Living a life always on the run was not the things any teenage girl would love to have. She would love to have a life without having too much to think about. Like having to deal with who she likes or going through changes. NOT running away from her problems. My name is Kaitoa and I wanted to tell you everything that lead up to this point...

Ten Years Ago

I was just six at the time. I lived in a small village. It had everything you could imagine! My people lived with humans and non humans. Most of us were half breeds. I was. My mother was a kind woman. She didn"t like to talk much but she was very sweet to everyone. Now this isn"t my real mom. She takes in little ones without a home. I was one of them. She liked me a lot. And I did too. She was everything to me! She liked that I looked different than the others. See I was a half breed. My parents are unknown but I"m pretty sure one of them was a fox. Because well you guessed it I"m a fox human. I had silver long hair with a tail to match. I also had markings on my body. Which made all the other villagers scared because magic was forbidden.

All the magic in the land was once used to do good but like all good things it comes to an end when someone gets greedy. Just like our king. He was once nice to everyone but that all changed when he met his wife! She didn"t like how he controlled things. So she used her magic to control him. She made him her puppet. She used him to get what she wanted. She also knew that there were others that would try to stop her with their magic so she band it. And so just like that magic came to an end. But not until some hero"s came to stop her. There were four of them. Grommok, he was the largest. He had the strength of 50th men! He had muscles on muscles! He was an orc. He came from the tribe, White Spirit Warriors. He was part of them. Then there was Tats. She was a goblin. Yes they can be evil but she was one of the ancient ones left that didn"t care for evil. They wanted to see peace. She was good with her bow. She could run super fast as she shot you. So be careful! Axel, was the youngest but he is cold blooded. He is a werewolf. He didn"t care much for humans but since they needed help he decided to help. Daznana, she was the dwarf. Even though she was small didn"t mean she was the weakest. She could use magic just like a normal witch. She was the only witch left that didn"t hide away nor die. But all four were the strongest hero"s of their time. They fought battles after battles until they got to the queen. But sadly it didn"t end good for them. Somehow they got frozen by the queen. She kept them alive in her dungeon for 1,200 years! Now that we are caught up on that lets find myself. Oh there I am! Wow I look so young!

Present Time

I sat next to the riverside. The wind blowing hard. I watch the fish jump up from the water. The sound of nature took mostly all my problems away. "I say mostly. I was 16 now. I could do all that I wanted. I could save the rest of my money to go to the capital and hunt down the evil." I look at my clothes. I wore a keikogi. It was short an black. It also had a fox on the back. "I painted it. I"m pretty impressed with myself!" My socks came to my knees. "I liked it that way" My hair was long an wild. I barley brushed it. "I mean look at it! Its too much!" I look over at my blade. My sword was a red katana. It had spelling on it that I couldn"t read but some people say it means "warrior". "Yeah right!"

"Kaitoa!" I hear someone from behind me yell.

I turn my head. I saw my good pal, Alenia. She was an elf. No not half elf. Full elf. She was very short. People always made fun of her for it. But I didn"t let them for long.

Five Years Ago

Little Kaitoa sat at her school desk. Everyone else did too, but Alenia. She was standing in front of them all. She looked nervous. She was obviously scared. Everyone started whispering to one another. As they did, Alenia, started to cry. They all laughed at her. Kaitoa stood up.

"HEY!" She walks up to Alenia. She turned to the cla.s.s. "You all are being very mean! I demand for you all to stop at once!" She pulled out her wooden sword, which she used for practice.

Everyone laughed.

Alenia fell down crying.

Kaitoa growled. "I SAID SHUSH!" With the swing of her sword everyone went silence. But only because when she swing it she made some kids fly a little, with their desks. "Oh no.." She looked at her sword.

Alenia looked up at Kaitoa.

Suddenly everyone started to throw paper b.a.l.l.s at her as they yelled.

Kaitoa took it without crying. She stood not letting them break her.

Alenia smiled at her. "Why would you do this?"

Present Day

"And after that day we were always together." I smiled.

Alenia stood beside me. "Beautiful day isn"t it?" She took a deep breath before sitting.

I look at the river again. "It is. Nature is always beautiful..until people kill it off"

Alenia nods. "Yes. I don"t understand why people like to kill things they love. I guess I"ll never know!" She pulls her knees to her chest. "So how"s being a hero doing for you?"

I laugh. "Yeah yeah! I know I haven"t been very active but it isn"t my fault." I lean forward. "No monsters have attacked yet. But I know that when they do I promise I will kill every last one of them and make a name for myself!"

Alenia giggles. "Yeah right!"

I groan. "What do you mean "yeah right"? Huh? Tell me!" I laugh as I shake her a little.

"Oh nothing!" Alenia laughed as she pulled away. "Okay," She stands. "I think it"s time for dinner." She starts to walk away when she notices I wasn"t moving. "You coming?"

I shake my head. "I will soon." I sigh. "I just need to be alone with nature." I look at her with a smile. "Thank you though"

Alenia nods. "Later!" She runs off back to the village.

I sigh as I look back at the river. "To be honest I hated being alone. But it was the only way for me to practice magic without anyone finding out." I raise my hand. It begins to glow white. I smile. I look down at the once dead flower to see a nice blossom rose. "So pretty.." Suddenly my ears twitch. I hear marching. "What in the world is that?" I stand, grabbing my blade. "One way to find out" I began to jump from on tree to the next until I come to a clearing. I sit high up on a tree. I look down to see guards standing and waiting. "What are you doing here?" I look over to see a woman walking up to them. She was somewhat dressed like them but had more badges. "You must be the commander." My eyes widen when I see some men bring out ice blocks. "What is going on?" I try to look closer but it was no use. My vision was off today. "Why is it off! My vision is usually good! Why did it mess up today?" I growl as I jump to another tree that was closer. "I was risking it! But I didn"t have a choice." I crouch down as I look, now better, at the ice blocks. "It looks like some sort of block?" I shake my head. "Well no duh! Idiot!" I roll my eyes at myself as I try to make out what was in the ice.

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