yun Huan gets back to China, I"m supposed to report the loss of your telephone card . I would then request to get rid of that email on the account that I"ve lost both its pa.s.sword and the phone card that was supposed to help reset it . Is it really that difficult?" he asked .

I took a sharp intake of breath .

"I"m planning to help you, but you"ll need to get substantial evidence as soon as possible . That way, I can get rid of Yun Huan and have you go back as yourself . As long as you can fool Yun Huateng, nothing else will be a problem . "

"You"ll help me if I can get hold of the evidence? What if I can"t?" I questioned .

"Then I can only apologize . But don"t worry about that, I"m sure you"ll find a way since you"re so smart . " He smiled .

I felt Li DanFC carry me up and bring me back to my room . I opened my eyes but I didn 39 t dare to move . Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Yun Huan 39 s room . The door was shut and judging from how loud he slammed it, he must 39 ve been really mad . Li DanFC opened my door with one hand . I closed my eyes again to prevent getting caught . He took a few steps forward and placed me on the bed, before covering my body with a blanket . I opened my eyes only after hearing the door close . I sat up and reached for the table lamp . All kinds of emotions. .h.i.t me at once . What were they going to do to me at the end of the month According to their exchange, Yun Huan had already killed two people . He was likely going to get rid of me once I 39 ve served my purpose . I should just mess up his plans to imitate me so that the people I know will definitely sense something unusual about him . F cking h.e.l.l The more I replayed the conversation I just heard, the more I start to panic . I was going to have to keep his secret if he did take over my ident.i.ty, and who else, other than a dead person, could best keep a secret Things were looking bad . I considered escaping since they 39 ve yet to restrict my freedom, only to be hit by the fact that I had no money on me . I had my phone, of course, but people don 39 t use renminbi here so I wouldn 39 t be able to survive outside, much less get a ticket back to China . And I don 39 t think that they 39 d give me money if I ask for it . Or I could just steal some things from them I 39 m sure that the pieces in this house were valuable . I think I could even bring a few bottles of wine out . Any bottle in here would probably fetch me tens of thousands . Or, more simply, I could flip through their wallets . I stood up and got the shock of my life upon seeing Li DanFC lying on the ground beside my bed . Our eyes met and we remained silent for a few seconds . Panicked, I raised a foot to smash his head, hoping to knock him out before escaping with some valuables . Of course, I had forgotten that he was a bodyguard and could easily kick my a.s.s . Before I could land my foot on him, he rolled aside and kicked my other leg, causing me to lose my balance and fall over . He punched me in the head before holding me down, all without making too much noise . I was completely sober but I felt as though I had downed half a bottle of white wine . Before I could scream, he covered my mouth . Wake him up and you 39 ll be dead . Keep quiet . I was at a loss . He didn 39 t want Yun Huan to know What was going on Li DanFC pointed at the window . I can smell the Vodka coming from outside but none from your body . I 39 ve served the army for over 10 years and I have had my fair share of sneaking alcohol into camp . . . but I was never able to conceal the smell as well as you . It was as if you hadn 39 t had any at all . He snorted . Who are you trying to fool, boy I only realized how much of a failure I was after he said that . You 39 re pretty active, huh It 39 s only the second day and you 39 re already making so much trouble . I wonder if you would be able to turn the world upside down in a few days 39 time, he mused quietly . With the pain numbing down to a dull ache, I managed to squirm a little, but he merely used an elbow to hold my head down while his other hand covered my mouth . Are you really trying to wake him up and expose yourself I doubt you 39 d wanna know what happened to the previous victims, he whispered . I stopped struggling . Li DanFC loosened his grip on me and pulled me up . He pushed me towards the door . Let 39 s go out, it 39 s not safe here . We left the villa and walked on for a bit . When were quite a distance away from the house, he let go of my hands . Being smart is not a bad thing, but you 39 ll need to learn how to act dumb at times . You don 39 t know that, apparently, and you 39 re making my job tough for me . What do you mean I asked, ma.s.saging my aching neck and leg . I have to admit, you impressed me . I had thought that it was going to take you half a month, at least, to find out what was really going on . I 39 m not sure if you 39 re intelligent or you just have a death wish, but you 39 re ruining my plan either way . Any normal human being will be suspicious, don 39 t you think What are you trying to do I asked nervously . I just want to know what you can offer me, he replied . What I can offer you Yun Huateng 39 s plan is to have you two switch ident.i.ties completely, but I 39 m not looking forward to the return of that lunatic . I 39 m certain that he 39 ll mess up again . I won 39 t have worries, however, if you will be the one taking his place . Of course, that 39 s if you can act well enough, he answered . Act I parroted . I can keep you alive and help you take over Yun Huan 39 s position . I can help you cover up a lot of things and even help you become the new director of the company as long as you listen to my orders, of course . You mean you 39 ll bring me back after a month and I 39 ll lay low for 10 years before taking over the company and splitting the profits with you 50 50 I clarified . 10 90, but you 39 ll be dead if you don 39 t agree . You really don 39 t have a choice . Anyway, 10 is enough for you to live on extravagantly for the rest of your life, so consider carefully . I 39 ll agree, obviously, but you 39 ll be the only one who knows of this . Won 39 t I still die if you let the secret out It 39 s extremely simple except for two things . Go on, I urged . Boss and I have decided that the only way to tell you two apart is the fact that you can 39 t speak English . I can buy you a month 39 s time when we get back, but you 39 ll need to learn how to speak fluently within that period or you 39 ll be busted for sure . I nodded, still not revealing that my English was at least of some standards . You 39 ll also need to find evidence of Yun Huan 39 s crime . He was released from custody because of the lack of evidence . Boss 39 plan is for you to stay here for a month and for Yun Huan to call the cops on you before returning to China, he went on . Wait, what about my video recording What 39 s the point of going back if you can 39 t get rid of it I 39 ve been told to find out your email address . When Yun Huan gets back to China, I 39 m supposed to report the loss of your telephone card . I would then request to get rid of that email on the account that I 39 ve lost both its pa.s.sword and the phone card that was supposed to help reset it . Is it really that difficult he asked . I took a sharp intake of breath . I 39 m planning to help you, but you 39 ll need to get substantial evidence as soon as possible . That way, I can get rid of Yun Huan and have you go back as yourself . As long as you can fool Yun Huateng, nothing else will be a problem . You 39 ll help me if I can get hold of the evidence What if I can 39 t I questioned . Then I can only apologize . But don 39 t worry about that, I 39 m sure you 39 ll find a way since you 39 re so smart . He smiled .

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