Shounen Onmyouji

Chapter 12

March brought warm spring winds to the capital. Abe no Seimei as usual, sat casually in his courtyard, engaged a book.

Presently, he felt an aura behind him as he leafed through the brittle yellow pages.

"What is it, Byakko ?" He asked without looking up.

The air rippled behind him, and a strong warrior-like Shinshou appeared. He was Byakko, the golden general of the Shinshou. Like Taiin, he held command over the winds.

"Taiin sent a gale to me." (Trans-Note: Apparently Taiin can communicate with Byakko by sending him gales, which Byakko reads like email.)

"Eh? So she did... "

"She says they had arrived safely in the mountains of Izumo and will soon encounter the Youkai."

"I see..." Seimei murmured.

"It appears that the mysterious events in Izumo were caused by these Youkai. Narachika and Masahiro will move out today to investigate."

....... "Hmmm.... today?....So soon...... This is quite complicated...."

Seimei closed his book with a snap and nodded knowingly, as Byakko continued with his report.

"In addition, although Masahiro has lost his "sight" .... "

Seimei flinched at this, but Byakko seemed to take no notice and continued on.

".....he has been putting on a strong face for everyone. He began to relax a little when Narachika arrived. His injuries have healed well, and his spirit is soon to follow."

Byakko fell silent as he finished his report, as Seimei fell into deep thought.

Wakana had spoken of a great sacrifice. One that had to be made. A toll to return to the world of the living. Could it have been Masahiro"s "sight" ?

So it was.

Masahiro"s "sight" was something truly irreplaceable.

But Seimei knew that even if Masahiro had known of what he had to lose, his decisions would have remained unchanged. Masahiro had always remained resolute on his path, whatever it may be.


Seimei turned to him.

"Send a gale to Taiin, it"s time to call upon some amba.s.sadors."


It was nearly noon when Masahiro and Narachika arrived at the house of the family that summoned them. Both brothers were looking much better after a night or rest, as they approach the small wooden house.

"Ah! Mister!!"

Mizu waved enthusiastically as he ran over to the brothers. Narachika patted the boy"s head fondly, he had three children of his own and had always loved kids.

Musoru appeared at the door of the house and greeted the brothers with a bow. He still looked upon Masahiro with awed grat.i.tude, as he had owed the young man his life.  

Their father had gone out to work in the fields that morning. According to Musoru, his father had planned to greet the guests and discuss some events. Unfortunately the he was forced to delay the meeting.

"We should leave him to finish his work" Musoru concluded.

Since the father was not avaliable to meet with them, Narachika came to a decision. He turned to Masahiro:

"Im going to see the village elder. You wait here for the father to return." Then he added, "I"ll be taking one of the Shinshou with me."

He selected Genbu. Perhaps he felt that Genbu was the easiest to command. At the same time, Genbu was also the most easy-going of the Shinshou and was easy to get along with.

Masahiro" was left with Rikugou and Taiin. Kouchin and Touda had remained at the Yutari manor.

Masahiro"s thoughts were interrupted by a tap on his shoulder.

"Have you been to the Yutari manor? I heard its HUGE on the inside."

To simple peasants like Musoru, Lord Yutari lived in a different world. What was it like behind those high walls? Mizu and Musoru were intrigued.

"All their houses are thatched with straw. They have meeting halls, sitting rooms, even a stable for horses. There"s a hall where they weave cloth and make clothes. I heard they hire women from the village to do those things."

At Msashiro"s reply, Musoru"s expression became troubled. He looked down and refused to make eye contact. At his side Mizu looked troubled.

At the children"s crestfallen expressions, Masahiro became troubled. Had he said something wrong?

"Oh, sorry, did I say something wrong? "

Musoru started and shook his head frantically. "No! No!.... ......It"s just that Mother works there....... but........."

He trailed off.

Seeing his distant look, Masahiro"s thoughts traveled back to the day before, when Musoru had nearly lost his life, and all hope seemed lost, he had hoa.r.s.ely cried out for this mother.

The boys lived in a small wooden shack. Masahiro could see the interior of the small house through the numerous tears in the straw mat that hung crookedly in the doorway.

The father was of course, out working in the fields, but Masahiro couldn"t see the children"s mother inside.

"Where"s your mother? "

The two brothers looked saddened by the question. Masahiro looked down at Mizu to notice the large rip in his shirt. He reached down the touch the rip, noticing that the shirt was made of the hard scratchy cloth that peasants wore, worn threadbare in many areas by repeated washings. Masahiro noticed that there were in fact many rips on Mizu"s shirt, all of which had been carefully repaired.

"Mother said she would fix it for me." Mizu said before he fell silent.

Musoru spoke up. "Mother lives at the edge of the village....but she"s already forgotten about us....."

(Trans-Note: Im translating this correctly, but I dont get it, does she not live with them? I thought she did. )

"Um....." Masahiro seemed confused.

Wordlessly, Musoru took his hand and began to lead him away.
(Trans Note: In the US, hand holding is a romantic gesture. In China, it"s more of a general gesture and even people only vaguely acquainted will hold hands. I"m not sure what the culture connotation is in j.a.pan.)

"You saved me yesterday. You"re from the capital arent you? The village elder once said that there were many great people in the capital, capable of many things. People like you, right? "

Masahiro looked down at Musoru"s hopeful eyes, and hesitantly answered, "Maybe..."

The two looked hopeful at that.

"Do you think you can cure mother? ....."

"Daika, Takahi, and Riina,..... will they get better too ? "

At this the brothers each took one of Masahiro"s hands and began pulling him toward the edge of the village. In the face of the brothers" desperate hope, Masahiro didnt have the heart to say "I dont know."

The people that the brothers spoke of. Were they those that had lost their memories? Or where they the people that have seemingly lost their souls?

The three walked to the edge of the village, stopping at a small house with a gra.s.s thatched roof. It wasn"t long before a thin lady stepped out of the house. The two brothers immediately pulled Masahiro behind a thick bush, carefully and quietly observing the lady"s every move.

They watched as the woman took up a wooden pail and set off into the forest.

"There"s a spring in the forest." Musoru said.

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