I sit in my room. I draw some dragon puking out blood.

Katio: "Can I come in?" He asks as he gently knocks on my open door.

I sigh. "Sure.." I lay my drawing aside. Pulling my knees to my chest I stare at him. "Come to mock me again?"

Katio: He doesn"t say anything but sit next to me. "I"m sorry okay?"

"What"s going on?" I say confused. This was odd for him. "Katio, are you broken?"

Katio: He laughs. "No..." He looks up at me.

For some reason I blush. "What is this coming over me?" I swallow hard. "Why was this happening?"

Katio: He leans forward to me.

I back up against the wall. "Katio?" I ask looking at him surprised.

Katio: He laughs as he gets closer. His body a little over mine.

I try to push him off but fail. "Okay this isn"t funny anymore!" I protest. But for some reason I wanted this. Why?

Katio: "I"ve wanted to do this for a while now.." He gets close to my face.

I feel his lips touch mine. My whole face turns bright red. I feel his lips moving. "Katio.." I moan.

Katio: He pulls away. Looking at me smiling. "Time to wake up.."

I raise a brow. "Huh?"

Katio: "TIME TO WAKE UP!" He screams.

I quickly open my eyes. "Ow!" I hold my head as I look around.

Kids all stood around me. Looking worried.

Katio: He kneel next to me. "You okay?" He asked.

I blush. I realize I was dreaming.

Katio: "You fell when you walked back in.." He stares at my head. "d.a.m.n.."

I slowly stand with the help of him.

Katio: "Okay! Everyone go back to cla.s.s! She"s fine!" he yells at everyone.

They start to walk away. Some whispering while others not caring.

"My head.." I fall a little but Katio catches me.

Katio: "Be careful!" He yells as he holds me.

The warmth of his hands on my sides felt nice. I blush again. Remembering my dream. "Um. I"m okay!" I back away from him smiling. "I can walk fine on my own. Thank!" I say quickly walking away.

Katio: He sighs as he watches me.

I swallow hard as I make it to the bathroom. I groan, looking at myself in the mirror. "s.h.i.t.." I say as I sigh. "Why did I dream of that!?"

"It"s your inner thoughts and wants.."

I freeze. My whole body felt cold. I slowly look up. I scream. "W-what the h.e.l.l?" I stare in the mirror. To my horror I see a girl dressed and that looks like me staring at me. The only difference was that her eyes were solid black while blood spattered all over her.

She laughs. "I"m not going to hurt you.." She stares into my soul.

"What are you?!" I yell scared. This girl...she made me feel empty. Like a piece was missing.

"I"m you silly." She smiles. Her smile was showing her sharp teeth. Blood spilled out of her mouth.

I coughed. Blood splattered on my hand as I tried to cover my mouth. I look at her. "What are you doing to me?!"

She smiles bigger. "I"m not doing this..you are.."

I stare in shock.

Both our heads turn when we see a girl walk out of one stalls.

I stare at her. "Gia?"

Gia: She stands there. Looking at me. "What the h.e.l.l freak?!" She notices the blood.

"Awe look at this beauty.." The girl in the mirror says as she stares at Gia.

Gia: She looks at the mirror. "Okay, this is too freaky!" She goes to walk out of the bathroom but when she touches the doork.n.o.b it burns her hand. "OUCH!" She rubs it.

I walk over to the doork.n.o.b as well. "Let us out!" I yell at the girl.

She just laughs. "Sorry doll. Can"t do that..." She turns to look at Gia.

Gia: She hides behind me. "What is that?"

"I don"t know.." I stare at the girl. "Why can"t you?"

"You were destine to do great things kid.." She growls. "Not until your stupid mother ruined everything!"

I swallow hard. "M-my mother?"

Gia: "Wasn"t your mother crazy?" She looks at me.

I nod. "Yeah.." I shake my head. "What did she do?"

"She took you away from me.." Suddenly the girl came out of the mirror. And she wasn"t a girl anymore. She was a man. He was wearing a red suit. His skin red. His hair orange color while it was on fire. Large horns that could easily poke your eye"s out. He smiled at me.

Gia: "What the f.u.c.k!" She screams.

I stare at him. Something about him was familiar. "How do you know me?" I ask.

The man: He smiles. "I"ve waited so long to see you..." He moved close to me. "..to touch you.."

I back away.

The man: He frowns. "I"m not going to hurt you.."

"I don"t trust you..I don"t even know who you are." I look him up and down.

The man: "I"m hurt." He sighs. "I thought maybe that b.i.t.c.h you live with would be religious. Guess I was wrong."

"Religious? What does that have to do with this?" I look at him confused.

The man: "Really? I mean the skin or horns don"t give it away?" He stares at me. "I"m Satan." He laughs. "You know..out of all of my sp.a.w.n I thought maybe you"ll be brighter."

"Satan? As in-"

Gia: "The Devil.." She starts to sob. "KILL HIM!" She screams at me.

I roll my eyes. "Shut it!" I glare at her.

Gia: Her mouth suddenly disappears.

"Holly-" I jump back.

Satan: "Ahh. I remember my first time doing that." He laughs. "Good times. Good times."

"How..how did I do that?" I look at him scared and confused. How could I do this? Why was I doing this?

Satan: "Isn"t it obvious?" He walks to me. He pats my shoulder as looking down at me. "Your my daughter."

I freeze. "What?" I blurt out. I don"t know my real dad but I know for sure that this man..this thing is not my dad! I back away. "No! I am not!"

Satan: He shakes his head. "Why would I lie?"

I look away. Why would he lie? What would he get out of this?

Satan: "Listen, I understand you don"t fully understand everything.." He turns me to Gia. "But how do you explain that?"

He was right. How would I explain that?

Satan: "Hayami.."

I look at him.

Satan: "I only want to show you what you can do.." He takes my arm. "Show you what is waiting for you.." He points it to Gia. "And when you reach the all power.."

My arm and hand start to glow.

Satan: "That"s when you"ll be powerful.." He smiles as he waits.

I shake my head, pulling away from him. "No!" I shout. "I will not kill her!"

Satan: He growls. "YOU WILL DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He screams at me.

Gia: She continues to sob in the corner.

"I WILL NOT!" I look at her. "She did nothing wrong but be mean..." I look back at him. "She didn"t kill anymore!"

Satan: He clutches his fists. He suddenly starts to laugh. "Oh little girl.."

I stare at him confused.

Satan: "But you already have.."

I freeze when I feel warmth all over me. I slowly look down to see Gia"s head in my hand. Her lifeless body in the corner. I scream, throwing her head. I slip on her blood causing more to get on me. I scoot to the wall. Staring in fear of her head. I start to hear laughing. I look at the mirror.

Satan: "See you again.." He fades away. As if he was never there.

I look back at Gia. Tears running down my face. The room felt normal again.

"WHAT?! WHAT"S GOING ON!" A teacher rushes in. She freezes when she sees me sitting in a puddle of blood while Gia"s body and head nearby.

Katio: He peeks in. He looks at me. "No.."

I push my legs against my chest. Crying in them. "No..." I sob.

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