Short, Light, Free

Chapter 143: Your Family Name, My Name (Part 3) III

Chapter 143: Your Family Name, My Name (Part 3) III

I nodded and Li DanFC led me back to the villa, keeping a grip on my shoulder .

He mumbled, "Don"t try to do anything funny . . . "

"The wine?" I hemmed and hawed .

"Continue what you"re doing, just with more common sense . "

"I might need your help with finding the evidence," I said .

"What help?"

"Find an excuse to get him out of the villa so I can be in his room . There"s no other way for me to sneak in .

"Not possible . I must stay if he leaves . The rule is for one of us to always be in the house . It was agreed upon a long time ago . "

"Can"t you just cover up for me after I send him away?"

"That"s possible but I can"t guarantee when he"ll return . "

I nodded . "One step at a time . "

We went back to the house and I took a gulp out of that Vodka bottle .

Never had I had such a strong alcoholic drink . I coughed and endured the smell as I entered my room .

Before I could reach the bed, I collapsed onto the ground .

Time pa.s.sed and I woke up to the realization that I had already missed a chance after spotting three cartons of Vodka in the living room .

Yun Huan pointed at the bunch of alcohol, saying, "Enough to last you a month, at least? Come, let"s talk about your elementary school days . "

For the first few days, I felt Li DanFC constantly throwing gazes at me, while Yun Huan would bring up all sorts of strange questions .

He did not really interact with Yun Huan much unless necessary, hence the very occasional taps on Yun Huan"s shoulder .

Truth be told, all questions had been answered by the third day . He asked me about  everything,  from when I first had a conscious memory until just about half a month ago .

He would regularly pen down information he deemed useful .

I tried probing him with some questions but he just ignored me .

In the morning of the seventh day, I saw him writing something in the living room .

I walked over to have a closer look and discovered that he had basically consolidated all the information he had gained and was creating a summary .

Because I knew he had a habit of keeping a journal, I began, "You seem to like writing stuff . Do you keep a diary?"

He turned his head after a short while and nodded . "When I was young . "

"Why?" I inquired .

"I had no friends and my parents were pretty busy . They only accompany me on my birthday so that"s once a year . One birthday, Father gave me his fountain pen as a gift . It"s a part of the renowned writers" series, 1996 Alexandre Dumas, I remember . It"s been about 50 years since it"s left the factory . . . probably worth hundreds of thousands now . I didn"t know then, of course, and started writing my diary with it . Father saw and thought that I had an interest in these things . He started gifting me all sorts of pens . 1996 Alexandre Dumas is still in my room in Beijing . Naturally, I gained a liking for pens and journal writing . "

I put a hand over my pocket subconsciously as he spoke . Alexandre Dumas was resting in my pocket .

"But I speak too much . What about you? What have your parents given you? It"s important, it might be useful," he said, looking at me .

I shook my head and barked out a bitter laugh . "What gift? I"m a poor kid . I haven"t even had many cakes . A bowl of longevity noodles was considered a luxury . We don"t really celebrate occasions . "

Yun Huan was shocked by my answer . He put his pen down and said thoughtfully, "I should start using cheap pens and get used to them . "

My heart stopped for a moment . "I"m going out for a bit, Brother Dan . Be back in half an hour . Please come out!"

Li DanFC walked out of his room and Yun Huan made his way out .

Li DanFC looked at the clock on the wall . "What are you waiting for? You have half an hour . "

I dashed into Yun Huan"s room only to find his door locked .

"What?" Li DanFC asked .

"It"s locked," I said, frustrated .

Li DanFC fished out a small golden pick and started picking the lock, quickly managing to unlock it . "Be quick . "

I ran inside and saw that the layout was almost exactly the same as in my room . The only difference was that his room had an additional study table .

I rushed over to his table, hoping to find his diary . I made sure to put everything back where they belonged to prevent getting caught .

