Short, Light, Free

Chapter 240

"How about I just fetch you from there. Give me half an hour, alright?"

"Fetch me? With what?" I asked.

"Pang Guang"s Land Rover," he responded with a laugh.

"You"re really inheriting everything, huh? Taking over the magpie"s nest?"

"Can"t deny that. Thankfully, he"s not married yet. His girlfriend packed up and left yesterday. If he had been married, things would have been more tricky."

"Wait, girlfriend? Do you have her contact number?" I asked urgently.

"Wow, you"re taking someone else"s leftovers?" Dahai asked and I could hear the judgment in his tone.

"No, idiot. I sold a doll to that lady."

"Selling fake goods to your own people, huh?" he commented with a laugh.

"Don"t laugh. I think their deaths have something to do with this stuff."

"Hey, hey, you don"t have to claim credits. I"ll pull you up either way."

"That"s not the case. Remember the pocket watch?"

"What about it?"

"It"s evil."


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