The items on his table were mostly novels and textbooks . All in English . There were also quite a few notebooks, albeit mostly empty .

Ten minutes pa.s.sed but I found nothing .

Just as I was about to give up, a floral little booklet caught my eye . It was hiding right at the corner .

Only a small corner was visible . If not for the fact that I had seen it before in Beijing, I never would"ve given it more than a glance .

I picked it up and flipped through the densely packed pages .

There was nothing about his first victim, but the second was in very clear details . Cold beads of sweat dotted on my face and back as I read through his narrative .

Yun Huan recounted how his roommate had peeped into his diary and how he had "punished" him . At the end of his journal, he scribbled: I absolutely will not tolerate anyone who peeps into my diary .

My hands were trembling and the floral booklet slipped out of them .

I was on the verge of a mental breakdown when a knock on the door startled me .

"Did you find it? You"re running out of time," Li DanFC warned . "You won"t be able to leave in time if he comes back . Quick, put them back in their places . "

He retreated to the living room and I quickly put the book back to its original spot .

I locked the door from the inside before exiting and closing it behind me .

I walked over to the living room and plopped down onto the sofa .

"What did you find?" Li DanFC asked softly .

"Nothing . There are too many things lying around . I need more chances . "

"Success comes difficult but failure comes in excess," he muttered .

"Wait, how about I go back in for a bit more?" I asked . I wanted to take a photograph of what I had seen .

"It"s already been 25 minutes . He"ll be back any time soon . I"ll think of another plan so calm down . "

I fell silent . Another idea came to mind .

Ten minutes later, Yun Huan returned with a handful of fountain pens .

Days pa.s.sed somewhat peacefully and Yun Huan went out quite a few times .  

Each time I requested to go into Yun Huan"s room, however, Li DanFC declined and chose not to unlock the door for me . I had no way of snapping photographs .

I wondered if Li DanFC had given up on me, but my plan was becoming increasingly ripe along with the number of times Yun Huan went out .

On the 27th day, Yun Huan received a call from his father .

They talked about settling my ticket in three days" time, but I knew that I wasn"t really the person in question .

That night, I took half a mouthful of Vodka .

Li DanFC and Yun Huan had both gone back to their rooms .

A few minutes pa.s.sed and I started feeling dizzy .

Alcohol makes a person stronger, I supposed .

I swayed over to Yun Huan"s door and knocked .

He opened the door slightly . "What is it?"

"I need to tell you something . Can I come in?"

"It"s late, let"s talk tomorrow," he suggested before closing the door .

Before he could, though, I wedged my foot in . "It"s about your bodyguard entering your room when you were out . "

After a brief pause, he opened his door wider . "Let"s talk in your room . "

When we were both in my room, I started, "I wasn"t planning to tell you this since he did threaten to kill me . . . but he breaks into your room whenever you go out . He would search around for at least 10 minutes before coming out . Once, I saw him holding a floral booklet and snapping some photographs of it . I stopped him, only to be threatened with death . . . "

I heard the loopholes right as those words left my mouth, but it was already done and I had no choice . To conceal my awkwardness, I plopped onto the bed and pretended to be asleep .

With my eyes squinted, I saw him exit my room wordlessly .

I quickly got up and followed Yun Huan"s movements with eyes .

He entered the kitchen to grab a knife and walked over to Li DanFC"s room .

I couldn"t hear their conversation but I gathered that they were talking about Yun Huan"s newfound knowledge .

Seeing that Yun Huan"s door was half-open, I sneaked in to grab his mobile phone and wallet .

Amidst, Li DanFC"s screams, I picked up the floral booklet and threw it on the bed .

I walked out of the room while keeping my eyes on Li DanFc"s .

Li DanFC"s voice had faded and I could only hear Yun Huan"s growls . I saw him swinging his knife around .

I exited the villa and engaged Siri on Yun Huan"s phone . "Call 110 . "

The moment the rings started, I ended the call and restarted . "Call 911 . "

I threw the phone by the door after hearing the rings and ran to the field without my shoes on .

The police arrived within 10 minutes, their sirens muted .

I observed from afar, as Yun Huan, covered in blood, ran out of the villa after a few gunshots .

I imagined he was probably cleaning up Li DanFC"s corpse but 10 minutes wasn"t enough time for that .

Before Yun Huan could run too far out, the policemen shot him dead .

Epilogue .

Because I had Yun Huateng"s number, I contacted him as Yun Huan .

I told him that I killed Li DanFC and threw the blame onto Gou Dan, and was holding on to Gou Dan"s and ID .

I booked an economy cla.s.s seat back to China and was picked up by Yun Huateng at the airport .

He greeted me in English and I made it through somehow . I had long mastered the p.r.o.nunciations without their knowledge since I had previously stalled for time .

I could still see the doubt in his face but he had to substantial proof .

After dinner, when we were about to settle the bill, I stopped the waiter to show my intention to pay .

He put the bill on my side of the table and I fished out the Alexandre Dumas fountain pen and scribbled a Gou Dan above the line .

Yun Huateng gave me a stern look and said, "Be careful, you"re not supposed to be using such a good pen . "

I gave a low laugh . "You still remember this? It"s the first pen you gave me on my birthday so I carry it around with me everywhere . It wasn"t a slip-up . "

He looked closely at the pen and smiled . "Keep it and be more alert in future . Don"t use it anymore . "

I slipped the pen back into my pocket and nodded .

All his suspicions cleared up there and then .

I proceeded to live in my own city for the next four years .

Yun Huateng did not even call me once, no different from how he had treated Yun Huan, to begin with . Every year, however, I would receive a fountain pen through an anonymous mail .

That basically meant hundreds of thousands of allowance for me each month .

Today, after four years, I received an urgent call from w.a.n.g Xiaomei .

Yun Huateng was critically ill and I have to take over his role as a director .

She proposed for me to do a DNA test . "Just in case," she said .

Yun Huateng was in a coma, and let us put it this way . . . I have successfully inherited his bribing skills .

I nodded and Li DanFC led me back to the villa, keeping a grip on my shoulder . He mumbled, Don 39 t try to do anything funny . . . The wine I hemmed and hawed . Continue what you 39 re doing, just with more common sense . I might need your help with finding the evidence, I said . What help Find an excuse to get him out of the villa so I can be in his room . There 39 s no other way for me to sneak in . Not possible . I must stay if he leaves . The rule is for one of us to always be in the house . It was agreed upon a long time ago . Can 39 t you just cover up for me after I send him away That 39 s possible but I can 39 t guarantee when he 39 ll return . I nodded . One step at a time . We went back to the house and I took a gulp out of that Vodka bottle . Never had I had such a strong alcoholic drink . I coughed and endured the smell as I entered my room . Before I could reach the bed, I collapsed onto the ground . Time pa.s.sed and I woke up to the realization that I had already missed a chance after spotting three cartons of Vodka in the living room . Yun Huan pointed at the bunch of alcohol, saying, Enough to last you a month, at least Come, let 39 s talk about your elementary school days . . . . For the first few days, I felt Li DanFC constantly throwing gazes at me, while Yun Huan would bring up all sorts of strange questions . He did not really interact with Yun Huan much unless necessary, hence the very occasional taps on Yun Huan 39 s shoulder . Truth be told, all questions had been answered by the third day . He asked me about everything, from when I first had a conscious memory until just about half a month ago . He would regularly pen down information he deemed useful . I tried probing him with some questions but he just ignored me . In the morning of the seventh day, I saw him writing something in the living room . I walked over to have a closer look and discovered that he had basically consolidated all the information he had gained and was creating a summary . Because I knew he had a habit of keeping a journal, I began, You seem to like writing stuff . Do you keep a diary He turned his head after a short while and nodded . When I was young . Why I inquired . I had no friends and my parents were pretty busy . They only accompany me on my birthday so that 39 s once a year . One birthday, Father gave me his fountain pen as a gift . It 39 s a part of the renowned writers 39 series, 1996 Alexandre Dumas, I remember . It 39 s been about 50 years since it 39 s left the factory . . . probably worth hundreds of thousands now . I didn 39 t know then, of course, and started writing my diary with it . Father saw and thought that I had an interest in these things . He started gifting me all sorts of pens . 1996 Alexandre Dumas is still in my room in Beijing . Naturally, I gained a liking for pens and journal writing . I put a hand over my pocket subconsciously as he spoke . Alexandre Dumas was resting in my pocket . But I speak too much . What about you What have your parents given you It 39 s important, it might be useful, he said, looking at me . I shook my head and barked out a bitter laugh . What gift I 39 m a poor kid . I haven 39 t even had many cakes . A bowl of longevity noodles was considered a luxury . We don 39 t really celebrate occasions . Yun Huan was shocked by my answer . He put his pen down and said thoughtfully, I should start using cheap pens and get used to them . My heart stopped for a moment . I 39 m going out for a bit, Brother Dan . Be back in half an hour . Please come out Li DanFC walked out of his room and Yun Huan made his way out . Li DanFC looked at the clock on the wall . What are you waiting for You have half an hour . I dashed into Yun Huan 39 s room only to find his door locked . What Li DanFC asked . It 39 s locked, I said, frustrated . Li DanFC fished out a small golden pick and started picking the lock, quickly managing to unlock it . Be quick . I ran inside and saw that the layout was almost exactly the same as in my room . The only difference was that his room had an additional study table . I rushed over to his table, hoping to find his diary . I made sure to put everything back where they belonged to prevent getting caught . The items on his table were mostly novels and textbooks . All in English . There were also quite a few notebooks, albeit mostly empty . Ten minutes pa.s.sed but I found nothing . Just as I was about to give up, a floral little booklet caught my eye . It was hiding right at the corner . Only a small corner was visible . If not for the fact that I had seen it before in Beijing, I never would 39 ve given it more than a glance . I picked it up and flipped through the densely packed pages . There was nothing about his first victim, but the second was in very clear details . Cold beads of sweat dotted on my face and back as I read through his narrative . Yun Huan recounted how his roommate had peeped into his diary and how he had 39 punished 39 him . At the end of his journal, he scribbled I absolutely will not tolerate anyone who peeps into my diary . My hands were trembling and the floral booklet slipped out of them . I was on the verge of a mental breakdown when a knock on the door startled me . Did you find it You 39 re running out of time, Li DanFC warned . You won 39 t be able to leave in time if he comes back . Quick, put them back in their places . He retreated to the living room and I quickly put the book back to its original spot . I locked the door from the inside before exiting and closing it behind me . I walked over to the living room and plopped down onto the sofa . What did you find Li DanFC asked softly . Nothing . There are too many things lying around . I need more chances . Success comes difficult but failure comes in excess, he muttered . Wait, how about I go back in for a bit more I asked . I wanted to take a photograph of what I had seen . It 39 s already been 25 minutes . He 39 ll be back any time soon . I 39 ll think of another plan so calm down . I fell silent . Another idea came to mind . Ten minutes later, Yun Huan returned with a handful of fountain pens . . . . Days pa.s.sed somewhat peacefully and Yun Huan went out quite a few times . Each time I requested to go into Yun Huan 39 s room, however, Li DanFC declined and chose not to unlock the door for me . I had no way of snapping photographs . I wondered if Li DanFC had given up on me, but my plan was becoming increasingly ripe along with the number of times Yun Huan went out . On the 27th day, Yun Huan received a call from his father . They talked about settling my ticket in three days 39 time, but I knew that I wasn 39 t really the person in question . That night, I took half a mouthful of Vodka . Li DanFC and Yun Huan had both gone back to their rooms . A few minutes pa.s.sed and I started feeling dizzy . Alcohol makes a person stronger, I supposed . I swayed over to Yun Huan 39 s door and knocked . He opened the door slightly . What is it I need to tell you something . Can I come in It 39 s late, let 39 s talk tomorrow, he suggested before closing the door . Before he could, though, I wedged my foot in . It 39 s about your bodyguard entering your room when you were out . After a brief pause, he opened his door wider . Let 39 s talk in your room . When we were both in my room, I started, I wasn 39 t planning to tell you this since he did threaten to kill me . . . but he breaks into your room whenever you go out . He would search around for at least 10 minutes before coming out . Once, I saw him holding a floral booklet and snapping some photographs of it . I stopped him, only to be threatened with death . . . I heard the loopholes right as those words left my mouth, but it was already done and I had no choice . To conceal my awkwardness, I plopped onto the bed and pretended to be asleep . With my eyes squinted, I saw him exit my room wordlessly . I quickly got up and followed Yun Huan 39 s movements with eyes . He entered the kitchen to grab a knife and walked over to Li DanFC 39 s room . I couldn 39 t hear their conversation but I gathered that they were talking about Yun Huan 39 s newfound knowledge . Seeing that Yun Huan 39 s door was half open, I sneaked in to grab his mobile phone and wallet . Amidst, Li DanFC 39 s screams, I picked up the floral booklet and threw it on the bed . I walked out of the room while keeping my eyes on Li DanFc 39 s . Li DanFC 39 s voice had faded and I could only hear Yun Huan 39 s growls . I saw him swinging his knife around . I exited the villa and engaged Siri on Yun Huan 39 s phone . Call 110 . The moment the rings started, I ended the call and restarted . Call 911 . I threw the phone by the door after hearing the rings and ran to the field without my shoes on . The police arrived within 10 minutes, their sirens muted . I observed from afar, as Yun Huan, covered in blood, ran out of the villa after a few gunshots . I imagined he was probably cleaning up Li DanFC 39 s corpse but 10 minutes wasn 39 t enough time for that . Before Yun Huan could run too far out, the policemen shot him dead . . . . Epilogue . Because I had Yun Huateng 39 s number, I contacted him as Yun Huan . I told him that I killed Li DanFC and threw the blame onto Gou Dan, and was holding on to Gou Dan 39 s and ID . I booked an economy cla.s.s seat back to China and was picked up by Yun Huateng at the airport . He greeted me in English and I made it through somehow . I had long mastered the p.r.o.nunciations without their knowledge since I had previously stalled for time . I could still see the doubt in his face but he had to substantial proof . After dinner, when we were about to settle the bill, I stopped the waiter to show my intention to pay . He put the bill on my side of the table and I fished out the Alexandre Dumas fountain pen and scribbled a Gou Dan above the line . Yun Huateng gave me a stern look and said, Be careful, you 39 re not supposed to be using such a good pen . I gave a low laugh . You still remember this It 39 s the first pen you gave me on my birthday so I carry it around with me everywhere . It wasn 39 t a slip up . He looked closely at the pen and smiled . Keep it and be more alert in future . Don 39 t use it anymore . I slipped the pen back into my pocket and nodded . All his suspicions cleared up there and then . I proceeded to live in my own city for the next four years . Yun Huateng did not even call me once, no different from how he had treated Yun Huan, to begin with . Every year, however, I would receive a fountain pen through an anonymous mail . That basically meant hundreds of thousands of allowance for me each month . Today, after four years, I received an urgent call from w.a.n.g Xiaomei . Yun Huateng was critically ill and I have to take over his role as a director . She proposed for me to do a DNA test . Just in case, she said . Yun Huateng was in a coma, and let us put it this way . . . I have successfully inherited his bribing skills .

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